
How to lose weight in cheeks and face quickly. What to do to lose weight cheeks - exercises

How to lose weight in cheeks and face quickly. What to do to lose weight cheeks - exercises
With what can you lose weight in the cheeks, what are diet and exercises.

The topic of weight loss is one of the most beaten on the Internet, and the closer the long-awaited beach season, the more active discussion. It is clear, very soon you will not have to wear a heap of clothes, and everything that she hides will come out. And immediately becomes clear who did what the past winter. Many girls have a question not only how to lose weight, but also how to remove the cheeks in particular. Let's try to figure it out together.

How to lose weight in the face and cheeks

To begin with, all wishing to learn how to remove the cheek, should go to the mirror and critically assess their figure. If you are overweight, the problem lies in it: we have to work on a common integrated losing weight, and cheeks will leave themselves rather quickly.

Look carefully on your parents, grandparents, what cheeks have them? What type of shape? Perhaps big cheeks is a hereditary factor.

Pay attention to the state of your feet, will it easily, say, be on the heels all day? Will there be a trace from the emerged elastic socks? Similarly, with hands - there is no trace from the rings on them, maybe they at some point became generally worse to remove? As you probably have already guessed, such questions should be asked to understand whether the body is inclined to swells at the moment. The personnel can affect her face, and large cheeks are one of its manifestations.

So, the main reasons for the presence of a girl of chubby brothers:

  1. Excess weight.
  2. Power.
  3. Health factor.

Any of these factors can affect big brushes, both simultaneously and separately. It is clear that nothing to do with genetics, but it's still worth trying. It is assumed that some extra weight or a tendency to swells is present and pushing out this, to act.

So, to the question "how to lose weight in the cheeks" we offer several answer options at once:

  1. Healthy nutrition with some accents.
  2. Physical exercise.
  3. Gymnastics for face.
  4. Services of the cosmetologist.
  5. Facial massage.

How to do to lose weight cheeks

In general, to launch the process of weight loss and achieve good results in it, it is necessary to take care of your diet. In the kitchen you can make not only the press, but also to form a beautiful oval face. In other words, even killing the day in the gym, but at the same time it is impossible to achieve the result in the mouth. The exception is happy with high metabolism, but can you attribute yourself to them? It, by the way, can be dispersed, but only with the help of the same nutrition.

There are thousands of all sorts of diets and nutrition systems that promise to bring the figure in order. And here you immediately want to mention several important points:

  1. Any diet - stress for the body. And if around a bunch of temptations, he risks pour into stress for people around you, and this is at best. At worst, there is a high risk of seriously undermining their health, and the result cannot be guaranteed.
  2. The diet is a voluntary limitation of a wide range of products, and there is a high chance of exception and useful substances for the body. Avitaminosis, violations in the work of internal organs and systems, the trap failure and much more can entail an unbalanced diet.
  3. Fast weight loss is very harmful to the body. And if you want to lose weight in the cheeks for 3 days, let's say, be prepared that the lost will return, perhaps even more than it was.

The factors listed above are not at all suggesting that diet is bad. Easily use advice from the Internet and wait from this miracle. The diet is good, but only the one that is drawn up for you a personal nutritionist, which is aware of your features, health conditions that can objectively assess extra kilograms. In the conditions of modern life, find a good nutrition is no difficulty - just sign up to the appropriate qualified fitness center, or it is a good search on the Internet, collect all feedback and choose a good specialist. This service is now available as a remote consultation and accompaniment of the entire period of weight loss online, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The second option - if there are insignificant weight problems, it is worth trying to eat right, limiting yourself from knowingly harmful products. The result will not be so rapid as on diets, but gradually the weight will come back to normal, and in the mirror it will reflect, starting with the facial oval and ending with slender legs, and, most importantly, lost kilograms will not return! Try to adhere to the following basic rules:

  1. We eat often, but small portions - the volume of eaten food should not exceed 250 g.! Feed 5-6 times the day will be optimal, despite the fact that 3 feeding from them must be the main remaining snaps.
  2. Let the dinner be not up to 18-00, as is customary in some power systems, and 3 hours before sleep. It is impossible to go to bed on an empty stomach in any way, and a glass of 1% kefir before bedtime is ideal in this case.
  3. We drink simple non-carbonated water, evenly during the day of about 1.5-2 liters, among other liquids. This is necessary for normal metabolism, accelerating the process of weight loss, braking the body aging and getting rid of the eats.
  4. So that the fluid consumed is not delayed in the body, it is necessary to move, stop drinking 2-3 hours before sleep and adjust the amount of salt in its diet is to minimize it.
  5. Avoid empty unnecessary calories in your diet: sweet, flour, oxygen, smoked, fried. It not only provokes a set of excess weight, but also contributes to the appearance of eath.
  6. Meat with potatoes - tasty, but very harmful. If meat is low-fat varieties in boiled or baked form in combination with vegetables. If the potato is in the uniform, although for a period of weight loss from her it is worth refranking at all.
  7. Eat more all kinds of greenery (parsley, dill, spinach, celery, arugula), dairy products without additives and with a low percentage of fat, fruits and vegetables. The latest useful in any form, but preferably to cook for a couple or use them fresh.
  8. Tableless, but useful products can be boldly to eat in a smoothie, to prepare which actually with the help of the most ordinary blender. Dill, parsley, kefir, berries, fruits, oatmeal - try, experiment or use already ready-made solutions on the Internet.
  9. In the morning - porridge, omelets with vegetables, Day -Myaso with vegetables or croups, soups without potatoes on low-fat broth, in the evening - low-fat varieties of meat or birds without side dishes or with vegetables.
  10. If you want sweet so that it is impossible to think about anything, let yourself a piece of chocolate: bitter with 85% cocoa content, in the morning, quite a little bit. And for the brain is useful, and the main need is satisfied.

The list can continue to continue, but the essence is understandable: omniply harmful exclude, useful include and more. It is clear that if we are talking about weight loss, the rules are stricter, if about maintaining the figure, can sometimes relax. In the process of the total weight loss, everything is losing weight - and first of all, breasts, hands, face. As a rule, the most problematic zones in many women are just those that would very much like to remove - belly, sides, buttocks, hidden. And with the face of problems should not arise, the main thing is the power of will and the focus on the result.

What to do to lose weight cheeks: physical exertion

So, the most important rule in losing weight in general and in the cheeks in particular - food, food and once again nutrition! Only sport will not help, but as an additional weight loss means it will be an ideal assistant. And the stop should be done on a cardio training - running, walking, bike, dancing - in a word, everything that the heart trains, participates the pulse and makes work on endurance. In the fitness center, suitable simulators will be a bike, an ellipsoid, a treadmill, step, and the like.

Power training should also be present, but special, aimed at reducing body weight - circular, functional. This will help not just lose weight, but to lose weight beautifully, forming the desired relief of the tightened body. After such a workout, it is advisable to make a light cardio for 30 minutes - it is during this period that such activities are most effective and allow to achieve a greater effect in less time.

At the end of the workouts, it is good to go to the pool and sauna, this will provide a good lymphatic in effect, will bring out an extra liquid, and again, it will contribute to the acceleration of metabolism. In other words, the positive effect in the area of \u200b\u200bweight loss, and in the field of combating edema or their prevention.

How to do to lose your cheeks: cosmetologist services

The modern cosmetology industry offers all sorts of procedures for the correction of the facial oval: various types of massages and masks in regular use are really creating wonders in professional hands.

There are more extreme services that are already offering plastic surgery clinics. Liposuction (getting rid of subcutaneous fat on the face), the suspender with folding folds and other complex operations also grow the form of the face, but you should know that any of these operations is a high risk, and whether it is worth it to solve only you. And if you do such procedures, then only in a proven clinic at a highly professional physician with all relevant certificates and licenses. In addition, such procedures are usually pretty expensive. Plus, operations are obvious - a quick quality result. But does he overlap all these minuses?

How to lose weight in cheeks: face exercises

Watch the video selection of simple and efficient exercises that will help make the face of the desired form.

How to lose weight in cheeks at home

Not everyone has time and money to lose weight with some specialists or visiting specialized institutions. Difficult to remove the brushes at home, there is nothing. Principles are all the same. We eat right, moving more, make gymnastics and massage for the face.

Do not regret money for good faces for face care, especially if you are 25, and even more so for 30! And good does not always mean - dear. You can read the reviews on the Internet, it will help to decide on the brand and specific means. If the budget allows, it is better to visit a good proven cosmetologist and choose with him to choose a line for my care. Of course, on the Internet you can find all sorts of folk recipes for masks, but does not interfere with one another.

With meals and gymnastics for the face, everything is clear, but as for the sport - some exercises are quite realistic to do at home. The budget option will be elementary running in the mornings or evenings, sports walking, sports games like volleyball or football. Any motor activity is welcomed, the main thing is to find a matter of yourself in the soul: Spep the garden, clean the yard from the snow, run with the children ... Try yourself to artificially invent yourself - use the stairs instead of the elevator, go on foot, instead of ride on public transport or car ... at home Running on the spot, jumping through the rope, all sorts of exercises spied on the Internet. Everything is possible, the main thing is the goal and desire.

How to lose weight in cheeks and chin

The reasons for the occurrence of the second chin may be several:

  1. Problems with thyroid gland.
  2. Weak muscles of neck and face.
  3. Excess weight.
  4. Outlet.
  5. Soution, posture disorders.

Obviously, in the first case it is necessary to go to the consultation to the endocrinologist. What to do with excess weight and ethnicity, you already know. Problems with posture will solve the sport under the supervision of the competent trainer. And if the problem of the second chin is associated with weak muscles, we again return to the gymnastics for the face, the truth is, a little one with another orientation. Detailed complex Look at the video.

Let's summarize

So, if the problem is not in genetics or some serious illness, problems with the correction of oval faces should not occur. Although even here you can deceive a little nature - the proper application of makeup will emphasize the dignity and will hide the shortcomings!

Often you can hear from the girls: "I lost weight and sleeved cheeks" - many first of all lose weight with the face, hands and chest. But it is not necessary to think "how to lose weight in the cheeks quickly" - never express diet has not thrown anything good, except for undermining health and returned kilograms. Liposacia is also not an output in this case - it will take some period for recovery after intervention. Therefore, let's forget "how to lose weight the cheeks for the week" and think about how to lose weight, having achieved a certain ideal, and keep your figure forever, from the head to the heels.


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