
Liquid hair crystals are best tools. How to use liquid hair crystals

Liquid hair crystals are best tools. How to use liquid hair crystals
The latest new product in the field of hair beauty is liquid crystals that are able to fight the secting tips and provide hair strength and shine.

Beautiful and well-groomed hair has always been and will be the main decoration of the girl. However, not every representative of the beautiful floor can boast a chic chapel from nature. Increasingly, you can find fragile, dry and weak hair, which is due to the use of various styling tools, environmental influences and other factors. In this case, it is important to pay attention in time and take care of their treatment and transformation.

It was for these purposes that a special preparation was created - liquid hair crystals. The satin smoothness of the hair and liquid hair crystals are in their essence are synonymous, since glitter and silkiness can be achieved with this hair.

In this article, consider the composition and properties of the liquid hair crystals, as well as the description of the most popular grades of this drug. Note the basic rules of how to use liquid hair crystals.

What is liquid hair crystals

Each woman cares daily and take care of their hair, for which it uses just a huge number of different means. Today in cosmetic departments you can find masks, balsams, serums, oils, hair emulsions that can carefully care for hair, giving them a natural shine and a healthy look. Hair preparations appear on the market so often that not every representative of the finest is able to keep track of all innovations. The most recent novelty are liquid hair crystals, which rapidly conquer recognition and love not only in women, but also professional stylists and hairdressers.

Liquid crystals are a peculiar oil liquid developed on the basis of plant components. Hair oil Liquid crystals are not a rowing agent and applied to the hair immediately after washing and before laying. For what the liquid hair crystals are needed if there is simply a huge amount of different oils and fluids in this market, restoring the hair structure. The answer is simple, this means, thanks to the latest developments, penetrates deeper into the structure of the hair and has a more effective impact. Depending on the purpose, liquid hair crystals can be used for split tips, to eliminate dryness and hair liness, to give gloss and silkiness hair. That is why this remedy quickly gained popularity in women with various hair: long and straight, curly, short and painted.

On the territory of Russia, liquid hair crystals are still not so common, but gradually this innovative drug has been conquering the market of our country.

The composition of liquid hair crystals

Before choosing a particular drug, it is important to carefully understand not only in the question, which is liquid crystals and for which they are needed, but also with particular care to explore the composition and beneficial properties of each component of the hair. To date, its liquid crystals produce the world's largest firms, such as liquid hair crystals Brelil or Estel. Manufacturers put an oily liquid with small crystals into special small bottles of about 60-100 ml, equipped with a convenient dispenser or sprayer. Thanks to this, the remedy is spent very economically and one bottle is enough for a long time.

We will deal with the composition of liquid crystals to get a more complete presentation and beneficial properties of the means and its hair efficiency.

  • The main components of this means are various vegetable oils, extracts from plants and natural flavors. As an oil, the base from the ray, linen or coconut is most often used, but sometimes you can meet the broccoli oil and avocado. This component nourishes the hair and moisturizes them, making more protected.
  • Also, manufacturers are added to liquid crystals various extracts from plants, the beneficial effect of which has long been proven to the hair. Such plants include aloe, plantain, nettle, burdock. They gently affect the structure of the hair, giving them shine and soft.
  • Silicone resins can also be attributed to the main components of liquid crystals, which are capable of home to all cavities, filling them and lifting hair. Silicone envelops every hair, making them more elastic and smooth. It is necessary to be attentive when choosing a certain manufacturer of liquid crystals, as everyone marks silicone in the composition under various names. You can meet the following: dimethicone, phenyltimethikon, polyoxy-10.
  • In all liquid crystals there are also ceramic, which are fats of plant origin and are necessarily located in the protective layer of the epidermis. This substance is added to cosmetic preparations for hair care for the reason that it is precisely it allows to fill the skin of the head by the necessary moisture. Various manufacturers add campus of different types. As part of the most popular, you can find Ceramide NS, Ceramide Eop, Ceramide PC-102 and others.
  • In addition to the above compulsory components, vitamins are added to liquid crystals, among which vitamins of groups B, A, D, E are most often used.

All components included in the composition of liquid crystals are combined with gloss hair, smoothness and elasticity, make them healthier and well-groomed, facilitate the process of combing and laying. In addition, when using liquid crystals, you can not be afraid of damage from the bad, iron and hairdryers, since your hair is reliably protected by enveloping components of the means.

Pros and disadvantages of using liquid hair crystals

Like any other cosmetic, liquid hair crystals have a list of positive qualities and disadvantages that need to be considered when choosing this drug for their hair.

Advantages of liquid crystals:

  • First of all, it is worth noting that this drug is suitable for any hair. It can be thin or thick, long or short, straight or wavy.
  • It is recommended to use liquid crystals after staining, lining, chemical curling. After these procedures, the hair structure is broken and regeneration is required. For this purpose, liquid crystals are ideal, which very quickly restore the initial type of hair.
  • Liquid crystals envelop their hair with a protective film, which is capable of protecting them from the harmful effects of styling instruments: a bad iron, iron and hairdryers. The protective properties of liquid crystals are observed and when using varnish, mousse or foam.
  • Liquid crystals are able to smooth hair, which allows to eliminate the unpleasant effect of "fluffy hair". So you will get beautiful and well-groomed hair like after the cabin.
  • This drug softens and smoothes hair, making them more obedient. Due to this, even the most disobedient hair is lighter and stacked.
  • Liquid crystals are able to give hair shine and silkness, which is a sign of healthy and well-groomed hair.
  • This agent is simply indispensable when the sequential tips appears. Due to its innovative composition, liquid crystals sold down the sequencing hair tips fill their moisture, making smooth and obedient.
  • Liquid crystals provide protection of hair from harmful environmental impact. This applies to sunlight, strong wind and frost. It is these factors that negatively affect hair.
  • When using liquid crystals, an express effect is observed, which is so important when the hairstyles are forming and styling with fine haircuts, for example, a bob haircut.
  • Another visible advantage of this fund is its economy. One bottle is enough for an average of 6-9 months, depending on the length of the hair and the frequency of use.
  • The benefits can be attributed to the fact that buy liquid hair crystals can be in any professional cosmetics store or via the Internet.
  • Liquid crystals are available in a wide variety of forms, which depends on special additives. You can choose a dandruff agent, for split tips, for curly hair, liquid crystals against hair loss, as well as products for dry and oily hair. In this regard, you can easily choose liquid crystals specifically for your hair.

Disadvantages of liquid crystals:

  • In addition to a large number of positive characteristics, liquid crystals also have a number of shortcomings.
  • It should be borne in mind that liquid crystals are an oily liquid and with frequent and abundant use they can grow hair, making them fat and untidy. It is usually recommended at once to apply no more than 5 drops of liquid crystals on the hair.
  • As part of all brands of liquid crystals there is silicone, which has the ability to accumulate inside the hair. Over time, this can lead to the destruction of the hair from the inside, to its weakening and deformation.
  • In some cases, liquid crystals may cause habituation of hair with regular use of the fund for several months. This is manifested in a sharp cessation of liquid crystals. Your hair will become lifeless, dull and brittle, and the hairstyle as a whole will look neglected. Fix this condition will not be able to facilitate any means.
  • The price of liquid crystals for global brands is quite high. However, it is worth remembering that one bottle is enough for a sufficiently long period of use.

The best liquid hair crystals - overview of popular brands

Today, there is a large number of brands and trademarks of liquid crystals in the market for hair care, which seek to release the most optimal and suitable tool for hair. They all differ in their composition, shape and view, and also serve to improve various hair. We present the characteristics of the most popular brands of liquid crystals in the Russian market.

Brelil liquid hair crystals

  • This tool will allocate very much on the background of the rest due to its innovative composition and first-class effect.
  • It is produced in bright yellow vials, which already attracts attention. Typically, 50 or 100 ml bottles are made of plastic and are equipped with a dispenser.
  • Liquid crystals of this manufacturer are designed to care for dry and damaged hair, as well as to combat sequential tips.
  • In this trademark, several varieties of this means are distinguished, they may slightly differ in composition, but their impact and properties are similar.
  • In its composition, Brelil liquid crystals contain linseed seed extract, argan oil, ceramic, many vitamins and silicone.
  • This remedy differs from others in that it contains much less silicone. This contributes to that hair is less fat, even if you have applied a lot of money.
  • Liquid crystals have a very tender and melting consistency, which allows you to evenly apply it to the hair.
  • By numerous reviews, Brelil hair liquid crystals make hair smooth and shiny, increase them in volume and struggle with split tips.
  • This agent is recommended for clarified, painted, damaged brittle and dull hair.
  • Liquid crystals of this brand have a bright oriental fragrance, which can hold on her hair during the day.
  • The cost of Liquid Crystals Brelil is an average of 800-900 rubles.

Liquid CONSTANT DELIGHT Hair Crystals

  • Liquid hair constants are also quite popular among fair sex and professional stylists.
  • Fluid for hair Liquid crystals of this brand are produced in Italy and are a plastic bottle with a convenient dispenser with a volume of 80 ml.
  • This agent is used to treat split tips and can be applied both on wet hair before laying and as the final touch on dry hair. It is for the ability to steer the secant tips that is widely used by stylists and hairdressers.
  • The composition of liquid crystals Constant Delight includes linen and mineral oil, beta extract, silicone resin and vitamins, as well as perfume, which gives hair a pleasant fruit fragrance.
  • Liquid crystals quickly restore the structure of the hair and close the flakes, which gives the hair a beautiful and well-kept look.
  • It is recommended to apply about 2-3 drops of products on the tips of the hair. A larger amount can lead to weight gain and give them the effect of "unwashed hair".
  • Do not abuse liquid crystals of this manufacturer, as this can cause addictive. Limit the rare use to adjust the hairstyle.
  • This remedy can be safely applied before using a hair dryer or curl, as it has a well-pronounced thermal protection.
  • The price of liquid CONSTANT DELIGHT hair crystals is about 400-500 rubles.

Kaaral Liquid Hair Crystals

  • This agent is slightly different from other brands in that there is no silicone in its composition. This component is replaced with cyclopentasiloxane, which penetrates the bulk of the hair and struggles with the inside problems. While silicone only envelops the hair rod.
  • This agent includes silk proteins, so it is ideal for painted and clarified hair. It can restore the hair structure, give them force and incredible shine.
  • Kaaral liquid crystals can be applied to wet and dry hair, but it is recommended to use 1-2 drops.
  • It is a means to care for hair, and not for their treatment.
  • It has quite high cost - one bottle is on average costs 900-1300 rubles.

Liquid Hair Crystals Kapous

  • Liquid hair crystals Capulate are produced in the form of a fluid and have a gentle and light texture, which will make it easy to apply it on your hair along the entire length.
  • The composition contains linseed oil, silicone, vitamins, betaine.
  • Perfectly suitable for seating split tips, giving hair natural shine and removal of static electricity.
  • After using this liquid silk, hair is easily combed and fit well.
  • The tool is produced in a 60 ml plastic bottle with a convenient dispenser. Usually grabs for a whole year of use.
  • The value of the bottle is approximately 500-600 rubles.

NexXt Liquid Hair Crystals

  • The tool is a vitamin regenerating cocktail.
  • The composition contains a large number of vitamins and minerals, which allows to feed and smooth hair, making them smooth and silky.
  • The tool is quickly absorbed and does not dock hair.
  • Ideal for dry, damaged and weakened hair.
  • It has a protective property from the harmful effects of surrounding seats and stress.
  • Produced in Germany, 100 ml bottle.
  • The average cost is 400-500 rubles.

Liquid hair crystals Faberlik "Satin smoothness"

  • This is a means of Russian production and is much cheaper than imported analogs. The average cost is approximately 300-400 rubles.
  • Perfectly applied on the hair, nourishes them and makes smooth.
  • After using such liquid crystals, hair becomes stronger and shiny, the effect of "fluffy hair" disappears.
  • The tool is not washed off.

Liquid hair crystals - use at home

Liquid crystals are a fairly new hair care agent, which is only gaining popularity among representatives of the fine sex. It is important that it is possible to use it at home, absolutely not worrying about safety and precautionary measures. Consider the use of liquid crystals with different hair problems.

Using liquid crystals for hair tips

  • To this end, the means of such brands like Brelil, Constant Delight are excellent.
  • With such problems, almost 70% of women are facing, which is caused by frequent use of styling agents and tools, staining and clarification.
  • Finding on the hair rod, the liquid crystals fill the flakes, sleeping them and giving the rugs smoothness and well-groomed.
  • Before using liquid crystals against hair luxury, it is necessary to thoroughly wash your hair.
  • Next, when drying hair dryer, we apply a literally 1-2 drops of the means on the hand and begin to gently rub the liquid crystals in full length of the hair.
  • Application tools must begin with the tips themselves, and if the sequentants of the tips are much, it is necessary to rub thoroughly. Next, the tool is distributed over the entire length, not reaching the roots. If your hair is fat, it is recommended to finish the application of liquid crystals, not reaching 15 cm to the roots.
  • Oil is not washed off.

Using liquid crystals against hair fragility

  • Ideally, liquid crystals are suitable and brisk hair, devoid of power and gloss.
  • Due to its composition, these funds moisturize their hair and nourish them, enveloping each hair rod, which in turn strengthens hair and makes it stronger and elastic.
  • It is necessary to wash hair thoroughly.
  • Apply liquid crystals on hair is recommended 3-4 times a week, it is advisable to do it for the night.
  • The maximum effect can be achieved when applied in 2-3 layers.
  • Pre-2-3 drops of liquid crystals are recommended to be confused in the palms to heat it. This will allow oil to absorb better wagon.
  • Apply liquid crystals are needed along the entire length of the hair.
  • ASSTEL liquid crystals are suitable against hair fragility, baxter.

Using liquid crystals against dandruff

  • Manufacturers produce liquid crystals in various forms, among which can be selected against dandruff.
  • The composition of such funds can include various vegetable components: flax oil, almond oil, menthol, wheat germs oil, tea tree essential oil, rosemary essential oil and others.
  • Previously need to wash your head with ordinary shampoo and slightly dry your hair with a hairdryer.
  • After that, a small amount of liquid crystals should be applied to the skin and roots of the hair, after which it is distributed over the entire length of the hair.
  • Next, capture your hair with a rubber band and wrap with a cap and a towel.
  • Leave the hair mask about 30-40 minutes, after which the remedy should be washed off from the hair.
  • This mask is recommended to spend about 2-3 times a week, the field of which you will notice that dandruff disappeared, and the hair became smooth, thick and shiny.

Reviews of liquid hair crystals with photos

Today on the Internet you can find a huge number of reviews of satisfied girls and women who, after using liquid crystals, noticed their effectiveness.

  • Irina, 25 years old. Purchase liquid crystals of the company BRELIL I advised me my hairdresser, I had almost 1000 rubles for a small bottle, which I do not regret at all. After a short use, the hair became smooth and shiny, as if just out of the cabin. The only thing I don't like the smell very much, the like that resembling oriental spices, but it is not critical.

  • Elvira, 32 years old. I use liquid crystals about half a year - I can not rejoice. My dry hair with a huge number of lumpy hair has changed more unrecognizable. Steel strong, smooth and silky.

Liquid hair crystals are an excellent means to give your hair a healthy and well-kept species without the need to visit the beauty salon.


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