
Kuraltil during pregnancy

Kuraltil during pregnancy
The drug is kuraltil. Harm and benefit for pregnant women

When a woman is being prepared to become a mom, she often begins to pay their health, lifestyle and habits increased attention. Also, along with this, great distrust of drugs appointed to it is increasing.

Some drug drugs, such as Kuraltil, are practically not harmful to mom and fetus and are appointed only to help them. It is not necessary to categorically refuse to receive them if they are appointed by your doctor, and it should be sorted out why you should drink Kuraltil during pregnancy.

If you are not confident in the correctness of the destination, then you have the full right not to give up his reception, but to clarify and ask the gynecologist to clarify you the need for the drug. Basically, the use of KARANTIL during pregnancy is due to complications or disorders of pregnancy. The attending physician will help you to weigh all the positive and negative aspects of the reception of the drug or refusal.

Why appointed chief during pregnancy?


Some pregnant women do not understand until the end of the drug appointment, because they feel relatively good. Others take this drug, erroneously considering it vitamin. Reviews of Kurantyl during pregnancy confirm his positive effect on the course of pregnancy and harmability for the fetus with the correct dosage of the drug.

The composition of the drug Kuraltil and its action during pregnancy

Dipyridamole is the main antiagregative (blocking cells of cells) and the immunomodulatory substance that is part of the KARANTIL. It affects the prevention of the destruction of adenosine, which is responsible for nutrients and oxygen in the blood, in the body of a pregnant woman and allows you to block it with cells.

Adenosine in turn helps the body to establish blood microcirculation and prevent the formation of thrombus. The KARARYTIR appointed by gynecologists during pregnancy in tablets or dipyridamole in injections does not have other substances in its composition and is completely excreted from the body through the liver together with bile for a fairly short time.

Indications for the use of KARANTIL during pregnancy


Consider in more detail the positive characteristics of the drug:

  1. Arterial blood flow. The drug is recommended for stenosis (expansion of arteriols) of coronary arteries, prestosis, ischemia, violation of cerebral, heart and placental circulation, varicose veins, spitches, edema, headaches, high pressure, toxicosis, renal failure. Provides cells, blood and the fruit of the child with a sufficient amount of oxygen, prevents the encephalopathy of the brain and the renal failure after delivery, reduces the aggregation of platelets.
  2. Immunomodulation. It is recommended to reduce immunity to prevent colds, from influenza viruses and others, in combating various infections. Enhances immunity using interferon production (blood protein with antitumor and antiviral properties).
  3. It does not have a negative effect on the fruit.
  4. Fully excreted from the body.
  5. Blood collapse. It is recommended for atherosclerosis, fetoplacentar insufficiency, increasing blood coagulation in the body and, as a result, the formation of thromboms. Improves the blood supply to the body, strengthens the vessels and the circulatory system, dilutes blood and provides its best microcirculation, prevents thrombosis, strokes and myocardial infarction, eliminates placental insufficiency and improves its blood flow.

It is also worth noting that the appointment of KARARTILA when planning pregnancy will make it easier to transfer all of the above problems, and will also help prevent heavy toxicosis and women's prestals in the first time.

Kuraltil in early pregnancy


Recently, the drug is appointed by doctors even at an early stage of pregnancy planning and direct fetal conception. Also, medicines of this kind may be needed in an early or later timeline (from premature aging of the placenta) or courses throughout the period of pregnancy.

An unambiguous answer to the question is whether it is possible for a key during pregnancy in the first time, there is no. In some cases, it is mandatory for the normal blood flow of the placenta to supply the fetus the required amount of nutrients and is used with increased blood clotting.

However, they should be taken by Kuraltil during pregnancy according to the doctor's instructions and in no case exceed the designated dosages or not take the drug independently, in order to avoid hazardous bleeding, which can lead to a breakdown of pregnancy and miscarriage. Therefore, on the first trimesters, it should be especially consulting with a doctor about the reception of such drugs.

Contraindications and side effects of KARANTIL during pregnancy

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Like any medicinal product, Karartil also has a number of its features and harmful effects.

Contraindications for the use of KARANTIL during pregnancy

We list cases and diseases in which it is worth refrangic from receiving the drug:

  • haemorrhoids;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • liver diseases;
  • kidney disease;
  • heart disease;
  • individual intolerance to one of the components;
  • increased or reduced blood pressure;
  • with low blood reducing.

By-quality Quality during pregnancy

Mostly, the side effects of the drug are manifested in the event of an overdose of KARANTIL during pregnancy:

  1. The immune system. Allergic reactions, itching, runny nose, skin rashes, urticaria.
  2. Cardiovascular system and blood circulation. Wrapped heartbeat, tachycardia, bradycardia, lowering blood pressure, tide of blood to head and face, pulse, heat.
  3. Digestive system. Pain in belly, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea.
  4. Blood coagulation system. Bleeding, decrease in blood platelets.
  5. Central nervous system. Disorder of the vestibular apparatus, noise in ears, migraines, increased sensitivity, dizziness, violation of coordination, weakness, drowsiness, muscle pain and joints.

It is also not recommended to take the drug during the use of black tea and coffee, which can reduce its action.

How to take a kuraltil during pregnancy?

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In no case do not self-medicate, all drugs during pregnancy should be taken only to appoint a gynecologist's attending physician. It is also worth familiar with the list of contraindications of the drug and report on their availability.

There are two types of drug dosage:

  1. Kuraltil 25 mg - during pregnancy in the early and later timing. With increased blood consumption, vessel thrombe or to increase immunity and protection against viruses.
  2. Kuraltil 75 mg - for the second and third trimester of pregnancy. To enrich the vessels of the uterus and placenta with nutrients and oxygen.

The necessary dosage of the medicine will be prescribed by a doctor. It is important to remember that caffeine slows down, and acetylsalicylic acid improves the effect of the drug. Also, Kuraltil and Actovegin during pregnancy is often appointed as complex therapy.

The use of the drug can be corrected by a doctor, but often it takes it on a tablet 3 times a day per hour before meals or two after. Tablets swallowed, not shaking and drinking enough water. Take the drug is recommended at the same time daily during the course installed by the gynecologist.

Analogs of KARANTIL during pregnancy


There are no complete analogues of this medicinal product. All three positive aspects carry only the drug by Kuraltil. Therefore, it should be found out and consider for what reason and for which purpose it was appointed.

If you need a means to reduce blood coagulation (antiagregant) or to expand the vessels of umbilical umbilicals, placenta and uterine (vasodilator), then you can purchase a trental or pentoxifilin in tablets or injections for injections. This drug will be cheaper at the price of KARRANTIL, and during pregnancy it performs both of its functions indicated above.

However, by itself, the mechanism of action of the Trental is completely different, and he does not have an immunostimulating factor. To increase immunity, it is recommended to use individual drugs, such as otlococyne or others. You can appoint a Trental with individual intolerance to KARARTILE or after the manifestation of allergic reactions to it.

Alternative People's Methods of the drug Kuraltil during pregnancy


If the drug is not appointed by the attending gynecologist, it is not recommended to take it on its own, and some harmless facilities can be used as prophylaxis:

  1. Apricot or Kuraga. Improves the work of the cardiovascular system.
  2. Ginger. Improves blood circulation.
  3. Irga. Strengthens the capillary system.
  4. Nuts, honey, any dried fruit, oatmeal. Help to increase immunity.

Video about KARANTIL during pregnancy

On the benefits and dangers of drugs during pregnancy, you can learn more from the video footage of Dr. Komarovsky:

Starting from the very first time of conception, the mother's body undergo large loads and changes. The water balance of the body changes and slows down blood flow of organs and systems. This leads to nausea and vomiting at the first time and to swelling on the latter.

The thickening of the blood and the accumulation of water in the body of the woman disrupts the normal blood circulation, both moms and the fetus. The supply of useful elements and a sufficient amount of oxygen in the placenta decreases. Introductible child reflexes make him move more often.

Kuraltil today is an indispensable drug for solving such problems during pregnancy. Blood becomes more liquid and oxygen-enriched, exhausted fluid from the body. If when ultrasound is detected by the blood zones of the placenta, it is also assigned to the Kuraltil.

Often, a short-term course of the drug is prescribed for prevention or to avoid deterioration of the state and health of the fetus and mother after delivery. For the child, the drug is absolutely harmless. Mama is also recommended to use it not as candy, but under the supervision of the attending gynecologist and not to cherish the dosage.

It is worth paying attention to the contraindications to the drug and inform them to your doctor. Reception and dosage determines the doctor, in order to avoid the manifestation of side effects. If you have noticed the deterioration of the state when taking medication, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor for changing the dose of the drug or the appointment of its analogues, harmless to you.

Analogue of Kurantil - Trental can be used intravenously in the form of injections and dropper. His therapeutic effects are similar to KARANTIL, but not identical. Pentoxifillain is also one of the analogues of the drugs, but has a weaker action. Also, drugs can be used in comprehensive therapy with others.

Previously, these drugs were used only for the treatment of diseases of pulmonary and respiratory tract and hearts. Today it is determined complete challency for the fetus and the usefulness of the drug for pregnant women. In addition to its specific properties, Kuraltil stimulates the immune system of pregnant women, which is important to protect against viruses.


Blood contains more water and thus diluted after the use of KARANTIL. The coagulation is reduced slightly, because platelets in the blood becomes less, but their production is not suppressed by the organism. They are responsible for thickening blood and normalization of this important process. Therefore, referring to the reviews of medical practice, we can say that the reception of KARARTILE to childbirth does not affect the abundance of bleeding during the child's birth.

If you are worried about the appointment of the drug by your doctor, then you should not completely refuse to receive it, it is better to consult and clarify, for what purpose he was appointed. Do not neglect, but also do not dilute with the reception of any medicines during pregnancy. Remember that only you yourself are primarily responsible for the life and health of your child.


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