
Torzhinan during pregnancy

Torzhinan during pregnancy
The use of the Terezhnan during pregnancy. His side effects, contraindications and reviews.

Pregnancy is at the same time an important, pleasant period of life of any woman, and dangerous, painful. Many have to undergo treatment courses, to transfer diseases that are treated with the help of a terjinean. We will pay attention to this medicinal product today.

Torzhinan during pregnancy

Terezhin is a pill, the color gamma of which is more like a cream color. Sometimes they can enclosures of dark shades, or the pattern in the form of the letter T.

Pharmacological action of the Terezhnan during pregnancy

The Terezhinin preparation is used as antifungal and antibacterial agent used as therapy for diseases of the gynecological type.

In the actors of the drug are present:

  1. Nystatin, which is an antifungal agent, effectively acting against the type of mushrooms called Candida.
  2. Sulphate neomycin, eliminating glottering bacteria capable of appearing in the vagina.
  3. Terenidazole used against anaerobic flora.
  4. Prednisolone sodium metasulfobenzoate. The substance that carries out anti-inflammatory functions.


Among the excipients are available:

  1. Aromasudushka.
  2. Starch.
  3. Polyvidon filler.
  4. Lactose.
  5. Sodium Laurilsulfate.
  6. Anhydrous colloidal silicon.
  7. Magnesium stearate.
  8. Talc.

This drug is applied at:

  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • mixed vaginites;
  • trichomonosis of the vagina;
  • vaginites caused by pyrogen flora, as well as Candida mushrooms.

In addition, the Terezhin can be used as a means for the prevention of vaginites before operations, childbirth and when installing spirals.

Terezhinin during pregnancy: instructions for use

The preparation tablet is introduced deep into the vagina daily before bedtime. Before the introduction of a tablet, it must be moistened in water for 30 seconds.

It is possible to use the drug during the daytime, but provided that the woman will be in the lying position within 15 minutes after entering the tablet.

The course of use of the drug should last for 10 days. If you transfer the vaginitis of candidomic origin, the duration of treatment in this case increases another 10 days.

It is necessary to know that even in the case of the start of menstruation, the treatment of the Terezhinan does not stop, but continues along the same scheme.


Truzhin PR Pregnancy: Price

The price of the drug may vary depending on pharmacies and manufacturers. But on average, it is within the framework between indicators of 400 p. and 800 p.

The side effects of the Terezhinan during pregnancy, contraindications and overdose

As possible side effects caused by the preparation, you can allocate:

  • irritation;
  • allergic reactions;
  • burning.

Among the contraindications, the list of conditions is not very large, it stops on allergic reactions to active substances that can be in history of the patient.

As for the ability to overdose, it is almost completely excluded. All this is due to the fact that the suction of the means is carried out quite slowly. But as a result of the abuse of the drug, its frequent use, it may affect reproductive functions and for future problems with conception.

pregnant Woman With the Doctor

TERJIN: Candles from the thrush during pregnancy

Terezhinin is a widespread preparation for the treatment of thrush. Both with a controversial picture and in pronounced symptoms, it is used to sign the disease, unpleasant symptoms were stopped as quickly as possible.

Using a treex in the candlelight from the thrush, it is necessary to remember that their combination with alcohol is completely unacceptable. Therefore, it should be refracted from the use of alcoholic beverages.

Features of the Terezhin drug during pregnancy

In the treatment of thrush, they should use the drug with both sexual partners, since otherwise, very high the possibility of re-infection from the partner, which has not passed the course of treatment.

It will not be superfluous to say about the proper storage of the drug, as it is better to keep it in the refrigerator.

Truzhinan is released without a recipe, but it is better to consult with a doctor before the start of taking the drug, especially for pregnant women.

Doctor 3.

Terezhinin during pregnancy

Terezhin: how to take a pregnancy

During pregnancy, women are faced with diseases affecting the microflora of the genital tract. Often it begins an imbalance, leading to unpleasant sensations, burning.

This preparation contains the following components:

  1. Anti-inflammatory.
  2. Antifungal.
  3. Antibacterial.
  4. Antiprotozoic.

It is these four components that are able to comprehensively affect the disease, binding them on time and facilitating their flow.

Many future mothers are concerned about whether the absorption of the drug affects the fruit. We are in a hurry to assure that due to the fact that in the overall bleeding, the Terezhin is not absorbed, the baby is completely protected from its impact.

Doctor 4.

Terezhinan during pregnancy from thrush

Often it is when the thrush doctors prescribe to future mothers to use this drug. That is why the question of Terezhinin can be used during pregnancy, is so relevant among women. But the answer to it is positive.

The drug can be taken on the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, but in the first, the drug is categorically contraindicated. He may unknown affect the fruit. Doctors recommend to refrain from its use and select analogues of more sparingly type.

How to apply carnation candles during pregnancy

In order for the effect of the injected drug to be more noticeable and high-quality, it is recommended to be introduced before bedtime. To do this, you need to perform a simple sequence of actions:

  1. Lie on the back.
  2. Enter a candle.

In most cases, Terezhinin in pills during pregnancy is introduced once a day, but about this issue, it is best to consult with your individual attending physician who observe your pregnancy.

At the doctor's

Selection after Terezhnan during pregnancy

Among the possible side effects when taking the drug can be:

  • burning;
  • allergic reactions;
  • selection.

The most frequent side effect is a different kind of discharge, which is often characteristic of a very unpleasant smell, as well as pinkish or yolk color.

In addition, such discharge entails the strengthening of itching, the appearance of pain symptoms. Such signs in most cases appear at the very beginning of the course of treatment, and almost immediately they disappear.

As doctors say, this is a completely obvious reaction of the body, since during the disease of the microflora, everything is massive, and the mucous membrane makes it possible to know the discharge and painful sensations about it.

Only, even if on the third day after the beginning of the course of treatment you will not have painful sensations, or will remain allocations, it is recommended to go to the doctor. This may mean the presence of allergies to any of the substances that are part of the drug.

Terezhinan when planning pregnancy

A very popular issue among patients taking this drug is the possibility of pregnancy planning in the treatment process.

Unambiguous answers doctors do not give. It can be said that opening the carpin in pregnancy, the instruction inside will tell you that the reception of the drug on the second and third trimesters will be completely fullent, but it is not recommended at all on the first.

Consequently, it can be understood that it is best to refrain from planning pregnancy and only after a complete treatment of the course of treatment, you can think about pregnancy after Torzhinan.

After all, it is better to get rid of all possible problems, unpleasant sensations and discomfort before you start the baby.


Sex during the treatment of Torzhinan

Often, people are asked about the possibility of sexual contact in the process of treating genital diseases by the Ternizhan. By the way, in annotations to the medical drug about this, everything is written.

About such decisions it is best to talk to the doctor, but in the absence of pain and allergic reactions, it will definitely give a positive answer.

You only need to remember about several conditions:

  • treatment should take both partners;
  • be sure to use contraceptives;
  • when pain appears, it should be refracted from this cost.


Terezhinin during pregnancy: reviews

To understand how effective this drug is, it is necessary to bring some reviews of women, future mothers, who have already managed to undergo a course of treatment and see the results.

Positive feedback on the terzhnan during pregnancy

Here is the list of the most interesting and useful reviews that have left women who have been treated:

  • I can not question the effectiveness of the drug, as he was able to reduce the occasion of itching and remove the discharge during the thrush at the 8th week of pregnancy. Moreover, the tablet has affected after the first reception. Even an unfinished course, which lasted just a week, helped get rid of the thrush, which no longer arose before the end of pregnancy.
  • With the thrush on the fifth week of pregnancy, the course of reception of the drug began, the doctor registered Truzhin, as he said that it would not bring harm to the child. For two days, well-being improved, and the diseases were no longer returned.
  • At the end of 2 trimesters, problems began due to reduced immunity. Thrush just tortured. The gynecologist prescribed Terezhin, and for 10 days about the thrush could be forgotten. By the way, the baby is for more than a year, and the reception of the drug did not affect his health.
  • After pregnancy, a vagodine was originated, and the doctor prescribed Terezhin. The effect was very surprised, itching and unpleasant sensations disappeared almost immediately, and it turned out to be crushed at about a week. It's nice that the price of the drug is low.
  • At 2 weeks of pregnancy were found chlamydia. 14 days of reception of the drug all corrected. 1 Tablet before bedtime and chlamydia quickly disappeared.
  • Tablets always hold in the first-aid kit, as the thrush suffers quite often. But when I learned about the Terezhnan, the flow of the disease was easier.
  • Truzhinan was registered by the doctor during hospitalization with pyelonephritis. Pyelonephritis began due to launched cystitis. In the first 3 days of reception, unpleasant itch was felt, but after that everything went and the result began to emerge. The result of treatment has been preserved for a long time.


Negative reviews about Terezhnan during pregnancy

  • In case of bacterial vaginosis, Terezhinan did not help, had to go to the metrged gel, since the doctor reported that there is a possibility of miscarriage. Metrogil helped very quickly.
  • Before childbirth, Terezhin was appointed. A few weeks after giving birth, itching and unpleasant sensations began, and the doctors reported that it could be associated with Terezhnan's reception. Allegedly he killed useful bacteria in microflora. I had to use metrged for treatment.
  • I consider this drug dangerous for admission during pregnancy. It has antibiotics and hormones. Used metrged from vaginosis, helped.

The recommendation of the pharmacist with the use of the Terezhnan during pregnancy. Video

We suggest you view a video on which professional pharmacist tells about the Terezhin preparation, about its use, pharmacological properties.

So you can remember exactly how to use Terezhin's properly, so that its effect is more noticeable and affected by the shortest possible time.

Analogs of the drug Terezhinin during pregnancy


This option is quite possible that the carpin will cause allergic reactions. Therefore, it is necessary to use preparations-analogs for treatment.

Among those:

  1. Nervizole.
  2. Meratin Combi.

Nekravizole will cost you about 250-450 rubles. And it will help with the following diseases:

  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • vaginitis;
  • trichomonas.

It can be used both before childbirth and abortion and in front of surgical operations.

As for Meratina Komby, it will cost you about 800 rubles and it is recommended to use it under the following diseases:

  • candida vaginitis;
  • fungal vaginitis;
  • trichomonade vaginitis;
  • bacterial vaginitis and vaginosis.


You can use the drug both before and after the introduction of intrauterine-type contraceptives, before childbirth, abortion, surveys.


As can be understood, based on the information presented in this article, patient reviews, the Terezhin drug shows ambiguous results and many people have completely different reaction on it. Therefore, in no case is it not recommended to undergo treatment with this medicinal agent without consulting a doctor.

Be healthy!


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