
What is the lutein phase

What is the lutein phase
The concept of lutein phase. Signs. Treatment

The body of any woman undergoes constant changes in the reproductive system throughout a month. Also, the lutein phase in women occurs monthly after ovulation a couple of weeks before menstruation.

An important feature of the physiology of each female body is menstruation, which in turn is divided into two phases of ovaries and uterus. The general menstrual cycle is determined by the number of days from the first day of the previous bleeding to the first day of the subsequent. Typically, uterine bleeding means that the pregnancy did not occur, since the egg in the uterus was not fertilized.

In addition to these important physiological processes, the woman’s parallel phase of the ovary passes in the woman, which combines the following three: ovulation, follicular and lutein phase. The cycle of ovary passes only from the direct influence of female hormones made from the posterior fraction of the pituitary gland of the brain. It is this lutein phase of the cycle of ovaries or yellow body, which subsequently responsible for the maturation of eggs, and determines the possibility of any woman to the birth of children.

Luthein phase. What is this?


After the ended menstrual bleeding, as a result of which the inner layers of the uterus occurs, the female body goes into the follicular stage. The estrogen in the blood during this period increases significantly, and the inner layer of the uterus resumes and increases again. Directly before the onset of ovulation in the first half of the ovarian cycle, follicles ripen in them, which involves the further output of the egg.

The day after the end of ovulation, the woman’s body comes in during the ripening of the yellow body - this is exactly what the luteal phase (secretory) means. Follicle cells begin to accumulate fats and pigments of yellow lutein. In accordance with the increase in the level of hormones that contribute to fertilization, the FSH in the luteal phase or follicle -stimulating hormone decreases.

Even if the egg was not fertilized, then the formation of the yellow body at the site of its exit involves the beginning of the luteal phase normal after ovulation. The yellow body itself is directly responsible for the secretion of female sex hormones that determine a normal pregnancy. During pregnancy, the production of hormones proceeds up to the rupture of the placenta.

Luthein phase hormones:

  • androgen;
  • protesteron;
  • extradiol.

These hormones for pregnancy reduce the reduction of the uterus and help in the development of the mammary glands to secrete milk. If fertilization does not occur, then the production of hormones with a yellow body decreases, which leads to necrosis and gradual rejection of the uterine endometrium. Then the duration of the lutein phase ceases, in the healthy organism of the woman a new menstrual phase and concomitant bleeding according to the cycle occur.

How to calculate the lutein phase?


The phase of the yellow body can be calculated as simply as the menstrual cycle, since it occurs after the end of ovulation. First, calculate the menstrual cycle, and determine the lutein phase further based on the number of days of menstruation. On average, such a calculation of days ranges from 3 weeks to a month, if you count from the first on the next day of the start of menstruation.

The first day of the Luthein phase cycle is considered to be divided by menstrual days, the average date of which will determine ovulation, and the following are already the days of the yellow body. It is worth considering the individuality of the body of every woman and the fact that the cycle of menstruation itself changes throughout life. Therefore, the phase of the yellow body will change over time and is calculated approximately.

Signs of the lutein phase

There are no fairly pronounced symptoms of the secretory phase, but you can follow some factors that, together can show its offensive:

  1. The level of progesterone. Its norm in the lutein phase is from 7 to 57 nmol/l about the seventh day after ovulation.
  2. Fever. The basal (rectal) temperature exceeds 37 degrees.
  3. Abundant discharge. The phase of the yellow body is due to an increase in secretion for fertilization.
  4. Increase in the mammary glands. An increase in blood hormones expands the milk ducts of the chest, as a result of which it swells.

Luthein phase failure


The secretory phase, with normal indicators of hormone levels, lasts from twelve -day to two -week periods and may have a deviation of not more than 2 days. However, various violations of this cycle may occur together with the failure of menstruation. You should recognize such leaps in the cycles in time and turn to the gynecologist.

The main causes of violation of the phase of the yellow body:

  • abortion and miscarriages;
  • age for more than 35 years;
  • inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages;
  • hyperandrogenia;
  • hyperprolactinemia;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • infectious diseases;
  • low development and impaired functioning of the pituitary gland, brain hypothalamus;
  • low development of the genitals;
  • taking some medications;
  • injuries and diseases of the brain;
  • physical and psychological stress and malaise;
  • endometriosis.

Short lutein phase


A decrease in the development of the yellow body and a decrease in its functionality often leads to the inexhaustibility of the fetus in the first stages. The reason for this will be a low progesterone in the lutein phase. If only 10 days or even less pass after ovulation, then you must consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

To identify the diagnosis of insufficiency of the secretory phase, the following methods are used:

  1. Blood test. After a week from ovulation, the analysis will be able to show the maximum presence of prozheron in the blood of a woman.
  2. Biopsy. Diagnosis of the uterine endometrium is carried out.
  3. Temperature measurement. As an additional method for determining the accuracy of cycles, you can keep a diary of basal temperature so that the gynecologist can quickly determine your diagnosis.
  4. Ovulation test. For the most accurate determination of the duration of the ovulation, a special test can be used.
  5. Ultrasound. Monitoring is carried out on certain days of the cycle prescribed by the doctor, in the presence of data on the exact dates of ovulation. It is the most reliable way.
  6. The nature of the discharge. Cervical mucus can be an additional sign to determine the onset of ovulation. The consistency of mucus from the cervix resembles raw eggs of eggs - transparent and elastic.
  7. Cervix. As an additional feature, it can be taken into account and change in its condition - raising the level, looseness and softness.

Too long secretory phase

The longer the yellow body ripens, the longer its cycle. During pregnancy, this phase continues before and after the alleged period for the onset of menstruation. Also, the duration of the phase after ovulation is more than the norm can indicate the presence of a benign yellow body cyst, which often does not require surgical or medical intervention.

Protesteron and estradiol in the lutein phase


Both hormones of “pregnancy” are responsible, first of all, for the correct release of insulin, provoked by the intake of glucose into the woman's body. After eating a pancreas, insulin is released, which is controlled by hormones. However, these hormones have a different perception of insulin.

Increased progesterone in the lutein phase Reduces the perception of insulin matter and prevents the body from correctly regulating glucose levels. The hormone directly affects the pancreas and causes severe craving for sweet food. Often, an increased level of hormone in the blood is found in women with diabetes, as well as in pregnant women.

An increase in the hormone, which worsens the perception of insulin, shows that women with increased craving for sweets are gaining weight. The level of cholesterol also increases, blood pressure rises, heart disease or thrombosis may occur. Often, an increased hormone can also be associated with the problem of overweight.

Increased estradiol in the lutein phase, On the contrary, it increases the susceptibility of insulin, which improves glucose levels in the body. The craving for sweets decreases, which positively affects the disease of diabetes. However, for the normalization of substances in the body of women, the level of estradiol should be in the optimal framework relative to blood prodestron.

Treatment of lutein phase insufficiency


If during the diagnosis the deficiency of the prudesterone in the blood during the secretory phase was discovered, then treatment will be prescribed to increase this hormone. This deficiency today is treated very effectively with the help of internal administration, oral or by introducing injections containing hormone. Comprehensive treatment can also be prescribed to eliminate the causes of lutein insufficiency and increase the lutein cycle.

The effect of hormones on muscles and tissue

Hormonal changes have a destructive effect on muscle tissue. If the norm of the ratio of prodestron and estradiol in the woman’s body is impaired, then severe muscle pain is observed, which indicates the collapse of tissues and muscle protein. Therefore, the use of hormone therapy should be clearly adjusted and not exceed the norm of ratio.

An overdose in the hormones used can lead to a decrease in muscles and an increase in the fat layer, so the use of hormones should be regulated only by a specialist. On connecting tissues, an increased level of prodesterone has a relaxing effect and can cause pain in the legs and back. Especially overweight women should be very attentive to hormonal therapy and instructive.

The influence of hormones on immunity

Protesterone has an overwhelming effect on the immune system, so outbreaks of herpes and allergies can accompany an increase in the level of the hormone in the body. After conception, the hormone provides the adoption of a sperm with the body through a decrease in the protective functions of the female body. If you are not pregnant, then a prolonged decrease in immunity can lead to infectious diseases.

The influence of hormones on vacation

The hormone estradiol is responsible for the normal course of sleep, as it regulates the centers of the brain that are responsible for the normalization of the leisure at night. To restore sleep and muscle mass with a lack of hormone, its additional course is recommended. Also, to normalize sleep processes and metabolism when using prodestron, an estradiol course is also introduced to maintain their ratio and prevent the discords of vital processes in the female body.

Women's hormones and growth hormone

Protesterone reduces the level of growth hormone and increases insulin in the body, and metabolic processes occur slowly and contribute to an increase in body fat. The growth hormone is responsible for the growth of muscles, bones and helps to reduce fat. Also, increasing the level of insulin will contribute to the accumulation of fat mass in the treatment of prodestron.

Therefore, it is worth attentive to the use of hormonal therapy, especially if you are not pregnant and do not even plan conception. With an increased level of “pregnancy” hormone, growth hormones are disturbed in the blood, the level of insulin and cholesterol increases, immunity decreases, sleep and metabolic processes are disturbed, which leads to an increase in fat and a decrease in muscle weight, as well as to the possible occurrence of diabetes. Therefore, it is important to maintain its normal ratio with another estradiol hormone.

Video about the reasons for the cessation of menstruation

In their program “Live Great” Elena Malysheva and her colleagues cover the problem of stopping menstruation in women and describe in detail the reasons that lead to this:




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