
Signs of childbirth

Signs of childbirth
What signs indicate the approach and occurrence of childbirth.

There is an opinion among the people that the child chooses the time of coming. Medicine claims that the date of birth depends on the activity of hormones and the preparedness of the body of the pregnant woman. The alleged date of childbirth is determined by doctors, sometimes after the calculations and indications of ultrasound, the deadlines can be adjusted. The forecasts do not always coincide with the real date, it is no secret that future parents feel excitement.  In any case, a woman “in an interesting position” should listen to well -being and track the signals of her body.

Signs of the approaching birth

Preparation for the birth process begins long before the fights. The emotional state of a woman, preceding childbirth, can be completely different - from extreme overexcitation to complete relaxation.

Signs of childbirth: Psychological mood

Nature naturally prepares a woman for childbirth. Often in the last weeks of pregnancy, fear is replaced by the question - when? Future parents very often worry, and this is natural. In the process of pregnancy, it is necessary to figure out what signs are observed before childbirth, and carefully follow the recommendations of specialists.

Usually a pregnant woman carefully observes changes in her body.   In most cases, it is difficult to miss signs of childbirth during pregnancy. It is quite difficult to determine the date of childbirth in advance, because it can occur in 38 weeks, and sometimes after the 40th week. During this period, generic activity can begin at any time, so it is worth carefully studying and tracking the signs of the beginning of childbirth that foreshadow the launch of the mechanisms of the finish direct pregnancy.

Signs of Rodv: How to understand that childbirth is close


Signs of the approaching birth can be as follows:

  • often, edema disappears before childbirth and a couple of extra pounds with them - excess fluids are excreted from the body;
  • the stomach may fall - the baby moves into a small basin, closer to the birth canal. In primitive lowering, lowering the abdomen occurs approximately at the 37th week, in multiparous often a little later-among other signs of childbirth at the 40th week of pregnancy. In this case, the pressure on the stomach and the diaphragm decreases, the bottom of the uterus drops a few centimeters. Many pregnant women note that it becomes easier to sit, shortness of breath and heartburn disappear;
  • due to an increase in pressure on the bladder, the body's calls for urination are becoming more frequent. There may be a feeling of pressure and severity in the sacrum and lower back, associated with a change in the position of the child and the expansion of the bones of the pelvis of the pregnant woman, as well as cramps in the legs due to the effect of the fetus on the nerve endings;
  • in connection with the preparation of the body for childbirth, the intestinal peristalsis intensifies - the stool is relieved, diarrhea, nausea and even vomiting may appear;
  • many pregnant women, among the signs of childbirth, note a decrease in the activity of the child - a grown baby can hardly move in a small space;
  • with the approximation of childbirth, the so -called “nesting effect”, which nature itself provided, can manifest itself. The signs of the approach of childbirth include a change in the behavior of a pregnant woman. There is a desire to retire in the foreboding of the upcoming birth. There is a desire to wash and clean everything in the house to prepare a comfortable place for the baby. Attacks of activity are replaced by sensations of calm, apathy and peace; 1
  • braxton-Hix fights are preparatory “false” contractions that train the body softening the cervix and preparing it for childbirth. At the same time, she strains, without causing unpleasant sensations. Such contractions are irregular, they do not cause the opening of the cervix;
  • minor bloody discharge of a mucous nature - may indicate the preparation of the uterus for childbirth. This can manifest the expansion or thinning of the uterus;
  • due to the shortening of the cervix, the mucous plug departs (entirely or in parts), which served as a natural barrier between the microflora of the pregnant and fruit shell. The plugs can be preceded by pulling sensations in the lower abdomen. Often, a woman observes only the presence of abundant discharge - thus the mucous plug is excreted gradually. Either she comes out immediately in the form of a mucous lump, and the pregnant woman discovers it during the next visit to the toilet. At the same time, from the moment the cork to the birth can pass different time-several hours or one or two weeks.

When the above signs appear that the birth is soon, an emergency appeal is not required to the hospital - although, if there is doubt, it will not be superfluous to consult a doctor.


Signs of childbirth

There are also symptoms and signs of the beginning of childbirth in which you should go to a maternity hospital. They should be carefully monitored to seek qualified help in time. With the approach of the date of birth, prepare all the necessary things in advance to meet it fully armed.

Understand that the deadline is already close, the following signs of starting births help:

  • the discharge of amniotic fluid - normally occurs directly in the initial period of childbirth, when the cervix is \u200b\u200bopened. Often there is also a situation of rupture of the amniotic fluid before the beginning of childbirth, without any accompanying sensations in the form of contractions and spasms. In this situation, it is urgent to contact the maternity hospital, since thehydrous period should not be more than 12 hours. During pregnancy until the 37th week, the discharge of water is a sign of premature birth, doctors will need time to prepare the fetus for independent breathing. Slow constant, as well as periodic intermittent leakage of amniotic fluid, is fraught with premature birth, the development of intrauterine infection and other complications for the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus. If there are such symptoms, you need to go to a medical institution. In the absence of the beginning of birth activity, the doctor will prescribe medical stimulation;
  • the occurrence of contractions is regular generic contractions, accompanied by pulling pains in the lower abdomen and in the lower back, and contributing to the disclosure of the cervix. Signs of births in primitive women are often insignificant contractions that can last about a day, gradually intensifying. At first, the fights are insignificant in pain and duration (about 10-15 seconds), and occur periodically. In the pauses between them, the uterus relaxes - and the pregnant woman can rest a little. With the development of the birth activity, the fights become more frequent, their duration and soreness are enhanced, the rest period between them is about 15-20 minutes, in childbirth it shortens up to 2-3 minutes. Signs of contractions before childbirth include pain in the lower abdomen, in the lower back, rectum, as well as in the hips and calves. Often, pain is accompanied by chills. When 10-15-minute intervals are reached between the fights (with a lasting one of a minute), which is a sign of imminent birth, you should go to the hospital.


Signs of childbirth in multiparous people are the same as in the original ones, the only difference is the greater rapidness of those following the first clans. Some experts also argue that among the signs of second births, premature discharge of water is more often found before the start of the fights.

If by 40 weeks there are no signs of childbirth, then for the pregnant woman a regular visit to the doctor is necessary to observe the condition of the child.

Signs of childbirth: how to distinguish training fights from true

False contractions resemble the prenatal, but differ from them with intervals and in dynamics. They can stop, if you lie down, take a shower, move. You can fall asleep with them, unlike true fights, which are the first sign of childbirth. For training fights, irregular intervals are characteristic, they will not extend and intensify in intensity, with them there is no opening of the cervix. Often false contractions can be taken as signs of childbirth at the 39th week of pregnancy, sometimes they can appear from the 30th week.


It should be remembered that each case of pregnancy is unique, while not necessarily a pregnant woman will note the presence of all of the above signs of childbirth in women. It is necessary to listen to the signals of the body and your intuition so as not to miss the beginning of labor.

Signs of childbirth - video



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