
Semi-performent mascara - what it is. Coloring eyelashes semi-performent carcass, reviews, photos before and after

Semi-performent mascara - what it is. Coloring eyelashes semi-performent carcass, reviews, photos before and after
Semi-performent staining of eyebrows is suitable for those who like to look as much as possible. With a semi-performent carcass, it is easy to emphasize the natural beauty and make an attractive look.

To achieve an expressive and deep look, most girls have to spend a quarter of an hour, or even more, in the mirror. Make a beautiful makeup - real art, to master those manage not all. But every girl without exception wants to look attractive. Thanks to a unique new cosmetic product - it becomes possible.

Semi-performent mascara is salvation for those who do not want to apply mascara every day or walk with artificial cilia. The procedure is simple, performed in the salons.

What is a semi-performent mascara

In order not to injure your own cilia and do not extend, as well as to save precious time in the mornings and not spend half an hour to apply makeup, there is an excellent alternative - this is a coating of semi-performent cilia. The effect will be almost the same as after staining the eyelashes of washes. The procedure performs an experienced master in the beauty salon. Caltic coating with a special composition does not differ from coloring with ordinary ink. Result: Long, more voluminous and thick cilia. Each cilia will become longer by 10-20% and thicker for the whole 30 and even 50%! The tool for staining does not waste eyelashes, hypoallergenically.

What are the advantages:

  • saves time, eyelashes care reduces to a minimum;
  • visually eyelashes become bulk, longer;
  • no dark circles and a creaked carcass under the eyes;
  • cilia will be fluffy, and the view is expressive;
  • mascara does not harm health, does not waste eyelashes, the hairs look natural;
  • at any time of the day you will look attractive;
  • every day we are accustomed to rinse off the usual mascara, and now it is not necessary to do this;
  • if you properly care for cilia covered with special ink, then the effect will last from 2 to 3 weeks.

Disadvantages: There are practically no minuses, except that the following can be attributed to the disadvantages:

  1. The coating procedure must be performed only in the beauty salon at the experienced master.
  2. It is impossible to apply mascara yourself to not damage the eyelashes.
  3. To remove the mascara will also have to have a master.

You can buy a semi-performent mascara in specialized stores or order in the online store, but still not to harm your cilia, the procedure will have to do from the master. The cost of average ranges in the range of 2 thousand rubles, and perhaps a little more, everything will depend on the brand of carcass and the level of beauty salon. As mentioned earlier, it is impossible to independently apply mascara, it is better to trust professionals.

Coloring eyelashes semi-performent

Semi-permanent ink is almost no different from ordinary ink. Some manufacturers began to produce the product in a different form, so that it at least a little different from the everyday tools for dyeing eyelashes. coating method is different from the standard staining cilia normal ink. On average, the procedure is given in about half an hour, but as the majority of masters advise their clients to perform after semipermanent ink coating procedure biozavivka eyelashes on both procedures will have to spend about one and a half hours.

Application of semi-permanent mascara:

  1. Master carefully remove the remnants of makeup eyelashes, prepare them for further procedure.
  2. On the lower eyelid overlaps a special patch to separate the upper and lower eyelids, as well as to protect the delicate skin in this area.
  3. With the help of a brush every hair is treated with special means - primer. This degreaser to then apply the main product.
  4. Using a special brush cilia carefully combed. They should not be glued.
  5. The next step - applying a semi-permanent mascara. Master first puts paint on the inner surface of the cilia, very accurately and quickly. Stained with ink each hair from the root to the tip. It is important when applying mascara to prevent drying out, the master must not only apply the cleanser on the hair, but also to have time to distribute it to the cilium, the product lay down evenly. If thick lashes from the nature and long, it is possible sticking hairs. Then the master should carefully separate the hairs.
  6. Then agent coated outer surface. Each cilium is to be divided. Not allowed caking eyelashes.
  7. On drying of the first layer is allocated only 3 minutes. On request, the second layer can be applied, but then the eyelashes will look not so natural as the first layer after application.
  8. Staining lower lashes - after 3-4 minutes after the last coat is applied to the upper hairs. Staining is performed similarly.
  9. By the way, the majority of girls are deprived of natural eyelashes beautiful bend, so it is often this procedure is combined with biozavivka.

If there is discomfort during the procedure: itching, redness, swelling, tears flowed, the procedure will have to stop and immediately remove the product applied to the hair. Mascara though it is considered hypoallergenic, but 100% guarantee of the manufacturer does not give every body - is unique and can be idiosyncrasy.

How to care for lashes after mascara semi-permanent?

The usual staining of the mascara, the extension and coating of the eyelashes does not exclude special care. We will have to adhere to certain rules to extend the effect.

What you need to do to be attractive:

  1. In the first 24 hours immediately after applying the means, you can not wash and generally apply any funds on the eyelashes. That is, if you want the effect to be long, watering the eyelashes and use cosmetic products in the first day after the procedure is undesirable. It is necessary to give time to the medium to gain a thirst, and if there is a moisture, it's still not until the end of the mascara climb, then all the efforts of the master can be in vain.
  2. Loose eyes, touch the eyelashes with your fingers - it is forbidden. In the first day, try not to do this.
  3. In leaving you need to eliminate cosmetic products with oil content, because they wash the mascara faster.
  4. It is forbidden to twist the hairs with forceps and twisted ink, because these manipulations can harm.
  5. To remove the remedy yourself from the eyelashes is also undesirable, you need to do it in the cabin at an experienced specialist who uses special hypoallergenic agents to remove.

If everyone is done correctly, the effect will last from 2 weeks to 4, and each manufacturer promises that there are no contraindications to the use of such a carcass. This means that you can swim in the pool, swim in the water bodies and in the sea, visit the bath and sauna, as well as wear contact lenses.

Is there harm and is it possible to apply semi-performer mascara yourself?

As for harm, all the masters and manufacturers say that this product does not harm cilia, does not stop their growth and does not speed up the flow process. But this if all the rules for care will be followed, especially in the first day after the procedure.

And the most interesting question that many girls are asked if you can save and apply mascara at home? The manufacturer does not prohibit this, moreover, the instruction describes in detail the application process, which can be tested independently. Thus, you can reduce the procedure, and if you take it, it looks attractive for a long period. The main thing is that you need to learn - it is very and very gently apply mascara on the eyelashes. If you do the procedure yourself yourself, it is very difficult to achieve this.

What you need to consider if you want to learn how to do a procedure at home:

  • it will be necessary to spend money to purchase not only the main product (its cost from 3 thousand rubles and above, depending on the brand), but also acquire a special tassel, as well as buy a primer and base;
  • it is necessary to learn how to quickly and carefully cry each hairs until the tool has time to grab;
  • try not to get brushed into the eyes to eliminate tearing and burning.

The intensity of application Each Master regulates independently and advises the client to listen to his advice. But at home I want to get a noticeable effect from the first time. Do not hurry and do not try to apply more means on the hairs, for the first time enough one layer.

And in order to reduce the procedure for applying a semi-performent carcass at home and not buy a special tool for removing the means, many girls advise to take advantage of ordinary bold cream. Here, the opinions of specialists disagree, some argue that the paint will come off unevenly, others approve such a cheap method.

Semi-performent mascara. Photo before and after

See how the image is transformed after applying a carcass, the look becomes more expressive, the eyelashes are longer and curd:

Semi-performent mascara. Reviews

If you are still in doubt whether to resort to a similar procedure, we suggest familiarizing yourself with the reviews of those who have already tried and assessed the procedure for staining semi-performent trays:

Valentina, 43 years old: " From nature my eyelashes are thin, short and bright. The extension tried, artificial hairs on my thin hold for a long time, quickly fall. And I noticed that my eyelashes fell apart after extension. Definitely, this method did not come up with me, I began to look for an alternative to the usual daily staining of ink. Interested in this method, turned to the salon, recorded on the procedure. Everything went fast, the master was enough for 20 minutes. My feelings: Quickly, there was a little shovel, because I have sensitive skin. Master Well done, very carefully applied the composition. Result: Eyelashes have become longer than 30 percent and thicker by 50%, it was a pleasant surprise for me. The effect turned out to be the same as from staining with ordinary ink, just not had auxiliated cilia and they look more natural. I am very pleased, because you do not need to remove the mascara before bedtime, injured gentle skin. I always remained dark circles after a carcass under the eyes, now this will not be! Let's see how much effect will last».

Elena, 21 years: " Going to the sea, I wanted to build eyelashes first, but then I remembered the experience of last year. At first I liked long dense eyelashes, but after swimming in the sea, they began to fall out. By the end of the rest, it was ashamed to visit the crowded places, because the eyelashes had half fell and looked slightly. I was advised in the salon this procedure, I decided and I do not regret anything! Very quickly, the master applied a special mascara, distributed the brush to the hairs did not stick, waited a few minutes, caused a fixer and everything! Imagine, nothing else had to do! My eyelashes became a little longer and thicker, the look became expressive and what I liked, natural. There was no feeling of overhead eyelashes, it was possible to sleep as a face in a pillow, but only a day. I followed all the recommendations of the wizard and the effect lasted as much as 4 weeks! Then I turned to the master so that he removed the rest of the carcass and inflicted a new one. I liked this procedure, now I advise all friends!»

Inga, 26 years old: " Bought with girlfriends on the Internet bubble carcasses, made painting each other at home. The result was, but kept for a short time. Probably, we did something wrong. Scribed to the master, as you want to be beautiful and not spend in the morning time on makeup».

Olga, 34 years old: " I have normal eyelashes, not thin and not short, always painted in a sea, everything suited. But I wanted something more, discharged on the procedure, the master works at home. She struck the mascara quickly, as the eyelashes crushed, left to push. Horror when I saw the result in the mirror: the sticky eyelashes, lumps on the tips. The master calmly said that in a day everything would be different. I paid and gone, 3 days passed, nothing has changed! Today I go to shoot and do no more at home. Girls, do not repeat my mistakes, you do not need to save on yourself! I became interested in this procedure, I want to do in the cabin from an experienced master, and at the same time I will make semi-performent staining of eyebrows. They say the effect is kept month».

How to apply a semi-performer mascara. Video


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Irina 19.08.2017 To answer

Wow, this is the novelty! For a couple of years I have been using your favorite Cherish Mascara mascara. In general, it was not going to change. And here he thought, wait for reviews.
