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How to choose a sofa

How to choose a sofa
How to choose the right sofa. Rules, tips

The sofa is an important part of any interior, but, given the abundance of offers in stores, it is not so easy to purchase today. About how to choose the right sofa so that it serves for a long time, and at the same time it was convenient to sleep on it, we will tell you further.

How to choose a good sofa: General recommendations


  1. When choosing and buying a sofa, first of all, you need to decide for what purpose it will be used. Some need a sleeping sofa, and someone uses this interior item only to relax or watch TV.
  2. It is also very important to choose a sofa for a home that will have an acceptable quality. Moreover, the basis for its assessment is such components of structures as a frame, upholstery and filler. Today, these parts of the sofa are made from various materials, which, of course, ultimately affects the type and quality of the product.
  3. When choosing a product, first of all, you need to look at its style. Moreover, you will be guided by your preferences. Classic products with a wooden frame will be able to complement the interior of any room. Even if your choice did not fall on a soft sofa made in a classic style, it is very important that it fit into the overall interior of the room.
  4. When choosing a sofa for daily sleep, you also need to decide how many places you need. Products can be double and triple. If you live in the apartment not one, then on a double sofa you will most likely be crowded. Therefore, more often they still take triple models. Of course, you also need to consider that the sofa with a berth in the unfolded form is placed in your room. Be sure to pay attention to its proportions. Otherwise, he will have a low back and will not provide proper support for the neck and head. Therefore, do not purchase stylish, but uncomfortable sofas.
  5. But before buying new upholstered furniture, you should make all the necessary measurements. So, you need to make a plan of the room and place all the interior items on it, indicating their size. This drawing can be done on paper or use special software. It is also recommended to take a roulette to the store to measure all the dimensions of the product. So you will be sure that you correctly chose a sofa for the living room or any other room.

If you decide which sofa to choose better, it is recommended to learn as much as possible about the future purchase.

Which sofa to choose: frame frame

Sofas: photo





In the production of sofas, three main types of frames are used:

  • metal,
  • wooden,
  • in the form of a combination of wooden bars with chipboard.

Therefore, it is possible to choose a high -quality sofa depending on your personal requirements for durability, cost and dimensions of the product design.

  • Products that have a wooden frame are well suited for any room, especially if it is equipped in a classic or modern style. Such sofas will organically fit into the interior and create an additional sense of comfort in the room. The material for the production of the frame can be made of a wide variety of wood. Manufacturers who use coniferous wood for this usually produce inexpensive sofas. Such products still have low quality. The most reliable, durable, wear -resistant are considered frames from oak, beech, nut and ash.
  • It is important that in this piece of wood, potholes, knots and chips have been found as little as possible. In addition, drying of wood has a huge role in the quality of the product. Sometimes moisture from a tree protrudes directly on the upholstery. Such sofas, of course, should not be purchased. If the tree is well dried, then the product with such a frame will not creak throughout the entire time of operation. In addition, high -quality sofas usually have well -glued details. At the same time, the most basic components of the frame are usually connected by bolts. If you use the screws, then such a connection is shortly shattered.


  • As for metal frames, they were previously used mainly for the production of chairs, but over time they also began to be used in sofas. Such a frame gives some originality and extraordinary furniture. Moreover, it is usually used in the manufacture of today's fashionable sofas and chairs in the Hi-Tech style. These types of bases are much more resistant to ignition than wooden ones. The most durable, reliable and wear -resistant are considered frames connected by welding.
  • Products with a metal frame are usually easily repaired, which, of course, is an additional plus. In addition, in this case, you can choose any option of upholstery or completely replace it completely. The metal frame is recommended to select the same color as the sofa fabric.
  • Frames made using chipboard and wooden bars are characterized by the same properties as for wooden bases. You just need to know that the chipboard should be mandatory processed with a special paint intended to protect the resins harmful to the health from the air. In addition, sometimes frame options are used, which are almost completely made from chipboard. Sofas with similar grounds are usually much cheaper.

What upholstery to choose for a sofa


What kind of tissue for the sofa to choose? Pay attention to the abundance of varieties of materials that are used in the manufacture of furniture upholstery. So, each factory offers a different range of fabrics, of various qualities. Moreover, belonging to the material to a higher category does not mean that it is better. Consider this when selecting products. Undoubtedly, in addition to drawing and coloring, the fabric must meet such qualities as simplicity in care, environmental friendliness, density and wear resistance to abrasion and fire.

When buying a new upholstered furniture, sofas of many buyers are interested in the question of which upholstery to choose so that it can be cleaned without much difficulty. This is especially true for light tones, as they are very marked and even very insignificant pollution are usually visible on them.


In this case, the most perhaps the best option is a material such as Flok, which has one undoubted advantage - ease of care. Dust from such upholstery is easily cleaned with a simple brush for clothes. What definitely should not be taken in such cases is children's sofas with Ugard upholstery. This material is sometimes called artificial silk. It differs in that it is very vulnerable to pollution. And at the same time, of course, it requires the most careful attitude.

When you choose upholstery, you need to take into account, in which room and in what conditions this furniture will be operated. If you care for it correctly, then it will last longer beautiful and attractive. So, if you purchase a sofa bed for a room that is located on the sunny side, and you love sunlight yourself, then you better not choose products that have upholstery from Shenillary fabric. Such material “burns out” very quickly in the sun, loses its original color. Although, you can place the sofa in such a way that the sun's rays do not fall on it.


It is worth talking separately about leather sofas. It is best that such upholstery be softer. In addition, it is recommended to pay attention to that the skin on the product is not too stretched. It is best if it is moderately elastic. Such products are more wear -resistant and last longer.

In addition, you should pay attention to the seams that decorate or connect furniture upholstery. They should not spread. It is desirable that they are even and stitched only with strong threads. It should not be used too thick the needle. Otherwise, she will leave quite large holes. They look unattractive and can lead to damage.

In general, it is good if the sofa has removable covers, which, if necessary, can be removed and cleaned. Thanks to this, you can change the appearance of upholstered furniture, just putting on new covers.

How to choose a sofa: Product fillers


Today, various fillers are used in sofas. To make the right choice, you need to know how they differ from each other and what qualities they possess.

  1. So, for example, often in sofas as a filler, foam rubber is used. Such products acquire most buyers. This filler has such advantages as convenience, hypoallergenicity and a wide range. Of course, in addition to advantages, they have their own shortcomings. In particular, such fillers are considered short -lived and at the same time impractical. The point here is that foam rubber is quite quickly sagging and pushed. True, for many people this is not a problem. Indeed, it is easier for them to buy a new product to replace the old, due to the fact that such sofas usually have a low cost.
  2. It is also necessary to say about the spring mattress and its fillers. In Soviet times, it was the springs that were the only used filler for sofas. Today they are still relevant. The sofa with springs has two main advantages - these are durability and wear resistance. It can last up to 20-25 years. As for their shortcomings, such products are not very comfortable during operation, since noise is created from springs. True, today sofas are produced with an independent block, where each spring is placed in a soft bag. For this reason, such products practically do not emit creaks. Of course, they are more stringent, but you can quickly get used to them.
  3. The third most commonly used filler is polyester fiber. Many types of upholstered furniture today are created with this filler. It differs, in that it consists of delicate and soft balls of polyester fiber. It is they who provide comfort and softness. And not only the furniture itself, but also the pillow. Many buyers try to consider sofas options with such a filler. And this must be said justified. After all, it is so soft and elastic that it can take the shape of a body and thereby provide a good rest for a person. Most often, such fillers have orthopedic sofas.
  4. In addition, today there are sofas on sale that are equipped with combined mattresses, consisting of both the foam layer and the spring block. Such a product is quite convenient, durable and at the same time is inexpensive.
  5. There are upholstered furniture with removable upholstery. It has a number of advantages over other products. In particular, it is good in that it allows the buyer to personally verify the quality of the available filler. In addition, if necessary, you can replace it on your own. In any case, when choosing a sofa, it is recommended to ask the seller what stuffing he has. In general, for any upholstered furniture, it is advisable to choose fillers, the density of which is not lower than 30 kg/m3.

How to choose a sofa: shape and mechanisms


When choosing a sofa, its mechanism or shape is of great importance. Moreover, first of all, it depends on the size of the room itself in which it will stand. Of course, any sofa should fold and lay out without any problems. This moment should be checked even before the purchase of the product. To do this, you can ask the seller to demonstrate how the sofa mechanism works. In this case, no seizure should arise. Do not believe those sellers who say that the mechanism will be developed over time. After all, if he sees, then this is considered a sign of poor quality of the product.

Corner sofas: photo





In addition, it is necessary to consider in which room the purchased sofa will stand, and who will use it as a sleeping place. For example, corner sofas, sofas and codes with the so-called “crack-kryak” mechanism are preferable for spacious rooms, because They have a wide berth. Nevertheless, such mechanisms for their opening require an application of some physical effort. Therefore, older people and children cannot cope with them. However, sofas with such mechanisms are very durable and durable. Therefore, for adults young people, they are quite suitable even as a sleeping place.


For small rooms, sofas are preferred, which are laid forward. These are products with mechanisms of an accordion, dolphin, as well as a cot and sedflex. They have a small and at the same time quite convenient sleeping place. Such sofas are compact and at the same time easily gather. They are well suited for families where there are children. The main disadvantage of such products is that most of the retractable structures with which they are equipped are rather fragile. Therefore, they are less durable.


Sofas-transformers are considered quite practical and compact.


By the way, the sofa today should not only be beautiful, but practical, so that the products are equipped with large armrests today so that you can put a book, a compartment for storing linen. Sometimes a folding table can be provided in the design.

What color to choose a sofa

When choosing the color of the sofa, it is important to consider the size of the room where it will be. Most designers are of the opinion that if the room has not very large sizes, it is best to give preference to neutral gamut. In the event that the place for the sofa is located close to the window or to some other source of light, then in order to ensure that traces of pollution and scuffs are not very noticeable, it is best to choose not monophonic material, but with a pattern, pattern or ornament.

The final assessment of the quality of the selected sofa


To determine the quality, you need to evaluate several details:

  1. Try to sit on the sofa, while it should not creak.
  2. In addition, lay out the sofa several times, the mechanism should not jam.
  3. Determine whether there are crooked delays and weights - they should not be. In addition, you need to pay attention to the oblique or uneven stitches of the brackets that were placed by a gun.
  4. Be sure to inspect the back of the sofa. Some models may have a strange smell that speaks of raw wood or poor -quality filler.
  5. Before choosing a sofa bed, be sure to evaluate its convenience. It should be as comfortable for you as possible. It is good if there are built -in linen boxes in upholstered furniture, which indicates the functionality of the product.
  6. Be sure to have strips on the armrests.
  7. In general, the selected sofa must fit into the existing interior of the room. Although, it all depends solely on your taste.
  8. It is also worth paying to the possibility of delivery and assembly of the purchased sofa at your house. Such services are provided today by most large furniture stores.
  9. In addition, do not forget that when buying any upholstered furniture, an agreement is usually always filled out, which indicates the warranty period. Moreover, it should be at least one year.


How to choose a sofa: video


Olga 17.08.2017 Answer

thank you!!!

Maxim 10.10.2017 Answer

It is good when the room is large and a good beautiful sofa can be pushed into it, and when small, then there is really no choice.

Alexandra 13.10.2017 Answer

Oh, well, we have a sofa Perseus from Askon. Very convenient, without armrests and climbed into our room and to sleep on it is very convenient and looks pretty decent. Look, they have a sofa once for small rooms and quality

Maxim 10.11.2017 Answer

We chose the sofa on the principle that it was reliable and it was convenient to sleep on it. Therefore, they bought Perseus in the Askon store. And the mattress is immediately built -in and mechanisms all work perfectly for more than a month.

vittallek 02.12.2017 Answer

When choosing a sofa, I would pay attention to such elements as the high quality of the material and the modern style plus I found everything that could express elegance and amazing combination of color schemes. Maybe this is in what do you think? Store address: Krasnodar, st. Uralskaya, 126a. Tel.: 8 (988) 381-29-70

Sergey 15.01.2018 Answer

I chose sofas here Thanks to your article.

Marija 31.07.2020 Answer

I have long been looking for a sofa for my loft. And only here I found the sofas that I liked. They answered and made very quickly.
