
How to use hair burdock root. How to prepare the root of the hair for hair correctly. Hair burdock root masks

How to use hair burdock root. How to prepare the root of the hair for hair correctly. Hair burdock root masks
Nature is a real pantry of beauty and health, knowing the secrets of which, you do not need to pay a lot of money for cosmetics. The root of the burdock is one of the most popular hair treatment products, which gives a positive result in a short time.

Nature is a real pantry of beauty and health that any modern girl can use and not spend a large amount of money on expensive cosmetics. Medicinal plants can be used to treat skin and hair problems, return their natural beauty and health. One of the most popular hair treatment products is burdock root - a plant that is found almost everywhere and is often considered a weed.

Hair burdock root will quickly and effectively cope with loss or dullness, will help return your hair natural power. The funds from the root of the burdock can be purchased at the pharmacy or prepared independently, the main thing is to do everything correctly and observe all the proportions.

In this article, we will consider the basic beneficial properties of burdock root, as well as note the rules and nuances of applying the hair root for hair. Let us give an example of popular recipes for hair roof for hair.

Useful properties of the root of the hair

Slub or burdock ordinary are a very common plant, which can be found in gardens, fields, meadows, courtyards. Many people treat him as a conventional weed and do not suspect the beneficial properties of the root of the hair. This plant contains a huge number of oils and nutrients that will help cure weak and dull hair. For the treatment of hair, burdock root is used both in its pure form by rubbing decoctions, tinctures and juices, and in the form of oils, creams and ointments.

The healing force of the roof of the burdock lies in its chemical composition, which is so unique that the fair sex, once trying to rinse the roof of the hair with a root of the hair, will stop looking at expensive cosmetics and will completely advise folk recipes. Thanks to the individual components of the burdock root, there is a comprehensive healing effect on the hair, which makes it strong, shiny, strong and healthy.

  • The root of the burdock contains a large number of vitamins C, E, D and vitamins B. groups
  • The main component of the burdock root is Inulin - a polysaccharide, which is contained in it in a fairly large amount. Inulin contributes to the appearance of shine in the hair. After the short use of masks or decoctions from the root of the burdock, the hair will become more shiny and smooth.
  • Hair burdock root at home is also used due to the content of a large number of essential oils that have a calming effect. After you prepare a broth of the hair root for hair and carry out a few rinsing, you can get rid of dandruff and itching it accompanying it. Essential oils will help relieve irritation from the scalp, and also relieve itching after insect bites. The root of the burdock is useful and with pediculosis, it prevents the appearance of cranks.
  • The roof of the burdock to strengthen hair is used due to the presence of fatty acids in its composition - palmithic and stearin. They contribute to the appearance of a protective film on the hair, which protects the hair from the negative effects of the environment, temperature changes, strong winds and frost. Thanks to such a film, the hair is always moistened and protected from pollution.
  • The root of the burdock for hair growth and from their loss is used due to the large content of the tannins in the plant. Using drugs with burdock oil and tinctures from the root of hair burdock when rinsing, you will strengthen the hair follicles and reduce hair loss. The root of the burdock against hair loss is prescribed even by trichologists.
  • Stigmasterin, which is contained in the burdock, promotes the regeneration and restoration of damaged cells, therefore, when using decoctions from the root of the burdock, you can heal the split ends and places of breaking.
  • The root of the burdock contains protein, which is part of the hair and contributes to its restoration. Therefore, various decoctions from the root will help with frequent dyeing, during which hair is damaged.

Indications for the use of the root of the hair of the hair

Based on the root of the burdock are able to cope with a large number of problems associated with hair and scalp.

  • First of all, decoctions and infusions of the root of hair roof are shown to people who have weakened and brittle hair.
  • If your hair has lost natural shine and radiance, you can also try to use the root of the hair for hair.
  • The root of the burdock is perfect with increased fatty head.
  • Thanks to the presence of a variety of elements. The roof of the burdock is able to save the hair from split and brittle ends.
  • Based on the root of the burdock will help with highly weakened hair, which are constantly susceptible to the negative effects of the environment, styles, staining.
  • The root of the burdock from hair loss is one of the most important testimony of this plant. Using various decoctions in a short time, you can stop hair loss and accelerate their growth.
  • With dry hair, funds based on the root of the burdock are also indicated, since due to the presence of special substances in its composition, the hair is enveloped with a protective layer and actively moisturized.

Contraindications to the use of the root of the hair of the hair

In addition to the benefit, like any other plant, burdock can lead to negative results.

  • First of all, burdock root is contraindicated in people with individual intolerance to this plant. The use of funds with the root of the burdock in this case can lead to serious consequences.
  • The roof of the burdock cannot be used when an allergic reaction occurs. Therefore, it is so important before the first use to conduct a special test for the manifestation of allergies. To do this, the prepared decoction or infusion of burdock root, smear the inconspicuous area on the bend of the elbow and wait 5-10 minutes. If no reaction has appeared, you can safely use burdock root for hair treatment. If redness, itching or acne appeared at the place of the test, it is worth immediately stopping using this tool.
  • Many experts do not advise using the roof of burdock with excessive oily hair.

Hair burdock root

The root of the burdock or various fees with it in the composition can easily be purchased at any pharmacy at a very affordable cost. However, the fresh root of the hair burdock is more effective, and the raw materials prepared with your own hands are more trust. Boss or burdock ordinary are very common plants in our area. Small thickets of this medicinal plant can be found in a variety of places, so the collection of raw materials with your own hands will not cause any difficulties. The main thing is to know some rules and nuances to collect the highest quality and useful roots of burdock.

  • In order for the folk remedy to provide the most positive result, it is important to clearly observe the timing of the collection of raw materials. Indeed, in certain days and seasons, the concentration of useful substances in the plant is the highest. The most optimal time to collect the root of the burdock is late autumn or early spring, when the plant accumulates the maximum amount of useful elements.
  • Give preference to plants that grow behind the city’s line and in the distance from large expensive and existing factories. This is due to the fact that all plants, especially medicinal ones, have the ability to accumulate harmful substances from emissions.
  • It is best to take a small corner in the garden in the presence of your own site and plant several bushes of burdock there. In this case, the useful and healing roots of burdock will always be at your hand.
  • It is necessary to dig the root of the burdock of the plant, which has already reached 1 year of life. By this time, the roots have already been sufficiently formed and contain all the elements necessary for the treatment of hair.
  • It is recommended to dig the roots of burdock in the early morning.
  • Use a shovel or other tool for this. The main thing is to dig as deeply as possible to get to the roots of burdock.
  • It is important to rinse the extracted roots of burdock under running water.
  • Further, clean roots must be dried in an oven or in a well-ventilated room during the day, for example, under some kind of canopy.
  • At the next stage, the roots of the burdock need to be crushed. This can be done with a knife, a grater or kitchen combine.
  • Next, the crushed burdock root must be dry again well. To do this, it is scattered on the surface in a dry and ventilated room and for 2-3 weeks dried with constant stirring.
  • You can store prepared raw materials in cardboard boxes or paper bags with regular mixing.

How to cook the root of the hair for hair - the main methods

Fresh or dried burdock root can be used to treat hair in various ways. Most often, infusions, decoctions, juices, masks are prepared from prepared raw materials, which are later applied to the hair. Do not harvest the roots of burdock for a long time for a long time, since its storage period is two years, by the end of which there is little from useful properties.

Hair burdock infusion

  • This method is the easiest to prepare and is used primarily to rinse hair after washing.
  • You can cook infusions from both fresh burdock root and crushed and dried in advance.
  • Do not prepare an infusion of burdock root for several applications at once. It is better to brew raw materials separately for a single use.
  • To brew the root of the hair for hair, you need to take 2 tbsp. crushed root and 1 cup boiling water.
  • Pour the root with boiling water, cover the container and leave to infuse for 30 minutes.
  • After that, take a gauze cut or a colander and thoroughly strain the infusion.
  • Next, wash your head with your usual shampoo and rinse your clean hair with an infusion of burdock root.
  • This tincture can also be rubbed into the head or hair.

Hair burdock decoction

  • A decoction of burdock root is prepared a little longer than the infusion. However, judging by the reviews, the root of hair burdock prepared in this way is the most effective.
  • It can also be prepared from fresh root or prepared earlier and crushed.
  • Take 2 tbsp. crushed and dried burdock root and pour 500-1000 ml of boiling water. The volume of boiled water can vary depending on the complexity of the problem of your hair.
  • Stir everything well and put in a water bath or on a stove on a small fire and cook for 15-20 minutes.
  • After that, cover the lid and let it brew for about 30 minutes.
  • With the help of gauze or a fool, strain the broth and add boiled water to the original volume.
  • Use after each wash your head as a rinseum. You can also rub the scalp into the hair and scalp.
  • Decoctions are most often used for weakened and damaged hair, with severe hair loss.

Hair burdock roof juice

  • This recipe is more laborious, since it is quite difficult to squeeze juice from the roots. It is much easier to do this from the foliage, but with a great desire you will still be able to get the cherished drops of juice even from the roots of burdock.
  • For this method, only fresh burdock roots must be used.
  • The dug roots first need to be washed well with running water and slightly dried.
  • After that, take a meat grinder or grater and rub the roots in the prepared container.
  • Take gauze in one or two layers and squeeze the grated burdock root well.
  • The resulting juice can be used in its pure form as the most valuable drug for the treatment of hair. As an option, juice can be diluted half with water and stored in the refrigerator.
  • Some make a solution of juice and alcohol in equal proportions and also stored in the refrigerator.
  • Juice is the most useful tool, so its concentration is higher.
  • After rinsing with juice, it is not necessary to rinse the hair with water.
  • It is recommended to use it for rubbing into the hair or into the skin with weakened hair, for its nutrition and strengthening.

Hair burdock

  • The pharmacy sells the well -known burdock oil for hair, which so effectively helps strengthen hair, stop its loss and get rid of dandruff.
  • Burdock oil or burdock root can be used in its pure form or diluted with other oils.
  • Such oil is rubbed into the scalp and hair, withstands for a while, and after that it is washed off with warm water.
  • Burdock oil can be prepared at home. To do this, a decoction of the crushed and dried burdock root is prepared, into which oil is subsequently added. It can be vegetable oil, olive, basil oil, lavender and others.

Hair burdock roof cream

  • The cream made of hair roof is prepared on the basis of a decoction. To do this, you need to take 3 tbsp. crushed burdock root, place in a small container and pour water in a volume of 300 ml.
  • All this needs to be heated and brought to a boil.
  • Boil the decoction for 15-20 minutes, then remove from heat, cover with a lid and let it brew for 15 minutes.
  • Strain well the broth with gauze.
  • Add 5 tbsp. sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn oil and beat everything well. You can also add 1 tbsp. butter at room temperature, especially if your hair is dry.
  • This cream must be applied to the hair, cover it with a hat or bag, withstand 15-20 minutes and rinse with warm water with shampoo.
  • The cream made of burdock root will be a great remedy for dry hair. He will return the hair silky, shine.

Hair burdock root

  • From the root of the burdock, you can also prepare an ointment that will help to cope with dry hair.
  • To prepare this tool, it is necessary to take 3 tbsp. crushed burdock root, place them in a container and pour water in a volume of 100 ml.
  • After that, the container must be put on a small fire, wait for a boil and boil until half the volume of water is evaporated.
  • Next, the decoction must be filtered with gauze.
  • Add 5 tbsp. Pin and mix the mixture in a water bath, on which it should heat up within 2-3 hours.
  • After time, let the mixture cool, and then drain the remaining liquids and transfer to a separate container.
  • Such an ointment is recommended to be applied to the hair twice a week.
  • It is an excellent tool for strengthening hair, getting rid of dandruff, stimulates active hair growth.

Hair burdock

  • At home, you can easily prepare a variety of hair masks using the root of the burdock in fresh form, decoctions and infusions with it, from juice or oil.
  • A variety of oils, plant juices and vegetables, eggs, honey and other products that are at hand can be added to the mask.
  • In this case, the main thing is to accurately adhere to the proportions specified in the recipe, which on the Internet is a large number.

Rules for using the roof of the hair root at home

  • A variety of burdock root products are designed to strengthen hair, giving it shine and silkiness, to accelerate hair growth and prevent their loss.
  • It is not recommended to use burdock root with increased fatty hair, since the root includes a large amount of fatty acids that can only aggravate the situation.
  • Decoctions, infusions, juices, burdock roots are applied first on the scalp, rub. And then they are evenly distributed along the entire length of the hair. To do this, you can use a comb.
  • Next, it is recommended to leave the mask on the hair for about 30-40 minutes, and then rinse with warm water with shampoo.
  • It is recommended for treatment to use funds from burdock root 2-3 times a week, and for prevention, it is enough to carry out one procedure per week.
  • The entire course of hair treatment should be approximately 12-15 procedures, after which it is recommended to take a break of 2-3 weeks. If necessary, treatment can be repeated.

Hair burdock root - recipes

On the Internet, there are a large number of recipes from the roof of burdock for the treatment of hair. Let us give an example of the most popular and often used.

  • A recipe for rinsing against hair loss. For its preparation, it is necessary to prepare two glasses of decoction or infusion of burdock in advance. Next, the broth must be diluted in one liter of water and mix well. It is recommended to use as the last hair rinsing after washing with shampoo. The broth is applied a little on the hair, and then well licks with a towel. It is better to dry your hair in a natural way.
  • Mask from hair loss and dandruff. It is necessary to take fresh burdock roots and pass them through a meat grinder or grate them. After that, one part of the grated burdock root must be mixed with three shares of natural oil (plant, olive, burdock, castor, linen). The mixture must be insisted for 1 hour. Before each use, the mixture heats up and rubs into the scalp. To remove dandruff, the mask must be done twice a week, the full course should consist of 10 procedures.
  • Sw burdock root against hair loss. Take a fresh burdock root and grate it. Then take gauze and squeeze the juice well from the resulting mass. Dilute part of the juice of burdock root with the same part of the water. You can use such a tool twice a week. It must be rubbed into the scalp. If you want to store burdock juice a little longer, then dilute it with alcohol.
  • A recipe for a decoction for growth and strengthening hair. Take 2 tbsp. crushed and dried roast of burdock and brew it with 2 glasses of boiled water. Put on a slow fire and increase until the liquid decreases twice. Add 1 tbsp to this broth. Dill seeds and insist within 2-3 hours. Using a gauze cut, strain the decoction. You need to rub the decoction every day for a month. It is recommended to store the product in the refrigerator.
  • Hair mask recipe. 2 tbsp. The crushed and dried burdock roots must be brewed with 500 ml of water and put on small fire. Cook for 10-15 minutes and cool to room temperature. Add one part of vodka and one part of the onion juice to the broth. You need to apply the mask to dry hair, then close your head with a bag and a towel. Hold for 25 minutes and rinse with water with shampoo.
  • A recipe for a mask with burdock oil. It is necessary to mix 3 tbsp. burdock oil, 2 egg yolks, 2 tsp. honey and 1 tsp Cognac or vodka. The mask is applied to wet hair and rubbed into the scalp, after which everything is wrapped in a bag and a towel and withstands for 3 hours.

Burry root is an excellent folk remedy that is not equal in the treatment and strengthening of hair. Having carried out several procedures, you will get beautiful, shiny, silky and healthy hair.



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