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Vitamins for children 7 years old. What vitamins are needed for a child from 7 years old

Vitamins for children 7 years old. What vitamins are needed for a child from 7 years old
The full intake of vitamins into the body of a seven -year -old child is the key to his health and successful teaching at school.

Vitamins are biological substances that are an integral part of important biochemical processes in the body. They are important for all, regardless of age, kind of activity and gender. But the question of a deficiency of vitamins in seven -year -old babies is especially sharply. Why exactly at this age, will you take an interest in? The thing is that at the age of seven children begin the new stage of their lives - they go to school.

A sharp change in daytime routine, physical activity and psycho -emotional overstrain do their job. The child is worried, tired and undergoes complex acclimatization in a new team. These factors directly affect immunity and as a result, children's health. To help the child rather adapt to a new resistance and repulse all diseases, the necessary amount of vitamins should enter his body. What will be a source of vitamins - vitamin preparations or a rational menu - an individual question.

Vitamins for children 7 years old. Why a 7-year-old child needs vitamins

Having received the solemn title of “first -grader”, the kids often enter the zone of the “going to school” crisis. Especially often difficulties are manifested in babies who did not go to preschool institutions. True, not all children find themselves in a difficult situation, because they are all different. Some have a more stable psyche and strong immunity, others are more vulnerable and weak. Therefore, the decision to take vitamins should be made only in case of obvious signs of a lack of vitamins.

When additional reception of vitamins is required:

  1. The child has symptoms of overstrain: he is sluggish, cannot prepare homework, the appetite has disappeared and the weight has decreased.
  2. There are changes in a psycho -emotional nature: the baby is tearful, irritated, his sleep phases are violated, it does not tolerate parting with his mother.
  3. The baby eats poorly: the diet is inferior, there are large breaks between meals or the child has a very poor appetite.
  4. The child plays sports, attends additional classes and sections, or he has a multiple attention (hyperactive) syndrome. This contributes to a strong load on the body.
  5. The kid is very far behind in height, does not gain weight, constantly feels fatigue.
  6. It has chronic diseases, should adhere to strict diet or recently passed the antibiotic therapy course.
  7. The winter season, when there are sharply lacking seasonal fruits, vegetables and herbs on the table.
  8. The child does not work well the immune system.
  9. Season of viral-reservation.

Before buying children's vitamin complexes, you should visit a pediatrician who will confirm the need for vitamins and individually prescribe the necessary groups of vitamins. After all, the baby may not be enough only a few of them, for example, ascorbic acid and vitamin A. In this case, there is no need to take multicomponent drugs, moreover, an excess of vitamins is no less dangerous than their deficiency.


What vitamins for a child of 7 years should be a priority

For the full vitality of the body, children need to receive 13 vitamin compounds with food. At the age of seven, when there is an active development of intellectual and physical skills, the child especially needs them. But what kind of vitamins the child does not have enough, parents will not be able to understand on their own. Sometimes even a doctor without a biochemical blood test for vitamins and minerals is difficult to diagnose “vitaminosis”. Therefore, you can assign a complex of vitamins for children 7 years old after a full examination of the child.

Giving the child vitamin complexes “just in case” is extremely dangerous. Although they are not therapeutic drugs, they still need a doctor’s prescription.

List of vitamins to normalize the work of individual organs and systems of the child's body:

  • The most important vitamins for the memory of a child at 7 years old are b vitamins. They help the baby grab and memorize new knowledge, is easy to focus in the classroom, develop fantasy. Their deficiency leads to the incrimination of the nervous system and a violation of the formation of the skeleton. But this vitamin group is fruitfully “working” only paired with iodine, omega with fatty acids and selenium.
  • To normalize the children's immune system, we need ascorbic and folic acidthat help the body increase protective functions. For full protection against infectious diseases, it is also required vitamin A and PP. And for rapid cell recovery after the disease is responsible vitamin-antioxidant-Tocopherol.
  • If the child’s growth is below the minimum border for his age category, vitamins are needed for children in 7 years old. This is first of all vitamin D, as well as vitamin A, E, B6, B12. But in such a situation, it is difficult to correct the situation with vitamins. Complex treatment is required here.
  • Save vision with strong loads will help vitamin a and its relative origin beta-carotene. To enrich the cornea with oxygen is additionally prescribed riboflavin, vitamin E and s.

To focus on the needs of vitamins for a child's body at the age of 7 years, we will bring their generally accepted daily standards:

  • D3 - 400 IU;
  • A - 2300 IU;
  • E - 7 mg;
  • C - 45 mg;
  • H - 30 μg;
  • K - 30 μg;
  • B1 - 1 mg;
  • PP - 12 mg;
  • B2 - 1.2 mg;
  • B5 - 5 mg;
  • B6 - 1.4 mg;
  • B9 - 100 mcg;
  • B12 - 1.4 μg.

All vitamin preparations that are designed for school -age children have a marking on the packaging "Junior".


Vitamins for children 7 years old: which is better?

Children's vitamin additives contain the optimal quantitative ratio of the necessary vitamins, often paired with mineral salts. To interest the child, pharmaceutical companies create bright and tasty shells in which vitamins are. Most often, on a pharmacy counter, you can meet a dragee for resorption, sweet syrup or paste, stooping rods, dragees. Less commonly, children of seven years old are injected with vitamins, but only in the case of severe vitamin deficiency. And for preventive purposes, babies offer multi-colored chewing sweets in the form of different animals or pile tablets that dissolve in water and resemble sweet soda.

If the pediatrician gave parents the opportunity to independently choose a vitamin complex for the child, this can cause them a certain confusion. And this is not strange, because the variety of pharmacy vitamins can be compared with the assortment of sweets in the store.

In order not to waste time on consultations with a pharmacist, let's look at the most popular vitamin complexes:

Alphabet "School"

This drug is designed for children from 7 to 14 years old. All dragees are divided into three color categories. Cherry tablets contain vitamin C, A, B1, B9, orange - C, PP, A, E, B2, B6, Banana - B9, B12, D. The baby needs to drink one tablet of each color. Reception can be divided by three times or take all vitamins at the same time. Additionally, the composition has 9 minerals. Vitamins are taken during food in general.

The drug contains a daily dose of iron, therefore it is shown to children with signs of anemia, as well as for active and creative children. Due to the lack of preservatives, synthetic coloring and aromatic substances, the alphabet does not cause allergic reactions in children.

These vitamins are alphabet for children from 7 years old, so if your child went to school at 6 years old, their dosage will be high. In this case, you can buy another variety of this complex - “Alphabet. Kindergarten ”, designed for children 3-7 years old.


Vitrum Junior

The complex is rich in all groups of vitamins and includes 10 additional minerals. It is produced in the form of chewing tablets with a pleasant fruit taste. Children from 6 to 11 years are shown in the dosage of the half tablets once a day after meals. As a prevention, it is prescribed for 1-2 months.

The drug is effective for severe mental stress or with recent diseases. The high content of calcium and phosphorus contributes to the active formation of bone tissue.


Supradin Kids Junior

The formula of the drug consists of 12 vitamins and 9 minerals. The composition contains choline that improves the memory and the overall work of the brain. The complex is prescribed to raise immunity and prevention of hypovitaminosis in the winter. Dosage - one chewing dragee from 5 to 11 years. The additive has a bright citrus taste and aroma.

Supradin vitamins for children 7 years old are also produced in the form of a gel. It is additionally enriched with lecithin and beta-carotene, which increases the level of intelligence and stress resistance. The gel has an orange aroma and is in a tube.


Multitabs junior

The additive is enriched with 11 vitamins and 7 minerals. The composition contains the daily need of iodine, which contributes to the rapid perception of new information. There is also a chromium that regulates the metabolism, including the assimilation of glucose. The complex is shown during the adaptation of the baby to the new team and with strong intellectual loads. Vitamins are made in the form of chewing loafers with strawberry-raspberry taste. One tablet should be taken per day.


Pikovit Forte "7+"

The complex contains a double amount of B vitamins and is recommended for normalizing appetite, increasing the resistance of viral diseases and improving the functioning of the nervous system. Pikovit is also prescribed for mental retardation and as a preventive agent in antibiotic treatment.

Vitamins are produced in the form of resorption tablets, which have fresh tangerine taste. For therapeutic purposes, 1 tablet per day is prescribed, for prevention - 1 tablet every other day.


Kinder Biovital Bear

These are chewing vitamins for children 7 years old in the form of multi -colored cubs. One chewing vitamin contains 9 vitamins necessary for the full growth and development of the child. Bear have different tastes and aromas: lemon, raspberry and orange. Dosage for the age category 7-13 years-1-3 loafers per day.

Kinder Gel is also produced. In addition to vitamins, it contains an increased amount of lecithin, calcium and magnesium. The gel is indicated for the prevention of rickets and reducing immunity, as well as to eliminate dysadapation syndrome in first -graders. The gel has an orange taste and is prescribed for 1 tsp. Twice a day for children over 6 years old.


Complit calcium D3

These are vitamins with calcium for children 7 years old. The drug has a narrow orientation and is indicated with obvious signs of hypocalcemia: fragility of bones, insomnia, decrease in activity, decline in the psycho -emotional background. Children aged 5 to 12 years are prescribed 1-2 tablets per day. The addition is also shown in the winter season, when the child manifests a deficiency of vitamin D.


Centerum for children

Vitamins are prescribed with severe deficiency of iron and calcium. The formula of the drug includes 18 compounds necessary for the child. It is produced in the form of felts. The additive is ideal for often sick children with a musculoskeletal character. The daily dose is one tablet per day.


Vitamins for children 7 years old. When vitamin preparations are prohibited

Contraindication to the use of synthetic vitamins is:

  1. Allergy and increased sensitivity to one or more components.
  2. Hypervitaminosis of vitamin A or cholegalciferol.

Particular caution when prescribing vitamins should be shown if the child has health problems:

  1. Endocrinological pathologies.
  2. Kidney diseases.
  3. Phenylketonuria.
  4. Problems with digestion.
  5. Allergy to food.
  6. Hypo- or hypercalcemia.


Vitamins for children 7 years old. A full diet as an alternative to vitamin therapy

Nature was so conceived that all nutrients fall into the body exclusively with food. No wonder, because vitamins of plant and animal origin are absorbed by 99%. What can not be said about vitamins from colorful pharmacy jars, the percentage of the digestibility of which is only 30%. Therefore, a light vitamin deficiency is recommended to be eliminated by a balanced diet and sparing regime of the day. But, if the moment is missed, then taking synthetic analogues of vitamins will be more effective.

Hypovitaminosis is much easier to prevent than then run with a child to doctors and buy expensive vitamin complexes. To do this, organize proper and good nutrition.

In the diet of a 7-year-old baby, such groups of products must be included:

  1. All types of vegetables, fruits and berries.
  2. Leafy vegetables.
  3. Dairy and dairy products.
  4. Nuts and dried fruits (especially in winter, when there are no seasonal fruits).
  5. Fish and gifts of the sea.
  6. Various vegetable oils.
  7. All types of cereals.
  8. Bread and bakery products.
  9. Legumes.


Vitamins for children 7 years old. Tips for choosing vitamin preparations

  • When buying vitamin complexes to your child, be sure to pay attention to what age they are designed for. It is forbidden to give seven -year -olds adult vitamin additives, however, as well as an increase in the specified dosage in the instructions.
  • Give preference only to well -known and proven pharmaceutical manufacturers with a good reputation.
  • Before going to the pharmacy, be sure to consult a pediatrician. He will surely advise the complex that is most suitable for your child.
  • Choose vitamins without dyes, sugar and synthetic aromatic substances.


Instead of conclusion

Manufacturers invest many works and means to produce colorful and delicious pharmacy vitamins. Television advertisements campaigning mothers to feed their children almost every day their “incredibly useful” vitamins. But all this is only a marketing move, so taking vitamin complexes can be carried out only at the direction of the doctor.

Parents actually give vitamin preparations too much power and hope that with their help you can strengthen their child’s health and grow a real genius. But the fact is that if the child does not eat well, does not go in for sports, rarely walks and is constantly in a state of stress, not a single vitamins will help him. And on the other hand, if the child is curious, physically developed and beloved by his parents, he will easily survive the process of adaptation to school without additional taking vitamin additives.

In conclusion, we can say that synthetic vitamins are still needed, but only in cases where the child really suffers from hypovitaminosis and only a doctor can determine this.


Faith 22.03.2018 Answer

I took the formula for Mishka Multivitamins for my son Baby. Pretty worthy vitamins. We reviewed the daily routine and food (more fat fish, began to give nuts) to improve memory and attention. With our preparation for school, it is very important.
