
How easy it is to clean the carpet of plasticine. How to remove plasticine from the carpet at home. How to wash plasticine from the carpet

How easy it is to clean the carpet of plasticine. How to remove plasticine from the carpet at home. How to wash plasticine from the carpet
Ways how to quickly remove plasticine from the carpet and how to clean the carpet of plasticine at home. How to wash the spots from plasticine on the carpet.

The appearance of children in the house brings not only incredible joy, but also a lot of trouble. What are only attempts to clean the carpet of plasticine. Indeed, very often a child, during his creative classes, leaves plasticine not only on the table, but also under the table. Then the plasticine can be carried throughout the room. If you remove plasticine from the laminate, it is not particularly difficult, then you will have to work hard over cleaning the carpet with a long or short pile. From this article you will learn how to clean the plasticine from the carpet, what methods are the most effective for home use.

How to remove plasticine from the carpet - the first actions

So, you noticed that your carpet is stained with plasticine. What to do in the first place? Do not immediately rush behind the brush and fiercely rub the spot. In some cases, this can only aggravate the situation. To clean the carpet of plasticine, you need to know at least the approximate composition of this material for children's creativity. On the shelves of stores today you can find the following types of plasticine:

  • "Classic" plasticine in the form of ribbed bars. This plasticine is familiar to everyone. The basis for its manufacture is crushed clay. The disadvantages of such plasticine are the fading of flowers and excessive hardness. It is quite difficult for young children to knead the bars of plasticine in their hands;
  • wax plasticine. The basis for manufacturing is the wax, which makes it very convenient for modeling very young children. Wax plasticine is very bright, very plastic, the details are easily attached to each other;
  • plasticine on a plant basis. Such plasticine is safe for children who are attracted by unusually bright colors, excellent plasticity. Of the disadvantages of “plant” plasticine, one can note the fact that before connecting the details of the joints of the joints, you will have to be additionally processed;
  • ball plasticine. This type of modern plasticine is presented in the form of small balls, which are interconnected by a special glue composition based on glycerol. Figures made of ball plasticine are hardened to a solid state in about a day, then they do not differ in particular strength after hardening.

In fact, it is quite difficult to list all modern types of plasticine. There is no limit to fantasies of manufacturers. They add new modern components there, forcing the plasticine to “jump”, glow or even cook in a pan. Some types of children's plasticine may contain very caustic dyes, which are quite problematic or even impossible to clean from the carpet. If your carpet is stained with plasticine, then the first thing you should do is read the composition of plasticine on the package. And already depending on this information, choose a means or method of cleaning the carpet.

How to clean the carpet carpet - proven products

How to remove plasticine from the carpet with cold

Freezing plasticine right on the carpet is a fairly simple and very effective way to clean. After the plasticine freezes, its hard particles will be much easier to retire. But keep in mind that the effect of the carpet is suitable only for plasticine, which includes paraffin.

  1. Large particles of plasticine can be tried to carefully remove with your hands, trying not to smear it.
  2. On top of the remains of plasticine on the carpet that could not be removed, place ice cubes or some frozen product, wrapped in clean, dry fabric or polyethylene.
  3. To freeze plasticine, you will need from 5 to 10 minutes, depending on the volume of pollution.
  4. After the specified time, check if the plasticine has frozen on the carpet. If this happened, then hardened particles of mass mass are easy to remove.
  5. If the polluted carpet has a small size, then you can simply place it in the freezer. Twist it into a roll, place it in a clean and dry bag and leave it in the freezer for 3-4 hours. After the time of this time, remove hard pieces of plasticine with your hands. You can resort to the help of any sharp object, but you need to do this carefully so as not to damage the carpet.

How to remove plasticine with a carpet with a soap solution

If you completely managed to clean the carpet of plasticine residues, then do not rush to rejoice. A fat spot may remain at the place of pollution, which also needs to be eliminated. One of the most effective means for this purpose is a concentrated soap solution. The alkali, which is contained in it, will easily dissolve fats from plasticine on the carpet.

  1. Prepare a suitable container where you will prepare a soap solution. It can be a jug, a small basin, a deep bowl or a bucket.
  2. Fill the container with hot water and add liquid soap there. You can also grate on a large grater laundry soap or just toilet and pour the resulting chips into the water.
  3. Stir the solution well until the lush soap foam is obtained.
  4. Using a sponge or clean rag, apply soap solution abundantly to the place of pollution on the carpet. For convenience, you can pour soapy solution into a spray gun.
  5. Wait about 3-5 minutes so that the soap product reacts with a fat spot.
  6. Then gently rub the stain with a clean and dry cloth without going beyond its boundaries without smearing it. If the fat spot is large, then move from its edges to the center.
  7. Repeat the processing if necessary.
  8. The cleaned carpet should dry. Do not step on the just cleaned place so as not to take the pile.

How to wipe the plasticine from the carpet with an iron

On the Internet, you can find a rather unusual way to remove plasticine from the carpet. Its meaning lies in the thermal impact on the stain with the help of an iron.

  1. Place the napkin on the stain, as well as under the wrong side of the carpet so as not to accidentally spoil the flooring.
  2. Adjust the temperature on the iron, bringing it to the minimum level.
  3. Carefully reward the pollution with an iron.
  4. The remains of plasticine after thermal exposure should be on a napkin.
  5. After removing plasticine, in this way, a fat spot may remain on the carpet. You can get rid of it with a soap solution, solvent or other improvised means.

When using this method of cleaning the carpet from plasticine, you need to be very careful. Some types of plasticine under thermal exposure can eat into the fabric even deeper, which will greatly complicate further cleaning. In addition, the effect of a hot iron on a synthetic carpet can be simply dangerous.

How to clean the carpet carpet with a solvent

  1. Remove all the large particles of plasticine with your hands, trying not to smear the pollution even more.
  2. Take a cotton swab or clean fabric, dip in the solvent and treat pollution on the carpet.
  3. During the processing of pollution, you need to move from the edges of the spot to the center.
  4. If the cleaning is a success, then re -process the place of the former pollution with a clean cloth moistened in simple water.
  5. After using this method of cleaning the carpet from plasticine, a pungent smell of a solvent may remain from plasticine, which will quickly spread throughout the room. To get rid of it, use any shampoo to clean the carpets. It is also recommended to open the window when working with the solvent.

How to remove plasticine from the carpet at home using a car cleaning tool

It is no secret that various means for cleaning the car interior are distinguished by their ability to withdraw the most difficult spots and various kinds of pollution. Such products are very often produced in the form of a spray, which is very convenient.

  1. Carefully read the instructions for using a car cleaning tool. Perhaps there will indicate information on which fabrics this tool should be used with caution or not used at all.
  2. Before you apply a means for pollution, try to apply it to a small corner of the carpet to check if it will damage the carpet.
  3. If your test showed that nothing happened to the carpet, then feel free to apply the product to the spot.
  4. Hold the product on the carpet for a certain time, which is usually indicated in the instructions.
  5. With a clean cloth or sponge moistened with water, rub the spot.
  6. If necessary, repeat the processing again.
  7. If, after cleaning the carpet, a pungent smell remained, then treat the place of the former pollution with shampoo for carpets.

Eliminate plasticine stains on the carpet

Even if you completely got rid of the remnants of plasticine on the carpet, unpleasant fat spots can remain on it. How to deal with them? Consider some of the most popular and effective methods for home use:

  • you can get rid of a fat spoon on the carpet using a dishwasher. Make a concentrated soap solution with thick foam and apply it to the spot. Washing products cope with fat not only on dishes, but also in such unusual places;

  • ordinary vegetable oil can help get rid of the smallest interspersed of plasticine in the fiber of the carpet. Moisten a cotton swab and rub the place of pollution. Plasticine should begin to slide into spools. You can easily remove a fat spot after using vegetable oil with a soap solution or shampoo for carpets;

  • if the stain from plasticine remains on the carpet made of natural pile, you can try to get rid of it with ammonia. Dissolve 10 drops of alcohol in 1 glass of warm water, apply a solution to pollution using a tampon. Wait a while and then rinse the solution from the carpet with a rag dipped in ordinary water;

  • you can try to remove plasticine stains on the carpet with the help of baking soda, which is found in each apartment. Apply soda abundantly at the place of pollution and leave 10-12 hours. During this time, Soda should absorb fat. Using a sponge and soapy solution, complete the processing. Do not triple the fat spot is too strong, as you risk just increasing the area of \u200b\u200bpollution. Move from the edges of the spot to the center;

  • an ordinary shampoo for carpets, a carpet cleaning, can also cope with a bold spot from plasticine on the carpet.

Eliminate plasticine spots on fabric

If your baby had imprudence to stain the carpet with plasticine, then you may encounter similar pollution on clothes or even on the upholstery of furniture. Furniture upholstery can be cleaned of plasticine exactly in the same ways that are listed above. Let us consider in more detail how to clean clothes if it is dirty with plasticine:

  • if the plasticine is “sticking” to the clothes with a rather thick layer, but it cannot be removed, then just put this thing in a clean package and place it in the freezer. After 4-5 hours, you will see that the plasticine has hardened and can easily separate from the fabric;
  • if the plasticine has eaten into the fiber of the tissue is so deep that it is not possible to separate it in all known methods, then try using the iron. Place the dry textile napkin on the spot and under the spot and reward the pollution site not too hot iron. If the plasticine gives to this method of cleaning, then it will remain on a napkin;
  • to get rid of fatty, colored spots from plasticine on clothes is much easier than on a carpet or furniture upholstery. After all, clothes can be covered and washed in a washing machine. Depending on which fabric, you can be covered with a spot in one way or another. You can simply wash the pollution abundantly with household soap. You can also use modern stains, which can be applied pointily on the spot, wait a certain time, and then wash in a washing machine;
  • if you want to get rid of plasticine stains on children's clothing, then you should not use too aggressive stains. Use washing products specially designed for washing children's things. From improvised means to clean children's clothing from plasticine, you can use ammonia, soda, laundry soap. Of course, using gasoline, a solvent on children's things is strictly prohibited.

How to wash plasticine from the carpet - video

Plasticine on the carpet - how to prevent

As you already understood, the process of cleaning the carpet is quite time -consuming and prolonged. It is necessary not only to extract plasticine from pile, but also to get rid of stains from strong dyes, various impurities that modern manufacturers add to plasticine. If a long time takes a lot of time to clean the carpet, then even more time and effort to clean the carpet with a long pile. Therefore, you need to try to prevent such pollution in your apartment by all means. Consider several practical tips:

  • when buying the child another package of new plasticine, carefully read his composition. Remember that plasticine with natural wax in the composition is almost impossible to clean from the carpet at home;
  • if possible, organize a children's place for creative classes with plasticine in the distance from the carpet. It will also be useful to explain to the child that playing with plasticine needs in a strictly designated place for this;
  • the sooner you notice plasticine on the carpet and proceed to clean the carpet, the better. Old spots from plasticine are so deeply eaten into the fibers of the carpet that it is almost impossible to clean it;
  • if the plasticine hit a very expensive carrier, then it is better not to experiment with various chemical facilities for cleaning, as well as with folk methods. You may not guess what changes can occur with the carpet after such influences. Each city has special services that are cleaning the carpets;
  • fresh pollution of the carpet with plasticine should not be rubbed with a brush. In addition to increasing the area of \u200b\u200bthe spot, you will not achieve anything. First you need to try to extract plasticine particles, and then fight with a spot on the carpet.

Games with plasticine are an excellent tool for the development of fine motor skills of children, imagination, abstract thinking, speech. But in order not to face the problems of cleaning carpets, fabrics, clothes from this plastic material, you need to teach the child to play with him, always control such classes. Indeed, in addition to the problem of pollution of something with plasticine, you can encounter much more dangerous situations-tasting a child to taste plasticine.



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