
Exercises for cheeks

Exercises for cheeks
How to achieve the desired effect exercises for the cheeks. Recommendations, description of exercises.

With age, the skin inevitably loses its elasticity and aesthetic appearance. Especially structural changes in the epidermis become visible in the field of face and neck. Modern plastic surgery with ease solves such problems with the help of operations or lifting, but much more important to bring the skin into the tone by other methods, without additional intervention. In such ways, special exercises for cheeks and face, gymnastics and massage at home can be.

Causes of problems with cheeks


Mostly all the difficulties with our organism arise because of various pathologies that are inherited. Problems with skin skin and large cheeks in this case are no exception. But this is not the only thing that can lead to such consequences. Incorrect meals, poor ecology, lack of vitamins and poor quality body care - all this over time also leads to a sagging and flue skin of the cheek. Improve the situation will help the correct care, a special diet and systematic execution of a complex of exercises for slimming cheeks.

The main causes of problems with the visual component of the face are:


  1. The lack of sufficient muscle activity. Of all the parts of the body is exposed to the lower cheek muscles motor activity and test a minimum load for a lifetime. Therefore, they eventually become weak, quickly grows fat, lose their tone, and the person visually aging faster than, for example, the skin on the feet.
  2. The work on the natural burning of body fat in inactive persons. Fat form in the skin folds of the cheeks, burned the body in the last instance, therefore negate this problem is extremely difficult without additional exercises for slimming the face and cheeks.
  3. Improper food. Specialized diet and regular moisturizing will help keep skin elasticity under control and thus adjust their size and condition.
  4. The need for aesthetic care in the form of massages and masks.
  5. Large salt intake. To deal effectively with large cheeks need to minimize the use of overly salty foods. This nutritional supplement retains water in the body, which then accumulates in the subcutaneous folds.
  6. Insufficient levels of calcium in the body.
  7. Excessive sun exposure. Ultraviolet light is useful for our body in a strictly metered proportions. Otherwise, the skin cells are disrupted by subjecting it ravages.
  8. Unhealthy lifestyle and bad habits.

A set of exercises for the cheeks and chin sitting


This set of simple exercises of double chin and sagging cheeks will help to effectively cope with the aesthetic problems of the face only when used consistently and correctly. You will need only half an hour of time each day in a comfortable atmosphere and impeccable oval provided to you. Most of the exercises does not require active physical effort - the whole load only on facial muscles. So you can easily watch your favorite movie and not to waste time in traffic while driving.

  1. Sit comfortably and relax all the muscles of the face. Line having closed lips, cheeks maximum fill air, 5 seconds later. Repeat the procedure with an interval of 2 - 5 seconds to 10 - 15 times.
  2. Inflate cheeks by about 70% so that air can move freely inside the oral cavity. Carefully begin rotating balloon in a clockwise direction to the maximum weight rested against the skin of the cheeks and lips. Do the same in the other direction and 4 sets on each side.
  3. Squeeze your lips and put the tip of the tongue under the top lip on the gum so that the skin rose in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nasolabial triangle. Hold for a while, and then actively massage the gums on top of the teeth around the perimeter of the mouth.
  4. In order to remove the cheeks, the exercises with the language are mandatory. Alternately fix the tip of the tongue on each tooth and strain his muscles. For each teubs on top and bottom, go through at least 2 - 3 times in the same way.
  5. Fold the lips with a bow and pull forward as much as possible. In this position, say the long sound "y", straining the muscles of the lips and cheekbones. Then gradually weaken the lips in the sound "O". Repeat so 5 - 7 times with a slight break.
  6. Exercises from the second chin and cheeks will be directed to the tension of the muscles of the neck. Sitting, fix the head exactly at the shoulder level. Gradually pull the chin forward using only tension in the neck and jaws. In no case do not tilt the torso, back and head. When you get to the limit, fix the position of the seconds for 10 - 15. Repeat 5 times daily.
  7. The next exercise will help not only for slimming cheeks, but also pulls the cheek line, reduce bags under the eyes. Make the outlines of the letter "O" in such a way as to feel the tension in the jaw. Then lift your eyes up so that you feel a small pressure at the bottom of the eyes. Hold such a pose of about 10 to 15 seconds, repeat up to 5 times. Use regularly in the main complex.
  8. Press your palms to lips in such a way that the fingers of the hands are located in the cheek area. Maximize the fingers of each hand the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe corresponding cheek. Slowly begin to smile, holding your cheeks with her fingers from raising up. Suppose this position is about a minute and relax all the muscles of the face. Repeat up to 10 times every day.
  9. An exercise with a pencil is a very effective exercise to quickly remove cheeks. The tip of the pencil with the opposite side of the grid hold the lips. It is lips, not teeth - it is very important. Using only the muscles of the face and lips, start writing the word in the air. In no case do not move your head and body, stay in a fixed position. Write a long word so that the procedure lasted at least 20 seconds. Then relax the muscles of the face and remove the pencil. After a short break, repeat the procedure and only 7 times.
  10. The final exercise for weight loss and the cheek will be focused on the lower area of \u200b\u200bthe face. Widely open mouth, try to wrap your lips on your teeth. In such a position, smile only with the corners of the mouth and hold the pose of up to 90 seconds. Repeat 5 times.

Be prepared that the effect of your efforts will not manifest immediately and at first will not even be noticeable, but do not stop on this, but continue to do exercises. The result will definitely feel your skin and muscles of the face, and this is the key to a beautiful and tightened person for many years.

Set of exercises for pulling the cheek standing


Exercises of this complex are a bit more complicated previous ones and first can cause certain difficulties, but a little practice and soon you will do everything at times. These exercises are no less effective and allowed even a larger on the muscles of the face and neck.

  1. In the standing position, tighten the head as much as possible and turn the head of the side, until you feel the tension in the occipital part to the ear, neck and the corresponding cheekbone. Fixing the position, pass the position to 10 seconds. Be sure to lean your head so to continuously feel the tension. If there is no pulling feeling, stop the exercise and make sure that you are executed correctly. After the expiration of time, from this posture neatly turn the head to the other side. Repeat the same with another part of the face. It is desirable to practice practicing throughout the day with equal intervals up to 6 times.
  2. Bring the chin by 30 degrees up and turn to the same angle aside. Fix the position and in chaotic order make movements with lips. Hold up to 1 minute. Make a short break and repeat the same for the other side of the face. Such an exercise for the cheeks and chin should be done in the morning and in the evening of 5 approaches for each side.
  3. Take a stable pose standing: legs on the width of shoulders, hands on the sides. Make fast head turns to the sides. Do not overdo the head that the head does not turn, and you have not lost the balance. This dynamic exercise allows you to lead the skin and cheek into the tone, and also contributes to its strengthening.
  4. Turn the chin as much as possible so that it is exactly opposite the shoulder. The head needs to be turned until you feel a distinct feeling on the neck from the ear before cheek. In this position, impose the bottom lip on the upper and stand the position of up to 20 seconds. Do the same for the opposite part. Each approach is minimum 3 times.
  5. Be sure to make exercises for cheekbones and part of the neck. Thus, you pull up the chin's muscles and make the line of the face more. Distorting the lips in a smile curve in such a way that the neck muscles tighten. Delay the pose for 10 seconds and relax your lips. Make a break for 2 - 5 seconds and repeat the exercise. Make up to 10 times a day.
  6. Clean the lips in the reverse smile so that the arc in the side of the chin visually formed. Suppose 5 seconds in such a state. From this position sharply lift the corners of the lips up. Remember that only the muscles of the lips, cheeks and neck take part in the exercise. Do not strain your eyes and do not move your head. To control yourself in the correctness of this exercise, you can put the palms under the cheeks to feel the movement of the cheeks up and down.

The final chord of this complex of exercises should be a relaxing massage. For this, intensively, but easily praise with the pads of the fingers at the places of the highest muscle tension - it will make them relax. You will feel the tide of blood in the stress and a little heat. Be sure to use lifting cosmetic creams after such procedures. A mask is also well suitable for increasing the tone and strengthening the leather turgora, but it is better to do in the evening.

Exercises for cheeks: video


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