
Askorutin for the skin of the face - how to apply. Askorutin masks for face - Recipes, reviews

Askorutin for the skin of the face - how to apply. Askorutin masks for face - Recipes, reviews
Useful properties of ascorotine for the skin of the face. Instructions for the preparation of cosmetic masks from ascorutin.

The drug Askorutin contains valuable vitamins of vitamins P and C. The drug is taken when, according to certain medical testimony, it is necessary to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, to establish metabolism and improve health as a whole. Great influence has a medicine and the condition of the skin. How to apply ascorutin for face, read in the article.

Positive Action Asskorutin on Skin

Ascorutin has found widespread use in cosmetology as ambulance in the treatment of all kinds of epidermis defects. The routine combination (vitamin P) and ascorbic acid (vitamin C) as part of the drug is amazingly affecting the condition of the skin:

  1. Increases the elasticity and density of blood vessels.
  2. Quickly blocks any inflammatory processes on the face.
  3. Eliminates pigment stains.
  4. Increases the resistance of the epidermis by the action of various pathogenic factors.
  5. Improves the passability of the stale glands.
  6. Returns tired skin tone and fresh look.
  7. Improves oval faces.

Features of treatment ascorutin

In therapeutic purposes, askorutin is used with elevated arterial pressure, rheumatism, radiation disease, various infectious diseases in children and adults, as well as with pathologies related to bleeding.

Withering and aging of the skin is a natural and irrevocable process that can be slowed down for a while. According to the reviews of cosmetologists, natural vitamins in Askorutin are very important for the face, therefore the drug is also taken to improve the appearance.

Why do energy and vitamin resources of the skin over time are depleted? A healthy kind of man depends largely on the quality of the operation of the circulatory system, from the state of the vessels. The slightest failure, and the skin ceases to receive oxygen and nutrients in the desired volume. Natural beauty and freshness of the skin are preserved until the vessels and capillaries weaken, will become brittle and deformed. In response to such internal changes, the face is covered with stains, wrinkles, and also changes natural paints on dim color.

With the help of ascorutin, the functions of blood vessels are restored, the skin acquires a healthy tone and smoothed. Cosmetologists prescribe Askorutin for the treatment of cooperosis, eliminate pigmentation, freckles and acne. The dosage of the drug is determined individually. For therapeutic purposes, askorutin take 1 tablet 3 times a day. In order not to suffer the dental enamel, the tablet is not chewed, but swallow, drinking water.

Askorutin treatment by internal use is limited in time, while cosmetics based on this drug can be used to maintain beauty regularly. Askorutin masks make as independent procedures, as well as an addition to the main treatment.

Askorutin for face with Cooperose

The services of specialists in the field of hardware cosmetology today are not for everyone, so in the struggle for beautiful clean skin, many women choose alternative treatment at home.

Active components of ascorutin strengthen not only blood vessels, but also have a positive effect on the state of peripheral vessels, so the medicine has been widely used in the treatment of cooperosis.

The prerequisite for the development of coperaosis is considered stagnation against the background of impaired blood circulation in the tissues of the epidermis. In places where blood is stirred, reddened areas appear on the skin. Subsequently, if Cooperoz is not treated, the blood will have a strong pressure on the walls of the capillaries, which is why they expand and become fragile. Where the capillary ripped, an asterisk appears, and a vascular grid is formed on the surface of the skin from extended capillaries.

Askorutin masks for the face are used for local cooper treatment. This disease is amenable to correction very hard, so cosmetic masks with a vitamin preparation begin to do already at the stage of redness of the skin, without waiting when the face will decorate the vascular stars.

Green tea mask and ascorutin for face

Brew green leaf tea in the usual way is the basis of a cosmetic mask. To create a healing agent, mix some tea with 1 tbsp. l. milk, 2 tbsp. l. Cosmetic clay (white - for sensitive and normal skin, black - for oily) and 2 tablets of ascorutin. You must have a sour cream mass.

The face is covered with a mask in 2 clocks: first they apply a thin layer of the cosmetic agent, then areas with chopped cuperose are covered by therapeutic composition again. After 20 minutes, the mask was washed off with warm water.

Gelatin-based and ascorutin-based mask

1 tbsp. l. Gelatin fill with warm water and wait for the remedy. Then stir 1 tablet ascorutin in it and cover the affected sections of the face for 15 minutes.

Mask based on yoghurt and ascorutin for face

In 10 g of natural yogurt, add 1 to the powder of a pill of a vitamin agent and 1 tsp. Manya cereals, thoroughly mix the ingredients. Before applying the mask, wipe the face with micellar water, and then with a dense layer cover the skin with the prepared composition. After half an hour, remove the mask, waving the water temperature water.

Mask based on cosmetic clay and ascorutin for face

1 Tablet Askorutin Grind, and then mix with 1 tbsp. l. Blue clay and 20 drops of linseed oil. To make a mass convenient for applying to face, add a bit of non-carbonated mineral water there. Cover the skin of the skin and wait for it when it is completely dry, and then rinse with plenty of warm water.

Treatment ascorutin from pigment spots on the face

Dark spots appear on the skin of the face due to a lack of ascorbic acid and routine. Vitamin C prevents melanin production, substance that is the cause of enhanced pigmentation. Rutin in turn provides full absorption of ascorbic acid in the body. Askorutin, as part of which these components are present, are used in skin care, it is not by chance - the drug cleans the skin from pigment spots, acne and aligns the natural tone of the face.

Treatment of ascorutin hyperpigmentation can be inner and outdoor. Inside are taken by 2 pills of the vitamin preparation 3 times a day after meals. Homemade cosmetics for skin-based skin based on ascorutin has proven itself as outdoor therapy.

Mask from dark spots with ascorutin for the face: Recipe number 1

1 Askorutin tablet Mix with 1 tbsp. l. Buckwheat flour and 15 g of honey. The medicinal composition is applied to the cleansed skin of the face, without affecting the nasolabial triangle and the skin around the eyes. After 30 minutes, the mask was washed off and apply a light cream on face. The first positive results will be noticeable already after 2 - 3 procedures.

Mask from dark spots with ascorutin for face: recipe number 2

To prepare a miraculous mixture, take 15 tablets of ascorutin and 3 tbsp. l. oatmeal. You will also need 5 drops of tea tree oil. Lay all the ingredients in a coffee grinder and move to the powder - you will succeed in gentle, soft mass of light beige color.

To make noticeably clean and refresh the skin of the face, use a homemade mixture for washing for 2 to 3 weeks. Each morning, apply a small amount of means on the wet skin of the face with rubric movements and leave for 5 to 8 minutes. After that, the mask must be washed away and return to ordinary face care rituals.

Askorutin for beautiful skin skin

Some women from time to time face troubles like acne and rash on the face. In addition, sooner or later, every representative of a beautiful sex with annoyance notes the first wrinkles on the skin. Despite the fact that acne is very difficult to remove, and "celebrating time" and do not want to leave the face, the beauty of the skin will support regular competent care and cosmetics cooked with their own hands. Askorutin will come in handy here! Thanks to the beneficial properties of a vitaminatide, the skin acquires lost elasticity, tone and beautiful smooth color.

The drug is used for face, adding ascorutin to finished cream, lotion or tonic. A total of 1 vitamin tablet enhances the effect of leaving cosmetics several times. For example, there are 1 tablet of ascorotine into powder and dissolve it in a glass of ordinary mineral water. Thermal liquid for moisturizing the skin of the face during the day is ready!

Askorutin mask from face wrinkles

Connect and mix the 1 crushed tablet ascohutin, 20 g of fatty sour cream and 1 tbsp. l. Aloe juice. Clean the skin to carefully cleanse the cosmetics and apply a rejuvenating mask for a quarter of an hour. To secure the effect, apply a mask with ascorutin 3 times a week. The healing agent enhances blood circulation and serves as a catalyst in the synthesis of collagen and elastin - the most important components for beautiful skin.

Refreshing mask with ascorutin and face chamomile

Such a mask will quickly hide traces of fatigue on the face, and also contributes to the rapid resorption by the hematoma. It should be applied for 10 - 15 minutes before makeup.

Of the dried daisy flowers, prepare a concentrated decoction and strain it. Without waiting until the decoction cools, dissolve in 20 ml of liquid 1 tablet of ascorutin and add 5 g of Shea oil there. Lubricate face with therapeutic agent and leave it overnight. In the morning, I will be worked out and wipe your face with tonic.

Askorutin Mask with Persons for Face

Prepare this tool, you immediately decide some problems: get rid of acne and pedestal, speed up the regeneration of the affected areas on the skin and align its relief after carelessly extruded pimples.

Multiple 1 tablet preparation, add 10 g of pea flour and 4 droplets of orange essential oil. To make the mixture more homogeneous, dilute it with mineral water without gas. Rock with face cosmetics, raise the skin, and then lubricate the accumulations with acne with a medical crash for 6 to 8 minutes. To launch reducing processes in the epidermis, you will need 3 - 5 procedures.

Askorutin Mask from face acne

The remedy has a tonic effect and helps to get rid of inflammatory reactions, active secretion of the sebaceous glands and purulent formations.

For the preparation of cosmetic drug, you will need half the chalk of ascorutin, 5 g of pharmacy dried plantain and 10 g of zinc ointment. Askorutin and plantain jumped in a coffee grinder, and then connect with zinc ointment. After the evening cleansing procedures, cover the places of the greatest accumulation of acne on the skin with a dense layer of self-made means. The mask must be left overnight, and in the morning to remove the remnants with a wet cotton sponge.

Askorutin is a universal thing. Even if you do not have the necessary ingredients to make a mask, a cosmetic agent can be prepared from one ascorotine and what will be at hand. For example, as a nutrient component for a mask, you can take cucumbers, sour cream, bran, borry berries, strawberries.

Note! Before applying a mask with Askorutin on the face, first test the small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin on the tolerability of the drug. Too sensitive skin on the action of active drug components can respond by an allergic reaction. In addition, home remedies with ascorutin can not be applied to damaged skin: first will have to cure cuts, burns and cracks, and then begin therapeutic procedures using a vitamin preparation.

In the effectiveness of askorutin, many representatives of beautiful sex managed to make sure. It is surprising that the use of a penny means gives such wonderful results. According to women's reviews, with the help of ascorutin they are quite quickly pale, and then vascular stars and mesh disappear completely disappear, even those that appeared on the face of a long time ago. This means that cosmetics based on pharmacy drugs are perfectly coping with inflammatory reactions and improve the permeability and elasticity of capillaries. With regular use of masks based on ascorutin, the skin brightens, its relief is noticeably aligned, and the pores are narrowed. In short, Askorutin is exactly the drug that can be safely used and recommended by others.


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