
Terzhinan during pregnancy

Terzhinan during pregnancy
The use of Terzhinan during pregnancy. Its side effects, contraindications and reviews.

Pregnancy is both an important, pleasant period of the life of any woman, and dangerous, painful. Many have to undergo treatment courses, tolerate diseases that are treated with Terzhinan. We will pay attention to this medicinal drug today.

Terzhinan during pregnancy

Terzhinan is tablets, the color scheme of which is more like cream color. Sometimes they may be interspersed with dark shades, or a pattern in the form of the letter T.

The pharmacological effect of Terzhinan during pregnancy

The Terzhinan drug is used as an antifungal and antibacterial agent used as the treatment of gynecological diseases.

In the active substances of the drug there are:

  1. Nystatin, which is an antifungal agent that effectively acts against the type of mushrooms called Candida.
  2. Neomycin sulfate, eliminating pyogenic bacteria that can appear in the vagina.
  3. Ternidazole used against anaerobic flora.
  4. Prednisolone metashefobenzoate sodium. A substance that performs anti -inflammatory functions.


Among the excipients there are:

  1. Aroma recovery.
  2. Starch.
  3. Polyvidon-filler.
  4. Lactose.
  5. Sodium Laurill Suphat.
  6. Ain -water colloidal silicon.
  7. Magnesium stearat.
  8. Talc.

This drug is used for:

  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • mixed vaginitis;
  • vaginal trichomonosis;
  • vaginites caused by pyogenic flora, as well as Candida mushrooms.

In addition, Terzhinan can be used as a means for the prevention of vaginitis before operations, childbirth and when installing spirals.

Terginan during pregnancy: Instructions for use

The tablet of the drug is administered deep into the vagina daily before bedtime. Before introducing the tablets, it must be moistened in water for 30 seconds.

It is possible to use the drug in the daytime, but provided that the woman will be in a lying position within 15 minutes after the input of the tablet.

The course of use of the drug should last for 10 days. If you transfer the vaginitis of candidal origin, the duration of treatment in this case increases by another 10 days.

You need to know that even in the case of the start of menstruation, Terzhinan’s treatment does not stop, but continues according to the same scheme.


Terzhinan PR Pregnancy: Price

The price of the drug may vary depending on pharmacies and manufacturers. But on average, it is located between the indicators of 400 p. and 800 p.

Side effects of Terzhinan during pregnancy, contraindications and overdose

As possible side effects caused by taking the drug, one can distinguish:

  • irritation;
  • allergic reactions;
  • burning.

Among the contraindications, the list of conditions is not very large, it dwells on allergic reactions to active substances that may be in the patient’s history.

As for the possibility of an overdose, it is almost completely excluded. All this occurs due to the fact that the absorption of the product is carried out quite slowly. But as a result of abuse of the drug, its frequent use, this can affect reproductive functions and future problems with conception.

pregnant Woman with the Doctor

Terzhinan: candles from thrush during pregnancy

Terzhinan is a widespread drug for the treatment of thrush. Both with a controversial picture and in pronounced symptoms, it is used so that the signs of the disease, unpleasant symptoms are stopped as quickly as possible.

Using a trembling in candles from thrush, it must be remembered that their combination with alcohol is completely unacceptable. Therefore, you should refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages.

Features of Terzhinan during pregnancy

In the treatment of thrush, both sexual partners should use the drug, since otherwise, the possibility of re -infection from a partner who has not undergone a course of treatment is very high.

It will not be superfluous to say the proper storage of the drug, since it is better to keep it in the refrigerator.

Terzhinan is released without a prescription, but it is better to consult a doctor before taking the drug, especially for pregnant women.

The doctor has 3

Terzhinan during pregnancy

Terzhinan: How to take in pregnancy

During pregnancy, women face diseases affecting the microflora of the genital tract. Often an imbalance begins, leading to unpleasant sensations, burning.

This drug contains the following components:

  1. Anti -inflammatory.
  2. Antifungal.
  3. Antibacterial.
  4. Antiprotozoal.

It is these four components that can comprehensively affect diseases, stopping them in time and facilitating their course.

Many expectant mothers are worried about whether the absorption of the drug affects the fetus. We hasten to assure that due to the fact that Terzhinan is not absorbed into the general blood flow, the baby is completely protected from its effects.

The doctor has 4

Terzhinan during pregnancy from thrush

Often, it is with thrush that doctors prescribe to expectant mothers the use of this drug. That is why the question of whether Terzhinan can be used during pregnancy is so relevant among women. But the answer to him is positive.

The drug can be taken on the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, but in the first, the drug is categorically contraindicated. It can be distracted on the fetus. Doctors recommend refraining from its use and choose analogues of a more gentle type.

How to use tinghin candles during pregnancy

In order for the effect of the drug administered to be more noticeable and high -quality, it is recommended to be administered before bedtime. To do this, you need to perform a simple sequence of actions:

  1. Lie on your back.
  2. Introduce the candle.

In most cases, Terzhinan in tablets during pregnancy is introduced once a day, but regarding this issue, it is best to consult your individual attending physician observing your pregnancy.

The doctor

Discharge after Terzhinan during pregnancy

Among the possible side effects when taking the drug can be:

  • burning;
  • allergic reactions;
  • discharge.

The most frequent side effect is various kinds of discharge, which is often characterized by a very unpleasant odor, as well as a pinkish or yellow color.

In addition, such secretions entail an increase in itching, the appearance of pain symptoms. Such signs in most cases appear at the very beginning of the course of treatment, and almost immediately they disappear.

As doctors say, this is a completely obvious reaction of the body, since during the disease of the microflora it perishes massively, and the mucous membrane gives this to know this with secretions and painful sensations.

Only, even if on the third day after the start of the course of treatment, you will not leave pain, or the discharge will remain, it is recommended to consult a doctor. This may mean the presence of allergies to any of the substances that make up the drug.

Terzhinan when planning pregnancy

A very popular issue among patients taking this drug is the question of the possibility of pregnancy planning in the treatment process.

Doctors do not give a definite answer. We can say that by opening Terzhinan during pregnancy, the instructions inside, will tell you that taking the drug on the second and third trimesters is completely acceptable, but the first is not at all recommended.

Therefore, it can be understood that it is best to refrain from planning pregnancy and only after the full passage of treatment, you can think about pregnancy after Terzhinan.

After all, it is better to first get rid of all possible problems, discomfort and discomfort before starting the baby.


Sex during treatment with Terzhinan

Often, people ask about the possibility of sexual contact in the process of treating gender diseases with thorns. By the way, in the annotation to the medicine about this, everything is written.

It is best to talk with a doctor about such decisions, but in the absence of pain and allergic reactions, he will certainly give a positive answer.

You just need to remember several conditions:

  • treatment should undergo both partners;
  • be sure to use contraceptives;
  • when painfully pain, it should be refrain from this venture.


Terzhinan during pregnancy: reviews

To understand how effective this drug is, it is necessary to give an example some reviews of women, future mothers who have already managed to undergo a course of treatment and see the results.

Positive reviews about Terzhinan during pregnancy

Here is a list of the most interesting and useful reviews that women who underwent treatment left:

  • I can’t doubt the effectiveness of the drug, since it was able to reduce the itch that has occurred and remove the discharge during thrush at 8 weeks of pregnancy. Moreover, the tablet worked after the first trick. Even an unfinished course, lasting only a week, helped to get rid of thrush, which until the end of pregnancy no longer arose.
  • With thrush at the fifth week of pregnancy, the course of taking the drug began, the doctor prescribed Terzhinan, as he said that this would not harm the child. For two days, well -being improved, and the diseases no longer returned.
  • At the end of the 2nd trimester, problems began due to reduced immunity. The thrush simply tortured. The gynecologist prescribed Terzhinan, and for 10 days about the thrush could be forgotten. By the way, the baby is over a year old, and taking the drug has not affected his health.
  • After pregnancy, bacterial vaginosis occurred, and the doctor prescribed Terzhinan. The effect was very surprised, itching and unpleasant sensations disappeared almost immediately, and it turned out in about a week to recover. It's nice that the price of the drug is low.
  • At 2 weeks of pregnancy, chlamydia was discovered. 14 days of taking the drug everything corrected. 1 tablet before bedtime and chlamydia quickly disappeared.
  • I always keep tablets in the first -aid kit, because I suffer a thrush quite often. But when I found out about Terzhinan, the course of the disease became easier.
  • Terzhinan was prescribed by the attending physician during hospitalization with pyelonephritis. Pyelonephritis began due to the advanced cystitis. In the first 3 days of admission, unpleasant items were felt, but after that everything went and the result began to loom. The result of treatment has been preserved for a long time.


Negative reviews about Terzhinan during pregnancy

  • With bacterial vaginosis, Terzhinan did not help, I had to go to the Gel metrogil, since the doctor said that there was a chance of miscarriage. Metrogil helped very quickly.
  • Terginan was appointed before childbirth. A few weeks after childbirth, itching and unpleasant sensations began, and doctors reported that this may be due to Terzhinan. Allegedly, he killed beneficial bacteria in the microflora. I had to use metrogil for treatment.
  • I think this drug is dangerous for taking pregnancy. It contains antibiotics and hormones. I used metrogil from vaginosis, helped.

The recommendation of the pharmacist when using Terzhinan during pregnancy. Video

We offer you to watch a video on which a professional pharmacist talks about Terzhinan, about its use, pharmacological properties.

So you can remember exactly how to use Terzhinan correctly, so that its effect is more noticeable and acts in the shortest possible time.

Analogs of Terzhinan during pregnancy


Such an option is quite possible that Terginan will cause allergic reactions. Therefore, you need to use analogous drugs for treatment.

Among these:

  1. Neutrizol.
  2. Meratin combi.

Neurizol will cost you about 250-450 rubles. And it will help with the following diseases:

  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • vaginitis;
  • trichomonas.

It can be used both before birth and abortion, and before surgical operations.

As for Meratine Combi, it will cost you about 800 rubles and it is recommended to use it for the following diseases:

  • vaginitis Candida;
  • fungal vaginitis;
  • trichomonal vaginitis;
  • bacterial vaginitis and vaginosis.


You can use the drug both before and after the introduction of contamative type contraceptives, before childbirth, abortion, examinations.


As you can understand, based on the information presented in this article, patients of patients, Terzhinan during pregnancy shows ambiguous results and many people have a completely different reaction to it. Therefore, in no case is it recommended to undergo treatment with this drug without consulting a doctor.

Be healthy!



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