
Delicious recipes for beets for the winter. How to cook caviar from beets - step -by -step recipes with photos

Delicious recipes for beets for the winter. How to cook caviar from beets - step -by -step recipes with photos
How to cook caviar from beets. Caviar recipes from beets are fast and tasty. How the caviar from beets is prepared in different ways.

Beets - the root crop is persistent, stored for the cold season. Perhaps that is why, they are in no hurry to use it for blanks. And in vain, because the caviar from beets is delicious, it is easily prepared and helped out in the winter when you need to cook borsch or have a bite.

Caviar is a quick snack made from zucchini, eggplant with the addition of onions, carrots and other vegetables and spices. Eggplant caviar is an undeservedly forgotten product. Even in Soviet times, our grandmothers were preparing such caviar, shared recipes and not to forget the number of ingredients, recorded recipes in special notebooks. These recipes are preserved and now we have the opportunity to prepare the same tasty and useful workpiece for the winter, like a delicious caviar from beets.

Red beet caviar, how to make a delicious workpiece

To cook beetroot caviar from childhood, you will need the following products:

  • a kilogram of beets;
  • half a kilogram of carrots and as much tomato;
  • several heads of a medium -sized onion;
  • 4 tablespoons of oil;
  • vinegar fortress 9% -100 ml;
  • sugar and salt - how much you need, focus on your taste, black pepper is similar;
  • 2 heads of garlic.

We start preparing a delicious cold snack:

  1. If you cook caviar according to the recipes of the last century, then all vegetables need to be ground in a meat grinder. Rarely anyone in those days had a kitchen combine, and even now this device is not for every mistress. Therefore, the simplest way is to grate the vegetables on a grater, and then after preparing caviar, puree with a submersible blender.
  2. It was a preface, and now we start work. All vegetables need to be washed and cleaned. You do not need to wash the bow, just rinse under the tap after they cleaned.
  3. Carrots with beets need to be crushed in any convenient way: manually on a grater, using an electric vegetable engine or combine.
  4. Onions - grind with cubes, fry in oil until it becomes transparent. As soon as they waited for such a result, a couple more minutes and you can add carrots. Just do not forget to stir the bow, as it has the ability to burn very quickly.
  5. The carrots were added, mix while leaving the vegetables to cook yourself, screw the fire.
  6. Cut the tomatoes in circles, add after 2 minutes to vegetables, mix. Together, cook vegetables for 10 minutes.
  7. Just while the vegetables are prepared, you need to grate the beets. This process is not fast, especially if everything is done manually, but not as complex as it might seem at first.
  8. After 10 minutes, add the beets to the saved vegetables, mix, continue cooking after adding a little sugar, salt, seasonings and vinegar.
  9. The lid needs to be closed, reduced the fire, simmer vegetables under a closed lid need about half an hour.
  10. There was a free minute to rinse the dishes, remove all the excess from the table, put the kettle and prepare cans with lids for blockage of the finished caviar.
  11. The caviar is almost ready, there are not enough piquant notes: clean the two heads of garlic from the shell, chop, add to the finished dish, mix. A couple more minutes and that's it, the caviar will be ready!
  12. Now you decide what to do next: to leave everything as it is or to grind the finished caviar in order to give this dish a complete look. Such caviar can be added to borscht and any other dishes when cooking, use as a cold snack for the preparation of sandwiches or toasts.
  13. After grinding, the caviar needs to be laid out in banks. Lay out more carefully so that it does not spread on the outer walls of the container, clog with lids and after cooling you can put on long -term storage such a workpiece in a cold room: a cellar, a basement, an unheated pantry or a refrigerator.

Caviar from beets with photo

Skewer's beet caviar recipe

What is this root crime rich in? There are a lot of vitamins and minerals that are useful to human health. There are many vitamin C, as well as phosphorus, copper, potassium and magnesium, iron. Such a rich set of useful components helps the body withstand various ailments, establishes the work of all systems and organs, cleanses the vessels. The natural medicine is tasty, prepared quickly, the healthy root crop is worth it, and the whole winter can be stored in fresh!

Let's prepare tasty caviar from beets for the winter from these components:

  • dark beets - 500 g;
  • onions - 2 large heads;
  • tomato paste home - 50 g;
  • frying oil - approximately 50 g;
  • small salt - 1.5 tsp.;
  • sugar - 2 tsp without a hill;
  • spices - to taste, ideal - ground black pepper.

We prepare a useful product in the following sequence:

  1. We clean the bulb, grind, simultaneously put two pans for frying on the stove, pour 2 tablespoons of oil into each, turn on the slow fire.
  2. We clean the beets, rinse under the tap, rub on a coarse grater. You can use the kitchen combine or special vegetable product.
  3. The oil should warm up, in one pan, fry the bow until a golden shade, in the second frying pan - beets. We make sure that the vegetables do not burn, so we periodically stir.
  4. When the onion begins to change the shade, we transfer it to a pan with beets, add spices: ground black pepper - half a small spoon, salt and sugar, as well as tomato paste. If you have not yet learned how to make paste from tomatoes yourself, use the product purchased in the supermarket.
  5. All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed, after which it is necessary to close the lid and fasten the fire. In this position, the caviar is stewed for about 15 minutes, but every 5 minutes it needs to be mixed.
  6. A quarter of an hour has passed, the finished snack can be removed from the stove, immediately served to the table (with an omelet or with toasts), if it was a trial option or bring to the desired result. Namely: prepare caviar from beets for the winter.
  7. The final stage: preparation of cans. Pre -sterilization of glass containers and lids is needed, after which hot caviar must be laid out on jars and roll up with lids.

Caviar from beets lick your fingers

Here it is, the same recipe for delicious beetroot caviar, which you can now cook in your kitchen. This is just a find for busy housewives, spending an hour of time on the weekend, you can cook borsch with the addition of caviar for several months, make delicious and healthy sandwiches and not worry that excess fat will be deposited on the sides and waist. And all because the caviar prepared according to this recipe is not only very tasty, but also useful. This is a dietary product, such a workpiece - caviar from beets will be low -calorie.

Caviar from beets with onions:

  • a kilogram of beets;
  • vegetable oil - 5 tbsp.;
  • tomato paste - 4 tbsp or fresh tomatoes 5 pcs.;
  • onions - 3 pcs.;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • salt and spices to taste;
  • vinegar essence - 1 tsp;
  • herbs are dry "Provence" - to taste.

How to cook delicious caviar:

  1. It will be caviar from boiled beets, so first we boil beets in slightly salted water, then clean. Before folding root crops in a saucepan, do not forget to wash them well and cut the tails if they interfere. It is much easier to prepare root crops in another way: while preserving the maximum of useful components, it is not to boil beets, but to bake in the oven. It will turn out not only tasty and healthy, but also quickly. Faster than cooking in water on the stove. The preparation is the same, each root crop must be wrapped in foil, put on a baking sheet with sides, pour a little water, turn on the oven for 200 degrees, prepare for 20-30 minutes. Beets do not need to be brought to readiness, so this time will be enough.
  2. We clean the onion, chop.
  3. Pour oil into the pan, fry the bow until a golden shade, but do not overdo it and make sure that the onion does not burn.
  4. As soon as you see that the bow began to purchase a beautiful sand shade, add the beets (clean and grate), the fry time is stirring for 5 minutes, then stew for about 25 minutes under a closed lid.
  5. We attach fresh tomatoes or tomato paste to the almost finished mass, do not forget to add sugar, salt and spices. From spices, ground black pepper, a couple of peas of fragrant pepper, dried Provencal herbs or bay leaf are suitable.
  6. Now, after everything is mixed, add the garlic. We free the cloves from the shell, chop it in any convenient way, put to vegetables.
  7. We extinguish the caviar from the beets without a garlic for 10 minutes and prepare the garlic.
  8. Add the vinegar essence, mix and immediately remove the caviar from the stove.
  9. Let it cool down a little while we prepare the banks. Rut the clean -washed jars with boiling water (or sterilize in the oven along with the lids), a little cooled caviar must be laid out into prepared containers and rolled with lids. When it cools, put in a cold place. You can store such a workpiece, both in a cellar or basement, and at home: on the insulated loggia or in the refrigerator.

Acute caviar from beets

How else can you cook caviar from beets? Switch lovers we offer a simple recipe with the addition of patch red pepper.

In order to make caviar, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg: carrots, sweet pepper and beets;
  • fresh tomatoes - 4 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 1 cup;
  • onions - 1 kg or slightly less;
  • sweet-sour apples-500 g;
  • gorky peppers - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - head;
  • dining vinegar - 2 tbsp.;
  • spices: salt and sugar to taste; Fragrant pepper - 5 peas, bay leaf - 3 pcs.

We start cooking caviar from beets and carrots:

  1. To make caviar according to this recipe, you need a saucepan with a thick bottom and if everything is ready, it's time to start.
  2. Beets need to be washed and cleaned, grated (not necessarily small, as it will be convenient).
  3. Onions - clean, grind with rings or half rings.
  4. Carrots - also clean and grate.
  5. In a saucepan, warm the oil, fry the onion first, then put the carrot and after 10 minutes - beets. Fry everything for about 20 minutes, then attach tomatoes. To quickly get homogeneous tomato juice with pulp, try to use a submersible blender.
  6. After preparing juice from tomatoes, it must be added immediately to vegetables, mixed so as not to stop the caviar cooking process.
  7. And now we quickly clean the apples and chop (using a conventional grater), add to the pan, simmer for 20 minutes, taste. If there was not enough time, we still extinguish 10 minutes, try again, add salt, sugar and spices to taste.
  8. At the end, we put the sharp pepper “chili”, leave the caviar for 15 minutes, mix after the indicated time and lay out according to pre -prepared jars. Caviar will turn out to be moderately sweet, sour and moderately acute. If you want to be well sharp, then you need to clean the pepper, free from burning seeds, cut into pieces and add to the caviar along with tomatoes. Only all this must be done in gloves, since after pepper the skin will “burn” for a very long time.

Caviar from beetroot through a meat grinder

Perhaps you heard from a colleague or a neighbor about how she made a delicious snack from beets, scrolled vegetables through a meat grinder and then brought it to cooked. Perhaps you even tried this caviar and you would very much like to cook it for your relatives. Your attention is another recipe for fried caviar from beets.

Caviar from beets, simple recipe, ingredients:

  • beets of juicy sweet varieties - 2.5 kg;
  • juicy tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • onions - 1 kg;
  • dining vinegar - 100 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 220 ml;
  • fresh dill - a bunch;
  • salt and sugar - 1.5 tbsp (salt can be a little less).

Caviar preparation process:

  1. We clean the onion, chop. We pass the beets and tomato through a meat grinder using a nozzle with large holes. If you wish, it is also permissible to pass the bow through the meat grinder. Only all vegetables should be divided into separate plates.
  2. Prepare a pan with a thick bottom, pour oil into it, put on medium heat.
  3. After a minute, the oil warms up and when you feel the thin aroma of the heated oil of sunflower seeds, lay out the onion. Fry for 5 minutes, stir periodically.
  4. Then pour the beets, mix, fry over medium heat for another 5 minutes.
  5. Attach tomatoes with sugar and salt, be sure to thoroughly mix. There is no need to try caviar yet. Close the lid and cook over low heat for about an hour or an hour and a half.
  6. 20 minutes before the completion of the specified time you need to pour vinegar and chopped dill, mix. Now you can try caviar, there is still the opportunity to add a little more sugar or salt to taste, as well as other spices, including several cloves of chopped garlic.
  7. Another 20 minutes and the appetizer for the winter will be ready, it remains only to lay out the finished mixture on the jars and roll the lids.

Raw beet caviar recipe

From raw beets, you can quickly cook caviar. Thermal processing is not required, as a result, all beneficial substances will remain to the maximum. But rather, such caviar can not be prepared for the future, it is better to eat and then make a new party.

From these products we will cook:

  • large beets - 1 pc.
  • orange and lemon;
  • apple home vinegar - 2 tbsp;
  • oils, better than olive - 2 tbsp;
  • dried green parsley - 1 tsp;
  • salt and pepper - to taste;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. (You can and less).

How to make caviar:

  • grate the beets after preliminary preparation;
  • we make a delicious marinade: wash the citrus fruits, squeeze the juice, strain through a strainer to get rid of bones and pulp;
  • add oil and vinegar, salt, sugar, greens to the resulting juice and, if desired, your favorite spices, mix everything. The gas station is ready!

The process of creating caviar: put the grated beets in a small container, fill in refueling and mix, put in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours. All beneficial substances are preserved in full, beets are tasty, juicy and crispy. Such caviar is not ashamed to serve as a snack. So we wish you a pleasant appetite and cook more useful dishes!



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