
Oily hair, what to do

Oily hair, what to do
The causes of excessive oily hair. How to normalize the condition of oily hair.

In modern conditions, many people suffer from excessive oily hair. This phenomenon can be caused by a number of reasons. Soon after washing, the hairstyle loses freshness and volume - as a result, the hair looks aligned and untidy, causing her appearance. Such hair is often washed, it is difficult to lay them. Many owners of oily hair are interested in the question of how to deal with this problem and normalize their condition.

Causes of excessive oily hair

The reasons why the hair becomes oily so quickly is several. Some of them are easily eliminated. Having slightly adjusted the lifestyle, as well as organizing competent hair care, you can get rid of the problem of excessive oily hair.

As reasons for the appearance of oily hair, they can act:

  • heredity - if your relatives suffered from such a problem, the probability of excessive oily hair and you are quite high;
  • an unbalanced diet, as well as taking some drugs that affect the life system as a whole, while violating the nutrition of hair follicles, as well as stimulating the excessive activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • incorrectly selected hair care, including too frequent or too rare washing, can act as a reason for the appearance of increased fat content of strands. Funds for washing the hair and their styling must be selected individually, based on personal sensations;
  • drying with a hairdryer, traumatic combing of wet hair, daily styling with styling products;
  • cooling and overheating - walking in the cold season without a hat, as well as being in a headdress in a warm room, contributing to sweating of the scalp;
  • violations of the hormonal background due to endocrine diseases requiring treatment;
  • physical and emotional overstrain, provoking overwork, insomnia, stress and depressive states.

Oily hair, what to do: how to reduce hair grease

Excessive activity of the sebaceous glands located next to the hair bulbs manifests itself in increased oily hair. If desired, in this phenomenon you can find some advantages. Fat strands are protected from aggressive influences of the external environment, tolerate everyday care, to less fragmentation and less brittle than dry. At the same time, when the hair quickly becomes oily, they may look somewhat sloppy, they require frequent washing. Due to excessive oily hair, pores may be clogged, which causes dandruff, fat seborrhea and subsequent hair loss. In our power to prevent such unpleasant consequences, providing proper care for oily hair, and with its help normalizing the condition of the strands.

Oily hair, what to do: useful tips

To do this, take into account the following tips of the trichologist regarding oily hair:

  • often, oily skin and hair are distinguished by people with malnutrition - the predominance in the diet of various types of pastries, sweets, spicy, oily and fried food entails increased secretion of skin fat. By reducing the use of the above dishes and products, you can achieve normalization of well -being, you will become slimmer and improve your body, and also feel a significant improvement in the condition of the hair.  Balance your nutrition - you need to carefully monitor your diet, adding a significant amount of vegetables and fruits containing the necessary fiber, as well as other natural products that supply it to the body with useful vitamins and trace elements. If necessary, vitamin-mineral complexes should be taken, which will have a strengthening and healing effect on the hair;
  • to get rid of oily hair, it is necessary to avoid influences that irritate the skin of the head and provoke excessive fat excretion. Including, washing oily hair with hot water, frequent combing, as well as head massage belong to such factors from which the hair can become more oily. Therefore, it is recommended to wash your hair with warm or cool water, draw a sparing drying with a hairdryer using a low temperature or cold blowing mode. In addition, it is required to minimize the amount of money for styling;
  • it is also necessary to choose suitable funds for hair care - their choice is required to be treated responsibly. With increased fat content, it is worth using soft shampoos for oily hair (or for a normal type). Conventional grades of class massarket (including oily hair) may not be suitable. Effective means are released in professional series or line of organic cosmetics. Correctly selected products - shampoos and balms for oily hair quite effectively regulate the release of skin fat, differing in a soft effect;
  • it is useful for oily hair to occasionally use deep cleaning shampoo, unloading the skin from accumulated remains of styling and staining substances. Too often such a tool is not recommended, as it can overdose hair;
  • you can try to “teach” the hair to less frequent washing - as a result of this, the hair will gradually get dirty, and the hairstyle will remain fresh longer;
  • when using a stooped balm, it is recommended to apply it to strands, retreating from hair roots a few centimeters. Thus, it will not additionally stimulate the skin to the release of excess fat;
  • drives strands and skin of the henna - color coloring or colorless (it is used as masks for strengthening hair, as well as for their washing). In addition, blue clay effectively affects oily hair - it fights dandruff, cleanses and strengthens hair, and green clay, normalizing the operation of the sebaceous glands and absorbing excess sebum. With regular use within a few months of these funds, you can achieve a noticeable reduction in the oily hair;
  • the hair follicles are toned and herbal infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs gently regulate the operation of the sebaceous glands - they need to rinse the hair after washing the head;
  • sulsen paste is successfully used against oily hair - using it several times a month, you can significantly reduce the release of skin fat and eliminate dandruff. After its use, you can wash your hair less often.

Bold hair, what to do: competent care

Owners of oily hair often make the following mistake-they increase the head of the head up to one to two times a day. If the shampoo and balm are unsuccessfully selected, while the scalp is overdried - as a result of its irritation, the sebaceous glands are stimulated to the release of excessive sebum. Thus, a vicious circle occurs, leading to aggravation of the problem.

In addition, with excessive oily hair, you should not be combed many times (more than three times a day). It is recommended to rinse a comb with soap or shampoo after each hair washing to avoid re -pollution of clean strands.

Hair prone to oily is washed with acidic shampoos. They, as well as balms for oily hair, are not overloaded with nutrients, they lack fat components. In such shampoos, tannins are added that dries the strands by giving them some sheerness, as well as antimicrobial additives.

Oily hair, what to do: folk remedies

There are many ways to deal with excessive oily hair at home. With the help of folk remedies for oily hair, it is necessary to solve two main problems - to reduce the release of skin fat and, if necessary, eliminate the excessive fat content of the strands along the entire length.


Against excessive oily hair, you can use rubbing into the scalp before washing aloe juice, as well as fermented milk products. After washing, it will be useful to rinse the hair with decoctions or infusions of medicinal plants - for oily hair, nettles, as well as St. John's wort, lemon balm and sage, field horsetail, calamus and oak bark.

Bold hair, what to do: Oil for care

Many women to care for hair prone to excessive fat content use burdock, almond or castor oil. These funds can be used in the form of basic essential oils suitable for oily hair - due to the ability to configure the water balance of the skin and nourish the hair bulbs, while normalizing the release of fat.

The following varieties of essential oils are suitable for this:

  • lavender oil - characterized by a powerful antiseptic effect, soothes irritated skin, normalizes the condition of oily hair;
  • mint oil - enriches shampoo with useful substances that help strengthen hair onions. Effectively cleanses the scalp of excess skin, relieves irritation, tones and stimulates hair growth;
  • rosemary oil - eliminates oily shine, relieves inflammatory processes, and also stimulates the regeneration of follicles, protecting the hair from falling out and strengthening it.


For toning oily hair, all types of citrus oils, as well as coniferous, oregano, verbena and thyme, are suitable.

Oily hair, what to do: hair masks

As caring procedures that can be carried out independently, helping to normalize metabolic processes, nourish and tone hair, effectively using the following homemade masks for oily hair:

  1. With almond oil - slightly heated in a water bath a small amount, add a few drops of cypress essential oil, cedar (either bergamot and orange). Apply the resulting mixture before washing the strands, rubbing and then distributing through the hair. Square them by wrapping them in a plastic film, wrap it in a towel. After 20 minutes, wash your hair with a shampoo. Almond oil eliminates the excessive fat content of hair, effectively improves them, giving the strands shine and volume.             21
  2. With potato starch - this mask for oily hair effectively cleanses the pores of the scalp of various contaminants, gives the hairstyle smoothness and volume. We need 2 tbsp. tablespoons of starch, as well as 1 tsp. Honey and aloe juice. These components need to be mixed until a homogeneous consistency, applied to the roots of the hair and distributed along the entire length of the strands, leave for exposure for half an hour, and then rinse thoroughly with warm water.
  3. With cottage cheese - a nourishing mask that removes excessive fat content and improving their condition. Prepare the amount of low -fat cottage cheese for your hair length, add 3 tbsp to it. lemon juice (you can replace it with two or three drops of lemon essential oil or grapefruit). Apply the resulting composition to wet hair, warm them on top with a film and a towel. After 20-30 minutes, rinse the strands thoroughly with warm water.

Oily hair, what to do - video



Julia 19.04.2019 Answer

The main thing is to find a good shampoo that would be well cleansed, but in no case do not dry the hair, otherwise it will have to be washed even more often, I now switched to a horsepower shampoo, my time every 3-4 days
