
How to draw a styardly protein

How to draw a styardly protein
Methods of drawing protein of different difficulty levels. How to draw protein by cells. How to portray a fabulous character.

Drawing equally fascinates children and adults. Young inquisitive artists this occupation brings one favor: develops creative thinking, training visual and motor analyzers, stimulates memory and imagination. Concentrated by a pencil or tissue on paper, you can truly relax and relax. In this article we will learn to depict the protein. Funny animal is so mil that does not wait to start work.

Peel into the magic aura of the visual art we invite everyone. If you believe that you do not know how to draw, immediately drop these stupid thoughts to the side! If a primitive man doubted his abilities, his descendants would never receive unique samples of rock painting, which today are a valuable heritage of world culture. So take pencils and enjoy. We will give clear step-by-step recommendations, observing which, you draw a pretty squirrel and even want to boast of your creation in front of relatives and loved ones.

There are several options for graphic image of a fur animal. If the creative moment is decided to divide with the child, pay attention primarily to simple schematic figures.

Pictures of hand drawn proteins: We are looking for inspiration

If your child loves cartoons about animals, he delight will respond to your offer to draw together a protein. From how you present the baby this occupation depends, whether it will love drawing for a lifetime or will abandon this idea over time.

And here is our muse:

See what her cute ...

... graceful ...

... and very elegant!

Drawing a protein, try to pass through paper all the characteristic qualities of this creation - compactness, smooth lines, fluffiness and excavating degree of attractiveness. And this is children's drawings of protein:

All of them are different, but everyone deserves admiration - so beautiful, directly and just know how to draw children.

How to draw protein for children and beginners

  1. The easiest way to choose a picture of the squirrel, which you really like, and try to draw a animal from there. Of course, the natural grace and the beauty of the fluffy beauty immediately convey is quite difficult, and the result of your work can upset you. On the other hand, all the professionals were once lovers and started with a small one. Only from you depends on how you will draw in a month or year, if it really is interested in it.
  2. For comfortable drawing, take a soft pencil (4N, 2B, 6B) and a large sheet of paper (A3, A4). Primary contours We will apply in the form of geometric shapes. Fill in detail oval or square is much easier than to combine these parts by contour. Even experienced artists use this method in their work.
  3. Applying the first main outlines, do not press the pencil too much, otherwise the bold lines will appear through color pencils or paint, and the drawing will be inaccurate. In addition, everything will have to be erased by the eraser subsequently.

Draw protein gradient

This master class will suit everyone who wants to draw a pencil simple image of the protein and give it realism with the help of color.

Draw in the center of the sheet of figures: the oblong ellipse and the circle. This, as you have already guessed, torso and head, respectively. Also depic schematically tail and paws. That's what we did:

We continue to improve the body parts of our animal: the head outlines are a little stretch, we will decorate your ears with tassels, add my fingers to the paws, and also improve the muzzle and slightly the tail to make it more voluminous. Do not forget to draw the tummy.

"Hand" the animal of the fungus in the paws. If you wish, draw your nut, berry or flower instead of a mushroom.


At this stage, clean the image from the auxiliary lines and will make a furry of fur beauty - depicting your eyes and smile. With the help of hatching, mark the fur on the stomach of the animal.

Our squirrel is practically ready. It remains only to paint: take a pencil of orange or light brown. For mushroom, we use dark brown and beige pencils.

So that the forest beauty is transformed, we denote several bright spots on her cheeks, legs and tail.

How to draw a squirrel with a pencil: step-by-step instructions

And this master class will mostly like adults who would like to draw a squirrel like a real animal.

Step one:

  • draw from the hands of a big oval, tilted to the right - it will be a torso protein. Please note that the top of the oval is slightly ejected and in general the figure resembles a chicken egg;
  • next to the top of the oval, draw a circle, the basis for the head of the protein. Watch out for the proportion: the size of the oval should be equal to the total size of three small circles;
  • from how clear and exact will the outline, the quality and realism of the final result will depend. Therefore, at the beginning of work, you need to carefully examine the finished picture in order to transfer it to the paper with great accuracy.

Step two:

  • sketching the contours of the beast foot;
  • depicting the limbs of proteins, try to keep the proportions. Significantly facilitates the task of marking from small circles. With this reception it is easier to determine where to draw spherical legs and which thickness to do;
  • the front limbs at the animal is much shorter than the rear. To draw them, you will show two circumference on paper: a small circle is a brush, and a large - focus protein. Over a small circle, draw the arc, referring to the second front paw;
  • rear paws are strong and long paws. They can be compared with the rear paws of the rabbit. Little circumference - this is the knee of the animal. This is about such a sketch should turn out to be:

Step Three:

  • go to smaller items. Apply to the main image of the contours of the ears, frills and tail. Do not think that it is difficult. Follow the proportions and accuracy of lines;
  • sketch the outlines of the lush tail. Head decorate characteristic of proteins with long ears. A little transform the circle of the head, referring to more clear contours of the muzzle and cheeks;
  • mark the mug of the eye location of the squirrel. As you can see, the image becomes like a real animal.

Step four:

  • we will deal with the details of the small parts of the bodies of the protein. See how you can make it more voluminous with a curved line;
  • draw your fingers on the front and hind legs, we will make a face expressive and bring eyes, giving it a drop shape of a pointed book;
  • armed with an eraser, get rid of the drawing from the auxiliary lines and additional strokes. At the same time try not to hurt the main outline. Forest beauty is almost ready. It remains only to "wear" her in a magnificent fur coat and draw a dark bead of the eye.

Pitch Fifth:

  • draw the spherical spout and make the shape of the eye more expressive. After that, we will deal with the design of the skins and wool on the tail. To flush the tail, make a hand with hand moving, inflicting thin touches on paper;
  • in the same way, decorate the wool torso and the head of the squirrel. Do not forget about the tassels on the ears. Dark plots indicate short lines;
  • if you want the image to be colored, fuse with an orange pencil whirlproof separate patterns of a brown pattern.

How to draw a squirrel on a branch

There are two options for an image of a squirrel in a tree: the animal can sit on the branch or prepare for the jump on another branch.

A funny "cartoon" protein, which will certainly like it to children, draw a few steps, on the scheme already familiar to us:

  • picture 3 circles - the basis for the body, breast and the head of the protein;
  • connect the circles, add drawing with eyes, nose, paws and tail;
  • when the protein is ready, "plant" her on the branch and color.

And in this drawing, the protein is about to jump off the branch. To make the image of the speakers, we draw a branch under the tilt.

And this is an option for lovers who already have certain artistic skills. Take two simple pencils - solid and soft. We draw the basis and main contours of the firm pencil, and the finished image is mild and detail:

  • plant the plot on paper where you will draw. Choose the top one third of the sheet, otherwise the image may not fit into the sheet;
  • draw a circle and designate a diagonal there. Note around the circle the head of the protein;

  • mark to the diagonal of the eye, draw cones for future ears and make a muzzle of the animal;
  • from the head lower the smooth line and connect it with an elongated oval - ready back and thigh. Now two slightly curved dashes mark the front leg and complement the body of the belly. Draw a second back paw. Distribute the animal fingers in detail;

  • under the seated protein, drew a branch in the form of two parallel curved lines under some slope. At the same stage, decorate the animal with a lush tail, draw him the missing front paw and nut. The main part of the image is ready;

  • short strokes fill out peeking parts of the front and rear legs, walnut, staring ears and abdominal bottom. Skin the eye, designating a small white glare on it;

  • now we will work with a soft pencil. Using short drops, depict the protruding wool on the backs of the back, abdomen, hips and on the tail. Easy pushing to the pencil, draw wool on the face and body protein. Do not cease and always follow the direction of hairs to the same;

  • the index finger neatly scroll the sections where the wool is depicted, not a touch area, nose and main contours. Once again, with a small pressure, draw wool around the edges;
  • stress the area near the ears. Take a comfortable eraser and apply short touches to the image to the image of the wool's growth: between the ears, near the nose and eyes, on the cheek, elbow, in the top of the hip, on the stomach and tail. Carefully shoot the finger drawn hairs and lightly hover the fur coat on the external circuits.

Draw protein by cells

Teach your child to draw in cells. The graphic dictation is not only a hobble of a young artist for a while, but will bring him a lot of benefit: it will stimulate the coordination of the movements of the hands, improves the concentration of attention, will be excellent operating of the oral account and logical thinking.

To portray a protein with cells, find the picture you enjoy, and make the figure of the animal on the cells. If you want to redraw protein from postcards or photos, use the following scheme:

  • we begin to draw from the bottom of the picture, moving along the rows of cells upstairs. First depict the lower legs, then the cells are completing the cell, the tail and the head of the animal;
  • the eye of the protein is depicted by one cell or a circle in the center of the head;
  • you can draw a squirrel sitting on a tree or hemp.

How to draw protein - the heroine "Tales of Tsar Saltan"

Draw fabulous characters - a very interesting occupation for the kids. To portray the famous protein from the "Tsar Tsar Saltan", choose an episode where the animal clicks the precious nuts sitting in his crystal house. For clarity, we will pick up a suitable illustration of the cartoon of Soviet times:

Getting to work:

  • first, we will deal with a house for the animal (then it will be more convenient to draw protein with the correct proportions). Draw the walls of the mini-palace from hand or with the help of the line so that the house is neat. Since we draw with a child, a little simplify the intricate structure of the structure;

  • picture a rectangular figure, take a triangle to it from above, add these figures with two more rectangles. Apply the outlines of the columns on paper, draw the input and descent in the form of a slide;

  • in the triangular part of the house schematically depict the protein. The point is left for small - decorate the BELICH the dwelling with decorative carved elements at its discretion.

As an option, it is possible to make an accent not on the house, but on the most protein that sits very close to us. Creative success!


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