
Diet for pregnant women

Diet for pregnant women
How to eat right during pregnancy? Diets for expectant mothers.

Every woman should take care of herself, follow her figure. In the fight against excess weight, many sit on a diet. But proper nutrition is necessary not only to lose weight. During pregnancy, it is also very important to adhere to the basic rules of the nutrition useful for the body and child.

Diet For pregnant woman


The child, being in the womb, receives everything from the blood of a pregnant woman. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to how the expectant mother eats during the bearing of the child. First you should talk about the quantity - do you need to eat more or not? The expectant mother should eat not 2 times more, but 2 times better. The metabolism in humans depends on body weight, as well as growth and age, gender. A woman aged 19 to 40 with normal weight should receive from 1850 to 2000 kilocalories a day. During pregnancy, the main exchange increases by 25 %. So, the future mommy should receive 2500 kilocalories a day. By the end of pregnancy, this figure increases to 2800 - 2900 kilocalories per day.

The value of the diet during pregnancy

During the period of bearing a child, the expectant mother has to sit on a diet for various reasons.

  1. Firstly, proper nutrition is important for the birth of a strong baby.
  2. Secondly, diet will help maintain the health and endurance of the future mother.
  3. With various diseases during pregnancy, the doctor may prescribe one or another diet.
  4. If excess weight has appeared, then diets for weight loss will help to fight it.

Diet menu for pregnant women

The diet of the future mother does not provide for any special restrictions on nutrition. It is harmful to be engaged in starvation. It is necessary to eat in small portions, but often - 5 times a day. It is important that the diet is diverse. It should have at least 3 dishes. Products containing protein should be in the first place. In addition, it is useful to eat greens, vegetables and fruits. Overeating is a taboo for pregnant women.

What can be eaten during pregnancy?

  1. Bread and flour products - up to 150 grams per day.
  2. Bird, low -fat meat products - up to 200 grams per day. It is preferable to use beef and turkey, as well as chicken and rabbit.
  3. Fish - up to 150 grams per day. It is useful to eat cod, pike perch, navaga.
  4. Dairy products - up to 200 grams. It can be low -fat kefir or whole milk. Also on the list should be added yogurt and cottage cheese.
  5. Raw vegetables - cucumbers and tomatoes, green peas. Do not forget about radishes and carrots, cabbage.
  6. Oil and pasta, as well as cereals should be consumed in small quantities.

It is forbidden to use during pregnancy:

  1. Alcohol.
  2. Seasonings and spices.
  3. Sharp and salty snacks.
  4. Strong tea and coffee.

Diet on days for pregnant women


Such food will help in the first 3 months - so the expectant mother and her child will receive all the necessary vitamins and other beneficial substances daily.

The following products should include the following products daily:

  1. Protein - from 100 to 120 grams per day. Moreover, 70 - 90 grams should be a protein of animal origin, which is in abundance in low -fat fish and meat, eggs and cottage cheese. To this list should be added as a fermentation and yogurt.
  2. As for fats, then on a day they are needed from 80 to 100 grams. Moreover, 20 grams are plant fats.
  3. The amount of carbohydrates in the first half of pregnancy should be from 300 to 400 grams per day, and in recent months - 300 grams.
  4. Drink clean water from 1 to 1.5 liters per day.
  5. You should not forget about the daily norm of polyvitamin drugs.

If the daily diet is distributed in percentage, then for breakfast it accounts for 25 to 30 %of the entire daily norm, for lunch - from 40 to 45 and for dinner - 10 %.

Among the snacks, the second breakfast should be allocated - it should take 8 to 10 %of the daily norm, the afternoon snack - 10 %.

For dinner, it is necessary to consume easily digestible products - kefir or cottage cheese, yogurt. Moreover, you need to eat in the evening a few hours before bedtime. As for breakfast, the best time for him will be the first hour after awakening.

During pregnancy, you should eat boiled, baked or stewed delicacies. A lot of salt is a taboo, you should limit its use up to five grams per day.

Diet for pregnant women in trimester


It is very important to observe a diet depending on trimesters. The thing is that the body of the mother and child in different trimester behaves unequally.

Pregnant diet in 1 trimester

In the first trimester, the fetus adapts to a new state for it. During this period, he practically does not need to increase the calorie content of the diet. By the way, the excess weight that women have to fight after the birth of the baby is most often gained in the first 12 weeks of bearing a child. Therefore, it is important not to overeat.

In this trimester, all systems of the child are laid, the main emphasis must be placed on the quality of food. Belts and vitamins should be based on the diet. Every day you should use no more than 2000 kilocalories. Without restrictions, you can eat fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as greens, drink juices.

Instead of wheat bread, it is better to eat rye or bran. In the first weeks of pregnancy, the protein accumulates in the body of the future mother as a building material for the baby. Despite the fact that bones and fabrics will begin to form later, it is better to stock up in advance.

Pregnant diet in 2 trimester

During this period, the fetus begins to grow actively. Mom's body requires additional top dressing. The daily diet increases to 2500 kilocalories.

From the 14th week of pregnancy, the use of sugar and sweet confectionery should be limited - no more than 40 or 50 grams per day of sweets and jam. The diet should have up to 40% of plant fat. Thanks to this nutrition, the body absorbs fat -soluble vitamins well. Eat any oil for 2 tbsp. l. per day. Refuse animal fats - cream and sour cream.

Vitamins are very important. With their lack, the development of the fetal skeleton is worse - this applies to vitamin D, as a result, the risk of rickets increases. Bone growth is influenced by vitamin E.

Pay attention to the use of salt - in the first half of pregnancy, it is allowed to eat from 10 to 12 grams per day, in the second - 8 grams. In the last two months of pregnancy, you can eat no more than 5 - 6 grams of salt. So you can protect yourself from edema, you will not be filled. The thing is that salt holds water in tissues and in fat layers.

Pregnant diet in 3 trimester

From 7 to 9 months of pregnancy, mothers need to abandon salt and sweet, fatty and fried food. In this trimester, it is necessary to give preference to dietary nutrition. If a feeling of hunger arises, a five -rat food per day will help to dull it. In the morning, eat fish and meat, because the proteins are delayed longer in the stomach. As for the second half of the day, here you can treat yourself with dairy-growing goodies-delicious cheesecakes and casseroles, as well as stewed vegetables should become your favorite dishes in the third trimester. Closer to childbirth, the calorie content of food should be reduced. And you also need to get rid of excess weight to increase the flexibility and elasticity of muscle fibers.

Types of diets during pregnancy

During the period of bearing the fetus, the doctor can prescribe a special diet depending on the health status of the future mother. In addition, even if everything is in order, the nutrition should be proper, because the fetus receives all necessary for the development and growth of a substance from the mother’s body.

Protein diet for pregnant women


Squirrels are the main building material that is vital to the fetus. Therefore, the expectant mother should eat meat, milk, eggs and other animal products - even during a great post for pregnant women they make an exception. If you are a vegetarian, then it is better to abandon your principles while gesturing your child.

A pregnant woman should consume at least 100 grams of proteins per day - this applies to the first half of pregnancy. As for the second - the indicator here is slightly larger, namely 120 grams per day. At least half of the animal proteins should be composed.

Every day, the expectant mother should eat at least 100, or even 150 grams of low -fat meat or fish. Milk or dairy products, cheese and cottage cheese should be added to this list. At least one testicle per day, a pregnant woman must eat it.

Protein diet for pregnant women

To compile an approximate menu, divide the entire amount of food into five meals.

  1. For breakfast, eat mainly carbohydrates - for example, eat porridge, drink a glass of kefir or have a break in an egg, fruits.
  2. During a snack, drink a glass of yogurt, eat a salad of vegetables or fruits.
  3. At lunch, it is necessary to supply the body with carbohydrates and protein. Eat fish or meat with porridge. You can also have lunch with a fish or meat soup.
  4. For dinner, the menu should be mainly light proteins. So, have dinner with cottage cheese, eat an egg, you can pamper yourself with boiled meat or fish.
  5. And again a snack - fruits and vegetables will be appropriate here. You can also drink a glass of yogurt.

It is best to coordinate the protein diet with a doctor. In pure form, a protein diet is prohibited during pregnancy. Due to the excess of protein with a lack of carbohydrates, there is a large load on the kidneys and liver. As a result, there may be the most negative consequences. Protein poisoning is possible, as well as a decrease in the function of the kidneys and liver, gastrointestinal disease and genitourinary system. The doctor will choose a perfectly suitable diet, safe for a child and mother, healthy. Excess protein negatively affects blood vessels and heart. Therefore, a non -driving protein diet is acceptable. The pregnant woman should be full and balanced, with a small slope in protein nutrition by the end of the second trimester.

In what cases should you stop a diet for pregnant women?

  1. If you feel sick, vomiting and other negative symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract are observed.
  2. If sweating appears.
  3. The unpleasant smell of urine, it is cloudy, pain is felt during urination.
  4. Itching appears, the skin blushes, there is a rash.
  5. The head is spinning, drowsiness appears, unreasonable irritation.

Sinoal diet for pregnant women

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Despite the fact that the salt is useful and even necessary for the life of the body, its excess and the disadvantage is simply destructive. Normally, a person should consume 10 - 15 grams of salt per day, although most often these indicators are exceeded by two, or even more times. In order not to abuse products containing a large amount of soybeans, and protect yourself from disorders of life processes that contribute to swelling and excess weight, as well as an increase in blood pressure, a consumer diet will be an excellent assistant. It does not call for completely abandoning salt - it is enough to limit its amount. After all, completely abandoning salt, a person causes irreparable harm to the body.

Basic rules of a salt -free diet for pregnant women

  1. You should eat daily 5 times a day in small portions.
  2. It is best to cook products, refusing to fry.
  3. Add salt at the end of the preparation of goodies or finished.
  4. Suggest the dish after cooking.

You can not use with a salt -free diet:

  1. Roast.
  2. Fat.
  3. Sharp.
  4. Smoked.
  5. Sour.
  6. Marinades.
  7. Sunny.
  8. Fish and meat broths.
  9. Pork.
  10. Lamb.
  11. Confectionery.

Recipe for a salt -free diet for pregnant women

Vegetable soup

For its preparation, it is necessary to cut 10 radishes and 2 stems of celery. Cut a couple of cucumbers. 2 cloves of garlic pass through the garlic. Lay everything on separate plates. Lower 3 tomatoes into boiling water, remove the skin and grind in a blender. Then all the ingredients should be poured with kefir and add gruel from tomatoes. Mix soup with greens.

Vegetable and fruit salad

Chop 300 grams of cabbage and cut the same number of apricots. Cut the zucchini in stripes, mix with a red head on a bow, chopped into cubes. 100 grams of Adyghe cheese, too, crib with cubes mix with the rest of the ingredients. Separately mix 1 tbsp. l. honey, 3 tbsp. l. olive oil and 1 - apple cider vinegar. Season the salad.

Bezogolovaya diet for pregnant women

Such a diet is contraindicated during pregnancy. If such a food is not prescribed by the doctor. Only a doctor can prescribe a similar diet during the period of mentioning a child, if there is evidence. The specialist will select the correct menu individually for each case.

Diets that will help to lose weight during pregnancy

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Due to excess weight during pregnancy, the future mother may develop the risk of various ailments and serious problems:

  1. Late toxicosis can develop rapidly.
  2. Swelling, protein in the urine.
  3. Increased blood pressure.
  4. Premature aging of the placenta.
  5. There may be a threat of fetal hypoxia - oxygen deficiency.
  6. A large fruit can be born.
  7. There is a risk of overeating pregnancy.

Using a diet for pregnant women for weight loss, you can get rid of excess weight, normalize metabolic processes in the body. In addition, this will help more easily give birth to a baby.

Diet for pregnant women


With the help of unloading days, a pregnant woman can get rid of excess weight, which interferes not only with her, but also to the fetus. If you gain too much excess weight, then spend a couple of times a week, fasting days. Thus, it becomes possible to normalize the work of the intestines. During such a diet, you should listen to your condition, because a sharp change in the diet during the period of gestation can cause various unpleasant phenomena.

Curd day

All day eat cottage cheese with low calorie content - per day you can eat it up to 600 grams, in 6 doses. You can replace it with kefir or yogurt, as well as other delicious sour -milk products. A day is allowed to drink up to 1.5 liters of liquid dairy products.

Apple day

Apples are a source of vitamins. Such a diet perfectly cleanses the body. For knocking, a pregnant woman can eat up to 2 kg of apples of her favorite variety - it is appropriate to cook a salad, tucking it with olive oil or lemon juice.

Kefir diet for pregnant women

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The results of such a diet are quite impressive. There should be no alcohol, spicy, fatty and smoked food in the diet. Kefir helps to remove slags from the body, normalize the digestive tract and get rid of accumulated toxins.

As a result of a kefir diet, the overall condition of the mother improves, she has a mood. Moving becomes much freer. In the later stages of pregnancy, we can stabilize weight in this way and normalize blood pressure.

It is enough to drink 1.5 liters of kefir per day, dividing the techniques 5-6 times. You can alternate kefir with fruits and vegetables - so vitamins will constantly enter the body.

Apple diet for pregnant women

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It will help to increase hemoglobin. If you need to lose weight quickly, then drink 1.5 liters of water for 3 days, eat an apple of 1.5 kilograms. Such nutrition is unacceptable if the mother suffers from stomach ulcer or high acidity.

Ducan diet for pregnant women

During pregnancy, the diet of Ducan’s diet is distinguished by its own characteristics - the need to comply with the rules of rational nutrition. Food should be as balanced as possible.

The diet should have protein foods - fresh vegetables, fish and meat. You should also eat bran.

To get rid of excess weight, you should abandon the products containing starch. Ducan's diet is shown to those mothers who are predisposed to obesity, gained excess weight during a previous pregnancy.

Every day you should use a couple of pieces of bread and 40 grams of cheese. Every day you need to use 2 portions of fruit, adding dairy products to the diet. A couple of times a day you can afford to eat what you really want.

Diets for health problems during pregnancy

If the expectant mother has some kind of disease, then the doctor can prescribe a special diet. All the recommendations of the specialist should be strictly follow.

Diet of pregnant women with edema


Very often in women during pregnancy there are swelling - this is especially clearly expressed in recent months before childbirth. The thing is that the growing uterus compresses the vessels of the lower body, as a result, the liquid accumulates primarily on the legs.

Swelling can also cause changes in the composition of the blood or hormonal and metabolic restructuring in the body typical of pregnancy.

The best recommendation in this diet is the restriction of salt. It retains and accumulates fluid in the body. The diet is based on boiled or prepared for a couple of goodies. Swelling of smoked meats and marinades, as well as spices and spices, sharp dishes, provoke. Therefore, they should be excluded from the diet.

Give preference to dairy and sour -milk products, fruits and vegetables. Limit the use of citrus fruits due to the possibility of allergies in the mother and the baby. Reduce to minimum the use of coffee and strong tea. It is better to drink still mineral water - at least 1.5 liters per day. Freshly squeezed juices and green tea are also useful. Tabu - carbonated drinks.

Diet for gestosis of pregnant women

Gestosis is late toxicosis. Therefore, the menu of this diet is similar to nutrition for toxicosis during pregnancy. We will write about her a little below.

Diet for constipation in pregnant women

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If pregnancy is accompanied by constipation, then a special diet is prescribed, which includes raw vegetables, boiled or stewed goodies - this helps the intestines function normally. The power should be fractional, frequent - every 2 or 3 hours you need to eat in small portions.

Diet recipes for pregnant women with constipation

Vegetable broth soup

Add potatoes to boiling broth. When they are almost ready, pour vegetables into the soup, cutting them into cubes - colored cabbage, broccoli, carrots, onions and asparagus. After 15 minutes, add a little dill and drive the served and whipped with a whisk. In a couple of minutes, turn on the soup. He is ready.

Prepare the porridge on the water - buckwheat or wheat, and maybe oatmeal. Dilute with a small amount of milk.

Boiled cauliflower

Wash the cauliflower, divide into inflorescences. Put in salty water. Boil water in the pan, sunbathe when it boils. Boil cabbage for 15 - 20 minutes until cooked.

Diet with anemia of pregnant women

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A decrease in hemoglobin during pregnancy can be caused by a variety of causes. In order to normalize hemoglobin, a special diet is useful. In sufficient quantities, folic acid, which is found in fresh fruits and vegetables, should enter the body. These products must be present in the diet of a pregnant woman every day. For normal hematopoies, special products are needed:

  1. Juices enriched with iron.
  2. Special products based on dairy or soy proteins or cereals.

Diet for toxicosis of pregnant women

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Many many during pregnancy suffer from toxicosis. Such unpleasant sensations are accompanied by nausea and dizziness. Thanks to a special diet, it becomes possible to impressively reduce unpleasant symptoms,

The absence of vitamin B6 and magnesium can lead to nausea and vomiting. Therefore, in the diet should include beans and spinach, almonds and chicken. The turkey and beef should be added to this list.

With early toxicosis, raw foods should not be consumed. Refuse vegetables. All goodies should be thoroughly steep or boiled. Exclude dairy products from the diet - they are the strongest nausea irritant. It is better to eat other sources of calcium - broccoli or patch beans.

Hypoallergenic diet for pregnant women

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Thanks to this nutrition, it becomes possible to exclude allergies in a child.

The following products must be excluded from the menu:

  1. Fish and seafood, caviar and eggs, as well as mushrooms and nuts are highly allergenic products. The list should be added chocolate and coffee, cocoa.
  2. Red and orange vegetables and fruits should also be excluded from the diet - it is carrots, strawberries and raspberries, tomatoes and pepper. The list must be added to strawberries and citrus fruits, avocados and kiwi, melon.

Limit the use of the following products:

  1. Whole milk.
  2. Sweets.
  3. Banans and cranberries, apricots and beets.
  4. Butter.
  5. Peas and beans, Soy.
  6. Potatoes and sugar, salt.
  7. Sunny.

What should be included in the menu?

  1. Sour -milk products - kefir and yogurt.
  2. Refined sunflower oil.
  3. Buckwheat and oatmeal, rice and corn cereal, millet and pearl barley.
  4. Green and white fruits and vegetables.
  5. Loof meat varieties.

Rules for proper nutrition during pregnancy

  1. Food should be simple and useful.
  2. Prepare the goodies with a good mood.
  3. Eat in a calm atmosphere.
  4. Do not break the diet.
  5. The same dish should not be warmed up several times.
  6. If you don’t want to eat, then you don’t need to force yourself.
  7. Choose food to taste - no one has yet forbidden to treat yourself during pregnancy.

Signs of malnutrition during pregnancy

  1. Lack of food.
  2. The wrong ratio of the required products.
  3. Low -quality products.
  4. Overeating.

What is the dangerous nutrition during pregnancy?

  1. Late toxicosis - gestosis.
  2. Non -infinition of pregnancy is premature birth and miscarriages.
  3. The risk of premature detachment of the placenta.
  4. Anemia is anemia due to insufficient flow or assimilation of proteins, iron and vitamins.
  5. Infectious complications from vital organs - liver, kidneys, lungs.
  6. Weak labor, protracted birth, depletion of a pregnant woman in childbirth.
  7. Postpartum bleeding, reduced blood coagulation.
  8. The crotch wounds are slowly healing, the uterus slowly decreases after childbirth.
  9. The delay in intrauterine development of the fetus.
  10. A premature child or born with insufficient weight.
  11. Encephalopathy.
  12. Hypercravability and hyperactivity.

How to eat right?


Nutrition is considered correct, in which all the necessary components are supplied to the body, namely:

  1. Squirrels.
  2. Carbohydrates.
  3. Fat
  4. Vitamins.
  5. Minerals.
  6. Liquid.

Diet for pregnant women. Video



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