
How to get rid of wrinkles

How to get rid of wrinkles
Smooth and smooth skin is the dream of all women. Unfortunately, the age of us does not spare - wrinkles, irregularities, roughness: All this arises gradually, so it is very important to follow the skin to help her cope with the first signs of aging.

Today, cosmetology stepped far ahead. Judge for yourself: creams, masks, gels, oils, serum - any whim for representatives of the beautiful floor. It would seem, there is everything that will allow us to be always beautiful and young. Nevertheless, get rid of wrinkles is very difficult. But this is exactly what millions of women in the whole world are dreaming about. Yes, now, thanks to advertising, we know more than a dozen superpopular creams, which literally in a couple of days can help quickly get rid of wrinkles. Unfortunately, few people know that the visible result will be only with the long and continuous use of all these elite means. But if you stop using cream, the problem will immediately return. In addition, wrinkles can become even more pronounced than it was before. This will not tell about the various folk methods: cheap, but very effective.

Wrinkles under the eyes: how to get rid of

Time is fleeting, it is it that leaves our traces of wrinkles on our face. Is it possible to slow the aging of the skin? Of course, it is enough just to lead a healthy, full, active lifestyle, as well as to teach yourself to care for your skin. Only so you can slow down a natural process that the person old is. As you know, the older man, the less elastic skin he has: at first it loses moisture, then - elasticity, as a result of which is covered with wrinkles.


Why appear on the face of wrinkles

  1. Distracy. Sleep is a medicine, and especially it is effective for your skin. The less the man sleeps, the worse it looks. You can immediately find out the tired and not sleeping person: bags and circles under the eyes, swollen eyelids, wrinkles.
  2. Stress. First of all, any stress situation is reflected on the face: it is cruel and sometimes irrevocably picks up youth. Therefore, the more positive in life, the better!
  3. Nutrition. "We are - there is something that we eat" - no wise men say. Food - reflected in our skin and, in particular, on the face: swelling, circles under the eyes, acne, wrinkles. Fresh fruits and vegetables, balanced nutrition and properly chosen drinking balance - all this will help to stay in good shape.
  4. The sun. Ultraviolet highlights the skin, especially under the eyes. In addition, people who do not wear sunglasses appear in the corners of the eye "goose paws" from what they are lying all the time. Specialists recommend protecting the skin from the Sun: glasses, cream, shadow.


How to get rid of wrinkles with masks

  1. Bread mask. Thanks to this recipe, you can align small wrinkles on the skin. For the mask it will be needed: a piece of white bread and vegetable oil, water. Vegetable oil to warm. Wash bread in oil and impose on the eyes. Leave a minimum of 15 minutes (you can withstand 25 minutes). Thoroughly wash the mask with warm water.
  2. Banana mask. For a mask you will need: Fresh banana, fork, water. Banana thoroughly to twist for a fork - in mashed potatoes. Apply a lot of eyes and leave minutes for thirty. Warm water thoroughly.
  3. Honey mask. For the mask you will need: yolk (1 D.L.) Liquid honey (0.5 ppm), oatmeal (1 tsp), whisk (you can take a plug), water. Mix yolk, honey and oatmeal, all thoroughly beat the wedge. Finished mass to impose on the eyes. Suppose 10 minutes. Wash the mask with warm water.
  4. Curd mask. Very effective means of wrinkles. For the mask you will need: cottage cheese (1 tbsp), honey (1 tsp), vegetable oil (best of all olive - 1 tsp), milk (1 tbsp), cream (1 hour .l.). All ingredients mentioned above, mix and thoroughly rub. Mask impose on the eyes. Suppose at least 10 minutes (ideally - 20 minutes), wash off warm water.


Wrinkles around the eyes: how to get rid of

Wrinkles around the eyes often appear at a young age. At first, these are small mimic dashes, which, if not taken to take measures, will become more and more noticeable. Since it is wrinkles that indicate that the skin ages, it is necessary to find its own ways to remove this moment. Oil therapy applies to soft techniques on the skin.


Get rid of wrinkles with oils

The most popular types of oils that have smoothing properties are such oils:

  1. Castor.
  2. Almond.
  3. Olive.
  4. Peach.
  5. Apricot.

Most often, these oils are among the main components of those or other creams from wrinkles.

Natural clean oil can be used either instead of cream, or from time to time replacing its favorite tool. But if you have already formed noticeable wrinkles, it is better to use it every day.

Remember that before starting to oil therapy, it is necessary to test your body on sensitivity to each specific component: apply a fog oil to the elbow and wait 15 minutes. If there are no signs of irritation on the skin, then the oil can be used for its intended purpose.

Oils are available and easy to use, and if used regularly, the result will not make himself wait.


How to apply oil to get rid of wrinkles

  1. The oil you chose, warm (if it is warm, then quickly absorbed into the skin).
  2. Apply a few drops of oil on the pillow of the fingers.
  3. Transfer the oil to the skin and light, clapping movements to drive into the skin around the eyes, paying particular attention to the places where there are wrinkles.
  4. After about 15 minutes, it is necessary to clean the butter, which did not absorb the skin.
  5. The procedure must be carried out 2-3 hours before sleep, otherwise the result will be the opposite - bags under the eyes may appear.


How to get rid of wrinkles with an oil mix

Very often in order to get rid of wrinkles, use mix - a mixture of several types of oils. The tool that you happen must be stored in the refrigerator - better in glassware.

Mixes will help to get rid of wrinkles:

  1. Rosehip oil (1 tbsp), sesame oil (1 tbsp).
  2. Cypress oil (3 drops), orange oil (3 drops), almond oil (1 tbsp.), Peanut oil (1 tbsp.).
  3. Peach oil (2 tbsp), lemon oil (2 drops), essential oil (3 drops).
  4. Cocoa oil (1 tbsp), sea buckthorn oil (2 tsp), vitamin E (5 drops).


Wrinkles on the forehead: how to get rid of


Get rid of mimic wrinkles, namely they are formed on the forehead, it is possible using cosmetologists and expensive devices, and it is possible - with the help of cheap, but proven methods.


How to properly care for the skin on the forehead

  1. The gymnastics for the face can help get rid of folds on the forehead, which often appear mimic activity.
  2. To remove wrinkles, strengthen the face muscles. For example, lift and lower your eyebrows while holding the skin on the forehead with the pillows of your fingers.
  3. Get rid of the habit of wrinkling the forehead - get at home on the forehead plaster.
  4. Use for forehead masks from wrinkles, which are described above.
  5. Make compresses for forehead (rice flour with grapefruit juice, grated cucumber, grated on grater of raw potatoes, mint decoction).
  6. Be sure to moisturize the skin of the forehead with the help of creams.

How to get rid of wrinkles on forever forever

Get rid of deep wrinkles on the forehead folk methods is very difficult. If you do not cope with this to your misfortune, then only the Botox procedure will help you. There is nothing terrible in her holding: in a medical institution or in the cosmetology salon, a special preparation will be introduced under the skin, thanks to which mimic wrinkles will be paralyzed. After such an operation, a person disappears the ability to frown forehead for several months, which means wrinkles during this time they will smooth.

There is, however, one minus procedure is the first time the face will look somewhat unnatural. In addition, there are a number of contraindications, such as: pregnancy and lactation, as well as individual intolerance to drugs.

There is another proven method that will help remove wrinkles on the forehead - it is the contour plastic. This procedure is a radical method and to resort to it only when you are not only mimic, but also age wrinkles.


Wrinkles on the face: how to get rid of

The first wrinkles also bring the first chagrins for fair sex representatives. In order to effectively fight for the beauty of your face, it is necessary to do more special exercises in addition to masks - a complex of wrinkles designed for the face. Thanks to this charging, blood circulation is improved and elasticity increases, muscle tone is restored.

How to get rid of wrinkles with exercises

Eyes. Thanks to the following exercises, you can remove the swelling under the eyes, strengthen the muscles and get rid of wrinkles.

  1. Quickly close and open the eyes of 10 seconds in a row, then slowly close and open the eyes of 10 seconds in a row.
  2. Fix your head in the same position, watch, without breaking, forward 10 seconds. Then, without moving the head, translate the view to the left (10 seconds). Then - right (10 seconds).
  3. Raise your eyebrows up, not straining with eyes, then lower - 10 seconds.

Face. Thanks to these exercises, it is possible to strengthen blood circulation and increase muscle tone. These classes are excellent prevention of wrinkles.

  1. Relax, make a breath as you fine and delay your breath for a few seconds. Exhale air through the left or right corner of the lips. Repeat in turn: first left, then right.
  2. To slowly and deeply breathe, inflate the cheeks and delay your breath for 4-5 seconds. Through the mouth jogging through the air, straining when the lips are released. After exercise, rest thirty seconds.
  3. Make a deep, but slow breath and delay the air for 4-5 seconds. Exhale, openly opening your mouth.
  4. Make a very slow breath, delay the air for 4-5 seconds. Exhale smoothly through the mouth, making lips with a tube.
  5. Make a deep breath and delay the air for 4-6 seconds, then exhale. Repeat inhale, but this time delay the air for 2-3 seconds, then exhale. Repeat several times.
  6. Close the eyes and take a deep breath. Exhale and open your eyes. All perform very slowly.
  7. Rotate the head right and stay in such a post for 2 seconds. Lower head down. Repeat the exercise on the left side.


How to get rid of wrinkles: general rules

  1. Perform all exercises is necessary after all cosmetics are washed from face, but before applying cream, mask or scrub.
  2. After you have finished a set of exercises, you can apply on face cream.
  3. All exercises are running sitting, at the same time it is necessary to sit on a chair with a back.
  4. To perform exercises, select loose clothes that does not argue movements and does not tighten the neck and chest.

Wrinkles between eyebrows: how to get rid of

Wrinkles between eyebrows cause negative emotions, because it is precisely in this place that the grooves are formed primarily when skin aging. It is clear that any woman, regardless of how much years she wants to look at 100%. Experts argue that wrinkles between eyebrows can appear in a younger age - due to incorrectly selected or poor-quality cosmetics, due to poor ecology or unbalanced nutrition. If in his reflection in the mirror you noticed wrinkles between the eyebrows, it is not necessary to panic ahead of time: the faster you begin to work on yourself, the more chances will get rid of them.

How to get rid of wrinkles with massage and masks

The most proven method that will help get rid of wrinkles between the eyebrows is a massage. But it is necessary to perform these exercises very often - preferably at least 50 times a day, only then you will tailor those muscles that you need.

  1. Finger press the wrinkle between the eyebrows and frown. Relax muscles.
  2. Position the fingers on the forehead on both sides of the imaginary line, which conventionally divides the forehead in half. Stay your skin with your fingers, collecting them on the sides. This is a very effective exercise - the result will appear after a couple of weeks.

No less effective means from wrinkles between eyebrows - masks that give a very good smoothing effect.

  1. Honey (150 g) drown on a water bath until it becomes liquid. Add 3 tbsp. Water and 3 tbsp. Alcohol. Mass thoroughly knead and apply on the face, including the area between the eyebrows. To withstand 15 minutes, then wash off with water.
  2. 10 strawberry berries will be confused in mashed potatoes. Add 0.5 tbsp. Olive oil, 2 tbsp. Ramber chamomile and 1 tbsp. Honey. Thoroughly knead the mass and apply on the face. To withstand 15 minutes, remove a cotton swab, after which wash your face with water.

Wrinkles on the nose: how to get rid of forever

If you do not help the tools described above, or if you are lazy to fulfill recommendations, or if you need the result as quickly as possible, then only one thing will help you - Botox injections.

This method of getting rid of wrinkles is radical, but it is the most effective, since the result you can see immediately - after the first injection.

The meaning of manipulation is to force the muscles to relax, which will help reduce the number of wrinkles. Thanks to this method, the cells of the top layer of the epidermis can also be restored.

This is a very effective procedure, but it has a lot of contraindications, so only a qualified specialist after all the results of the tests can determine whether it is suitable for you.


How to get rid of wrinkles over lip

With age, the problem of the youth of the skin is increasingly aggravated - it is not enough that the muscles stretch, and the natural reserves of collagen are depleted. Skin aging in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nasolabial triangle is manifested with the appearance of wrinkles. This area of \u200b\u200bthe face displays any manifestation of your facial expressions, so the correct skin care will save from early wrinkles in this area. But most often wrinkles over the lip appear after 40 years and these are the very first harbingers of hormonal changes in the body associated with age.

How to prevent the appearance of wrinkles over the upper lip

Wrinkles over the upper lip appear not always due to genetic factors, sometimes this is due to mechanical exposure. The grooves over the lip are often the consequence of some multiple repetitive actions, for example, from the habit of pulling lips into the tube during reflection or even smoking.

As soon as you get rid of the facial expressions and habits that are the cause of wrinkles, immediately facilitate the process of skin restoration.

How to get rid of wrinkles: Effective recommendations

The struggle for smooth skin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe upper lip is very complex, as the place is delicate, and the procedures are complex.

To begin with, experts recommend using anti-aging cream from wrinkles, which will help the skin - further applies to collagen and elastin. If the method does not help, it means to get rid of nasolabial wrinkles, you need to try a more radical method, for example, mechanical dermabrasion. Of course, this procedure is time-consuming and suggests a rather long rehabilitation, but it has an amazing result.

A simpler method of combating wrinkles over the upper lip is the introduction of Botox injections that smooth wrinkles. This procedure gives a good result, but if manipulation is very often, the skin simply loses sensitivity.


Wrinkles around the mouth: how to get rid of

You can get rid of wrinkles around the mouth with traditional methods: masks, massage, exercises, Botox injections. But in order to prevent their appearance, it is enough to perform the following rules:

  1. Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. Thanks to the use of two liters of water per day, your body will be cleaned from toxins, and the skin will be from the inside to focus moisture, which will bring it a fresh look. Only one condition: water should be fresh, without impurities and additives, tea, coffee, carbonated drinks - E are considered.
  2. As closely can be applied to problem areas (there, where wrinkles appear) cut slices of cucumber. To withstand them is enough for 10 minutes. You can put the cucumber in the freezer, and then put on the face. And you can grate the cucumber on the grater and impose such a compress mask on the face. Thanks to this, the skin will be fresh and radiant.
  3. Use grapes to combat wrinkles: freeze the grape, then cut it into two parts and wipe your face - special attention is paid to the places where the grooves appear. Leave the grape over the upper lip or lay a few halves around the mouth for 20 minutes.
  4. Fresh pineapple juice is also a good way to get rid of wrinkles - cut a piece of pineapple, squeeze a little juice - it will have to be launched in problem areas. Leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  5. Avocado compress, pre-grated, also perfectly helps from wrinkles. But the oil from this fetus hoses perfectly and moisturizes the skin.
  6. Coconut oil will help get rid of wrinkles for the week: it is enough to rub the remedy into the area around the mouth.
  7. Try to quickly cope with stress, get rid of depression and despondency. The area around the mouth is very mobile - Mimic wrinkles often appear here, but if you are often sad, then the grooves will appear quickly, which testify to you. Anxiety, negative and dissatisfaction with life also quickly "draw" on your face.
  8. Be sure to wash the cosmetics before bed!


Wrinkles on the neck: how to get rid of

The wrinkle on the neck and in the decollete area arise due to the lack of collagen and elastin. Most often, the skin changes on the neck can be found after 25 years, but there are also such cases when the skin's declaration was detected much at an earlier age.

The causes of the arms of the wrinkle on the neck are diverse: it is the wrong care for the area of \u200b\u200bthe neckline, and frequent visits to the solarium, and a long stay in the sun, and a bad ecology, and sitting work, and disruption. The norm is considered the occurrence of vertical wrinkles on the neck after 50 years.

How to get rid of wrinkles on the neck: the best ways

  1. Botox injections. The highest quality and proven method, due to which neuromuscular transmission is locked: The skin is smoothed, becomes more elastic and dense. Since this method has contraindications, it is necessary to consult a specialist. Minus Procedures: Can be addictive.
  2. Chemical peeling. Excellent solution if you have shallow wrinkles. Thanks to the peeling with acids, it is possible to remove the roughness of the skin and small wrinkles. After the procedure may be burns - they pass within a few days. There are a number of contraindications for the procedure, so a specialist consultation is needed.
  3. Skin grinding. Thanks to this method, you can remove the top layer of the skin with the help of a slop-tool or laser, which will refresh the skin, make it more tender, smooth and elastic. There are contraindications, so a specialist consultation is necessary.
  4. Exercises. Thanks to the neck gymnastics, you can not only get rid of wrinkles, but also prevent the skin sagging. Perform the following exercises several times a day. First sit on the floor, straightening your back. Slide your head back and count about yourself up to 5, lift your head, count to two. Exercise repeat 15 times. Then head to lean to the left, count to 7, return to its original position, to incline to the right - also count to 7. Repeat the exercise 20 times.
  5. Cosmetics. Use the creams with collagen to return the skin elasticity.
  6. Dream. So that wrinkles are not formed on the neck, healthy sleep is needed on a properly selected pillow. Buy yourself an orthopedic pillow, not more than 10 centimeters high.
  7. The weight. It is not necessary to lose weight sharply - precisely because of the rapid weight loss, the cheeks are kicked, and folds and wrinkles are formed on the neck. A sharp increase in weight is also negatively affected by the neck, since fat deposits on the chin are pressing on the neck and quite ugly folds are obtained. It will be able to help this correctly selected food and visiting the gym, where the coach will select the right set of exercises for you.
  8. Compresses. Make the compresses for the neck that will help in the fight against wrinkles. For example, take 50 ml of warm olive oil, mix with 30 ml of honey and mix. Apply a mass on the cloth x / b and wrap around the neck. Wrap the scarf over the fabric. After 15 minutes, remove the compress and wash the skin with warm water. Easily blot with towel skin. Applying this tool for two weeks, you will notice the first results: crawled wrinkles will disappear, and large one will become noticeable.
  9. Massage. Contact your professional massage driver, which will help noticeably strengthen the skin tone on the neck. Self-massage can be done at home, for example, to direct the stream of the contrasting shower on the neck, and then wrap it with a towel for 15 minutes. Or apply a cream with light pattering movements on the neck.
  10. Masks. Any face wrinkles masks can also be applied to the neck and neckline area. Remember that before applying a mask, you need to clean the skin, and then wipe with pink water. Only after these procedures can apply masks. For example, banana: mix the banana and yolk, apply after the shower for 20 minutes on the neck and area of \u200b\u200bthe neckline, wash the hint of hot water. Or here is another good mask: sea buckthorn berries and 10 ml of sea buckthorn oil mix with 200 ml cream and then apply to the neck and neckline. After 20 minutes, rinse with water.


How to get rid of wrinkles. Video


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Irina 08.09.2017 To answer

Innovative Serum with Gilauronic Acid
Smoothes wrinkles
Improves tone and texture
Restores skin elasticity
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Nina 20.03.2018 To answer

It helps me from wrinkles, a Japanese massage with a fat cream, nutritious masks, and from the inside - vitamins in capsules, collagen, another antioxidant formula Evalarovskaya, recently bought, also a good thing\u003d0u6kqmq

Fazliddin. 20.05.2018 To answer

Get rid of wrinkles with lifting - gel
For quick rejuvenation Bionic
Official site!!!

Tonya 10.06.2018 To answer

i recently passed courses from Olga Tara. Bought on her photo. And she is 41 for a second! She in his instagram exposes free exercises to see. - . I learned a lot of useful information first from there to me 30, but my face suffers from the swelling and crawling down. Ptosis just tortured. I also did not believe that the gymnastics for a person can change something, but I had a rather noticeably tightened the facial oval and the swelling became clearly less expressed. The main thing is to do daily, without dropping and the effect will appear.

Anonymous 21.11.2018 To answer

The only thing I have ever helped is IMIRA C & E. Pleasant price surprised me. I thought that for such money there is no high-quality product, especially if it comes to the skin. First caused serum only under the eyes. I liked the effect. The next day, wrinkles are disappeared. Not everything, of course, but their main part.

Olga 16.12.2019 To answer

Regarding the massage you need to remember that only specialists should be done. And from wrinkles helps Radaith. It is advisable to use it as early as possible, even before the appearance of wrinkles. Ointment nourishes perfectly, moisturizes and regenerates the skin.

Valyantyna. 17.09.2020 To answer

also noticed - it is worth it, everything immediately reflects on the face. Therefore, I try to avoid conflicts and unpleasant people. From creams I like Miaflow from wrinkles - unlocked not only small wrinkles, but also deep
