
How to visually reduce the nose at home. How to reduce the nose with makeup and haircuts. Exercises to reduce the nose

How to visually reduce the nose at home. How to reduce the nose with makeup and haircuts. Exercises to reduce the nose
Is it possible to visually reduce the nose with makeup? How to fix the shape of the nose without surgery.

The beauty and external attractiveness, according to many girls, lies in harmonious proportions of the face and body. But not all girls have awarded the correct features of the face. Particularly upset and gives rise to many complexes about its appearance, the nose is the most outstanding part of the face. Someone seems too long for someone, someone is dissatisfied with its shape or wants to reduce the hump. It seems that the only way out in this situation - rhinoplasty is a plastic surgery that will allow you to change the shape of the nose. But, this is not so. Visually, reduce the nose and make the face harmonious thanks to the special technique of applying makeup, well -chosen hairstyle or exercises that allows you to change the shape of the nose and make it more sophisticated. Let us consider in more detail how to reduce the nose at home without surgical intervention and become an irresistible beauty.

How to reduce your nose without surgery with makeup

The secrets of makeup and sculpture of the face using cosmetics are used by many famous people and stars who flash on the covers of fashion magazines. Their spouts seem so elegant and perfect. Why don't we try to visually give our nose the perfect shape or adjust the lack of appearance? About how to visually reduce the nose with makeup, all cosmetologists - makeup artists know. The technique of nose correction with cosmetics is not too complicated, and every girl can master it. It will also require high -quality professional cosmetics, which will not only hide the flaws and defects of the face, but also give the skin the internal radiance.

How to reduce your nose with cosmetics - the choice of cosmetics for correction

The main rule when applying corrective makeup is the creation of an emphasis on the winning part of the face and masking its problem area. The effect of reducing the nose is created using the game of light and shadow on the face. Problem sections of the nose: humps, a long tip or wide wings of the nose should be darkened, and those places that need to be highlighted or give them volume - light up with a light shade. To correct the shape of the nose and its disadvantages, makeup artists use the following cosmetics and tools:

  • tonal cream of three different shades: natural, one is darker and one to a tone lighter than a basic shade;
  • basket for makeup;
  • reflective powder and blush;
  • corrector, highlighter;
  • makeup tools: sponge sponge with pointed edge, brush.

As a rule, during work, makeup artists use a professional palette, which consists of 15 different shades of tonal means. At home, you can do without it and use only tonal creams, a corrector and powder to smooth the boundaries of lines and giving disability to makeup. For work, two brushes will also be needed: a thin pointed brush for applying tonal products and voluminous for shading of clear boundaries of the contours.

How to visually reduce your nose: application technique

Before starting work to reduce the nose, it is necessary to prepare the skin for the application of cosmetics. The skin needs to be cleaned with milk or other remedy for pollution and excess sebum so that the tonal base falls smooth, without spots. It is recommended to wipe the cleansed skin with a tonic and apply a light moisturizer. After these simple procedures, your skin will be smooth, delicate and ready for correction and applying the foundation of the base shade, as close as possible to the color of your skin.

How to reduce nose length

With the help of skillful makeup, you can hide such an annoying drawback as a long nose that bothers many girls. Owners of a long nose are looking for answers to the question of how to reduce the tip of the nose, so that it visually looks shorter and more miniature. It is quite simple:

  1. Apply the basic tonal base on the whole face, distributing it with an even layer.
  2. A light shade of a foundation or corrector should be applied to the nose bridge.
  3. We use the dark tone of tonal cream to darken the sides of the nose, which is applied with narrow stripes on the boundary of the applied light tone on the nose.
  4. With the help of the border of the applied circuits, it should be well shared so that the transition of color looks natural. Contrasting strips in makeup are unacceptable.
  5. Apply a light shade of the foundation cream to the tip of the nose and blend the lines.
  6. To complete the image, apply powder and blush to the face.

In addition to correction of cosmetics, it is worth considering that other factors affect the length of the nose and its visualization on the face. For example, eyebrows. Bright, expressive and correctly selected eyebrows can distract attention from an outstanding nose on the face. And thin or too thick, without clear boundaries, the eyebrows will only create emphasis on the nose. When choosing a shade of shadows and lip gloss in makeup, give preference to light shades.

How to reduce the nose with "potatoes"

The shape of the nose “potatoes” has a fairly wide back, a round protruding tip of the nose and chubby nostrils. To correct this shape of the nose, the tonal cream of two shades is used.

  1. The light tone of the corrector must be applied to the middle of the nose and the nose. The central part of the forehead, the face of the face under the eyes, the front of the chin should also be highlighted.
  2. The dark corrector should be carefully applied to the side parts of the nose, wings, and also apply a layer of foundation on the cheekbones.
  3. The contours and boundaries of the lines applied must be shaved with a sponge or brush.
  4. Complete makeup with a layer of reflective powder.

How to reduce nose humps

It is easy to adjust the nose with a hump, using a simple technique - applying a dark tone to the convex area of \u200b\u200bthe nose. A light corrector is applied to the side parts and wings of the nose, as well as to the inter -intact section of the face, not forgetting to shame the lines.

How to reduce nose wings

To correct too wide wings of the nose, it is necessary to draw two vertical strips on the sides of the nose, using a dark corrector.

  1. You need to start the lines from the inside of the eyebrow.
  2. Try to draw perfectly even lines using a thin mowed brush.
  3. All lines should be well shacked with a large brush.
  4. The central part of the nose is distinguished by highlighter or a bright tone of foundation, powder.
  5. Bend all lines.

Correction of a flat nose

The flat shape of the nose is characterized by a flat nose bridge, a large fleshy tip and wide wings of the nose. With the help of makeup, it is necessary to highlight the bridge of the nose and mask the wide part of the nose, giving the nose of sophistication. To do this, darken the tip and wings of the nose with a dark corrector, draw dark vertical lines on its side parts. Select the center of the nose and the nose with a bright tone and blend the boundaries of the lines using a voluminous brush.

How to visually fix the curved nose bridge

To level the nose, curved in the left side, the center of the left side of the nose should be highlighted, and the center of the right side is dark. When curving the nose to the right side, the same technique is used, but from the opposite side. In the center of the nose, a clear clear line of the highlighter should be drawn and the boundaries of makeup are shader.

Additional accents that allow you to visually reduce your nose

The purpose of any makeup is to emphasize all the advantages of the face and distract attention from the problem area. Therefore, often, using the correction of the shape of the nose, makeup artists use cunning - they focus not on the nose, but on puffy lips or expressive eyes. Consider some tricks that will help visually distract attention from the shape of the nose.

  1. Beautiful and expressive eyes always attract attention. Select your eyes using the sucker makeup technique, use mascara mascara or use overhead eyelashes.
  2. Find your right eyebrow line. The shape of the eyebrows should be natural, close to the semicircle. Direct and thin lines should be avoided, which will only emphasize the imperfection of the nose.
  3. Bright and puffy lips can attract attention to the face, while eye makeup should be restrained.
  4. You can highlight the relief of the cheekbones using blush. The face will look harmonious, and the nose will visually become smaller and more attractive.

Selection of hairstyles to correct the shape of the nose

A huge impact on the perception of face proportions is exerted by a hairstyle, namely a bang. It is better for girls with a long or large nose to avoid straight haircuts with bangs, which will only emphasize the protruding large part of the face. To adjust the proportion of the face, you should choose haircuts that reduce the nose. These are volumetric haircuts and styling, which distract attention from the nose. Use curls, curls, careless strands in the face.

Asymmetric, torn or oblique bangs with an open forehead help to hide the disproportionate shape. If the forehead is closed, then all attention will be concentrated precisely on the shape of the nose. Therefore, the main rule when choosing a haircut for owners of the imperfect shape of the nose is to choose hairstyles with the most open forehead. As for the color of the hair, give preference to light and natural shades of hair. Bright hair color or the release of individual strands in the hairstyle will give the image of novelty and distract attention from a disproportionate face.

How to reduce the shape and size of the nose using exercises

Probably, many girls are interested in the question of whether it is possible to reduce their nose by performing exercises for the nose. Recent studies in the field of cosmetology have proved that the use of facial gymnastics (facebuilding) is an innovative solution that allows you to change and improve the shape of the nose without surgical intervention. It is proved that regular exercises aimed at strengthening and training the nasal muscle give amazing results. Gymnastics for correcting the shape of the nose has several directions: correction of the hump of the nose, a decrease in a long nose and giving elegance to the nose with potatoes.

Methodology Carol Majio to reduce the nose

Exercises developed by Carol Majio allow you to achieve a chic result to correct the shape of the nose in a short period of time, with the condition of regular exercise. The essence of its methodology is aimed at training and giving the tone of the lowering muscle. After the course of exercises, the nose will become sophisticated, the hump will visually decrease. In addition, thanks to a unique complex, facial wrinkles around the nose are angry and problems associated with the ENT diseases will disappear. Carol Majio herself managed to improve the shape of her own nose and avoid plastic surgery. During the exercises, you should be calm and breathe correctly. It is important to consider the fact that a few days after the first training may observe a slight swelling of the nose. This is a temporary phenomenon that will soon disappear.

How to reduce your nose: exercises aimed at correcting width and length

Not all girls are satisfied with the tip of their nose. It seems to someone upturned, and someone bent down. This exercise is aimed at correcting the tip of the nose and giving it elegance. The exercise also helps to fix the shape of the nose with “potatoes”. The problem of the nose of the “potatoes” in the wide back and wings of the nose. Exercises for this form of the nose are aimed at training and strengthening the muscles of the nose and are performed in the following sequence:

  1. When performing the exercise, the muscles of the buttocks and hips should be strained and draw the stomach.
  2. The large and index finger must be put on the nose, slightly pressing the nose.
  3. With the same fingers of the other hand, you should slightly raise the tip of the nose. And the little finger pulls the lower lip down. At the same time, make sure that the tip of the nose remains in the raised position. Performing this exercise, you need to feel how the tip of the nose rests on the finger.
  4. The number of repetitions is from 20 to 40 times during the day. After performing the exercise, the blood flow to the nose increases and a slight tingling in the upper lip area is felt.

When performing exercises, try to open your mouth as wide as possible to use all the facial muscles. According to cosmetologists, facebuilding helps not only to achieve the desired shape of the nose, but also has an anti -aging effect on all muscles of the face.

Exercise effective for correcting a curved nose

The difference between this exercise and the previous one is that the tip of the nose should be directed and pushed in a direction opposite to curvature of the nose. It is necessary to pull the lower lip down, hold it a little in this position, and after a few seconds to relax your lip. Repeat the exercise up to 40 times every day. According to many people, the regular implementation of this exercise helped to correct a curved nose without plastic surgery.

If nature has not rewarded you with a small and neat nose, do not despair! To reduce and improve the shape of the nose with the help of cosmetics and exercises at home - it is quite realistic, it is enough to show attention, perseverance and patience. A well -chosen hairstyle, the right and beautiful makeup will make you attractive and make men turn into your trace.



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