
English diet for 21 days

English diet for 21 days
Get rid of extra kilograms on an English diet for 21 days easy!

In the desire for a slim body, the girls resort to different ways of weight loss. Well, if this is a fairly safe method that does not harm health. After all, sometimes after some restrictions, there is an aggravation of the diseases of the digestive system or depression appears associated with a constant sense of hunger. That this does not happen, you need to choose a safe way to get rid of extra kilograms. One of these options is English diet.

Advantages of an English diet

This weight loss method is designed for 21 days, if accuracy comply with all the recommendations, during the diet you can get rid of 10-12 kg. It is not by chance that a period of 21 days is chosen for an English diet, psychologists have proven that during this time trees are treated, food habits are formed. At the same time you can get rid of bad habits: the use of mayonnaise, crackers, oily and fried food. All this contributes to holding the result achieved in the future and improved health.

Unlike monoings based on the use of a narrow set of products, the English diet is diverse and easy to use. Stay on it does not cause a feeling of hunger and discomfort in the stomach, if you follow the power mode. The exceptions are the first 2 days of the diet when the ration is strictly limited.

An English diet for 21 days does not require large cash costs, it is based on the use of simple, familiar, inexpensive products. If when considering the diet it seems that some products, such as pineapples, kiwi and grapefruits, are quite expensive, you can successfully replace with apples, pears and grapes. And even better, it is to count how much money goes to purchase cookies, sweets and waffles, will surely get a solid amount.

Results of the English diet


With strict observance of all the rules, the diet can lose weight by 10 kg for 21 days. If there are small disorders, the result will decrease, but 5-7 kg losing is quite possible. The number of dropped kilograms depends on the initial weight than it is more, the more superfluous you can reset. Many ladies who have tried an English diet on themselves note a significant improvement in well-being and ease from the first days of changing the diet. The main position of the English diet is separate food, the digestive system works easily, from here and a feeling of lightness.

In detail about the English diet

For 3 weeks of an English diet alternate protein and vegetable days. The first 2 days unloading, during this time the body should prepare for the restrictions in nutrition. Then 2 days the advantage is given to protein food: non-fat meat and low fatty milk products. Fruit and vegetable days will bring a variety of soups, salads and stew.

Alcoholic beverages are completely excluded from the diet. During the diet, sugar cannot be used, so candy, cookies, bread and cakes we remove from the eye. Salt use is recommended to minimize, and even better not to salt food at all, so weight loss will be more effective. Choosing bread should be given to the advantage of a rzhen or grain.

On the day there should be 3-4 meals. To avoid feelings of hunger, take food better at equal intervals. You can have breakfast at any time, but the dinner is advisable to do no later than 19 hours. During the diet, it is important to use a sufficient amount of pure drinking water. It is better to increase the volume of fluid gradually, bringing up to 1.5-2 liters per day.

Apply a good English diet during the season of vegetables, fruits and greens, when the body gets the necessary vitamins from the products. If the use of raw fruits and vegetables is limited, it is recommended to take multivitamins throughout the diet. Despite the fact that the diet of the English diet is quite varied, it is not recommended to be overly carried away. The optimal application of the diet is 2 times a year, the rest of the time it is better to go to proper nutrition.

Recommended products for an English diet


The potatoes in the English diet do not eat, but you can use other vegetables in boiled, baked or raw form. Recommended: cabbage, carrots, beets, pumpkin, zucchini, eggplant, pepper, onions, cucumbers. In the diet, you can include cereals: oatmeal, buckwheat and brown rice. It is allowed to use apples, pears, peaches, oranges, lemons. Fans of exotic fruits can diversify pineapple menu, kiwi and grapefruits. To make it easier to suffer the lack of salt, the leaves of parsley, dill, celery, thyme and basil can be added to the food, and use spices: black pepper, cardamom and cinnamon. Several diverse diet walnuts, hazelnuts or cedar nuts. They can be used for snack during afternoon or add to salad.

In protein days, food consists of low-fat meat or fish boiled, baked or stewed without sauces and lulvation. Addition to the menu can be boiled eggs, solid cheese and cottage cheese.

Menu english diet for 21 days

Menu of unloading days

The first stage to harmony - 2 unloading day. For one unloading day, it is necessary to prepare 4 cups of milk or kefira, 200 g of tomato juice and 2 pieces of dried rye bread. All this should be divided into 3-4 parts and eat during the day. Compliance with unloading days before the diet is the preparation of the body for restructuring. These 2 days are transferred quite difficult, but if you are determined, it will not be an obstacle for you. But after that, you can eat protein food 2 days, using meat, eggs and dairy products.

Menu of protein day English diet for 21 days


For each meal, you can eat 1 piece of rye or grain bread.


  • cup of unsweetened tea or coffee with milk;
  • bread;
  • 1 tsp honey;
  • 1 tsp Butter.


  • 200g meat broth;
  • 100-150g meat or fish;
  • 200g lettuce of permitted vegetables, filled with 1 tsp. sunflower oil;
  • bread.

Afternoon person:

  • 200g kefir;
  • 1h.l. Honey.


  • 150-200 g meat or fish (you can replace 2 boiled eggs);
  • 50g solid cheese;
  • 1 cup of kefir or milk;
  • bread.

According to this scenario, it is necessary to eat 2 days. After unloading days, the diet seems more than sufficient. You can sometimes pamper yourself with a small amount of nuts and diversify meat varieties with different varieties. Even more variety in the diet will bring vegetable days.

Menu of vegetable day English diet for 21 days


These 2 days feed on solved vegetables and fruits. From vegetables you can cook soups, stew, salads, casseroles. For preparation it is allowed to use vegetable oil - up to 1 tbsp. l. For one portion.


  • failure tea or coffee;
  • 1 tsp honey;
  • bread.


  • vegetable soup or stew from vegetables (potatoes do not eat) with sunflower oil or porridge from allowed croup;
  • vegetable or fruit salad with leaf greenery;
  • bread.

Half date: 1 cup of kefira or milk.


  • vegetable salad with greens and refueling from sunflower oil;
  • 1 cup of tea with 1 tsp. honey;
  • bread.

Next, during the remaining days there is a permanent alternation of protein and vegetable days. Clear adherence to these rules will help avoid breaks and increases the effectiveness of weight loss. After the end of the diet is recommended to smoothly include a variety of dishes in the diet, without overloading the digestive system with an abundance and high caloric content of products.

English diet: reviews

Results of weight loss on an English diet in the photo:



English diet 21 day is easily transferred, since the diet is quite diverse. Reviews of most thin girls are positive: got rid of several kilograms, "sticking" during the holidays or holidays, the digestion has improved, disliked and heartburn disappeared, it became easier to move. Some young ladies note that after the diet, the complexion of the face was significantly improved, the skin was cleared and acne was gone.

An English diet complies with the rules of proper nutrition, but it is impossible to recommend it for continuous use, since it has significant limitations. This can provoke the aggravation of chronic diseases of the digestive system, if any. If you use an English diet 1-2 times a year, and then be guided by rational nutrition, you can bring your weight to normal and easily hold it.

The weight loss technique in English diet 21 day was popular with some nutritionists. It is included in a set of measures to get rid of excess weight and is appointed for medicinal purposes. A well-known method has long been a long time ago and for many years helped a large number of women to gain the desired harness and a thin waist. If you decide to get rid of extra kilograms, boldly lay on the way! English diet 21 day will be excellent help in this, because it really works!

English diet on day 21. Video

The results after the first week in an English diet are impressive! Minus 3 kg!


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