
What can be cooked for a children's birthday - recipes. Children's dishes are delicious and cheap for children's birthday - snacks, salads, hot, cake

What can be cooked for a children's birthday - recipes. Children's dishes are delicious and cheap for children's birthday - snacks, salads, hot, cake
The article presents delicious and fast recipes for children's birthday. What can you make a child's birthday.

The most beloved children's holiday is the day of birth, which is always associated with fun, friends and lots of gifts in a child. Every mother begins to prepare for the main celebration of the children's well before the long-awaited date, because only she can turn an ordinary day into a real fairy tale. It has become fashionable to hold children's birthday in a cafe with the help of professional organizers and animators, but do not forget that the best holiday you can prepare yourself at home.

Quite nicely and creatively decorate a room using banners and balloons, as well as pick up and prepare children's meals on the day of birth, it is well known that babies and older children love simple dishes with unique and fabulous decoration.

In this article we consider the basic rules of drawing up the menu, what to cook for a children's birthday party. Also give examples and details of recipes of different dishes for the holiday, which will help you decide what to cook for children's birthday cheap and tasty.

What to cook for the children's holiday birthday: the basic rules of drawing up the menu

Children's birthday party - it is absolutely not the same thing as a celebration on the occasion of the birth of an adult. Everything here is radically different: the external design of the room, menu, decoration of dishes and their presentation, the overall theme of the holiday. This is important for the self-organization of the birth of his child, so that eventually you end up with a happy and memorable holiday for the birthday child and his small and big guests. It is necessary to take into account some basic rules of how to actually organize the event and what to cook for children's birthday, that, perhaps, is the highlight.

  • First of all, it is necessary to take into account the age of invited guests. If you celebrate your one-year-old baby's birthday, then the menu must be appropriate. It should be limited to cottages, children's fruit puree, sliced \u200b\u200bfruits and juices in individual packages with tubes. At the same time, be sure to check among the parents of invited children about the presence of allergies for some products. What to cook on the table of children's birthday for 1 year? Everything is simple: it is possible to limit itself to cottage cheese, pate from the liver, all the favorite potato mashed potatoes, baked apples. You can also organize a separate table with dishes prepared by adults on a children's birthday. Here you can not limit your fantasy.
  • For older children, you can already prepare more complex dishes that can be on the total desk with adults. At the same time, they should not be very weighty calorie sauces and side dishes. Exclude mayonnaise and replace them with natural yogurt, you should not lay out on the table smoked and fried food. For children of 3-6 years, it is enough to organize a small buffet of mini-salatiks, cakes, drinks. Also in recent years, Candidi bars have been particularly popular, which is the best option to solve the issue that cook delicious birthday. At this age, children are very movable and they will not like to sit at the table all the time, they can only run a snack to him and run away again. Therefore, the table with sweets will become the perfect solution.
  • Discard the "adult" dishes that will be superfluous in the child's birthday. Meat hot dishes, sophisticated salads or intricate dishes will not attract the attention of children, because they prefer more understandable and familiar to them, for example, potato mashed potatoes, meatballs, casseroles, sandwiches with original festive decoration.
  • You should not put sharp, salty, smoked and too fatty dishes on the table, which is unacceptable for young children.
  • The main rule of what can be cooked for a children's birthday is simplicity and convenience for a child. It is better to put dishes that can be eating hands, as children sometimes are inaccurate.
  • If salads are planned, then for their cooking you need to use the most simple and understandable products. You can cut them with small pieces and put in a basket of cheese or sand dough or into small plastic cups.
  • When feeding the fish to the table, you will definitely remove all the bones, as this is not safe for children - not everyone can delete them to a certain age alone.
  • Gazirovka Replace natural juices, compote, mors.
  • For children of schoolchildren and adolescents, the birthday holiday is preferable to execute in one topic. In this case, it is necessary to think over all the details and abide by the subject in everything, including in the design of the dishes.

What to cook fast on the children's birthday - snacks, sandwiches, canape

If you thought about the question that quickly cook for a children's birthday, then pay attention to all sandwiches and canapes. In everyday life, parents usually do not allow children to dry during the day, but in such a holiday as a birthday it will become the most optimal dish. Walking from the table bright and unusual sandwiches will be like pies, however, it is worth thinking about the original feed and design.

Birthday Sandwiches

  • Take a toast white bread and spread it with butter. Next, put a piece of cheese and with the help of boiled sausage, lay out a funny bunny or a bear. Such an appearance of the usual sandwich will certainly attract the attention of young guests.

  • To get unusual sandwiches, you can use molds for cookies. To do this, take a piece of bread and cut out beautiful asterisks, diamonds, hearts from his pulp. From above on such an unusual piece of bread, you can put the most different filling from sausage, fish, vegetables.
  • You can prepare a whole funny cleaner from ladybugs. To do this, take the baguette and cut into slices. Lubricate each piece with butter, then put a piece of red fish, you can use a weakly salted herring. To obtain the figures of God's cows, you will need cherry tomatoes and black olives. Cut tomatoes into two parts and on top of each half make a small incision that will look like folded wings. Olives can be used as points. The head of the ladybug also needs to be made of black olives.

  • Sandwiches mini pizza on the baton. For this dish you will need a slightly worn baton, which must be chopped into thin slices. In the container, mix the children's ketchup with water and moisten each piece of the baton with this mixture, after which lay out on the prepared in advance of the baking sheet. From above, lay out the filling from the Bulgarian pepper, tomato, cucumber, meat or buckling. Sprinkle mini pizza cheese and put in the oven.
  • Sweet sandwiches "Strawberry heart." To prepare such merry sandwiches, you will need a loaf that needs to be cut into slices with a thickness of about 1.5 cm. Take the shape for the cookie in the form of a heart and cut such figures from bread. At the edge of each heart, lay out a thin strip of boiled condensed milk, and put a strawberry jam in the center. Before the feed, cool in the cold.

Canapes on the children's birthday

  • This snack is a very original and unusual dish, which will certainly enjoy the birthman and its guests. Canape is, in fact, small sandwiches that are punishable for special skewers. Products are picking up a small size so that the child is one bite - in this and is the meaning of Canape. In order for the child to be interesting, you can use bright and beautiful spanks in the form of flags, daggers. For canapes you can use bread, a variety of vegetables and fruits, cheese, sausage or ham. Alternatively, you can make two designer plates to create copyright canapes: on one fruit, and on the second - vegetables and buckhenin.
  • Canapes with sausage and cherry tomatoes. For this type of canape, you need to take white or black bread and cut with a round shape small pieces. From above, each piece should be smeared with melted cheese, then put a piece of lettuce of lettuce or can be replaced by a cucumber, then cut the sausage with thin pieces and roll each four times, also put on a skeleton. Place the tomato circle on top.

  • Canape "Blinnaya Tower". You will first need to bake the tonic pancakes. Next, their portion must be cut, it can be done using various molds. A piece of pancake is flashed with a thin layer of curd cheese, a thin slide of red fish is put on top, then put a piece of pancake again and repeat the height you need. We finish the tower with olive and skewer.
  • Canape "Sweet Rainbow". To prepare such a canape, you need to take fruit and berries of the corresponding colors: Raspberry, Mandarin, Pineapple, Kiwi, Blueberry, Grapes. Fruits need to be pre-cut into cubes or stripes. Then the long spats are fruits and berries in the order as the colors of the rainbow.

Children's Birthday Salads - Recipes

Salads are also a very popular dish at a children's holiday. For their preparation, it is best to use individual containers that are convenient to take a small child. As a tank, you can use plastic cups, sandy dough baskets or cheese. For salads, it is best to use fresh vegetables. Prepare children's dishes on the birthday of vegetables is quite simple, the main thing is not to invent anything difficult, and use the products understandable to all and their combinations.

Carrot salad with raisins for children's birthday

  • For this simple and useful salatte, fresh carrots will need to rub on a coarse grater.
  • Next, steal raisins in boiling water and add it to carrots.
  • Salad refueling sour cream, can be shed.
  • Share such a salad is best in the cheese basket, which is very easy to cook. To do this, rub the solid cheese on a large grater and lay it out in the form of circles on parchment paper.
  • Put a baking sheet in the oven for about a minute, then carefully take each cheese circle and put on the bottom of the glass or deep plates.
  • Thus, the basket should dry. Inside each basket is laid out a little salad portion.

Carrot salad with apple for children's birthday

  • Salad for children's birthday can be prepared on another recipe.
  • Take 2 fresh apples and cut them with cubes.
  • 2 Small carrots and 2 eggs drip out and soda on a large grater.
  • Add to the salad canned corn and crushed greens, then fill everything sour cream and some spare.

This salad can also be decomposed on cheese baskets or lay out in a common dish.

Salad "Carrot" for a children's birthday

To prepare such a salad you need: 100 grams of chicken fillet, 100 grams of solid cheese, 150 grams of boiled potatoes, 150 grams of boiled carrots, 1 boiled egg, homemade mayonnaise or sour cream, fresh dill.


  • Pre-dare potatoes, carrots, chicken fillet and eggs.
  • Clean everything, after which carrots and potatoes should be grateted on a shallow grater, chicken meat finely cut.
  • The egg also need to grate on a shallow grater.
  • First layer: Potatoes, lubricate sour cream and salt slightly. Share you need in the form of a carrot.
  • The second layer: grated cheese on a large grater.
  • Third layer: Chicken fillet, lubricated sour cream.
  • Fourth layer: Egg, lubricate sour cream, salute a little.
  • The latter need to post carrots, and form a green tail from dill.

What to cook for a children's birthday party: hot dishes

If you wish to cook hot for a children's birthday, be sure to take into account the age of children, as well as the fact that some may be allergic. For the preparation of different dishes, you can use chicken, pork, beef, pizza, potato mashed potatoes, rice. In order to prepare a hot dish on a children's birthday, you need to take the usual recipes as the basis, simply adding a little imagination in the design.

Chicken kebabs for children's birthday

For this dish, you need to take fresh chicken meat, which must be chopped for softening.

  • To prepare the marinade, you need to take 3 spoons of sour cream, 2 spoons of olive oil, 3 spoons of lemon juice, salt and pepper.
  • All thoroughly mix and fix the chicken chicken with a mixture.
  • There you also need to add a cut onion and put in the refrigerator for 10 hours.
  • After that, slightly fry the risen pieces of meat on the skewers and bake in the oven on the foil.

Potato boats for children's birthday

  • Take large potatoes and bake them in the uniform, then cut into two halves.
  • From each half, select the core.
  • Fry mince with bow and mix with tomato paste. All halves are filled with this mixture, topped with cheese and baked in the oven.

Beautiful and satisfying dish for children and adult table ready.

Pizza for children's birthday

No child refuses tasty and hot pizza, which will be the central decoration of the festive table. For pizza, the dough can be prepared independently, and you can purchase in the store. As a filling, use sour cream and children's ketchup, chicken meat or ham, tomatoes, cucumbers, olives and cheese. Starting can be postponed as a favorite cartoon character. It is advisable to cook pizza with a different filling so that children can choose their favorite.

Hot dish from chicken "Happy Ryab" on a children's birthday

You will need: 1 kg of chicken fillet, 900 grams of fresh champignons, 150 grams of solid cheese, 2 medium-sized bulbs, 150 grams of sour cream, 2 tbsp. Tomato paste.


  • Chicken fillet need to cut into thin slices, salute a little.
  • The onions also need to cut, only on small cubes. Fry in a small amount of oil in a frying pan.
  • Next, you need to cut champignons and add to the frying pan to the bows, fry until readiness.
  • Preparing a baking sheet, lubricate it with oil and lay out chicken fillet.
  • From above on chicken fillet you need to lay out roasted mushrooms and water them sour cream.
  • After that, we put a baking sheet in the oven for 30 minutes.
  • At this time, soda on a large grater of cheese.
  • After 30 minutes, get meat out of the oven and sprinkle it with cheese. Bake another 10 minutes.

What to cook for birthday in the nursery: Festive cake

Children's birthday cake is a major holiday dish, ordering or cooking that you need to pay maximum attention, as this dish is waiting with a special look. If you organized a birthday in a certain topic, then try to ensure that the cake also corresponds to the general topic. The choice of cake fillings depends primarily from age, as for smaller children it is better to use a filling from a cream or natural yogurt.

  • Today, it became popular to order multi-tiered cakes, decorated with favorite cartoon figures.
  • You can order a cake from mastic, with the help of which simply incredible compositions and forms are created.
  • The cakes consisting of cortes and cream in the layer without alignment are originally observed. The cake looks casually, but very impressive.
  • For smaller kids, you can use a fruit cake made from watermelon using other fruits.
  • Alternatively, you can prepare cottage cheesecake.

We give a description of the process of cooking simple and delicious cake on the children's birthday.

Fruit Cake for Children's Birthday


  • 6 eggs;
  • 100 grams of flour and 100 grams of starch;
  • 200 grams of sugar;
  • 1 tsp baking powder;
  • 1 liter of fatty sour cream;
  • 200 grams of sugar powder;
  • 1 tsp Cream thickener;
  • vanillin;
  • various berries and fruits.


  • Divide proteins from yolks. Separately, beat the cooled proteins with sugar to strong peaks, then gently enter the yolks.
  • Gradually, enter dry ingredients: flour, starch, vanillin, baking powder.
  • Mix the dough and lay it out into the form.
  • Bake the root in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40 minutes, leave for 20 minutes in the oven for 20 minutes.
  • Let me grow to cool.
  • Beat the sour cream with sugar powder and thickener. Then grind berries and fruits.
  • At the crick you need to cut up the top, then carefully remove the crumb.
  • Next, put the crushed fruits and berries on the crude, on top of laying out the cream layer. Next, lay out the ball, again berries and cream. Top up the top and the entire cake lubricate the cream.
  • The cake is decorated with fruit and berries.

What to cook adults on a children's birthday - ideas and recipes

When preparing for the Children's birthday, it is necessary to take into account all factors. First of all, you need to organize a brightly decorated festive table for children. At the same time, do not forget about adults, which should also be taken with delicious and unusual food.

  • If a birthday celebrates a more adult child, adults can be served the same with minor changes.
  • If the birthday of very little kids, then the table must be prepared completely different.
  • With the preparation of dishes for adults things are much easier, it is necessary to pay special attention to salads, hot dishes and snacks in the form of sandwiches and canapes.

Salad "Caesar" for a children's birthday

Ingredients: 100 grams of lettuce leaves, 200 grams of chicken fillet, 50 grams of crackers, 50 grams of parmesan cheese, 2 eggs, sauce sauce.


  • Salad foxes rinse and break their hands on the parts they need. Share on separate salad bowls.
  • Chicken fillet must be frying on the grill or on a regular pan. Cut the meat with large slices slices.
  • Boil the eggs and also cut the slides.
  • Sutitate parmesan on a shallow grater and navigitate small pieces of parsley.
  • It remains only to collect salad: put a parsley on the lettered leaves of lettuce, after which it neatly decompose pieces of fillet and eggs, paint the caesar sauce and sprinkle with parmesan.

Beef rolls with prunes for children's birthday


  • 500 grams of fresh beef;
  • 400 grams of prunes;
  • 1 bulb;
  • salt and pepper.


  • Previously, it is necessary to pour boiling water prunes, after it is finely chopped with a knife.
  • Next, boiling water is covered with a cut onion.
  • Beef need to cut into thin slices across the fibers.
  • After that, the meat hammer should be repelled.
  • At the center of each piece, put a bit of prunes and onions, after that the meat must be wrapped in rolls and fix the sapeter.
  • The rolls are placed on a baking sheet, the eliminated foil, and above are also covered with the same foil. Bake needed at 180 degrees about 30 minutes.

What to cook for a children's birthday - Photo

Children's birthday is a special holiday to which every mother is preparing in advance. After all, you always want to create your baby's most cheerful and incredible holiday, the main thing is to prepare correctly and organize it.


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