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The diet of Osama Hamdia

The diet of Osama Hamdia
How to lose weight in a month by 30 kg?

People, painted struggle with excessive weight it is known huge quantity methods purification organism. IN modern world diet Osama Hamdiy also uses popular among owners superfluous weight.

Osama Hamdiydoctor  from  Connected States America, founded unusual diet. His mode gives opportunity free say goodbye with excessive weight, at this not breeding own well -being. Nutrition by system Osama Hamdiy was developed with the goal support organism people, suffering diagnosis increased glucose v blood, except togo have big problems with excessive weight, after what this system showed my effectiveness on healthy people.
IN people diet Osama Hamdiy notrarely called chemical, so how given method oriented on reprogramming exchange substances and capable provide huge influence on functioning organism. For togo to get out required result, observe diet need to very specifically and conscientious, all kinds of changes v menu can bring to failure.

Peculiarities diets Osama Hamdiy

Not need to think o volume, what term « chemical» means that, what man will necessary there is those or others artificial elements. All, without exceptions, food products v menu this diets natural. There is 2 species diets Osama Hamdiyegg  and curd. More significant results v this diet will get people, weight bodies which reaches 100 kg, they they will be able to reset third part own weight. Of course, free yourself from  huge quantities unnecessary weight yourself risky, by this reason preferably regularly consult with doctors and pass necessary examinations.

Duration diets scientist Osama Hamdiy it is 28 days. Her efficiency onstraight depends from original weight. At compliance all rules, human has chance lose to 3540 kg superfluous weight. People, reset extra kilograms  with help given methods assure, what diet Osama Hamdiy quenches animal feeling hunger and stops insurmountable traction to products with high content sahara.

Advantages and flaws diets Osama Hamdiy

Advantages chemical diets Osama Hamdiy:

  • like way liquidation superfluous weight not only safe for organism man, but and is suitable for everyone man;
  • diet Osama Hamdiy recommended supplement reception special vitamin complexes.

Flaws chemical diets Osama Hamdiy:

  • to nutrition by such system need to approach with complete responsibility and strictly observe all rules, if you if you want get desired result;
  • the slightest violation principle diets will make you return to her beginning.

Contraindications to diet Osama Hamdiy:

  • pregnant and passing period feeding breasts  women, not should resort to similar diet;
  • people  teenage age also forbidden this process liquidation fat deposits;
  • diseases mucosa esophagus same are peculiar obstacle.

Rules diets Osama Hamdiy


  1. Need to drink big quantity clean liquids v flow day.
  2. Vegetables should cook only with help purified water, not forbidden add salt, pepper, clove garlic or bulbs.
  3. Remember o prohibition on vegetable oils and others fat additives.
  4. Permissible drink soda or dietary carbonated water  v small quantities, at education feelings hunger or thirst also allowed to use coffee or tea  without sahara and milk.
  5. After key reception food, not previously 2 hours, at desire can eat cucumber or prepare salad.
  6. Forbidden reconstruct order daychange products nutrition and their volume, change places lunch, dinner or dinner, refuse from whator product.
  7. If v dietary list products not specified  volume product, this means, what his allowed consume v free volume.
  8. If you allowed error or disrupted rules diets Osama Hamdiy need to necessarily begin reveal.
  9. Correct will begin process deliverse from superfluous weight with first day weeks.

When can notice results diets Osama Hamdiy


  1. Result you you can notice only starting diet. If hard observe all rules, that you you can  fast and incorrectly decrease mass bodies.
  2. Every day you you will lose by 1 kg, what will allow all for month get rid from 30 and more extra kilogram.
  3. Finish process diets need to gradual way, so how digestive tract maybe notright to learn sharp intervention products, from which he already heaned. To not dial again  already reset weight, perfect option will refusal from sweets, bakery products and other calorie food.
  4. If observe correct order nutrition, fortified previously, that soon can stop movement masses bodies.

What products can eat in time diets Osama Hamdiy

dieta Depurativa
The most important product v diet Osama Hamdiy  are  chicken eggs. Except togo allowed use fish and meat products. Fruits and vegetables same should eat, although far not all:

  • apricot and persian;
  • pineapples;
  • oranges, tangerines and grapefruit;
  • watermelons and melons;
  • kiwi;
  • pear;
  • apples different varieties;
  • plums.

Exclude should:

  • banans;
  • dates;
  • fig;
  • grape;
  • and mango.

TO use vegetables need to also relate with separate approach. Potato categorically forbidden, there is some vegetables, which will be useful, if their cook:

  • eggplant;
  • green peas;
  • zucchini;
  • carrot;
  • patissons;
  • beans.

IN list suitable products undoubtedly enters similar cheese or cottage cheese. Although, such products it is forbidden name low -fat, just need to know, how less fat content contains product, those better result you you can get. Fat not must be more 17%.  If you test feeling hunger, not find it eat whator sweet. For togo  to not break, need to all only avoid purchases sweet or flour products, better stell fruits and vegetables. Refrigerated camera must be literally closed all necessary products, then thought o harmful and calorie products you not visitVery important every day use not less two liters clean water, but drink water necessary to or after use food, wash down prepared food not should. Allowed to use tea or coffee, however without adds milk and sahara. On extreme happening can drink carbonated water, but not costs part with her application.

Menu on four weeks for diets Osama Hamdiy

Egg diet Osama Hamdiy


First week egg diets

All 7 days  breakfast recommended two cooked vcool eggs and half citrus fruits products, such how grapefruit, oranges or tangerines.
Monday. Lunch any desired fruits, from those, what enter v list permissible. Their can use v unlimited quantity. On dinner boil anyone notfat meat or prepare cutlets on pair.
Tuesday. On dinner can clean from skin chicken, then cook, a here dinner must be light, can prepare salad from carrots or just to eat vegetables, also allowed eat onetwo orange.
Wednesday. Dinner prepared toast from black bread with cottage cheese and tomatoes. On dinner make it same most, what and v first day diets.
Thursday. In time lunch turn myself fruits, a dinner spend with « concocted " on pair meat. TO him add salad from  leaves  salad.
Friday. For friday lunch suitable 2 cooked kurin eggs and  vegetable salad. A here on dinner recommended boil fish or shrimps, also  You can use it  half  grapefruit.
Saturday. Saturday dinner you spend with big volume fruits, dinner heals your organism boiled meat and salad from leaves  greens.
Sunday. Dinner will more dense, boil meat, prepare salad, for complete feelings satiety eat one orange. But on dinner we'll have to eat exclusively vegetables.

Second week of the egg diet

Breakfasts of the second week are as similar as possible to the first. You should also eat two eggs and half of a citrus fruit.
Monday. Lunch poultry meat prepared for steam and vegetable salad, have dinner, on the contrary, with two eggs and one citrusov fruit.
Tuesday and Wednesday. The diet of these two days will be completely similar to Monday.
Thursday. For lunch, vegetables boiled in water, cheese or cottage cheese are suitable for you. For dinner, weld two chicken eggs.
Friday. For preparing lunch chooseWhat you would like to eat - chicken or seafood. You will have dinner similar to Thursday, weld two eggs.
Saturday. Start lunch with chicken or lean beef Continue vegetable salad and one grapefruit or orange. You will have dinner enough Light, prepare a fruit salad.
Sunday. For lunch, boil the chicken, prepare vegetables and orange. Dinner will consist exclusively of vegetables.

Third week of the egg diet

The third week is considered simplified, because all products that will be allocated for the day can be eaten in unlimited quantities.
Monday. Absolutely all the fruits permitted to the diet.
Tuesday. Vegetable salads of different preparations.
Wednesday. Salads made of pre -boiled vegetables and fruits.
Thursday. Boiled vegetables, seafood and fish.
Friday. Soy meat and vegetables.
Saturday. Fruits of one category.
Resurrection. Again fruits of the same category.

Fourth week of egg diet

Monday. Approximately 200 grams of soy meat, three tomatoes, three cucumbers and toast. Orange, melon, apple or pear are also suitable for this day.
Tuesday. About 200 grams of soy meat, three tomatoes, three cucumbers, toast and orange.
Wednesday. About 130 grams of cheese or cottage cheese, two tomatoes, 2 cucumbers, toast and orange.
Thursday.  200 grams of pre -boiled vegetables, 2 cucumbers and tomatoes, toast and any citrus product.
Friday. Leaf salad, grapefruit, two boiled eggs and 3 tomatoes boiled.
Saturday. A toast, canned tuna without oil processing, 200 grams of vegetable salad, 50 grams of cottage cheese mass, grapefruit, two cucumbers and two tomatoes.
Sunday.  A toast, canned tuna without oil processing, three hundred grams of boiled meat of poultry, orange and 2 tomatoes and cucumbers.

Curd diet Osama Hamdiy

White Still-Life. Milk, Milk and Cheese

First week of cottage cheese diet

Throughout the week you need to have breakfast 200 grams curd masses and some fruit.
Monday. For lunch, prepare some fruit, and for dinner, fry skim meat.
Tuesday. Fry or boil the chicken without skin for lunch. For dinner, you can try fish, vegetable salad, toast and one grapefruit.
Wednesday. At lunch, fill up with low -fat cheese, toast and tomato, for dinner, as on Monday, fry the chicken fillet.
Thursday. At lunch, use fruits of the same type, dinner will take place with the participation of fried meat and vegetable salad.
Friday. Lunch - boil two chicken eggs and vegetables. Dinner - prepare a salad, fry seafood and reinforce with one orange or grapefruit.
Saturday. Just like dine on Thursday exclusively With one type of fruit, and have frying meat.
Sunday. Lunch - boil or fry chicken, prepare tomatoes, orange, weld vegetables. Boiled vegetables are suitable for dinner.

Second week of cottage cheese diet

This week you need to have breakfast 200 grams skim Cottage cheese and fruits.
Monday. Lunch - 200 grams of cottage cheese mass, vegetable salad. Dinner - fish, vegetable salad and one orange.
Tuesday. Lunch - fry the meat, cook a vegetable salad. Dinner - cottage cheese mass, fruits at will.
Wednesday. Dinner should be provided with fried meat and cucumbers. Dinner as well as on Tuesday - cottage cheese and fruits.
Thursday. There is a low -fat cottage cheese in lunch , boiled Green peas or beans. It is recommended to have dinner with fish or meat with a vegetable salad.
Friday. For lunch, fry shrimp or fish. For dinner, eat cottage cheese and fruits.
Saturday. For lunch, eat fried meat, tomatoes and one citrus fruit. For dinner, you can cook fruit salad.
Sunday. For lunch and dinner, eat fried or boiled chicken, tomato and grapefruit.

Third week of cottage cheese diet

Monday. Throughout the day you can eat only fruits.
Tuesday. This diet consists only of vegetables or vegetable salads.
Wednesday. You can use absolutely all permissible vegetables and fruits.
Thursday. Seafood with vegetable salad.
Friday. Boil vegetables and eat them with fat -free meat.
Saturday.  Any 1 type of fruit for the whole day.
Sunday. Any 1 type of fruit for the whole day.

Fourth week of cottage cheese diet

The products will need to be divided so that you can eat them throughout the day.
Monday. Four pieces fried meat, three tomatoes and four cucumbers, packaging of canned tuna without oil content, toast and orange.
Tuesday. Two pieces fried meat, three tomatoes and four cucumbers, toast and any, at your discretion, fruit.
Wednesday. Four hundred Grams of cottage cheese, boiled vegetables, two tomatoes, two cucumbers, toast and fruits.
Thursday. Half of the fried or boiled chicken, two tomatoes, two cucumbers, toast, orange or grapefruit.
Friday. Two cooked  screwed Eggs, vegetable salad, three tomatoes and citrus fruit.
Saturday. Two boiled chicken breasts, 125 grams of cottage cheese, toast, two tomatoes, two cucumbers, yogurt and orange.
Sunday. Four hundred gram of cottage cheese mass , one Tuna can without oil content, boiled vegetables, two tomatoes, two cucumbers, fruits, 1 toast.

Recipes for dishes for the Osama Hamdi


Vegetable salad

One yellow pepper, cucumber, tomato and salad leaves are cut into small pieces. Squeeze the garlic, salt and add a few drops of lemon juice, then mix thoroughly.

Baked eggplant

Wash two eggplant And cut half. In a preheated oven preheated to 200 degrees, place the vegetables on the lattice, and then bake for one hour. After preparing the dish, eggplant should be cut into pieces and covered with garlic juice.

Stewed pork ribs

Well wash A kilogram of pork ribs, one hundred grams of parsley and five hundred grams of spinach. Cut the ribs, then fry, then add the cooked greens and fry again until cooked. Next, place everything in a pan, salt, add lemon juice and garlic, then simmer for a while.

Meat from meat

Buy 300 grams beef Ranger, salt it, then roll up a few small balls from it. Pour water into the pan, salt, pepper, then bring the water to a boil. Gently put the rolled balls into a container of water and cook for 30 minutes over low heat. Place the prepared meatballs on leaves salad.

Reviews about the diet of Osama Hamdi

“A wonderful nutrition method from a very smart professor. Satisfied with the accuracy of the diet, literally everything, advantages and flaws, recipes that you can eat and what not. No extra questions arise, looking at the scheduled diet. Without physical education, she was able to get rid of 15 kilograms in 4 weeks, I am sure that if you combine sports, you can increase the result several times. I am quite satisfied with the result of the diet. " Maria, 29 years old.
“Yes, of course, at first it scares a little name and surname a person who created such a diet. The diet is actually elementary, you don’t need to calculate anything special there. The only drawback is that the menu is forbidden to change anything. And so I threw off 13 kilograms and is very glad to the result. I recommend a diet not only for girls, but also for men. " Olga, 32 years old.
“I have long been looking for a diet that I could observe at home, the egg diet is the best that I could meet in my life. Thanks to her, I got rid of 27 kilograms, I feel updated. Women, do not be afraid if you really think that you have overweight problems, then this method is for you. ” Christina, 39 years old.



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