
Cinnamon Hair Masks

Cinnamon Hair Masks
Cinnamon for hair: Tips, recommendations

This spice is known all over the world. She is appreciated for a warm enveloping smell with a slight touch of sweets. Cinnamon is often added to the desserts, but most often still used as seasonings. It is seasoned with second dishes, it is successfully treated with it. In addition, cinnamon is used in perfume and cosmetic industry. In particular, it is used to treat and lightening hair. It is valued for many good qualities. Next, we will tell you more about all properties and on the use of cinnamon for hair.

Cinnamon for hair: What you need to know about cinnamon?


If you look at history, the first cinnamon in a food was used in ancient Egypt, China and Judea. Bark of plants in a shabby priests used as a means of fumigation shrines. In addition, the Chinese annals, this spice is mentioned as an essential component of medical compresses. According to ancient Egyptian papyrus where it was used as an air freshener and perfume in the chambers of the Pharaohs. Furthermore, even if produced various tools and hair mask with cinnamon.

Today it is believed that the best cinnamon is grown in Sri Lanka. Indeed, the spice supplied from this island is significantly different from cinnamon, which grows in other places, and in a positive side. It has a very gentle spicy flavor and unusual warm and sweet taste. In addition to this island, cinnamon is grown in almost the entire tropical zone. In particular, it is taken for sale from India and Brazil, Vietnam and Egypt. In addition, it is grown on Sumatra, Madagascar and Java.


True, in order to get a spice from the tree, he needs to raise at least a couple of years. Then it is cut under the root, the bark is removed from it, which is just a preparation billet. However, not all bark is taken for this, but a very thin inner layer of the crust. When drying, these pieces are gradually folded into the tube. For sale, the dried bark is usually cut into small parts in length of 8-11 cm or in some cases it is simply frozen into powder. In such a form, many and well-known this spice.

Cinnamon in the form of spices is widely used in many national kitchens. We have soups, porridge, porridge, pancakes, pancakes. In addition, it is often put in filling fish. It is also used in cosmetology purposes. In particular, making masks with cinnamon are manufactured.

Cinnamon for hair: What is the useful cinnamon?

Therapeutic properties of this spice are widely known. Its main use is the content of special polyphenols. Because of these substances, cinnamon is able to quickly reduce blood sugar levels, which makes it necessary in the diet of patients with diabetes. That is why the sweetness does not increase the level of glucose, the baking is sometimes sprinkled with cinnamon. After eating such a dish, sugar will increase not so high or can even decrease somewhat.

The burning properties of cinnamon are highly appreciated by fans of mulled wine and other warming cocktails and dishes. They are achieved at the expense of cinnamic acid aldehyde spices. This substance has the ability to save from hypothermia in frosty weather. In addition, it is still a rather effective antipyretic and campphic. As for the essential cinnamon oils, they have the ability to stimulate the work of brain cells, as well as improve memory and concentration.

This spice is actively used for weight loss. Moreover, if European scientists have discovered its properties quite recently, the eastern beauties were bred about it long before. After all, they knew how to preserve a slim figure. Weight reduction contributes to the fact that cinnamon reduces blood glucose levels and increase the speed of metabolism. It dries a sense of hunger and appetite. Consequently, a person is less eats and, of course, losing weight. It is enough to add in the food just half a teaspoon cinnamon in order to control your weight. If you want to lose weight by a few kilograms, you need twice a day on an empty stomach drink special tea with cinnamon. In addition, such a drink is desirable to drink in the evening before going to bed.


By the way, not only bark goes into the course, but also cinnamon stems. They also show themselves as good antipyretic means. With their help, you can reduce the pain in renal and liver colic. They are also useful for stimulating the production of gastric juice. Stems, like the bark, are effectively struggling with bacteria, fungi and viruses. They are effective in rheumatism, as well as in painful menstruation.

The use of this spice in cosmetology purposes is especially valued. It is worth saying that they confirm the undoubted benefit of cinnamon for hair reviews of the fair sex representatives who tried the healing power of this spice on themselves.

Despite all the beneficial properties of this spice, do not forget that it is a rather concentrated natural product. Therefore, cinnamon in large quantities can cause harm. In particular, its oversuetting causes headache, weakness, nausea and depressed state.

Cinnamon for hair

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Cinnamon is rich in useful vitamins (A, E), minerals, antioxidants, therefore it is used to restore the health and power of the hair, improves their structure, gives them silkiness and attractive shine. Cinnamon hair masks are actively used in combination with other useful ingredients - honey, kefir, eggs, etc.

Cinnamon is effectively used for hair growth.

Masks for hair growth with cinnamon


Tell how it is possible to cook hair masks that will help speed them up:

  1. You need to take 3 tbsp. l. kefir, 3 tbsp. l. Olive oil, 1 egg, 1 tsp. Powder cinnamon and as much honey. We distribute this mass over the entire length and leave about 13-15 minutes. After that, wash your hair with a shampoo.
  2. To improve the nutritional qualities of shampoos and balms, you can add cinnamon for hair to them. This is another way to extract benefits from this spice. To do this, dial one oil cube into a syringe, squeeze it into the shampoo and mix well with a special blade. This can also make a simple toothpick.
  3. Honey and cinnamon for hair. We take 1 pieces of honey, cinnamon and coconut oil. Mix. Heat and apply a little in warm form on the hair.
  4. Mix 1 tbsp of honey, 1 tbsp. Cinnamon, nail powder 1 tsp. Warm honey in a water bath. Add the remaining ingredients of the mixture. We rub in the roots of the hair. Keep 10 minutes.

You can see how effectively a cinnamon for hair in photos of girls who have tried this tool.





Cinnamon Hair Lightening Mask


Such a mask will help clarify the hair for 2 tones. This natural dye, like Henna, does not harm the structure of the hair. However, the only disadvantage is that it is necessary to apply such a mixture on hair repeatedly, since 1-2 times the clarification process will be practically imperceptible.

For the preparation of cinnamon cinnamon, any capacity is used, the main thing is that it is not made of metal. So, pour 100 ml of any hair balsam, add 3-4 tbsp. Powder cinnamon, 3 tbsp. Any honey. Mix well. We apply a mixture. Consider the tool should not fall on the scalp. Hold 4 hours, then wash off warm water.

Cinnamon Hair Masks: Video

Several useful masks recipes can be found from this video:


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