
Postpartum depression

Postpartum depression
How to find out that the woman began a postpartum depression? Is it possible to avoid it and what to do if the ailment has already manifested itself?

Happy and smiling woman with a newborn baby in her arms - this is how the motherhood is depicted in the books, in the pictures, in the cinema. However, almost every woman has to overcome the postpartum depression. In some, it manifests itself stronger, others are weaker. And so that the woman could really experience the true happiness of motherhood, about the postpartum depression you need to know everything and be able to cope with it.

What is postpartum depression?

The postpartum depression is the special violations of the psychological, mental and emotional state of a woman in which she may be after the birth of a child. In a light form, it is manifested as a bad mood, constant Handra. In more severe cases - nervous breakdowns, hysterics, phobias, psychosis. Postpartum depression can last 2 months to 1.5-2 years.

Doctors say that every woman immediately after childbirth is experiencing not only physical decay of forces, but also emotional exhaustion. Birth is always stress for the body. Of the 10 born women, 7 has such a type of depression.

Studies have shown that the psycho-emotional state of mothers is reflected in children. During the early formation of the psyche of babies is especially vulnerable. The child's child suffering from postpartum depression, nerve disorders may also appear. It entails a lot of problems. Therefore, it is extremely important to help a young mother to overcome such a complex state.

Stressed Mother Holding Baby in Nursery

Causes of postpartum depression

The first messengers of the postpartum depression can manifest on the eve of childbirth. At this time, a woman has a feeling of anxiety and excitement, physiological changes occur in the body, which is preparing for childbirth. The process of childbirth is a large load on the organs of the future mother, as well as its emotional state. It all provokes the appearance of postpartum depression, which begins to develop during the first days and months after the birth of a child.

It may not be possible to manifest a disease immediately, but through time. Due to the fact that many do not take seriously to postpartum depression and do not seek help from specialists, a woman can be in such a state a year after delivery.

Doctors and psychologists call several main reasons for the appearance of postpartum depression:

  • The hormone level at the time when the mother hits the child, in its body it increases almost ten times. After childbirth, he dramatically decreases and after a few days it comes to normal. Such hormonal jumps do not pass without a trace for the body.
  • The heredity of the mother, who adopted the peculiarity of response to stressful situations from its parents. If the girl was often susceptible to stress, and her body and psyche could not resist them, then the birth almost always lead to depression.
  • Lack of time and ability to restore after delivery. Returning from the maternity hospital, the woman immediately plunges into domestic fuss. She should not only take advantage of the child, but also cook food for the family, clean, wash. All this alternates with sleepless nights. In addition, in the first month after childbirth, some women continue to experience physical pain. The body has not managed to restore such a load.


  • Problems with lactation. Breastfeeding delivers identified difficulties. For example, a constant need to join throughout the day and night, pain during lactation, the appearance of milk stories.
  • Psychological blackhead girl to the role of mother. This happens to those who did not give birth earlier. After the advent of the child, a young mother understands that it is forced to completely change his life and refuse something. It is unwillingness to do this and the load of new responsibilities annoy it, lead to hysterics and scandals.
  • External changes in the shape of a woman. Some face stretching on the stomach after childbirth, others strain the emerging kilograms. If a woman trembled very much to her appearance before childbirth, then such changes would be just a blow. In particularly distinguished self-esteem decreases even during pregnancy, when the proportions of the body change significantly. Therefore, a woman is looking forward to childbirth, and when after them can not return to the former forms, falls into depression.
  • Sexual relations with partner. Not every woman is rapidly restored after childbirth and renews a full-fledged intimate life. On the one hand, it may experience temporary apathy to sex, on the other hand it will worry that the husband does not get attention and affection. Such a dual state negatively affects the psyche of a woman.
  • The state of loneliness. It appears when a young mother does not receive support, warmth and care from parents and husband. The woman feels that it is not necessary for anyone, she is not for anyone to ask for help. Conflicts and quarrels in the family are negative.
  • Lack of sleep and rest. There is a burnout of the emotional state and the weakening of the physical forces of the body.

Influence of postpartum depression on a child

Postpartum depression not only affects the woman, but also on her child. And if the mother can overcome this ailment and return to the usual rhythm of life, then for the baby, the consequences can leave a trace for life. The development of the child in the first months is laid by its future nature, psychological state. Watching children whose mothers suffered from postpartum depression, psychologists made such conclusions:

  • Mother may refuse to feed the baby with breasts. In this case, the kid is deprived of natural nutrition and it has to translate into artificial. Although it is maternal milk that allows you to form a newborn immunity.
  • If the mother, being in the postpartum depression, does not seek to spend time with the child and deprives His love and caress, then the baby has a slowdown in development, a sleep disturbance, nervous state. In the future, he may have a location for depressions.


  • Due to the lack of normal contact with the mother, the child is disturbed concentration of attention, there are difficulties with speech. It suffers the emotional state of the child, which can later grow withdrawn, fearful, insecure man.
  • In severe postpartum depression, the mother can be a threat to a child's life. Some women find children cause problems with the figure, quarrels with her husband, a violation of the usual way of life. If a woman has manifested symptoms of aggression, in this state, it becomes dangerous for the baby.

Symptoms of postpartum women depression

Every woman has symptoms of postpartum depression have individual character. Are important causes of illness, as well as physical, psychological, emotional state of the mother. The main symptoms of postpartum depression:

  1. Constant bad mood, lack of positive emotions.
  2. Irritability. Scandals, cries, tears.
  3. The weakness and flaccid state for a long time.
  4. Feelings of guilt, which does not leave a woman alone.
  5. Unwarranted sense of fear for the child. Panic. The emergence phobias.
  6. Very low self-esteem, obsessive dissatisfaction with their own appearance.
  7. Constant insomnia. The excited state for a long time.
  8. The lack of interest in what was once happy.
  9. Persistent pain of various types.
  10. Poor or excessive appetite.
  11. Isolation, unwillingness to communicate with friends, family.
  12. Lack of interest in the child.
  13. Unwillingness to live.


Postpartum depression in men

Mistakenly believed that postpartum depression can be only in women. In fact, the lives of men as change after the appearance of a child. The young father's shoulders rests the care and of his wife and the newborn. Not everyone is able to cope with this burden. Postpartum depression can occur in men in these situations:

  1. Woman's attention is wholly owned by the child. Husband feels unnecessary. He sees to it that there is no case, and can not cope with loneliness. In some men, there is the jealousy of his wife to the child. In this case, the father practically does not communicate with the baby.
  2. The man who used to work in the evenings after the rest, and now can not do this and not getting enough sleep at night because of the emotional stress. Some husbands are no longer rush to the family after a hard day, their burden home furnishings.
  3. An increase in the financial costs associated with the advent of the child in the family. This is especially influenced on those who have not thought about childbirth about how much family budget will grow.
  4. Lack of sexual life or arises after childbirth problems with her. A man is difficult to understand that a woman needs time to restore not only the physical condition, but also emotional. Also, the cause can be chronic fatigue of spouses associated with concern about the newborn.
  5. Low self-esteem. The young father does not know how to handle the baby and feels impotence in this matter. Daily stressful situations in the family drive it into a dead end, and the husband does not see the exit of the current situation.
  6. Inability or unwillingness to take responsibility for his family. Removal from the solution of household problems.


Overcoming postpartum depression

If the symptoms of postpartum depression have already appeared, then they need to take care carefully and immediately take measures. Deletion will worsen the situation and lead to a severe form of depression. In order to overcome the symptoms of postpartum depression, you need to:

  • Find assistants who will be released by a young mother from the part of care for child care and from home affairs. With this role perfectly cope grandmother or other relatives. If the family lives away from them, then you should hire a helper.
  • Young mother needs to highlight time for himself - a hike in a beauty salon, cafe, swimming pool or shopping. For this, quite at least 2 hours 2-3 times a week.
  • Frank conversations will help a woman to speak out and get moral support from loved ones. In such conversations, it should not be reproached in any failures in child care. Woman needs support and kind words.
  • A man must read with understanding to the fact that a woman can not recover for intimate life. The wife is required not categorical "no", but a soft explanation of the situation in which it is emphasized that she still loves her husband.
  • Husband should especially support his wife in the postpartum period - to tell her nice words, complements, emphasize how he appreciates his beloved. It is not necessary to remind her that she has recovered or something has changed in appearance. After a while, the woman will restore and its appearance will come to normal.


  • Despite the fact that a woman remains little time for her husband, he should also feel her love and care. If he has jealousy to a child and a sense of loneliness, only his wife can cope with it.
  • Woman should be saturated, so part of the night concerns about the baby need to take care of her husband or relatives.
  • Family couple need to find time for joint communication. You can ask relatives to sit with the child, and at this time you go to a cafe or cinema.
  • It is necessary to change the diet of the mother in depression. Add products with calcium and vitamin C.
  • Try to avoid monotony in daily troubles. It is how it is methodically oppressing positive emotions.
  • If you yourself can not cope with the postpartum depression, feel free to seek help from a family psychologist.

Treatment of postpartum depression

When you tried all the methods, but the postpartum depression does not pass, then you need to consult a doctor and undergo treatment. First you need to pass all the tests, check the level of hormones in the body. Antidepressants can be appointed as treatment. The main condition at the same time is their compatibility with lactation.

It is also worth referring to a nutritionist who will help to make a diet for a nursing mother so that it can get a sufficient amount of nutrients, vitamins, trace elements.

In some cases, psychotherapy sessions may be needed. So the behavior and image of the woman's thinking are corrected. At this point, the support and understanding of loved ones is especially important for it.


How to avoid postpartum depression?

A family that is preparing for the emergence of a child should be aware of such a phenomenon as postpartum depression. It is necessary to read about it in advance and immediately discuss the methods of preventing the situation. This follows:

  1. If you were in your family, cases of postpartum depressions and which symptoms were manifested. After that, you can consult with a doctor or psychotherapist.
  2. A young mother should be very careful to his state. If the feeling of fear, anxiety, a nervous state appears before delivery, it is already worth taking measures and consult a doctor or a psychologist.
  3. Even if the woman feels well, it will not be superfluous with her husband visiting a family psychologist. He will give useful tips and warn the possible appearance of postpartum depression.
  4. Take care of childbirth about solving household problems. In the house everything should be ready for daily child care.
  5. Try to collect a certain amount of money that will be a margin in case of the occurrence of financial difficulties in the postpartum period.
  6. Enjoy the support of relatives and speak in advance with them what they can help during the care of the kid.

Postpartum depression (video)


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