
How to choose a moisturizer. Best moisturizer

How to choose a moisturizer. Best moisturizer
How to choose a moisturizer: characteristics of funds, recommendations for choice and use, home preparation.

Any woman knows that in order to have healthy skin, she needs to be regularly moistened. However, now in the cosmetic departments of stores it is offered a very large selection of various products that are designed to care, so the choice of a moisturizing face cream seems incredibly complicated. In fact, everything is much simpler than you may seem.

How a moisturizer acts

Jar of Moisturizing Facial Cream

All components of funds can be conditionally divided into 2 groups.

  1. The task of those that are included in the 1st category is to create a special film. This invisible protection performs the function of moisture delay, which cannot allow it to evaporate from the surface of the skin. The components of such funds do not contain additional ingredients for moisturizing, but only delay the natural nutrition of the epidermis. The components of such creams can be mineral oils, the well -known Vaseline, Lanolin, as well as a substance that is known as dimetikon. Thanks to these ingredients, the skin becomes resistant to external influences and adapts to the environment faster.
  2. The components included in the 2nd group are needed in order to moisturizing particles for care products can penetrate into deeper skin layers and effectively affect this level. Thanks to this approach, the skin is able to hold the amount of moisture to it on its own. Various proteins, vitamins, hyaluronic acid, as well as well -known glycerin and propylene glycol, are included in the active substances of groups of groups of 2 groups.

How to choose the right suitable moisturizer


Cosmetologists advise choosing a moisturizing agent that is suitable for your skin.

  1. It is interesting that many women do not believe that some remedy can help them. Among them, most of those who have already tried to apply the cream, but chose it incorrectly, because of which the effect was either not at all, or the situation was even more aggravated.
  2. Others are afraid that the facial care product may contain a large number of toxic substances that harm the epidermis. Therefore, many are distrustful of spills for skin care.
  3. But both opinions are incorrect. Similar types of products were studied in special laboratories. According to the results of the studies, it turned out that all dubious indicators, in which women most often doubt, are within normal limits, and do not contain harmful substances of this kind at all.
  4. If you choose the right cream, then it can help solve skin problems. Then the result and effect will surely be pleased. You just need to know how to make this choice correctly.
  5. To choose the right moisturizer that will suit you, you need to pay attention to a number of important parameters:
  • check the remedy for dyes: creams moisturizing the skin should be white, such as “Nivea” (but the label also needs to be read - the cream can contain the white dye CL 77891, for example, “Pure Line”);
  • a moisturizer for the skin should have a light floral-fruity aroma without impurities of the smell of drugs or not to have it at all;
  • acid-base balance in the cream should be from 5 to 9 (according to research, these restrictions are observed by all manufacturers);
  • almost all labels promise that the effect of the product will continue within a day, but not everything is so rosy: Clinique cream operates only 2 hours, L'Oreal brand - a little longer than 2 hours, Olay - 3 hours, 3 hours, 3 hours. Cream "Clean Line" - about 6 hours, and the production of "Garnier" and "Nivea" - within 1 day before washing;
  • the list of preservatives and dyes, it can be read on the back, should be as short as possible (the creams “Clean Line”, “L'Oreal”, and “Olay” contain the largest number of similar components, and the least - “Nivea” and “Clinique ");
  • sometimes, during use, side effects may appear in the form of increased arrangement of the epidermis, therefore, funds should be used exclusively in accordance with the type of skin;
  • it is necessary to take into account the features of night and daytime care;
  • reviews of a moisturizing cream are also better to study first in order to be completely confident in its quality;
  • cream prices can be found a variety of, but an expensive tool is not always of high quality, and cheap - bad.

Daily moisturizer


  1. The daily moisturizer is designed to protect your skin from negative external influences during the day.
  2. It is less fat than night.
  3. Such products nourish your skin with moisture, which is especially good in contact with the dry air of the environment.
  4. In winter, such a cream helps to protect the epidermis from frost, which does not allow the skin to peel off.
  5. They apply daily cream 30 minutes before the use of makeup, so that it has time to absorb, and the cosmetics applied over it are not smeared.

Night moisturizer


  1. Funds for evening use are often fatty enough. This is due to the fact that they are created to help the skin with cell regeneration, as well as remove harmful substances and prevent the appearance of wrinkles.
  2. If you are the owner of oily skin, then it is better for you to use light creams, otherwise inflammation may appear, and if dry - more saturated products.
  3. A correctly selected cream will help the skin recover while you sleep. You need to apply it about 2 hours before you go to bed, otherwise the product will remain on the pillow, and your pores will be clogged. Because of this, inflammation may appear that are completely unnecessary.
  4. The night cream is not recommended to be applied to the surface of the skin with a hairline, for example, under the nose, otherwise they can become even more.
  5. The amount of cream that has not been absorbed must be removed from the face, neck and neckline, so as not to clog pores.

Good care tool: tips


  1. The best moisturizer for sensitive skin is hypoallergenic.
  2. Young skin needs only moisturizing, the content of oils and provitamin B5 is important for it, but mature - substances that contribute to the production of collagen are also necessary.
  3. A moisturizer for oily skin should be without oils. In this case, it is best to use the cream gel that moisturizes the skin.
  4. A moisturizer for dry skin should contain a lot of nutrients that will help in the fight against the dryness of the epidermis.
  5. A moisturizer for problem skin should be softer so as not to cause even more harm. In this case, you can use a moisturizing foundation to hide minor disadvantages.
  6. In summer, the skin needs protection against sunlight, in the spring - in protection against peeling, in winter it is better to use cream with nutrient components.
  7. Giaaluronic moisturizing cream is perfect when caring for the skin of the neck and neckline.
  8. For sensitive skin, it is better to make a cream yourself.

How to make a moisturizer at home


To make a facial skin care product at home, you need to know that such agents consist of water, fat and active substances. Their proportions depend on the type of skin. For the manufacture of the fat part of the cream, animals and vegetable oils are used, and for liquid - decoctions of herbs, fruits and berries. Vitamins and plant extracts act as active substances. Consider the composition and recipes for some moisturizing creams.

  1. For oily skin, you will need lanolin, oatmeal, strawberries or currant juice. These components are mixed in a ratio of 1: 1: 12.
  2. For the manufacture of a light moisturizer, you can use olive oil, glycerin, hydrolyte, water and bees wax. Mix all ingredients in a ratio of 2: 1: 4: 2: 1.
  3. Cucumber cream is made from a decoction of chamomile, almond oil, wax and cucumber pulp. It is recommended to connect everything in the ratio of 6: 9: 1: 3.
  4. For means with vitamin A content, you will need lanolin, almond oil, bee or wheat wax, as well as vitamin A - 4 drops. You need to mix everything in a ratio of 1: 6: 2: 2. Vitamin will be correctly added after mixing the rest of the ingredients.
  5. For an oil -based cream, you will need flax seeds (about 10%), propolis (1%), betatin (2%), green tea extract (about 5%) and its hydrolyte (approximately 77%). You will also need an emulsifier or you can take an analogue that is obtained from olive oil. The oil is poured into the container separately from the water, and then both liquids are placed in a pan with hot water. Wax is melted separately, heating it to 50 - 70 ° C. Then the greasy part is gradually inserted into the water with a thin stream and mixed with a mixer. The cream should cool at room temperature. Then essential oils are added and the finished mass is placed in cold water. After that, they transfer the finished cream in a jar and sent to the refrigerator. You can use the home -made home skin care product up to 1 month from the date of its manufacture.

How to use a moisturizer correctly

Many, even experienced beauties, who have been using face creams for a long time, do not know how to do it correctly. Most simply tries to rub it into the skin, while others simply smear the product on the surface, and then do not understand why it does not work. It even happens that from such a departure the epidermis is covered with wrinkles or even a rash. Therefore, it is important to be able to correctly use cosmetic products, and be able to choose them for your skin type.

Only a few know that the skin needs to be slightly moistened with water before applying a cream or lotion. Therefore, let's analyze how to use skin care products correctly.

  1. To get the desired effect of the action of the product, you need to engage in thorough preparation of the skin. Before using the cream, it must be cleaned so that useful components can be absorbed, which means that first you need to remove makeup from the face, wash and get your face with a towel.
  2. Next, it is important to slightly refresh the cover with a tonic suitable for your skin type. It will help restore the acid-base balance and enhance the effect of the cream.
  3. Only after such manipulations can you begin to apply the cream. However, it also needs to be applied correctly, adhering to certain rules:
  • apply the product very carefully, patting the movements of the fingertips;
  • it is important to start from the surface of the cheeks, then smoothly go into the nose, and from it to the cheekbones;
  • around the eyes, the cream is either not applied at all, or applied very carefully using the ring finger;
  • only a small amount of agent can be applied to the eyes, tapping movements (in no case to rub it!), Otherwise, you can get swelling, and they will definitely not decorate the eyes;
  • when applying to the chin, the cream must be distributed from below-up;
  • when we reach the forehead, we distribute the cream from the nose to the temples;
  • on the neck, the product is applied to the chin.
  1. It is also important to know that even a potent cream should sometimes be changed, since the skin has the ability to get used to care products. In this case, gradually the action of your favorite cream is minimized. This happens about once every 6 months with regular use. But at the same time, it is better to change the cream every 4 months.
  2. No need to apply a large amount of cream, thinking that the effect will be better. Excess means, like its too small amount, poorly affect the condition of the skin.
  3. Try to adhere to the rules of 1 beans - this is a sufficient norm of cream for 1 use.
  4. If the cream is not absorbed after 15 minutes, then it is important to remove its rest with a napkin or towel so as not to disrupt the skin processes.
  5. Use a moisturizer in the morning and evening. It is best if the day and nightly will be one manufacturer. Otherwise, you may not achieve the desired effect, but, on the contrary, the occurrence of an allergic reaction is likely. When using creams that complement each other, the effectiveness of their effects increases.
  6. Our skin resembles a sponge, so if it is dry in a dry form with a moisturizing agent, then it will remain only on its surface. In this case, the effect, of course, should not be expected. If you sprinkle the surface of the face and neck with water a little, then the cosmetic product will immediately begin to absorb and act as intended. That is why a moisturizing cream should be applied only to wet skin with uniform movements.
  7. It is also necessary to know that not everyone is shown to use face creams. Such cosmetological agents need only ladies with dry, peeling skin, as well as a person of mature age in order to preserve a healthy type of epidermis and prevent the appearance of new wrinkles.
  8. If you have normal skin, then you do not need to load it with excessive diet - it is pointless, you can, on the contrary, harm its condition.
  9. The cream must be kept on the surface of the epidermis for no more than 10 minutes - this time is enough to absorb the portioned amount of cream. If you clog pores for more than 10 minutes, then you will only harm yourself, since the normal breathing of the epidermis will be disturbed, and the cover can become flabby.

The most important thing when using the cream is to remember that only proper skin care will help maintain your beauty and youth at any age.



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