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Licking cocktail recipes

Licking cocktail recipes
Selection of products for making homemade cocktails for weight loss

The fight against excess weight remains the main topic in modern society, therefore there are a lot of ways to solve this problem and maintain an excellent form. They are based on two basic rules - a decrease in calories consumed and increasing energy costs in the body. Proper nutrition is a complex mechanism that not everyone can understand. A person needs a certain amount of minerals and vitamins daily to ensure normal life processes. Lack of nutrients can negatively affect the functions of the body. Home cocktails for weight loss are considered a paramount source of useful substances. In addition, their natural composition is striking in its diversity.

The benefits of cocktails for weight loss

The basis of all cocktail cocktails is fiber contained in plants. With its help, a person receives a feeling of saturation faster and at the same time immense appetite is reduced several times.

Fiber plays a huge role in nutrition aimed at weight loss. It consists of plant dietary fibers, which are divided into two types - insoluble and soluble. The percentage of the content of certain fibers in individual products is different. Soluble fibers play the role of a sponge - they absorb all the harmful substances that are in the body. Insoluble fibers take the role in cleaning the intestines. Food products with a low content of fibers of this species are delayed longer in it, as a result of which there are many pathogenic bacteria.

salad with Tomatoes and Peppers

The effect of fiber on the process of weight loss:

  • cleanses the intestines of accumulated toxins;
  • promotes the restoration of microflora, improve digestive function and metabolic processes, reduce blood sugar;
  • fights with the "wolf" appetite - in the stomach, the fiber increases in size and suppresses the feeling of hunger;
  • the risk of a cancer tumor in the colon is reduced.

In pharmacies or specialized stores, everyone can find a herbalife cocktail for weight loss. These cocktails are part of complex sets for losing weight. They contain the right amount of fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals.


You can make such useful cocktails for weight loss at home without much effort. You just need to choose products based on your taste preferences. However, it should be remembered that they should be combined - sweet fruits or nuts with spices are suitable for milk cocktails. Also, milk can be replaced with kefir or natural yogurt.

Cocktails with the content of protein, which are intended for athletes who want to increase muscle mass and people who simply lead an active lifestyle, became quite popular.

Protein cocktails are in the list of the lowest -calorie products, since protein is a building material for muscles, and not for adipose tissues.

Home cocktails are gaining popularity among consumers, because they contain only fresh vegetables, berries and fruits, which allows you to produce energy several times more and faster. Unlike ready -made cocktails for losing weight, the home contains smaller sugar and a large amount of fiber, which contributes to the weight loss process.

Recommendations for the use and preparation of home cocktails for weight loss

In the process of preparing and using cocktails of any type and composition, some instructions must be adhere to.


Useful tips:

  • choose fresh and high -quality components for your cocktail;
  • use products that accelerate metabolism;
  • moderate physical activity and proper nutrition will help maintain the effect that cocktails give;
  • pay attention to the number of calories in the cooked cocktail - it can serve as a light snack or a full breakfast, lunch or dinner;
  • use the cocktail half an hour before meals if you use it as an addition to the daily diet;
  • drink a cocktail for weight loss in small portions - this will allow the body to gradually absorb beneficial substances;
  • for preparation, you will need a blender, since with it you will achieve the desired consistency;
  • use only cold water if it is in the composition. Low temperature water has a beneficial effect on the process of losing weight;
  • drink a cocktail immediately after its preparation - a fresh cocktail contains a sufficient amount of elements useful for the body;
  • buy milk, kefir or yogurt with a low percentage of fat content.

Home cocktail recipes for weight loss

There are many recipes for home cocktails for weight loss with a variety of composition, each component in which helps to accelerate metabolism.

Cocktail recipe number 1:

  • ginger root - 2 small pieces;
  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • tomato - 1 pc;
  • bulgarian pepper - 1 pc;
  • cool water - 1 tbsp.

Ginger must be rubbed on a fine grater, then put this mass in a blender, add pepper and tomato chopped into parts there and grind for several seconds. After you need to add honey and water and beat again. Such a cocktail is suitable as an addition to breakfast or instead of it, but in this case, low -fat cream (1 tbsp.) Should be an additional component.


Cocktail recipe number 2:

  • water - 2 tbsp;
  • honey - 3 tbsp. L.;
  • ginger root;
  • cinnamon powder - 1 tbsp. l.

All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed in a blender and drink. This cocktail with the addition of ginger has a low calorie content - only 36 kcal per 100 g of the finished drink. It will help reduce appetite and satisfy the feeling of hunger for a long time.

Cocktail recipe number 3:

  • single -percent kefir - 1 tbsp;
  • oatmeal - 2 tbsp. L.;
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  • half of the apple.

This recipe is the most popular, since oatmeal contains appetite due to the fiber contained in them, kefir normalizes the intestinal function, as a result of which the toxins are excreted from the body, and cinnamon allows the sugar to be absorbed and not deployed into the fat layers.  The proposed type of protein cocktail for losing weight gained many positive reviews among those who have ever fought more than extra kilograms.


Cocktail recipe number 4:

  • home cottage cheese - 100 g;
  • milk - 0.5 tbsp;
  • greens to choose from (parsley, spinach, sorrel, celery, etc.).

In combination with fresh herbs, cottage cheese performs the work of the “cleaner” of the intestines from toxins and toxins accumulated in it, so it is a protein cocktail for weight loss. In addition to this, such a cocktail contains antioxidants that positively affect the condition of the skin.

Cocktail recipe number 5:

  • orange - 1 pc;
  • half grapefruit;
  • apple - 1 pc;
  • pumpkin pulp - 50 g;
  • celery root - 1/3 part;
  • carrot juice - 0.5 tbsp;
  • echinacea tincture - 2 drops.

It is necessary to prepare carrot juice in advance, then grate the pumpkin and celery on a fine grater, divide the orange and grapefruit into small parts, and peel and cut the apple into pieces. Mix prepared ingredients in a blender along with carrot juice and tincture of echinacea. After the cocktail has reached the desired consistency, it must be drunk with small sip instead of the main breakfast.

Cocktail recipe number 6:

  • 2 broccoli inflorescences;
  • a bunch of parsley;
  • 2 parts of ginger root;
  • 1 cucumber;
  • 100 g of green peas;
  • 0.5 tbsp kefir.

All components of the cocktail need to be chopped in a blender and added kefir to the resulting mass, stir well and drink well. The energy value of such a green cocktail is only 27 kcal. Most often, parsley in the preparation of different dishes and salads is used as an amplifier of taste and smell, as well as as a decorative element. However, few people know that parsley removes excess fluid from the body, which adds several digits on the scales. In addition, it is useful for those who have weak and visited hair.


Cocktail recipe number 7:

  • banana - 1 pc;
  • bunch of spinach;
  • mint-2-3 leaflets;
  • lyme juice - 1 tsp;
  • fennel root;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. L.;
  • mineral water - 0.5 tbsp.

All of the above ingredients should be placed in a blender and shake for several minutes. Such a cocktail is suitable for those who do not like to eat greens just like that.

Cocktail recipe number 8:

  • bundle of sorrel;
  • a bunch of parsley;
  • bunch of salad leaves;
  • apple - 1 pc;
  • juice of one lemon;
  • water - 0.5 tbsp;
  • ice - several cubes.

The cocktail according to this recipe will improve the intestinal microflora - the greens contains fiber, which absorbs all toxins in the body. In addition to this, he will refresh in the summer due to the presence of ice in it.

Cocktail recipe number 9:

  • celery root;
  • cucumber - 0.5 pcs;
  • bunch of dill;
  • bunch of spinach;
  • kefir - 0.5 tbsp;
  • soy sauce - 1 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tsp;
  • garlic - 1 clove.

Mix all the ingredients thoroughly in a blender, and then drink in small sips. For those who do not like garlic in its pure form, you can make a special oil-grind the garlic, add it to the oil and let it brew for 2-3 hours, then strain it to clean it from garlic pulp.


Cocktail recipe number 10:

  • bulgarian pepper - 1 pc;
  • carrots - 1 pc;
  • persimmon - 1 pc;
  • kefir - 0.5 tbsp;
  • walnuts - 50 g;
  • kuraga-2-3 pcs.

The cocktail according to this recipe is a source of a whole complex of vitamins and other beneficial substances that are necessary for the body, especially in the autumn-winter period.

Cocktail recipe number 11:

  • cucumber - 1 pc;
  • water - 0.5 tbsp;
  • garlic - 1 clove.

The cucumber must be cleaned, finely chopped and put in a blender bowl. There should also be added chopped garlic and water, then mix everything thoroughly. A cucumber cocktail can be used as a separate dish, but then it needs to be drunk every 2 hours, or take 45 minutes before meals to improve digestion and metabolism.

Cocktail recipe number 12:

  • 2 pieces of lemon;
  • 1 kiwi;
  • parsley greens;
  • mint;
  • 0.5 stvo of water.

First you need to carefully clean the kiwi from the skin, then cut the lemon, add all the indicated ingredients to the blender and mix.


Cocktail recipe number 13:

  • ginger root;
  • 1 grapefruit;
  • 0.5 lemon;
  • 1 tbsp. l.  honey.

Ginger acts as an antiviral agent during the cold period, as well as the main fat -burning component of this cocktail, so it should be taken 2 times a week. The purified grapefruit and lemon should be cut into small pieces, ginger ginger, and then grind everything in a blender until a homogeneous mass, add honey and if you need a little water.

Cocktail recipe number 14:

  • 4 pieces of lemon;
  • 0.5 stvo of water;
  • mint;
  • ice.

This cocktail can be prepared without the help of a blender - a lemon, mint you need to rush with a spoon and pour them with water, and then add ice cubes. The same recipe can be used as a protein cocktail for weight loss, only mint here you need to replace 2 tbsp. l. Protein powder.

Cocktail recipe number 15:

  • 1 tomato;
  • 2 celery plates;
  • half of red pepper;
  • green;
  • ice;
  • a pinch of sea salt;
  • 0.5 tsp. Tabasco sauce.

Add all the ingredients to the blender bowl and grind thoroughly until a thick mass without lumps is obtained. The severity of this cocktail will help get rid of extra pounds for a short period.


Cocktail recipe number 16:

  • 0.5 st.
  • 1 banana;
  • 0.5 tsp.  honey.

Mix all the components in a blender, let it brew a little and drink.

Cocktail recipe No. 17:

  • skim milk - 0.5 tbsp;
  • cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • cocoa - 1 tbsp. L.;
  • water - 0.5 tbsp.

The recipe for a home -based protein cocktail cocktail is gaining popularity even among fans of playing sports.

If you decide to use any of the prescribed recipes, you need to remember that they can always be supplemented with spices.


Often used spices:

  1. Cinnamon helps glucose to be processed into the energy necessary for the body instead of increasing the amount of fat cells in problem areas.
  2. The ground pepper contains an element of pipin, which activates the metabolism in the body.
  3. Cardamon also has a fat -burning property, due to which excess calories are burned as part of fats and carbohydrates.

Vegetable and fruit cocktails for weight loss is a delicious and healthy way of weight loss. They can be prepared at any convenient moment for you and diversify your daily menu with vitamins useful for the body.



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