
Exercises for calf muscles

Exercises for calf muscles
Regularly performed exercises for calf muscles will help you make legs attractive in any clothes, shoes and even barefoot.

The female beauty perception is radically different from the male vision of the beautiful. While men, sweating in the gym, make the muscles of the legs with relief and clearly visible, the girls are concerned about the question: how to give the legs elegant tightened form? Yes, so that for this not to visit the gym? This is quite possible at home, it is only necessary to choose the right exercise and determine what kind of problems you want to overcome.

Attention should be paid to the legs of dancers and gymnasts, they do not use special simulators and shells to make their feet perfectly tightened. By virtue of his profession, they simply move a lot by performing elementary exercises. Do not forget about the main rule of beauty and health - the day you need to do 10,000 steps.


You can correct the form of CFR using workouts that should be conducted twice a week for 15-20 minutes. It is not necessary to attend the gym at all, you can choose a set of effective exercises for the feet at home and make it in your free time. It is only necessary to remember that the icy muscles are very hardy, because we are able to overcome long distances when they are helpful. But at the same time, IKR muscle is poorly increased, so they will have to work on their relief, without sparing time and effort.

Exercises for ICR it is better to start and finish with stretching muscles. Once every 1-2 weeks can be completely replaced by stretching workout to work out ligaments and tendons.

Stretching Foot ICR Exercises

Stretching prepares the leg muscles to the physical exertion, heats them, making elastic. This is necessary in order to avoid tensile ligaments during exercise.

To perform this small complex will need only 10-15 minutes.

  1. Stand smoothly, legs together. Make shallow squats without separating heels from the floor.
  2. Take the floor. Feet to put in front of you, to rely on the floor behind yourself. We begin the exercise for ICR from the left leg. Sliding movement pull it up as close as possible. Then go to stretching the right leg. Next, perform the exercise with two legs at the same time. Gradually, the stretching amplitude will increase, try to pull the feet to the buttocks.
  3. Stand smoothly, retain the left foot back, on your fingers. Lower the left foot on the heels due to the stretching of the muscles, without bending the leg in the knee and not moving the body. This is the other foot. To avoid excessive muscle stretching, exercise at a slow pace.
  4. Stretching near the wall. Stand up near the wall at the distance of an elongated hand, put the legs together. Long ahead, resting his hands into the wall. The slope to perform due to the stretching of the muscles of the ICR, the back and knees do not bend. Heels are steadily standing on the floor. Run the slope further by beating the hands in the elbows and trying to touch the wall shoulders.

Exercises for reducing the icy muscles


Getting Started to exercise to reduce the calf muscles, you must follow several rules:

  1. So that the muscles do not increase cannot be used power loads.
  2. Be sure to include exercises for stretching. They will make the muscles with elastic and tightened.
  3. Beautiful muscles and beautiful body is proper nutrition. Eating chips and hamburgers is simply impossible to make muscles taut and elegant.

Basic exercises to reduce IRS:

  1. Springs. Stand exactly on a solid surface. Climb the tiptoe slowly, at maximum height. Slightly omit the heels, then raise again. Make 3 approaches 30 times.
  2. The second exercise is more difficult. Perform the same springs, but on each leg in turn.
  3. Walking on tiptoe. Climb on socks, walk with small steps, straining the calf muscles. Legs to keep absolutely smooth, without bending in the knees.
  4. Walking on the stairs. It is recommended to alternate lifts and lowering on the stairs. Perform at least 15-20 minutes.
  5. You can reduce the icy muscles, jumping on the rope 2-3 times a week for 10 minutes. In addition to tightened ICRs, a slim figure is guaranteed and a great mood. Excellent pulls the legs of the legs running.

Exercises for slimming of calf muscles from step aerobics

These exercises are considered the most effective to reduce IRS. To achieve a visible result, enough 2-3 classes per week. Exercises of step aerobics consist of a repeated repetition of simple monotonous movements, so rhythmic mischievous music will help to make the occupation of cheerful and attractive. For classes, a special platform is needed, which can be replaced by the usual step, a thick book or other flat object.

In order for the exercises to reduce the ICRs, it is necessary to comply with such air-aerobics rules:

  1. 30-40 minutes before classes have 2 glasses of pure drinking water.
  2. You can only put the foot on the platform only with full flat feet, you can not perform exercises on socks.
  3. All movements to perform only legs, not a spine.
  4. It is impossible to make jerks and sharp turns, you need to perform movements rhythmically in the usual pace. This will help to avoid stretching and injuries.
  5. During the workout, follow posture, the back should be straight.

Step exercises for calf muscles:

  1. Source position: standing, near the platform. Put the left foot on the platform, then put the right leg. In the same order, rearrange the legs back to the floor. The same exercise, but start with the left leg.
  2. Put the left foot on the platform, bend the right leg in the knee and raise up. Return my right leg to the floor. Next to her put the left leg. Perform the same exercise on the other legs.
  3. Put the left foot on the platform, raise the right leg and put again on the floor. Perform the same movement with the right leg.

Exercises for increasing the ion muscles


The problem of some girls are very thin legs. Sometimes it is just a physiological feature, and it is often connected with diets and weight loss. A sharp limit in the diet of the protein can lead to the "disappearance" of the muscles. So that the legs acquire the desired reliefs and looked great in short shorts and skirts, it is necessary to take a job.

  1. The main exercise to increase the icy muscles at home is the rise on socks. For exercise, a thick book and chair will be required. Sit on the edge of the chair, follow posture. The back must be smooth, the shoulders are stripped. Book put on the floor, put on her fingers of the legs, for this knees bend at right angles. Slowly lower the heels to the floor, not to put on the floor. Also smoothly raise the heels up, putting on socks. To perform the same exercise with burdens, you can use dumbbells or a plastic water bottle. To do this, you just need to put the object on your knees. Run 3 approaches 30 times.
  2. Lifting on socks with dumbbells. Stand smoothly, dumbbells keep in the elongated hands down on the sides. Smoothly climb to socks, then slowly slowly return to its original position. Repeat 15-20 times.
  3. Exercise lifting on socks with dumbbells, heels in the air. It is performed similarly to the previous one, the only difference is that the heels do not touch the floor, but are constantly in the highlight. Make 15-20 repetitions.
  4. This exercise for calf muscles for women fitness coaches is considered the best to give the volume of icers. Source position - Singing "Plie". To do this, put on the width of the shoulders, socks to turn outward, make semi-man. Hand hold on the waist. You can use weightlifiers, pressing dumbbells with your hands to the thighs. The exercise consists of 2 parts. Initially, the heels in turn are raised, at a slow pace. Then go to the lifting of 2 heels at the same time. Perform 15-20 times each part of the exercise. During the squat, do not forget to keep the back smooth and follow posture. Performing this exercise, you can pull the muscles of the hips and buttocks.

To increase the inner part of the ICR, socks should be turned outward, as described in the description of the exercise. To increase the muscles on the outside of the legs, socks unfold inward, one to another. If the feet are parallel to one another, the impact on the rear surface of the calf muscles.

We should not forget after performing a set of exercises to make a stretch. It will save from the unpleasant feelings in the muscles of the legs.

Exercise for calf muscles. Video

Several simple exercises to reduce ICR.


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