
Does the zinc ointment of acne on face helps. How to use zinc ointment from acne and spots after acne - instructions for use

Does the zinc ointment of acne on face helps. How to use zinc ointment from acne and spots after acne - instructions for use
Zinc ointment is an effective means to combat acne. How to apply a zinc ointment from acne and spots after acne - read the instructions in the article.

Acne on the face is a very unpleasant and inesthetical problem. Faced with her, young people try to find the most effective way of treatment. Zinc ointment - the remedy is not new, but today it is famous for its wonderful force against acne. Of course, the effectiveness of treatment directly depends on the degree of defeat of the face with pimpler. At the same time, more launched cases can be treated heavier, light rash stages are easier. Today we will tell about the main pharmacological properties of zinc ointment against acne and describe the main rules of its application.

Acne Zinc Ointment: Pharmacological Properties

Are the zinc ointment helps acne? Many claim that it is this simple cheap tool "helped them get rid of the manifestation of acne. So how does zinc ointment act and why does she help fight acne? You can find out in detail the composition of the product.

As part of the ointment there are only two components:

  • zinc oxide;
  • petrolatum.

Zinc, in turn, acts in our body the most important trace element, which stimulates enzymatic activity. Due to this, the basic processes are regulated in the body, in particular the taste, smell, imminent, immunity. When applied to zinc, also activates enzymes and contributes to such processes:

  • reduce the formation of saline by iron;
  • skin disinfection;
  • removal of inflammation on the dermis;
  • drying pimples;
  • removal of skin irritation;
  • skin regeneration;
  • enhance the elasticity of the epithelium.

In addition, you should not forget that Zinc is famous for its wound healing properties, so it is often included in children's creams. This proves that this component is completely safe and harmless to the human body.

Also, it should be mentioned about the beneficial properties of Vaseline. It has long been used:

  • for skin softening;
  • as a barrier, which is formed on the skin after applying means and prevents the negative impact of the external environment;
  • for healing small wound, abrasion and other damage on the skin.

That is, according to a simple composition, a zinc ointment is a sufficient primitive agent. Despite this, according to the reviews of zinc ointments, this tool helped many solve the unpleasant problem of skin rashes.

How to use zinc ointment against acne: Recommendations for use

Zinc ointment, like other cosmetic and medicinal products, require special rules for using the result to be maximally effective.

  1. Zinc ointment can not be used as a basis for makeup. Many girls use ointment for treating acne as the basis for makeup. In the case of zinc ointment, this is categorically impossible. The thing is that Vaseline and so forms a film on the skin, not giving Derma as it should be "breathing." Cosmetics is an additional barrier that can be an obstacle to the output of the decay products.
  2. Apply the ointment need to peeled face. It is best before using the means to wash with the use of milk for washing.
  3. Before applying cosmetics, a zinc ointment should be washed, otherwise you can exacerbate the situation with rash.
  4. During the treatment with acne zinc ointment, it is not recommended to abuse decorative cosmetics, in particular with tonal cream and powder. It is best to use a light bulk under makeup. It falls on the skin with a uniform thin layer, which allows the derma to get oxygen in the desired quantity.
  5. Treatment should be done regularly, repeating the procedure for applying ointments daily to 7 times. The course of treatment depends on the degree of lesion. In difficult cases, ointment is used for 10 days, then take a break. In general, treatment can last up to 2 months.
  6. During the treatment of pimpled rashes with zinc ointment, it was recommended to adhere to a special diet, in particular, do not eat food, which contains copper and soy protein. These components are zinc blockers.
  7. Eat foods containing zinc: nuts, beans, liver, beans, eggs.
  8. During the treatment of acne zinc ointment, do not take other drugs to eliminate this problem. This applies to both internal use and outdoor.

Zinc ointment: Instructions for acne

The use of zinc ointment from acne does not require special knowledge in the cosmetology area. Nevertheless, there are different variations of the use of zinc ointment against acne. The easiest: Apply it on the face of a thin layer and leave for a while for exposure.

How to apply zinc ointment from acne.

  1. Remove cosmetics with the appropriate means.
  2. Clear warm water, it is also recommended to apply gel, foam or milk for washing.
  3. Get out the face of a cotton cloth and give the skin to be born in a natural way.
  4. Singing a small amount of ointment on your finger.
  5. Apply the ointment with a thin layer on all sections of the face. Do not rub the tool.

It is worth noting that it is possible to apply ointment to 6 times a day. Also permissible to leave the remedy for the night. In addition, for the treatment of "fresh" acne, it is necessary to apply an ointment.

Zinc ointment from acne: Photo before- and after-

Zinc ointment from acne spots

According to numerous reviews, the zinc ointment also effectively copes with stains after acne. The thing is that zinc increases the metabolism in the epithelium, thereby speeding up the process of healing all sorts of microtravs both after recently opened acne and long-lasting shmilles. Traces from acne in regular applied zinc ointments are gradually decreasing, and then they become invisible, due to the natural regeneration of the skin.

How to use zinc ointment from acne: home recipes

From zinc ointment you can make excellent masks and compresses at home. They are very effective in the treatment of acne, and the components used are selected depending on the degree of lesion and skin type.

Zinc ointment from subcutaneous acne

Subcutaneous acne are very difficult to treat, ripen for a long time and painful, delivering a lot of aesthetic displeasses. Improve the situation, and after systematic treatment and eliminate the problem of subcutaneous acne in the forces of the compresses from zinc ointments.

  1. In the evening, prepare the skin before sleep: Clean the person by washing using the appropriate cosmetics.
  2. Apply the ointment point to the place of defeat.
  3. Apply mall ointment or cotton disk.
  4. Attach gauze or cotton disk to the place of the defeat and secure the plaster.
  5. Leave compress for the night.
  6. In the morning, remove the compress and work.

Repeat the procedure for 3-5 days.

Mask with zinc ointment from acne for oily skin

Oily skin is very strongly susceptible to the occurrence of pimping rash. This is due to the fact that there is an excess of sala on the skin, without letting it breathe and scoring outdoor pores.

What will take:

  • zinc ointment - 1 h;
  • pink clay - 1 tbsp. l.

How to cook and apply a mask.

  1. In non-metallic capacity to mix zinc ointment and clay, so that it turns out a thick viscous mass.
  2. Before applying to clean the skin.
  3. Apply a mask on face with a dense layer.
  4. Means to leave for 15 minutes to expose.
  5. Wash the mask with warm water.
  6. Dry the face with a cotton towel.
  7. Apply a moisturizing cream on the skin.

Mask apply no more than 2 times a week.

Mask with zinc ointment from acne for mixed skin type

Eliminate the pimpled rash on the face with a mixed skin type will help a mask with a zinc ointment and a licorice root.


  • zinc ointment - 1 h;
  • licorice root - 2 tbsp. l.

How to cook and apply tool.

  1. Face cleaned from pollution.
  2. In a non-metallic pepper, mix zinc ointment and ground root licorice.
  3. Uniform layer apply a mask on the face.
  4. Leave a means for 20 minutes.
  5. Wash off a mask with warm water and dry face with a soft towel.

Apply a mask no more than 2 times a week.

Scum zinc ointment lotion

Treatment of pimples requires good skin care. One of the recipes with the addition of zinc ointments to treat acne - lotion, which can be easily prepared at home.


  • zinc ointment - ½ h. l;
  • sulfur ointment - ½ h. l;
  • boric alcohol 3% - 30 ml;
  • salicylic alcohol 2% - 30 ml.

How to cook and apply tool.

  1. Prepare two glass bubbles and non-metallic containers.
  2. In the non-metallic pepper, mix boric and salicylic alcohols.
  3. The resulting liquid is divided into 2 parts and pour over bubbles.
  4. To one of the bubbles add a zinc ointment, stir the agent to uniformity.
  5. In another bubble add sulfur ointment, mix.
  6. In the morning, wipe the skin cleaned face with zinc ointment.
  7. In the evening, lubricate the face with a lot of sulfur ointment.

Apply the tool is recommended daily within 10 days, then it is necessary to take a break in 5 days.

Zinc ointment from acne: Contraindications

Zinc ointment is a fairly harmless agent. Nevertheless, there are some contraindications to its use. They include:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period;
  • individual intolerance to ointment components;
  • diseases of the lymphatic system.

In addition, it should be known that the zinc ointment has a weak toxicity, so it cannot be allowed to enter the mucous membranes. If the ointment fell into the eyes, it was recommended to rinse them with running water and consult a doctor.

Zinc ointment from acne. Video


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