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Chocolate wrap

Chocolate wrap
How to make a "tasty" chocolate wrap at home.

Chocolate wrap is a rather popular body care procedure. Cocoa beans contained in chocolate contain natural nutrients that are actively used in cosmetology to get rid of cellulite, giving the skin elasticity, freshness and beauty. Such a care will bring double benefits - a deep and rich aroma of chocolate relieves tension, tones and gives a feeling of comfort and harmony. The smell and texture of skin care products will allow you to turn the procedure for wrapping into a relaxing session, which gives a charge of vigor and good mood.

What is useful to use chocolate wraps

The principle of operation of the procedure is to apply cocoa-mass in the area of \u200b\u200bproblem areas with subsequent wrapping them into the film, as a result of which the effect of warming up and enhanced absorption of nutrients arises under the influence of chocolate wrap.

The procedure of chocolate wrap is characterized by the following useful effects:

  • eliminates dryness, relieves irritation, moisturizes and stimulates metabolic processes;
  • cleanses the skin of rashes, reduces hyperpigmentation;
  • effectively cares for wilting skin, refreshes and rejuvenates it;
  • it has a lymphatic drainage effect - it helps to remove excess fluid and toxins from the body, eliminates swelling, improves blood microcirculation and effectively tones;
  • eliminates the manifestations of cellulite - the skin becomes more elastic, its relief improves, swelling disappears;
  • gives the skin an even tone and velvety;
  • calms, relieves stress, restores balance and improves mood;
  • gives the body a light seductive aroma of chocolate.

Due to the pronounced lymphatic drainage effect and a decrease in the manifestations of cellulite, chocolate wrapping is effectively for weight loss - the skin tone increases, the contours of the hips and abdomen are pulled up, after several sessions, one can notice the disappearance of several centimeters in problem areas.

How to make chocolate wrap

Chocolate -based products are actively used in cosmetology for body skin care. Chocolate wrap in the cabin is a rather popular procedure, pleasant and useful. If you want to try to do it yourself and at the same time save, it is quite possible and easy to make chocolate wraps at home. The necessary ingredients can be purchased at any supermarket. In this case, you will be confident in the naturalness of all the components of the independent composition, in addition, the preparation will cost much cheaper compared to the price of chocolate wrap in the cabin. In order for home spa the procedure helps to relax as much as possible, try to allocate a little time for her when no one will interfere with you, and also do some preparations.

Preparation for chocolate wrap

For home chocolate wraps, you may need:

  • wide gauze bandages - they are sold in a pharmacy;
  • stretch film for wraps (you can use ordinary food);
  • non -metallic container for the preparation of chocolate composition;
  • food brush or brush for hair coloring;
  • scrub for cleansing the skin;
  • cocoa powder or natural black chocolate;
  • essential oils;
  • lifting effect cream;
  • about an hour of free time for one session.


Before carrying out the sub -wrap spa procedure, it is necessary to prepare the body for active absorption of the wrap components. Take a warm bath, treat the skin with a scrub corresponding to your skin type. You can use a mixture of natural ground coffee and sour cream.

Chocolate wrap in stages

The sequence of actions for conducting chocolate wrap is as follows:

  1. A chocolate or chocolate mixture is applied to the entire body or problem areas with a layer of several millimeters (it is most convenient to do this with a baking brush).
  2. For greater benefit of chocolate wrap, we wrap the body with a film. It enhances the penetration of the active components of the nutrient composition, and also retains the desired temperature of the mixture and extends the thermal effect. You should not tighten the film tight. 21
  3. Next, we put on the pajamas or lie down and hide a sheet that can be stained, and on top for insulation with a blanket. The light effect of the sauna will help the pores to open - at this time the skin effectively removes toxins, rejuvenates, acquires smoothness and elasticity.
  4. After the required time (depending on the recipe, usually within 30 minutes - an hour), the wrapping film is easily removed, the chocolate mass is washed off with water of a comfortable temperature under the shower.

Even the first wrap procedure will have a noticeable tonic effect, the skin will become delicate and velvety, and the aroma of chocolate will be felt on it for several hours.

Usually they conduct a course of 10 - 15 sessions of chocolate wraps (several procedures per week), after the end of the course to consolidate the effect - with a frequency of once a week.

Chocolate wraps: recipes

There are different recipes for the use of cocoa beans and chocolate for the wrap of the same name. It unites them one thing - it is strongly recommended to use pure cocoa powder, or natural black chocolate without additives. Dairy, and even more so, white chocolate for wraps are not suitable, as they contain an insufficient amount of cocoa.


Recipes of chocolate wrap to increase skin elasticity and get rid of cellulite:

  1. Classic chocolate wrap. 150 g of cocoa powder pour two glasses of hot boiled water with two glasses, mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. When the mixture has cooled to about 40 degrees, it is applied to problem areas with a uniform layer of several millimeters. The skin treated with a baking film is wrapped and insulated. After 40 minutes, the chocolate mass can be washed off in the shower. This procedure must be repeated every other day. 30
  2. Gorky chocolate. Chocolate tiles (100 g, with a cocoa content of at least 50%) melt in a water bath, add one and a half tablespoons of olive oil, as well as a few drops of essential oil from cellulite to your choice (citrus oils, as well as rosehip oils, cedar, cypress , patchouli, geraniums and sage). A warm mixture is applied to the area with cellulite, after which you need to turn into a baking film and hide. Leave the mixture for exposure for 30 minutes, and then rinse (you can use a contrast shower).
  3. Chocolate-milk wrapping. Heat 400 ml of milk without bringing it to a boil. Pour 200 g of cocoa powder with hot milk, stir and leave a little cool. The resulting mixture is distributed in problem areas, processed places are wrapped and insulated. The exposure time of wraps is 40 minutes.             27
  4. Ginger wrap. Prepare a mixture of 150 g of cocoa and 100 g of grated ginger, pour it with hot milk (0.5 liters). Leave the resulting gruel to infuse for 20 minutes, and then soak a wide bandage with this mixture and wrap it in series (from the ankles to the top of the abdomen). Unexed the body with a film and wrap himself in a blanket. After 30-40 minutes, the chocolate-immobure mass is washed off in the shower.
  5. Chocolate and algae. 150 g of spirulina algae (sold in a pharmacy) soak for several hours in cold water, then grind with a blender or meat grinder - and add 150 g of cocoa powder. Mix until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. To soak the bandages with the resulting nutrient composition and wrap them, and then with plastic film, problem areas of the body. Next, you can relax for 30-40 minutes, after which you need to rinse under warm running water.
  6. Chocolate wrap with cinnamon. Break two tiles of black chocolate into slices and melt in a water bath, add one teaspoon of ground cinnamon (or 3-4 drops of cinnamon essential oil and one tablespoon of olive oil). Apply the resulting composition to the body, marching the problem areas. Wrap the skin in the food film, turn into a sheet and wrap himself in a blanket. After an hour, wash off the applied mass with warm water.

There are many positive reviews about chocolate wraps. The use of them at home (in the form of independent compositions, as well as ready-made cream masks for chocolate wrap) will help get rid of cellulite, tighten the contours of the hips and abdomen, as well as give the skin softness and elasticity.

Contraindications to the procedure of chocolate wrap

To carry out the procedure of chocolate wraps are contraindications:

  • allergies to cocoa beans;
  • dermatological diseases in the exacerbation stage;
  • skin damage;
  • pregnancy and critical days;
  • hypertension;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular and endocrine system;
  • poor health, infectious diseases;
  • thrombophlebitis and varicose veins.

Chocolate wrap - photo



Chocolate wrap - video



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