
Surrogate motherhood

Surrogate motherhood
Surrogate motherhood is a chance to have your own child. Even if another woman will stand and give birth to him, but at the genetic level the baby will be your family for you.

The birth of a child is the meaning of life for many women. Unfortunately, the fair sex can not always make their own child. The reasons for the inability to conceive, endure and give birth to a child, therefore, we will not delve into this topic. Often life without children for many families becomes a cruel test, and not everyone can take it out.


Some spouses prefer to adopt the child - to take a baby from the house or an older child from the house. But some, without losing hope of finding their own child, choose more modern methods: eco or surrogate motherhood. In recent years, the services of surrogate motherhood have begun to be in great “demand”. And this is even despite the fact that there are many opponents of the birth of a child with a woman for someone else's family. The program of surrogate motherhood is permitted and available in Russia, but still the delicacy of this problem is not yet perceived by most people.

What is surrogate motherhood?

Sometimes it turns out in life that the only opportunity is the only chance in life to find a baby and become a full -fledged family is surrogate motherhood. Of course, thanks to this method, a woman will not experience all the “charms” of pregnancy and childbirth, but the opportunity to become the mother of a child, who at the genetic level will be directly your personally continued - quite.


The essence of surrogate motherhood is that a woman is either a relative or not at all familiar to the spouses, takes out and gives birth to a child for her in essence. Thus, an artificially fertilized egg will grow, the embryo will develop outside the body of a genetic mother - in a surrogate mother. But biologically, however, as legally, he will still belong to those spouses whose cells were used.

Surrogate motherhood: Methods

Currently, surrogate motherhood is of two types.

  1. Surrogate motherhood is complete (gestational) - a woman’s uterus is used as an incubator: Surrmama hatches an absolutely alien at the genetic level for her baby. First, experts take the cells of future parents, then fertilization occurs in the test tube. As soon as the development of the fetus begins, it is planted by the surrmama and it hatches it.
  2. The surrogate motherhood is traditional - from the point of view of genetics, the parents of the child are Surrmama and the father of the future baby. This method is used in the case when a woman who wants to have a child cannot take a healthy egg. Instead of it, the egg is taken by a donor - from a surrogate mother, and spermotozoids are used by the father. Future spouses should be prepared for the fact that the child is “relatives” from the point of view of genetics will only be a father.

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Aspects of surrogate motherhood

The first child, born thanks to the method of surrogate motherhood, was born in 1989. Since then, disputes among supporters and ardent opponents of surrogate motherhood have not subside.

In fact, there are a number of aspects that distinguish both the pros and cons of surrogate motherhood. But most often, they are all crazy about the desire of a woman who will provide Surrmama services - only she is able to solve whether she gives birth to a stranger child or not.

Surrogate motherhood: opponents

  1. Opponents of surrogate motherhood are mainly representatives of various religious faiths, bright moralists, as well as part of politicians and some members of public organizations.
  2. Their main explanations are that surrogate motherhood has become a business, and children are goods. Religious denominations are sure that all this is unnatural and contradictory, especially with regard to Christian morality.
  3. There are many opponents of surrogate motherhood among psychologists - they argue that in this way there is a violation of the connection between the mother and the fetus, which is fraught with various psycho -emotional deviations.

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Surrogate motherhood: supporters

Supporters of surrogate motherhood are mainly childless and barren couples, as well as many representatives of the public. The main priority that they choose is the opportunity to have their own child - native at the genetic level. Of course, Surrmama receives a major reward from biological parents, but you should not treat this as a commodity-money relations, because in the end everyone is satisfied and happy.

Surrogate motherhood: Russian legislation

Surrogate motherhood in Russia is an absolutely legal procedure. In our country there is a law according to which a newborn belongs to a surrogate mother until she refuses him.

The surrogate motherhood agreement is prescribed in such a way that if a woman (surrmama) changes his mind after childbirth to give the baby, then no one will force her to do this.

Unfortunately, often unclean on hand, greedy and greedy women make this way on genetic parents - after childbirth they require an additional amount to write a refusal. In order not to fall on the hook of such a surrmamam, it is necessary to certify the contract notarized and consult with lawyers all the time. And even better - act through proven reproductive centers.


It is also worth noting that the legal regulation of surrogate motherhood is loyal to biological parents: as soon as the surrogate mother writes in the hospital a refusal of the child, his real genetic parents are officially recorded by parents. There is no need to undergo a long adoption procedure.

According to the Law of the Russian Federation, only a married woman aged 20 to 35, who has at least one child, can be a surrogate mother. It is undesirable to take a luminous unmarried woman as a surrmama who brings up her child alone - this can be a psychological trauma for her.

It is considered a very acceptable condition if a close relative becomes a surrmama: mother, sister, daughter -in -law, etc.

Surrogate motherhood: the price of the issue

Surrogate motherhood is not the cheapest services, so the cost of them is growing every year. The fee for a woman who is ready to endure and give birth to a child for other people depends on many factors. On average, the cost of surrogate motherhood in the Russian Federation is from 15 thousand dollars and above. Moreover, this is only a fee for a woman. The upper bar of the cost of this service can be from 40 to 60 thousand dollars - depending on the material capabilities of the parents and the requests of the surrmama.
Search for surrmama independently or contact special reproduction centers - everyone decides for himself what is closer to him. Of course, the clinic of surrogate motherhood will cost more, since they undertake to take absolutely all medical support - from conception to childbirth.

Do not forget that in the column “expenses” you also need to introduce those who will engage in the execution of contracts and documents for the child.

Each reproductive center has its own prices for customers, so you can find out the cost for today only there - if there is a site, then on the site you can also read reviews about surrogate motherhood.


Problems of surrogate motherhood

Ethics, human factor, human relations and everything that is associated with these nuances often violate plans for both biofidants and surrogate mothers. There are a number of problems that both sides may encounter, therefore, before looking for a surrmama to the baby or agree to the received proposal from strangers, you need to consider everything thoroughly and weigh everything “for” and “against”.

  1. Until now, many claim that this is a “business on children”.
  2. It is difficult to explain to others that most often a woman wears someone else's child - this is the egg of another woman was fertilized by men's sperm, and only then planted in the uterus.
  3. There is no absolute guarantee that the parents of the child will not get on the network of scammers who will want to earn additionally.
  4. There is no guarantee that parents of the baby will not choose an unbalanced and inadequate woman as a surrmama.
  5. Sometimes pregnancy does not occur the first time, so each subsequent attempt is expenses and stress.
  6. In practice, there have been cases when a surrogate mother did not give the child to biological parents, therefore, a contract and all the conditions must be drawn up with a competent lawyer-it is necessary to register all possible force majeure in clauses of the contract.
  7. There were such cases when parents by the time the child was born, suddenly sharply cooled to their “venture” and the child, in fact, became no longer needed. Or, if a sick child was born, he also became unnecessary “parents”. As a result, Surrmama remained with a newborn baby in her arms. No one will force the child’s biological parents if they no longer want it. Surrmama can only count on payment in accordance with the contract and alimony from the child’s bioros.
  8. It is best to contact the Center for Reproduction - psychologists work with genetic mothers and surmans specifically there.
  9. Many are sure that those women who do not want to spoil their figure with pregnancy, and indeed, fall out of active life for nine months, resort to the services of surrogate motherhood. But in reality, the services of surrounds resort to only in very rare cases when the chances of giving their child are equal to zero.
  10. The content of the surrmama and its fee, medical examinations, the execution of the contract and the services of the reproductive center are indeed very expensive for many.
  11. Do not forget that the contract with a surrogate mother must be assured by a notary - without his signature, he has no value.


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