
Rejuvenating face massage

Rejuvenating face massage
How with the help of massage to keep beauty and youth for many years

We all dream of beauty and attractiveness, despite the age, strive to be as long as possible young and charming. This is a completely natural desire for each lady - to be young and unique. It is not necessarily for this to go to the operating table and make plastic faces, the more the result after such an operation is often unpredictable. It is much safer to use modern techniques of the rejuvenating massage, study them and apply themselves.

Types of rejuvenating massage


Currently, there are several types of rejuvenating massages, some of them can compete with plastic faces. The most popular are: Classic, Japanese, French. To perform some types of massage, it is necessary to visit the cosmetology salon, because at home it is difficult to master these techniques. Pretty complex in fulfillment is the French anti-aging face massage. With the help of this lymphatic regulatory technology, you can adjust the oval of faces, make the skin more elastic and smooth, remove the edema. To achieve this, you need to visit a talented professional cosmetologist.

Another type of rejuvenating massage, which is better to perform in the cabin, is a massage with hot, or tweezky. The rejuvenating effect of this massage is achieved due to the heating of the muscles of the face and the activation of metabolic processes in the skin. After 10 massage sessions, Jacques can be hoped for improved face color, leather relief leveling and normalization of the sebaceous glands.

Classic rejuvenating face massage at home

Classic anti-aging facial massage can be performed at home. His technique consists in a clear knowledge of massage lines and compliance with the sequence of receptions. Cosmetologists advise to apply this type of massage for girls over 25 years for preventing the formation of wrinkles. Perform a finger pad procedure, repeating several times each reception. The direction of massage lines can be viewed in the photo.


To perform the massage, it is necessary to sit on the chair, take the right posture. The duration of the session is 5-7 minutes. Classic massage is better to do in the evening after cleansing the face from cosmetics. For the procedure, you can choose the oil that you like, or just olive. The oil should approach your skin type and do not cause irritation and blockage of the sebaceous glands. It is allowed to use a night cream if you are satisfied with its texture.

Sequence of the classic anti-aging massage:

  1. We carry out the pillows of your fingers from the center of the chin along the line of massage towards the urine of the ear. The second line - from the corner of the mouth to the ear of the ear, the third - from the wings of the nose to the upper point of the ear. From the middle of the forehead fingers lead to the temples. All movements are performed consistently without lingering at any points. We carry out stroking movements along the neck, do not forget about massage lines.
  2. Light movements of middle and nameless fingers make skin massage around the eyes. The direction of movements along the upper line, under the eyebrows lead from an inner corner of the eye to the temple, under the eyes - on the contrary, from the outer part of the eye to the bridge.
  3. We definitely pay attention to the outer corner of the eye, where wrinkles are formed when we smile. We massage this area with pillows of nameless and middle fingers.
  4. We perform the next step - rubbing. They are performed by spiral movements. We put the pillows of the fingers between the eyebrows and perform a spiral massage along the line of eyebrows to the hair. Then from the same point to the temples. Go to the execution of rubbing through massage lines, starting from the first item: from the chin, from the corner of the mouth, from the wings of the nose. There are no rubbing eyes around.
  5. Around the eye perform naked. Press the pads of medium and nameless fingers on the nose, at the vertical wrinkle. Under the eyebrows, we make boots in the place where the eye bone is tested. Performed only over the eyes. This technique will help get rid of edema and swelling around the eyes.
  6. We carry out the tapping movements of the pillows of the fingers through massage lines, except the eye area. Massage with the back of the brush along the chin line and lower zicky bone. Singing is pretty actively. The result of this reception will be the disposal of the second chin and the improvement of the contour of the face.

Classic face massage. Video

Japanese rejuvenating massage

This type of massage is based on point exposure to biologically active points. It should be carried out in accordance with the instruction, accurately observing the sequence and time of pressure. The point massage is pursuing the goal to relax the muscles of the face, because it is their tension that causes folds and wrinkles. Massage is performed by pressing the pads of large fingers or at the same time indicative, middle and unnamed. Pressure is carried out carefully, not causing painful sensations, the time of pressure is 5-7 seconds.

Before starting the session, it is recommended to make a bath or a warm compress for the skin of the face. You can combine compress and relaxation: lie on your back and lie down a few minutes. Massage is better done lying.

  1. We put the index, the middle and the ring finger of one hand to the middle of the forehead, in parallel we put the same fingers of the other hand. Press the point, move the fingers of one hand from another to 1-2 cm, repeat pressure. Gradually moving towards the temples, massage forehead.
  2. Massage eyebrows. We visually divide the eyebrow into 3 zones, nameless fingers put at the beginning of the eyebrows, the average - at the central point, the index are lowered to the end of the eyebrows near the temples. On this line there are biologically active points, pressed.
  3. Go to the massage of the nose. For many, this place is a problem zone, it is there a fold is formed when we frown. The point massage of this zone contributes to improved mood and improving performance. We put the pads of the index and middle finger of one hand between the eyebrows and press up.
  4. Massage the area around the eyes. First we put the pads of ringless fingers near the nose, on the inner corners of the eyes, the index fingers are on the outer corners of the eye, near the temples, the average - in the upper eyelid. The impact on these points will help get rid of the unpleasant sensations in the eyes caused by a long-term voltage.
  5. Now we carry out the impact on the area under the eyes, we work very carefully and carefully. The skin under the eyes is gentle, we try not to stretch it. The pads of the index fingers of both hands put on the outer corners of the eyes, Unnamed are located in the interior, the average - in the lower eyelid.
  6. We massive active points on the upper and lower lip. On the upper lip, this point is located above the lip, in the middle. On the lower lip - under the bottom lip in the center of the chin. Massage perform the middle finger pad.
  7. We finish the rejuvenating Japanese massage formation of the facial oval. For this, a non-name and middle finger put on the chin, index placing on the cheekbone, and the thumb feeling under the cheeky. Gradually move the fingers towards the ears, the massage of this zone consists of 5-6 positions.

The rejuvenating effect of this massage can be seen after a week of regular classes: the skin smoothes and becomes touched. In addition, the point massage positively affects vision, relieves eye fatigue and relaxes intraocular muscles.

Rejuvenating massage Zogan 600x450_0_b3db8edb526c4dd66aaeee99b2190a77c @ 800x600_0x59f91261_9065752511394185913

The word Zogan denotes "Creating a face." The basis of this technique of massage is the experience of Japanese beauties, who sought to make their appearance perfect. Systematized these knowledge and made them popular worldwide Japanese stylist Yukuko Tanaka. In the last decade, this massage is recognized as a rejuvenating and simply magic, he allowed many women to preserve youth and beauty, as well as gain confidence. Massage techniques are quite simple, but they differ fundamentally from the generally accepted rules. Master the rejuvenating massage Tanaka technique can easily any girl, there would be a desire and 10 minutes of free time per day.

Zogan massage is performed with a small force, as a result, the muscles of the face are activated, blood circulation is improved. Enhances the rejuvenating effect of this amazing massage. Impact on "Beauty Points". Sometimes the result of the procedure is visible after 1-2 sessions, the effect is especially noticeable if the face was edema and swelling.

Before proceeding with the massage, it is advisable to get acquainted with the location of lymph nodes to avoid excessive exposure to these zones. Massage is better to perform standing or sitting, however, there are no contraindications to perform it in the lying position. Before the procedure, the face is purified by makeup, then we apply cosmetic cream, butter or milk for removing makeup.

We study the movement that each reception is completed. We connect the index, medium and ring fingers, put them on the skin near the ears, press. Fix this position 2 seconds, then with a little effort to fingers down the neck, we reach the clavary bone. We delay traffic for 2 seconds. This movement improves the outflow of lymph and eliminates swelling.

Rejuvenating massage forehead

We put the pillows of three fingers in the middle of the forehead, the fingers of the second hand are placed nearby. Fingers pressed with rear side to each other. We press on the middle of the forehead, without removing the pressure, we drag the hands to the temples, turn on 90 degrees, lead to ear sinks. We carry out the final exercise.

Rejuvenating massage around the eyes

These exercises should pay special attention, because they differ from classic techniques. Middle finger pads put on the outer corners of the eyes, fix 2 seconds, we spend your fingers along the lower century towards the bridge. Fix your fingers on the inner corners of the eye. We take to this precisely and carefully: these points are called beauty points. We increase the pressure and fingers under the eyebrow, feeling the eyebound, from the bridge to the temple. Fix points 1-2 seconds. The second half of the exercise is performed only in the lower eyelid. We carry out the pads of the fingers from the outer corners of the eyes to the nose, fix the fingers. Then come back. Hold your fingers 2 seconds and carry out the final exercise.

Rejuvenating massage around the mouth and nose

We put the average and index fingers on the middle of the chin, press and fix 2 seconds. Without removing the pressure, spend the fingers around the mouth up to the nose. Do not scare that the skin shifts and in the mirror it looks not very beautiful, the result is important. The second part of the exercise begins with points near the wings of the nose. Sliding movements of the middle fingers massage the area around the wings of the nose.

Middle and index finger pads form a thin spout. Sliding your fingers from the top of the nose, on its parties, act with pressure. We slide fingers to the temples and fix the point near the ears.

Rejuvenating Massage Cheek

We put your fingers to the lower part of the chin, press and with the effort we promote your fingers to the eyes. The skin is going to the harmonica, do not worry, everyone will deal. We carry hands towards the temples, fix the point near the ears.

Alternately massage the left and right cheeks. The palm of one hand lay on the bottom of the cheekbones, the fingers of the second palm pressed to another cheekbone and with a little effort we lead to the inner corner of the eye, fix the point 2 seconds. Then weaken the pressure and spend your fingers from the bridge to the temple. The same exercise is performed on another cheek.

We put your fingers on both sides of the nose, pressed and with effort spend from the nose to the temples.

We put the thumbs under the scarlet, the index fingers are located along the nose, the tips are closed on the nose. The thumbs are tightly pressed the chin, and the index stretch the skin towards the temples. This exercise aligns wrinkles and removes swelling, after it you will feel warm and ease on the cheeks.

The rejuvenating massage of Asahi tested a huge number of women. Many celebrate that applying this massage, it is quite possible to look for 10 years younger. It perfectly pulls up the skin of the face, removes the second chin and age-related sickness of the skin. With the help of these simple exercises, you can adjust the oval of the face and the neckline.

Japanese rejuvenating face massage asah. Video

More convenient to master the technique of massage Asahi can be used in this video.

Yukuko Tanaka has a lot of followers. Currently, video Alena Sable, which tells about the rejuvenating Japanese massage in Russian and demonstrates the main massage techniques. What video to use to explore the massage technique, solve only you. Some prefer primary sources, that is, the video where the massage performs Tanaka. And other girls like the video in Russian. We offer you a choice of two different options for the Japanese massage for Asahi face.

Rejuvenating Japanese massage Alena Sable. Video



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