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Japanese diet for 14 days

Japanese diet for 14 days
How to lose weight in 14 days, applying a Japanese diet.

At the words "Japanese diet" an exotic picture arises before the eyes: geisha, seafood, sushi, tea ceremonies. All this is very far from reality, the Japanese diet is in no way connected with traditional Japanese cuisine and customs.

Among the population of Japan, there are almost no full people, this is due to the fact that the diet of residents practically does not contain carbohydrates, it is not customary to eat chips, pastries, chocolate. Nutritionists believe that it is in this, and even in small portions that lies the secret of harmony and longevity of the Japanese. How can we penetrate their nutrition culture and learn how to limit ourselves in food without feeling depression and bad mood? Yes, and smile radiantly after such a simple food that nourishes, but does not cause emotional pleasure? This should begin preparations for the Japanese diet: psychologically prepare yourself to stay 2 weeks of the Japanese “butterfly”, taking food like a bird, and rejoicing in the rising sun. And then the result will certainly appear!

Japanese diet rules for 14 days


As the name implies, the Japanese diet lasts 2 weeks. The menu of each day of the diet is painted in detail, you do not need to invent anything, planning your food. It is the simplicity and clear nutrition plan for 2 weeks that the traditions of the country of the rising sun.

All 14 days should clearly observe the power sequence, you cannot replace some products with others. The exception is coffee for breakfast. If you are not a lover of this drink, you can sometimes replace it with green tea.

Absolutely prohibited products are sugar, pastries, confectionery, alcohol of all types. Also, for the entire diet time, you should abandon salt or reduce its use to a minimum amount, learn to feel the natural taste of food.

Food on the Japanese diet is three -time, without snacks. It is recommended to arrange dinner 2-3 hours before bedtime. If there is a feeling of hunger, you can drink clean water without restrictions, this will help to survive unpleasant moments.

The diet of the Japanese diet cannot be called balanced, therefore it is recommended to use multivitamins during weight loss, and use it to get rid of extra pounds no more than 2 times a year.

The results of the Japanese diet


The most important positive feature of the Japanese diet can be called a rapid weight loss, in 2 weeks it is guaranteed to get rid of the extra 7-8 kg. This can be explained by the exception of salt, as well as a limitation of carbohydrates. The way out of the diet must be made as smooth as possible to avoid the return of the thrown out kilograms. If you return to the previous portions and use flour and confectionery products immoderately, the weight will return very quickly. The result, achieved on a Japanese diet, can be held for 2-3 years, subject to the rules of rational nutrition.

A huge plus of the Japanese diet is the detoxification of the body for 2 weeks. This is facilitated by the ban on alcohol, salt and sweets, as well as the principle of separate nutrition.

Japanese diet for 14 days

The basis of the diet is products containing protein: fish, eggs, low -fat meat and dairy products. All this is familiar to us and has long been familiar. Eggs are consumed in boiled form, meat and fish can be boiled, steamed in a slow cooker, baked, stew or fry with the addition of vegetable oil. For a Japanese diet, it is better to choose low -fat veal, chicken and sea fish.

You can eat vegetables, fruits that will provide the intestines with the necessary fiber. Recommended vegetables: white cabbage, carrots, zucchini, eggplant. Salads can be prepared from carrots and cabbage, seasoning them with a small amount of vegetable oil or lemon juice. Zucchini and eggplant can be frying in vegetable oil.

Fruits for the Japanese diet are suitable except bananas and grapes. But it is recommended to lean more on those that enter the usual diet.

It is better to replace bread with rye crackers or simply dried rye bread. You can drink green tea, natural coffee and clean water. Particular attention should be paid to water, a large amount of protein can be unusual for digestion, drinking water will help timely intestinal cleansing.

You can understand in detail when and what products can be consumed from 1 to 14 days of the diet, you can in the Japanese diet table:


Japanese diet: reviews

The popularity of the Japanese diet is understandable, because in such a short time you can bring the body into the desired shape. Therefore, a huge number of girls have already tested her on themselves, thin after pregnancy, or simply after the kilograms for the winter time. Sometimes the result is so fast that ladies are afraid of such a sharp weight loss, stopping on 8-10 days of diet.

As already noted, during the Japanese diet, detoxification of the body occurs, that is, getting rid of harmful substances that lay in the intestines, vessels and tissues. Many of the ladies who used a diet note an improvement in the color and appearance of the skin. In addition, they talk about the lightness and good mood that appears.

Nutritionists positively speak about the principles of the Japanese diet. Of the shortcomings, very low calorie content is indicated, which can lead to breakdowns and depression. Also doubtful in the amount of fat used to refuel salads and cooking. There are no specific instructions in grams. This can be a subtle point, as a result of which the calorie content of food will increase significantly.

In the reviews, the statement often slips that after the Japanese diet, metabolism has significantly improved. Perhaps this is due to the restructuring of the digestive system as a result of separate nutrition and limiting carbohydrate foods. All this eliminates fermentation in the intestines and improves metabolism.

The results of losing weight on the Japanese diet in the photo:



Cons of the Japanese diet for 14 days

Fast weight loss can be a huge plus, but at the same time it is a minus of the diet. A quick result most often does not guarantee persistent retention of a new weight. Therefore, the decision would be more correct to gradually reduce the weight by switching to proper nutrition, limiting sweets and flour products.

You can not use a Japanese diet if there are diseases of the digestive system: 3-one power, eating in the form of a salad or fruits can provoke an exacerbation.

The Japanese diet is not recommended for those who do not use natural coffee. Not everyone can start a day with a cup of coffee, for some such breakfast can lead to a deterioration in health.

The Japanese diet is contraindicated in pregnant women and nursing mothers. A large amount of protein in the diet can have a negative effect on the kidneys if there are problems with their activities.

People involved in heavy physical labor are not recommended to adhere to this diet.

Food after a Japanese diet


So that the discarded kilograms do not visit you again, switch to the usual food for 2 weeks. During the diet, the volume of the stomach has decreased significantly, it no longer requires so much food. Do not rush to increase the calorie content of dishes. Gradually, add dishes from beneficial cereals to lunch: oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, replace dinner with low -fat cottage cheese. You can add light snacks in the form of kefir or yogurt.

During the exit from the diet, salt and sugar into the diet carefully, confectionery and pastries are better not to use yet. The longer the period of transition to normal nutrition lasts, the more persistent the resulting result will be.

Now is the time to connect physical activity: take care of any kind of sport or just make everyday walks. All this will help you keep your body slender and fit for a long time.

If you courageously lived for 14 days on a Japanese diet and were able to get rid of the hated kilograms, you can only congratulate you! You have learned restraints, discipline, gained self -confidence. Appreciate yourself and your result, do not allow yourself to relax and gain discarded kilograms again. Love yourself!

Japanese diet for 14 days. Video

How to quickly lose weight on a Japanese diet.



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