
Rubbound during pregnancy

Rubbound during pregnancy
Rubbound virus. Determination, vaccination, prevention

The disease of rubella is often quite easily in children, but rubella can lead to serious negative consequences during pregnancy. Of particular danger is that the virus is transmitted by airborne droplets.

During pregnancy, rubella is dangerous in the first stages and can lead to a miscarriage, the birth of a dead child, to vices or his death in the first year of life. The virus from the infected mother is completely transmitted to the fetus and significantly harms its further development. The rubella before pregnancy or directly during the first half of the term is considered an important indication for termination of pregnancy.

Children born from mothers who have undergone the rubella virus during pregnancy in 100% of cases have severe mental and physical disabilities. Therefore, the disease is considered deadly for the fetus. However, today there are effective methods for diagnosing the disease and vaccinations that will help prevent the terrible consequences of rubella during pregnancy.

The concept of rubella virus


The bacteria of the group of Togavirus is the main pathogen of Rubella or German measles, which is called the general concept of rubella. The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets during direct contact with the virus carrier. The peak period of infection falls on the spring and autumn time.

The virus carrier may not feel symptoms, but will be contrast to others throughout the period of incidence and a week after recovery. Most often, children are sick with rubella virus, and at an early age the disease is easier than in adults. After a one -time infection, lifelong immunity appears to the virus, which decreases over time, which means an incomplete guarantee from re -infection.

Signs of rubella during pregnancy


To determine the presence of the disease, consider its characteristic symptoms:

  1. Pain and convulsions of muscles and joints.
  2. Headache.
  3. Intoxication.
  4. Red rash throughout the body or red spots.
  5. Sleep violation.
  6. Running, sore throat, cough.
  7. Improving body temperature.
  8. Redness and tearfulness of the eyes.
  9. An increase in the size of the lymph nodes on the neck, occipital region or in the inguinal zone.
  10. Deterioration of well -being, chills.

Also, the disease can take place asymptomatic. The incubation period lasts from 2 to 3 weeks.

The consequences of the rubella virus during pregnancy


When planning pregnancy, rubella is better to diagnose and make the necessary vaccinations in advance, since the virus always damages the fetus and consequences for the child are severe and irreversible:

  1. Anemia.
  2. Vasculitis.
  3. Wolf's mouth, crevice of the sky.
  4. Pneumonia.
  5. Hepatoplomegalia.
  6. Hydrocephalus.
  7. Hyperkinesis.
  8. Glaucoma.
  9. Deafness.
  10. Diabetes.
  11. Dystrophy.
  12. Cerebral palsy.
  13. Jaundice.
  14. Idiocy.
  15. Cataract.
  16. Lymphadenopathy.
  17. Deadbirth.
  18. Micophythalmi.
  19. Microcephaly.
  20. Myocarditis.
  21. Paralysis.
  22. Heart disease.
  23. Vamples of bone development.
  24. Breeding pregnancy.
  25. Sepsis.
  26. Death in the first year of life.
  27. Convulsions.
  28. Thrombocytopenia.
  29. Increase in the liver.
  30. Chronic pneumonia.
  31. Exanthema.
  32. Encephalitis.

RUBR ANSURENCH During pregnancy


In any case, if you had a rubella in childhood or were once vaccinated from the disease, you absolutely need to donate blood to rubella during pregnancy, and preferably in advance in 3 months during its planning. You can also take an analysis for TORCH infections (infections that lead to serious consequences during pregnancy) in any laboratory that diagnoses antibodies to rubella during pregnancy.

Consider the values \u200b\u200bof the possible results of the analysis:

  • vaccination is necessary in the complete absence of immunity-IGM (-), IgG (-);
  • vaccination is not required in the presence of immunity-IGM (-), IgG (+);
  • early infection with the virus-IgM (+), IgG (-);
  • acute disease - IgM (+), IgG (+).

If the antibodies of the IGG rubella during pregnancy are positive, then this means that the previous disease has developed immunity in the body and vaccination is not required. However, if the titer or amount of antibodies below the indicator of the rubella rate during pregnancy, this indicates low immunity to the virus and the need for vaccination.

The complete absence of immunity to the disease is expressed in the negative indicators of IGM and IgG rubella during pregnancy. Also, the negative titer of antibodies to the virus below the norm is a reason for vaccination before pregnancy. If the IGM rubella igm indicators during pregnancy are positive or higher than the norm, then this indicates a dangerous early disease and a possible infection of the fetus through the placenta.

Rubber vaccination during pregnancy


Indications for vaccination

So, if the immunity from the virus is normal, then vaccinations are not required and infection will not occur during pregnancy. If the indicators are below the norm or are absent, then it is necessary to make a vaccination against rubella before pregnancy in 3 months. During this period, it is necessary to be protected in order to avoid infection of the partner, since the vaccine contains a weak share of the virus for the production of immunity.

The best time to vaccinate from rubella is pregnancy planning, since directly during pregnancy the vaccination of the mother and fetus is no longer possible. If the disease is found at an early stage, then you can plan a pregnancy after rubella not earlier than 3 months.

Contraindications of vaccination from rubella during pregnancy

The vaccination also has contraindications:

  • with allergies to aminoglycosides;
  • with allergies to egg protein;
  • when entering donor immunoglobulin;
  • with immunodeficiency;
  • in therapy with immunosuppressions;
  • in chronic diseases.

Rubbound prevention during pregnancy


Preventive actions from the dangerous consequences of the virus for the fetus:

  • diagnose the disease for the presence of a virus or immunity to it;
  • in acute disease, undergo treatment;
  • in the absence of positive indicators, make a vaccine from the virus no earlier than 3 months before conception;
  • re -take a control test of blood for the detection of antibodies;
  • avoid contact with virus carriers.

If you limit contact with the sick rubella, there is no way

There are such cases when the focus of the disease, that is, a child or an adult lives directly in the family of a pregnant woman and limiting contact, there is no opportunity, then the following actions should be taken to prevent infection of the remaining members of the family:


  • treatment is usually carried out at home;
  • bed rest should be provided to the patient;
  • sometimes drugs are prescribed that eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but the virus can still be transmitted;
  • hospitalization is carried out in the presence of complications;
  • pregnant women should wear a medical mask and, if possible, limit contact with the patient;
  • the rules of personal hygiene should be strictly observed;
  • do not kiss the sick during illness and thoroughly wash his hands after contacts;
  • determine the patient with a separate dishes, towels, bedding and other personal hygiene products, and the rest do not use these things;
  • the dishes, toys and personal items should be treated at a temperature of at least 60 degrees or disinfected with alcohol;
  • do not forget that after the end of the disease, the sick still spreads the virus for about a week;
  • after the disease, donate blood to analyze the rubella virus.

Activities for rubella during pregnancy


If a pregnant woman does not have antibodies to rubella after a disease or vaccination, but contact with a virus carrier has occurred, then she needs to urgently seek consulting a gynecologist or an infectious department. Experts will conduct detailed tests and tell you about the presence of a virus in the blood and the fetus.

With a dysfunctional result, mothers can be prescribed amniocentesis. If the examination indicates the presence of defects in the child, then the issue of termination of pregnancy is resolved. If it is impossible to carry out an abortion, the intramuscular course of immunoglobulin is administered to pregnant women and prevention is carried out for the treatment of placental insufficiency, inexhaustibility and the protection of the fetus.

However, all these actions when infection of a pregnant woman do not affect the infection of the fetus, but only facilitate the course of the mother's disease. There is also a threat to the life of infected mothers and child and abundant bleeding, septic blood poisoning, anomaly of childbirth and an asphyxia of the baby are possible. Newborns are virus carriers and pose a threat to infection.

Diagnosis of newborns with rubella


When the following signs appear, newborn children are carried out by a detailed serological, audiological, ophthalmological and neurological diagnosis:

  • intrauterine infection;
  • the presence of antibodies to the virus in the first six months of life;
  • the presence or suspicion of the virus of her mother during pregnancy;
  • the presence of clinical symptoms of a leaking disease;
  • the content of the virus in the blood of the umbilical cord;
  • the content of the virus in the urine, nasopharynx, spinal cord fluid.

Analysis for the infections of the Torch group during pregnancy


When planning pregnancy, it is recommended to take a general comprehensive analysis for the Torch infection. All these diseases can occur asymptomatic and cause infection of the fetus and its defects or a breakdown of pregnancy. Such an analysis can be taken in any laboratory that will show the overall clinical picture of 4 dangerous diseases at once:

  • To - toxoplasmosis (toxoplasmosis virus);
  • R - rubella (Virus of Rubella, German Cores, rubella);
  • C - Cytomegalovirus (cytomegalovirus);
  • H - Herpes Simplex Virus (herpes simplex virus).

Such an analysis should be taken at least 3 months before conception. If the analysis is already passed during pregnancy, then the doctor will be able to determine, according to indicators, the compatibility of possible defects with life and possible treatment, or termination of pregnancy with negative results. Such a dangerous virus is rubella, the virus of which causes ugliness or fruit defects and is almost incompatible with life.

The results of the study will show whether the mother is a carrier of the disease, whether the protective immunity has been developed at the moment or her. The main indicators are antibodies of groups M and G, that is, an acute form of the disease (m) with recent infection or long -range infection (G), the titles of which determine the chronic form or immunity depending on the deviations of the norm. If there is no antibody, then there is no immunity to diseases and you should consult a doctor about vaccination from these dangerous viral diseases.


In addition to the rubella, which is dangerous for the development of the fetus, which can be used from the virus, there is no less dangerous toxoplasmosis virus, from which vaccination methods do not exist. The presence of this virus in the mother’s blood can also lead to a breakdown of pregnancy or to significant defects and uglies of the fetus. To prevent infection, pregnant women should carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene, do not use raw or undergoing insufficient heat treatment of types of meat.

Also, the main causative agent of toxoplasmosis is domestic animals of cat family. It does not matter whether it is a homeless cat or your favorite pet that does not go outside. Pregnant women should completely limit contact with these animals, since they are all carriers of this virus, and it flows asymptomatic over the years.

Rubber Video during pregnancy

In conclusion, we propose to view cognitive video material about rubella during pregnancy and on vaccinations from this virus:

Any woman pregnant or only planning conception should be very attentive to her health, as it can affect the course of pregnancy and the fruit itself. Do not refuse the necessary examinations prescribed by your gynecologist. Even if you feel completely healthy or you know that they had rubella in childhood, it is worth remembering that immunity weakens over time, and many diseases can take place without symptoms.


If the immunity is absent, you should not rely on luck and the case that contact with the sick during pregnancy can be avoided. Viruses leading to defects are transmitted by airborne droplets and are not treated during pregnancy, but lead to irreversible consequences for both the fetus and for the health of the mother. Remember that, first of all, it is you who are responsible for the health of your long -awaited baby.



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