
How to withdraw a fat spot at home. How to remove fat spots from clothes. How to remove old fat spots

How to withdraw a fat spot at home. How to remove fat spots from clothes. How to remove old fat spots
How to withdraw fat spots from clothes with improvised means. The removal of fresh spots quickly and forever. How to get rid of old fat spots. Removing fat spots from clothes, carpets and furniture

After a successful feast, a birthday celebration or another important date, after a while you found that pollution remained on your favorite dress, blouse, trousers or skirt. It is not easy to remove these fat spots by ordinary washing, a special approach and a little effort are needed.

Our grandmothers, as well as great-grandmothers, did not have special stains, expensive powders, as well as washing automatic machines. All that they had was ordinary powder, washing pasta, hot water and a couple of hands. We will use the advice of our grandmothers and also try to withdraw fat spots from clothes.

How to derive fat spots at home

If the pollution is fresh, then you can choose any of the proposed methods:

  1. Ordinary laundry will come to the rescue. Pollution of such soap from any fabric are excreted. The soap is especially helped if the fat is fresh and the spot has not yet managed to absorb. How to remove a fat spot: it is necessary to wet the place of pollution with ordinary warm water, rub with household soap (unpeeled, 72%), then leave the soaped fabric for at least 12 hours. So that it does not dry out, wrap a thing in a plastic bag, and to wash, as usual after the specified period.
  2. Another way: you will need laundry soap and ordinary sugar. Only 15 minutes are allotted for removal. How to wash fat spots: it is also necessary to soak the fabric, soap with household soap, and with a stain with white sugar on top. You will also need an ordinary brush (you can use the old dental) to rub the place of pollution. Then you need to leave the product for 15 minutes, then rinse the thing and wash in the usual way. The method is good for shirts and other cotton products.
  3. If only they “put” the spot, then it is necessary to sprinkle this place with large salt, rub a little, and then the excess salt crystals can be brushed. It is desirable immediately (as soon as there is an opportunity), to extend the clothes.
  4. How else can you wash a fat spot? For these purposes, our grandmothers took chalk powder for these purposes. The method is good for fabrics of light shades: flax, silk, cotton and even chiffon. Mel is well dissolved by fats, and the removal method is very simple: you need to trim with a crushed chalk (white) place of pollution, leave for 3 hours (it can be 2), then a clean dry chalk must be removed (if it remains). Wash, as usual.
  5. You can clean fat spots with such dry products: baking soda, talcum, tooth powder (without dyes), as well as ordinary pushing for babies. If these are woolen clothes, then you need to work as accurately as possible so as not to damage it. The product must be put on a flat surface (for example, a table), the place of pollution should be placed with dry powder (to choose from the listed), then put the paper (blotch, and if they didn’t find such a regular tracing paper). Next - turn on the iron to iron this place. Immediately, until the fabric had time to cool, you need to put something heavy on top (covered with tracing paper). Books, boxes with papers or toys are suitable. In this position, the contaminated thing must be left for 8 hours (best at night), remove the load, tracing paper in the morning, then wash this product immediately. The temperature regime and type of detergent should always be chosen taking into account the type of matter.

What else can be dedicated to a fat spot

If you still doubt whether it is necessary to withdraw fat spots from clothes and how to do this, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of available funds.

How to get a fat spot:

  • with the help of blotting paper. The method is simple, safe, suitable for all types of fabrics. The paper needs to be put on both sides (the inside and the front, where the spot was formed). The place of pollution must be ironed (not heated much). Everything should absorb paper. If the first time did not work, you need to try again. Fresh pollution is easy to remove in this way;
  • to remove fats from any product, you can use ordinary white bread. You will need a crumb, which must be kneaded in the hands, and then attach to the place. You can roll bread on the surface so that the fat is absorbed faster, then the thing must be washed immediately in warm water with the addition of a detergent (soap or powder);
  • buy mustard in powder, dilute with warm water to make a gruel. This mixture must be applied to the speck, leave for 30 minutes. Then the product needs to be extended in warm water with powder;
  • the usual starch will also help save the thing, especially if it is impossible to wash the product. For example, remove a fat spot from the couch. To do this, rub the starch into this place, leave for 10-15 minutes, then remove the remains with a dry hard brush. If the spot remains, you need to apply starch once again to the spot;
  • it turns out that if the house has alcohol and salt, then you can also easily remove fat pollution, especially from upholstered furniture. How to get rid of pollution: with salt, arrange a fat spot, rub your fingers, or you can a piece of clean tissue, salt must be changed from time to time. And so do until the spot is completely removed. Then you need to take a cotton sponge, moisten in alcohol and clean the place of pollution with alcohol;
  • a means to wash the dishes, any, regardless of the company and cost, is suitable. Distribute the liquid (do not dilute the product with water), you can rub, leave for several minutes. And at this time you need to put a kettle. When the water boils, the place of pollution must be watered with just boiled water. After such manipulations, a thing needs to be washed. This method is suitable for getting rid of fat spots on jeans, blouses, sweaters, skirts.

How to get a fat spot. What to do if the stain is old?

Removing old fat spots is much more difficult than fresh, there are other methods and more “heavy artillery”.

The old fat spot can be removed with the help of such means:

  • ordinary gasoline (only purified). You will need a little fuel for the car, a blot, a cotton swab. How to remove the spot: the paper needs to be laid from the wrong side, take cotton wool, moisten in gasoline, rub the stain well, without particularly going beyond its frames. Then the clothes need to be rinsed in ordinary water, wash. Instead of purified gasoline, turpentine is also suitable, you only need to take the purified;
  • alcohol+turpentine \u003d good remedy! It is necessary to mix both means in equal proportions, apply pollution with a cotton swab, leave for a couple of hours, then rinse the thing in ordinary water and wash;
  • interesting, but glycerin is also able to remove fats. All you need is a little means and patience. It is necessary to apply a couple of drops of glycerol to the spot, distribute, rubbing a little into the fabric a little for 30 minutes, then this place must be wiped with a fabric moistened in warm water;
  • and one more way: we get rid of old pollution with wood sawdust. This method is good if you find a stain on upholstered furniture or on the carpet. Wood sawdust must be soaked in gasoline (take the cleaned), pour it on a fat spot, leave until the gasoline completely disappears. If the fat spots remain, you need to repeat the same procedure again;
  • and this method is good if it is a pity to throw out clothes. You can take a fat spot on a jacket in this way: prepare sodium salt (half a glass), a spacious bowl. Put your clothes in a bowl, pour hot water and add salt, mix, leave for an hour, then wash, as usual. It is desirable to dry the product on the street;
  • a solution of ammonia will help get rid of fat spots from those tissues that are undesirable to wash. For example, from carpets, upholstered furniture, outerwear. You can remove a fat spot on a down jacket in this way: prepare a glass of water, add 1 tsp. Ammonia, stir, apply the product with a cotton swab. Put a clean light fabric (cotton, folded 2 times) on top of a greasy stain, squeeze it with a warm iron (heating is medium). There will be no trace from the spots. Ammonia solution is more suitable for light tissues;
  • and another way of not wet excretion: it is necessary to heat starch in a dry metal bowl on the stove, take a place of pollution. When the starch has cooled, the remains must be cleaned with a soft brush. If there is still a halo, repeat the procedure until completely removed.

How to derive fat spots with special means

If you have a choice, then you can go to the store and purchase a special remedy - a stain for a certain type of fabric.

But in order to get to work, you must first familiarize yourself with these recommendations:

  1. Before applying the product, it is advisable to try how the stain works, in a separate piece. For example, apply to the lapel of clothes from the inside. The composition of a strong concentration, so carefully study the attached instructions and be sure to dilute the tool if this is indicated in the instructions. If you do not dilute the stain, then it can ruin the fabric. Apply a little to the site, see how the fabric behaved. If everything is in order, there are no divorces, the fabric did not wrinkle and did not spread, then you can start work.
  2. The product is applied with a cotton or cloth swab on the spot. The area around the spot must be moistened with ordinary water to make a protective ring.
  3. Hold the specified time, then you can remove the remnants of the product with a clean, damp cloth and, if possible, wash the thing.

We give another hint: to remove fresh fat pollution from delicate tissues (chiffon, wool, velvet, silk) with a shampoo for oily hair or ordinary toothpaste, only it is more suitable for light tissues. And if the stains are very old, then you can try to get them with hot steam (if there is an iron with a “steam generator” function at home). If there is no such necessary thing in the house, then an ordinary saucepan is suitable, it is necessary to heat the water in the pan and hold the thing over the hot steam so that it gripping areas with contaminants.

How to get a fat spot. About precautions

If you are going to derive the fat stains with toxic substances: ammonia, gasoline, turpentine or shopping, you must always remember your own safety. Be sure to protect the skin and work in gloves. If you use products with a strong smell, then after processing it is necessary to ventilate the room, and the thing that was processed is to hang on the balcony, and then rinse and wash well in the usual way.



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