
How to enlarge your eyes with makeup. How to visually enlarge eyes

How to enlarge your eyes with makeup. How to visually enlarge eyes
The article tells about some tricks that allow you to visually increase the eyes with cosmetics.

The art of makeup should take possession of every woman without exception. Why is this art? Because with the help of a variety of modern cosmetics, you can “draw” a completely different person on the face. If you are not satisfied with the shape of your lips and you would like to give them more seductive swelling and volume, then this can be done with the help of proper lip makeup. If you wanted to have more clear and hollow cheekbones, then this can be drawn with cosmetics. In this article we will talk about the eyes. The eyes in makeup are given one of the main roles, they always attract and take on emphasis. But what to do if you are unhappy with the cut, the size and location of the eyes on your face? Cosmetics and a whole arsenal of female tricks to correct these shortcomings will come to your aid again. All makeup artists of the world's size know and actively use techniques and techniques. To successfully “photoshop” face with cosmetics, you need to clearly know the type and shape of your face and eyes. Perhaps your eyes only seem too small to you, but in fact, their additional increase will be useless. Try to objectively evaluate the type and shape of all parts of the face, look at yourself as if from the side. Let's start considering cunning techniques of visual increased eyes with cosmetics.

How to enlarge eyes with makeup - the main tricks

Eyebrow design will help to increase the eyes visually

Eyebrows play not just a big role in a holistic perception of the face, but a huge one. If you have small eyes, then neglect the design of the eyebrows and you can never give them the background. Of course, you can’t say that if your eyes are beautiful, correct, almond -shaped, then your eyebrows can not be decorated. You need to do this in any case. And every woman who follows her appearance is simply obliged to remember the eyebrows, adjust them in time and give the desired shape. Simply, if you want to make your eyes visually more, then your eyebrows will help you do it.

  • For this purpose, you need to remove as many hairs as possible on the bottom of each eyebrow. But in no case do not turn the eyebrows into threads! This is a bad taste and has not been fashionable for a long time.
  • The shape of the eyebrows should be ideal for your face as a whole. The more hairs you remove the eyebrows from the bottom, the more open and open your eyes will seem.
  • If you experience difficulties in determining the correct shape of the eyebrows for your face, it will be better to turn to specialists. Sometimes an outsider, and even more a professional, will better appreciate all the shortcomings and flaws in your eyebrow line with a look.


Thus, makeup, which visually increases the eyes, must necessarily affect the eyebrows. They should be even, without sticking hairs, properly trimmed and plucked, as much as possible open the space above the upper century. Buy special lapeliness for eyebrows - gels, waxes, lipsticks or carcasses, which firmly fix the hairs in the right direction for a whole day.

Classiles and masking products will visually increase the eyes

In the technique of makeup, increasing the eyes, the highlighting of certain parts of the century is a decisive moment. And you can’t do without conferring, proofreaders, masking funds.

  • Small eyes must be visually removed from each other.  This effect can be highlighted by the internal corner of the eye.
  • If you have bruises under the eyes, red capillaries or adopting wreaths, they must be hidden. With the help of special colored correlators of pink, yellow, green, you can hide all these drawbacks.
  • The smoother, lighter and more homogeneous the skin color in the corner of the eyes, the more open and open your gaze will become. In addition, the eyes will not seem tired.

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The role of shadows in a visual increase in the eyes

To create the effect of large eyes, you will need a standard set of eyelid shadows, consisting of dark and light shades that will be combined with each other.

  • Bright shadows - This is the base that will be applied to the entire mobile eyelid and under the eyebrow. For this purpose, light beige, peach tones are suitable.
  • Porever shadows You can use, but very carefully. If you have wrinkles, then such shadows will only emphasize them.
  • Darn shadows They are applied to the outer corner of the eyelids and in the fold under the eyebrow. When applying a dark color, try to pull the color a little to the temple, slightly lengthening the eye and making it cat. So, you will achieve the effect of widely arranged and open eyes.
  • The lightest, almost white color Apply pointwise to the inner corner of the eye. White shadows are a mandatory masthead of every female cosmetic bag. They can be applied under an eyebrow, visually lifting the eyelid. You can even apply a thin brush to the lower mucous membrane of the eye, and thus make the look more open and clean.
  • The main and prerequisite for applying shadows is a thorough backup. For this purpose, a special soft brush is useful to you -the “barrel”.


Arrows - a universal technique to enlarge the eyes

The arrows are loved by many women and are often used not only in evening, but also in daytime makeup. And, of course, this is a wonderful tool for correcting the cut and eye shape. The main thing is to know the main tricks of drawing arrows for small eyes:

  • the arrow with small eyes cannot be drawn, starting from the inner corner of the eye. This will make the eye even less. Start drawing a thin line from the middle of the century, approximately opposite the edge of the iris. Make the transition as smooth and invisible as possible;
  • The “tail” of the arrow can slightly go beyond the limits of the century, or it can simply be short and slightly thickened to the edge;
  • do not fail the lower eyelid. It will make the eyes less. In extreme cases, you can draw below the eyelash growth boundaries the outer corner of the eye. A thoroughbrush in this case is required;
  • for drawing arrows, not only eyelids are suitable. You can bring your eyes with shadows with a slightly wet thin brush;
  • remember that the length, thickness and orientation of the arrow greatly affects the visual perception of the eye, do not overdo it.

The trick for increasing the eyes with the "water line"

The inner mucous membrane of the lower eyelid is often called the "water line". Many women are often undeservedly forget about this part of the eye, making makeup. And this is very vain. By adding only one insignificant stroke, you will achieve a real visual increase in the eyes.

  • This is necessary highlight the "water line" white pencil or white shadows. Of course, it is more convenient to do this with a pencil. Therefore, if you have small eyes, and you still do not have a white cosmetic pencil in your arsenal of beauty, then be sure to purchase it. All makeup artists use this tricky technique. In addition to increasing the eyes, the whitened “water line” refreshes the gaze, makes it radiant, open and open.


Reception with the inner corner of the century to enlarge the eyes

The internal corner of the eyelid with small eyes also plays an important role in eye makeup. In no case should it be darkened. Having done this, you visually bring your eyes to each other, and they will seem even less.

  • Make the exact opposite - smell the inner corner of the eye. This can be done with a white pencil, very bright or even slightly pearl shadows. You will be surprised at the resulting effect of an open gaze. Eyes will visually further from the nose and, therefore, from each other.


The role of eyelashes in the visual increase

The eyelashes are also given great attention in eye makeup. You must not forget about them and, if you want to visually enlarge your eyes. You can not do without a special device for twisting eyelashes.


You can make both not painted eyelashes or painted. Long and beautifully twisted eyelashes will make a makeup that increases the eyes, completed. When painting eyelashes, remember the following tricky tricks:

  • if your volumetric mascara does not perform its functions well enough, you can add volume to the eyelashes without it. Before applying the mascara, slightly powder the eyelashes with powder. So, mascara will lie in a thicker layer;
  • before applying the second layer of mascara, be sure to wait for the complete drying of the first layer. Otherwise, mascara will lie unevenly, lumps;
  • do not be afraid to use overhead eyelashes. If with your eyelashes the trouble is at all, then overhead eyelashes and bundles should definitely settle in your cosmetic bag. It is very easy to use them, most importantly, just try once. First make up your eyelashes in mascara. Next, gently apply a thin layer of special glue on the overlaid eyelashes or bundles and attach to the eyelid, as close as possible to the natural line of eyelash growth. And press slightly (for example, with a pencil or handle of brush) for gluing. Eyes will immediately become expressive and more beautiful.

Contour pencil and eyeliner - makeup assistants to enlarge eyes

The contour pencil and eyeliner have a similar function in eye makeup - change the incision and size of the eyes, add expressiveness and sexuality to the look. They differ only in their form, although if desired, they can easily interchange each other and supplement them. The contour pencil is remarkably protruding and allows you to make the “blended” eye eyeliner beloved by many women.

  • If you have small and closely set eyes, then do not forget about the basic rule of applying a contour pencil and eyeliner - not to outline the entire eyelid, but only an external corner, bringing to a parallel edge of the iris.
  • Try to draw a line slightly above eyelash growth, slightly lengthening the eye and making it “cat”.
  • The lower eyelid with small eyes is generally better not to touch either an eyeliner or a pencil. But if you still decide to do this, then draw again only the outer corner and carefully shade. The line should again pass slightly below the natural line of eyelash growth for a visual increase in the eye.
  • Do not forget that eyeliners and pencils are of different colors, and not just black. Do not be afraid to experiment. Perhaps the brown contour or any other is much more suitable for you.

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How to enlarge eyes with makeup is a step -by -step example

  • Before applying eye makeup, of course, you need to correctly prepare the skin. After all, your make -up should be perceived holistically and organically. Carry out all your usual facial procedures: cleansing, tonic, moisturizing. To achieve the effect of puppet and glossy skin, you can not do without a primer, which will hide the dilated pores and make the skin glow, and the foundation that will create a final finish on the face.
  • Make your eyebrows. We comb them with a brush, draw the missing hairs with a pencil, lay it with gel or eyebrow shadows.
  • Apply a base for shadows for the entire mobile eyelid. So, the shadows will stay throughout the day and will not slide. If there is no base, then just fad the eyelid well.
  • If there are dark circles under the eyes, then use yellow conciller. Apply it pointily, only to the darkening area. The flesh -colored corrector hide redness and protruding wreaths.

  • To create the simplest, basic makeup, which visually increases your eyes, you need at least a shadow of 2 shades: very bright and dark. It can be a special palette that is designed to create smoky makeup. The shadows in such palettes are perfectly combined with each other, and you do not need to think what pair of shadows to choose for a bright shade or vice versa.
  • We apply the brightest shadows to the whole mobile eyelid. A wide and flat brush is useful for this.
  • Next, we proceed to apply a dark color. Gently begin to darken the outer corner of the eye, leaving the boundaries of the eye, as if extending it to the temple. The main thing is not to overdo it. We do everything in moderation.
  • To eliminate the visibility of the overhanging century, and in order to make the eye more voluminous, the same dark shadows, slightly darken the fold over the upper century.
  • Next, we are very carefully blend. For this, a fluffy brush is suitable -“barrel”. Brush the shadows only around the edges, do not smear around the eye. Gently make the transition from dark shadows to light as smooth and soft as possible. The brush should barely touch the century, do not press on it.
  • To enhance the expressiveness of the gaze, add black eyeliner. We take a black pencil and draw a very thin line parallel to the edge of the iris and to the outer corner of the eye. By the end, the line should expand slightly. You can use liquid eyeliner, but if you are a newcomer to draw a shooter, it is better to use a hard pencil. In addition, it is better stewing, and you can easily erase errors when applying.


  • We bring the lower eyelid in the same way as the upper one - from the beginning of the iris to the outer corner of the eye. The dark -colored shades that you used on the eyelid, blend this line to make it as soft and natural as possible. The line should pass just below the eyelash growth line, so you will make your gaze more open.
  • Do not forget about the "water line". With a white pencil, carefully paint the mucous membrane on the lower eyelid. This technique will give purity and clarity to the look.
  • With light shadows, we highlight the inner corner of the eye. Thus, we will “push” the eyes from each other and make them visually wider.
  • Now proceed to applying the carcass. Use only voluminous. First, carefully powder your eyelashes to give them even more volume. Then we apply the first layer of mascara with neat "combing" movements to all cilia. Direct the brush so that the cilia "look" towards the temple. So you will give your look even more "cat" form.


  • After the first layer is completely dry, we apply the second layer in the same way. If your eyelashes have a direct shape, then before applying the carcass use special forceps for curling eyelashes.
  • We make up the space under the eyebrow - we apply a highlighter or light shadows there and grow well. You can also draw a white pencil under the eyebrow itself. So, you will raise the eyebrow even more and make your eyes wider.

Be sure to know the shortcomings and imperfection of your face in order to skillfully adjust them with makeup. Beauty is a terrible force. Be beautiful!



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