
What to give to the newborn

What to give to the newborn
Which gift is best to buy for a newborn? How to choose exactly what the baby needs and will delight his parents?

The appearance of a newborn is a joy for parents, which is separated by close and distant relatives, friends and acquaintances. Each of them, coming to visit a happy family, wants to bring the baby a gift. But before that, everyone runs together in search of what will be necessary, useful and beautiful for the child. How not to make a mistake in choosing a gift for a newborn?

Types of gifts for newborns

The choice of gifts for newborns is great. To begin with, you should ask the child’s parents what he already has and what, perhaps, the baby needs. Also proceed from those thoughts that this can be not only a gift to a newborn, but also his mother. After all, she and her child are one.

All gifts for newborns can be divided into two groups:

  • Gifts necessary right now. These are things and items to care for a child, which are needed today or tomorrow in the coming days. For example, diapers, a bottle for feeding, diapers, swings.
  • Gifts for growth. These are things and items that may be needed after time. For example, outgrowth clothes, developing toys, stool for feeding.

Children's stores offer a huge range of goods and are ready to satisfy any requests. Types of gifts for newborns are diverse:

  • Gifts for hygiene. These are various shampoos, oils, creams, powders. You can also give a thermometer or thermometer for measuring the temperature of the water in the bath. The acquisition of herbal gatherings for bathing newborns will be original. And, of course, diapers are always an relevant gift.
  • Items and devices for caring for a child. It can be a sling - a device made of fabric for transferring a newborn, a swaddling table, a special pillow for feeding a child, bottles and other dishes for a newborn, a children's bath, a crib.
  • Cloth. Starting from the brawl, hats and ending with costumes and overalls - this will be needed by the baby. When choosing the most necessary for the first time, focus on the size of the child that you need to know from your parents.
  • Toys. The baby needs everything: rattles, musical mobiles for strollers or beds, developing toys. The main requirement is the quality and safety for the child.


How to choose a gift to a newborn?

If a small gentleman or a young lady appeared in the family, then this in a sense can determine the choice of gifts for them. Of course, there are no big differences between gifts for newborn boys and girls. But still some features should be taken into account. When buying this or that gift for a newborn, you are interested in whom he suits more - a boy or a girl.

A gift to a newborn boy

  • Diapers. Models for boys and girls differ not only in drawings and color. For boys, the absorbent layer is located closer to the stomach. The diaper itself in the front has more space than in a model for girls.
  • Pastel linen with a pattern for boys, a blanket, a pillow. The main requirement - everything should be from natural, soft fabrics.
  • Clothing for boys. When choosing such a gift to the newborn, focus not only on the blue color scheme, but also on other shades. But pink and red, of course, is better to leave for girls. Clothing should be sewn from natural materials. For the early age of the child, the seams in it are located out.
  • Of the toys for growth, a children's car in which the baby can sit for himself can be a great gift for a newborn boy.
  • A children's mobile is a musical toy that is attached to the crib and consists of several bright details. Such a gift for a newborn helps him concentrate, learn to recognize colors and sounds. Will be glad to mobile and mother. While the son is busy studying the toy spinning over the bed, she can do household chores or relax. Such a gift will be appropriate for newborn girls.


A gift to a newborn girl

  • Diapers for girls. Models differ in that the absorbent layer is located closer to the priest. Drawings most often on diapers for girls are printed in pink colors.
  • Bed linen for girls can be chosen with a great abundance of ruffles and bows. Pay attention to ensure that the material is natural. Cotton, chintz, flannel are suitable from fabrics. Do not take synthetics.
  • The skin of infants requires special care. Therefore, various oils, creams, shampoos in beautiful packages, fastened with ribbons and bows will be an excellent gift of a newborn girl.
  • From early childhood, mothers love to dress up little ladies. The dress for newborn girls, socks with ruffles, bows with bows look especially nice. Clothing should be sewn exclusively from natural materials.
  • An original gift will be a decoration on the head for a little girl. Such dressings are sewn or knitted, decorating them with flowers or bows. When choosing this gift for a newborn, find out in advance the volume of the head so that the bandage then does not crush the baby.


General gifts for girls and boys

Most gifts for newborns that you can choose are suitable for both boys and girls. Therefore, they can be called general or universal:

  • Stroller. If you decide to give the stroller to the newborn, then before buying it, consult with your parents and find out their preferences.
  • Cotle. When buying such a gift to a newborn, pay attention to the fact that the product should have a certificate. Safety is very important, because the baby will spend in the crib every day. Sometimes a swaddling table is sold with it - this will be a pleasant surprise for parents. A logical addition to the crib will be a canopy, which protects the baby from bright light and mosquitoes.
  • Toys for newborns should also have certificates and be safe. This is important because the kids are trying to bite them. Do not buy models with small details. Pay attention to the color of toys - red and yellow children begin to distinguish between one of the first by 3 months. A little later, the child sees blue and green. It is better to buy thresholds to buy plain colors without impurities of other shades.  Refuse any products from China. Give preference to a domestic or European manufacturer.
  • An excellent gift for the newborn will be a development rug. It combines a playground with rattles, a blanket, a rug, a music center. Parents will also be happy with such a gift - they will have free time while the baby plays on a developing rug.


  • Bathing accessories. This is not only a bath for a newborn, but also various cosmetics, bathing toys, towels. Parents will especially appreciate if the baby’s name is embroidered on the towels.
  • An original gift for a newborn can be a disk with lullabies and other songs for children. Lyrical and pleasant melodies will be able to calm the child and help him fall asleep. Funny songs will teach to recognize sounds and create a positive emotional mood.

Inappropriate gifts for a newborn

There are a number of gifts that are considered inappropriate for newborns, for example:

  • Big soft toys. They may need a baby only in a year. By this time, toys will only collect dust on the shelves.
  • Nipples-dummies. It is not known whether they will need a newborn, because not every child needs them. In addition, children are selective in choosing a nipple models. Leave the acquisition of dummies to parents.
  • Baby food. It is unlikely that you will be able to guess which mixture the pediatrician will advise for this baby. It is also difficult to determine in advance future preferences in the tastes of the newborn.
  • Walks. They may be needed only six months after the birth of a child. In addition, not every baby needs them. And not all parents approve this type of simulator.
  • Clothing with small details or applications that a child can tear and pull into his mouth. Do not buy clothes without buttons at the neck - this makes it difficult to dress it.

Gifts for parents of a newborn

The first months of life, the child is surrounded by the care of parents around the clock. Therefore, any gift that helps to facilitate this process will be appreciated by adults. This will do every day of the newborn and his parents more comfortable and calm. So, for mom and dad of a small child, such gifts are suitable:

  • Certificate for the purchase of goods in a children's store.
  • Radiona is a device that parents, being in another room, can hear the child.
  • A special chair on which mother can sit and breastfeed the baby, as well as rocking him.


  • Car seats for newborns will help the family without problems transport the baby in a car.
  • Washing machine-automatic machine.
  • A table for swaddling a child.
  • A special pillow for breastfeeding.


  • A chest of drawers for children's things.
  • Original frames for photos.
  • Photo album for pictures of a newborn.

Where and how to buy gifts for newborns

Gifts for newborns can be purchased in children's stores, pharmacies, online stores. There are several requirements and rules for buying children's goods in these places. Knowing them, you can purchase a really high -quality product.

Buying a gift for newborns in a store

Gifts for newborns are best bought in specialized stores. In such institutions, you can always get a consultation with a specialist who will help you make the right choice. In stores, as a rule, certified products are sold. However, do not lose vigilance and see for yourself. Feel free to ask sellers of quality certificates, because we are talking about the health of the newborn.

If you find it difficult to choose a manufacturer of children's goods, then do not rush to buy a gift. Spend a little time studying information about a particular company. You should be interested in the following:

  • how long has the manufacturer is producing children's goods;
  • what materials the company uses for its products;
  • is there a certificate confirming the quality and safety of goods for newborns;
  • what guarantees the manufacturer gives to its product;
  • reviews of parents about goods for newborns.


Buying a gift for newborns at a pharmacy

In pharmacies, it is best to buy hygiene products and cosmetics for newborns. Here you can purchase high -quality and certified diapers, creams, shampoos, powders, oil care oils. Pharmacy pharmacies will give you professional recommendations for choosing such a gift.

Buying a gift for newborns in an online store

Today there are a large number of online stores that offer children's goods at prices lower than in stores. This, of course, allows you to save money. But buying a gift for a newborn in an online store can be unsafe. Therefore, try to adhere to such rules, and your acquisition will bring joy to the baby's family:

  • there must be a page on the website of the online store indicating that this business entity has registration and works officially;
  • also on the pages of the online store, the procedure for returning the goods must be indicated;
  • buy children's goods on the Internet only well -known and trusted brands;
  • be sure to read parents' reviews about goods;
  • the description of the goods for the newborn should indicate: the manufacturer, the material from which the goods are made, the expiration date and instructions for use.


Subject to all the above rules, you can buy an excellent gift for a newborn. Never purchase children's goods in the markets, in underground crossings, in dubious stores, where in addition to products for children there are a completely different purpose.

DIY gifts for newborns

The most original and memorable from gifts for newborns will be those made with their own hands. In this case, it all depends on your imagination and skills. Among interesting ideas for a gift to a newborn that can be done with your own hands, there are such options:

Knitted things as a gift to a newborn

Popular gifts made by yourself are knitted things. You can tie a small blanket or a small blanket made of natural woolen threads. To make it comfortable in the children's room, you can lay a beautiful and bright knitted rug near the crib. Soft toys that can be tied from any thread will be original. Parents will be able to place such crafts over the crib so that the baby can study them. And, of course, knitted things are most pleased with hats, booties, suits. They are not only beautiful, but also warm.


Metrics for newborns

A gift for many years is metric for newborns. This is a small picture embroidered with a cross, where in addition to a cute picture, information about the child is contained - the date of his birth, weight, height, the city where the baby was born. Such information is very interesting and, believe me, it will always be valuable for the family of a newborn. You can find schemes for embroidery for paintings on the Internet, and you will learn information about the baby from your parents. The embroidered picture is best placed in a beautiful frame and provide for a mount for the wall.


Photo album with your own hands for a newborn

Each family needs an album for photos of a newborn. The cover is best made of fabric by placing a synthetic winterizer under it - so you will achieve volume and softness. Choose delicate pastel colors with children's prints. Such a cover is decorated with artificial colors, beads, applique from fabric or thick paper. On the pages of the album you can also glue various figures. To make such a gift, any techniques in the “Scrapbooking” technique are suitable.   As a result, you will get an exclusive photo album.


Bouquet of clothes as a gift to a newborn

From clothing you can make a basket or a bouquet-gearbox for a newborn. To do this, caps, socks, diapers are twisted into rolls of different sizes. We turn the edges of the rolls on the one hand and get the flower buds that we attach to the wire and form in the bouquet. You can add flowers to the composition. We pack everything as an ordinary bouquet and bandage with a ribbon. In the same way, you can fill the basket with buds of children's clothing. The composition will become more interesting if you add soft toys, a congratulatory card, ribbons and bows to it.


Sweets from terry towels as a gift to the newborn

Various figures are folded from terry towels. For example, candies. Small towels are folded into a narrow roll, from which a spiral is then formed. The resulting figure is placed in a plastic bag and fixed with an elastic band at the base. A plastic or wooden stick is also attached to the base with an elastic band. The elastic band is covered with a gift ribbon. You can collect a whole bouquet of such sweets. From terry towels, various figures of animals can be made. The master classes of such gifts for newborns in the Hend Meid style are on the Internet.


Cake from diapers as a gift to the newborn

The essence of the gift to the newborn of diapers is the original design. To do this, you need a large package of diapers. For the cake, each of them needs to be turned into a roll and then form two or three tiers. The design of diapers should be placed around the base in the form of a pipe made of cardboard. The cake is bandaged with tape and decorated with soft toys, ribbons or flowers.


Of the diapers, you can make not only the figure of the cake, but also the model of the stroller, car, motorcycle.


Please note that the gift should be formed exclusively with clean hands and at the end it is better to place it in transparent packaging. Dampers are a hygiene tool and they should be absolutely clean.

Presentation of a gift for a newborn (video)


Beata 27.06.2017 Answer

A great gift to a newborn is a nominal nipple and a nominal holder !!! Practical and looks just gorgeous! Here you can order personal gifts at excellent prices and very quickly.
