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How to remove a bruise

How to remove a bruise
Ways to combat bruises

In our life, we meet with such unpleasant moments as bruises and bruises. UndoubtedlyThey do not give beauty to our body. Of course, they can be hidden under clothes, but what if the bruise appeared on the face? Moreover, to hide it under cosmetics not so Just. You can hide at home, wait for it to gradually get off, or you can cope with it with the help of a huge amount of funds from bruises and bruises.

How bruises are formed

Few people know that the appearance of bruises is characterized by the presence of weak vessels. This means that the formation of a bruise does not depend on any blows. A similar nuisance can be obtained even with a slight press on the skin. So what happens to the body at the time of the blow? Everything is simple when a person hit something, blood vessels immediately burst, and blood spreads into a damaged area. As a rule, bruises on the legs take more time to pass than on hand. If you do without any methods of treating bruises, just sit in anticipation of their disappearance, you can pass for two weeks. During this time, the bruise on your body will change color from bluish to dirty yellow shade. From all this we can conclude that people with weak bloody vessels, and women most often encounter bruises and their long -term healing. The reason for such inconvenience is the possession of sensitive and thin skin and weak walls  vessels.

How to prevent the appearance of bruises

In order to avoid the appearance of bruises, it is necessary to start strengthening the weak walls of the vessels. One of the most beautiful methods for strengthening them is a contrast shower. Differences in the temperature contribute to the strengthening of the walls, which will further help to avoid unpleasant and painful spots on the skin. When accepting a shower, you can also massage movements with massive movements of skin areas that are affected by bruises. Also, vessels can be strengthened daily by using citrus fruits and sweet bell pepper. These products contain elements that can strengthen the vessels and enrich the body with a sufficient amount of vitamin C, also you can add rosehip decoction or carrots to this technique.

How to remove a bruise under the eye or on the body

There are a lot of options to get rid of bruises. You can choose any means suitable for you, from medication, ending with folk prescriptions.

Graduate processing of the bruise

Cold compress from bruise

Many people know that with bruises it is recommended to immediately apply something cold, for example, ice or any product From the freezer. The cold compress narrows blood vessels and helps to eliminate edema. It is very important to know that before applying the ice to the sick area of \u200b\u200bthe body, it should be wrap Its towel or napkin, which will help not frostbite skin tissue. A cold compress is applied for the treatment of bruises for no more than twenty minutes. It is also allowed to place a damaged place under a stream of ice water.

Heating from bruises

If you have received a bruise of any part of the body, then you need to wait until the tumor subsides a little. As a rule, a similar process takes no more than one day. Procedure Heating will help restore damaged tissues and cure a bruise in high -speed mode. For such a procedure, bags with hot salt and sand or cooked, wet compresses are ideal. To bruise  It passed as soon as possible, it is necessary to warm it three times a day for fifteen minutes.

Product compresses from bruises

S Pond-Rock compress

This elementary method of treatment can instantly save you from unpleasant spots. To prepare it, you need to grate on a fine grater on the onion and add one tablespoon of stone salt to a bowl with it. Ready homogeneous mass Put into a small bag made of gauze, then attach to the damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe skin for minutes thirty to sixty.

Beetroot-honey compress

Grate one beets On a fine grater, then squeeze the juice. Mix the beet porridge with a certain amount of honey, then place everything on damaged place with a dense layer. It will be better if you apply a sheet of cabbage and polyethylene on a mixture, then fix the compress using a bandage.

Starch compress

Potato starch is considered an excellent remedy for the treatment of bruises and abrasions. Dilute a small amount of potato starch with purified water and stir until a porridge is obtained. Upon completion of the preparation of the starch compress, it is necessary to tightly apply the mass to bruises and leave it overnight.

Salt compress

In the fight against bruises, ordinary salt can also come to your aid. To prepare a salt compress, you should dilute one tablespoon of salt in one hundred milliliters of pure water. Then dip gauze tissue or cotton wool into the solution and attach to damaged skin. The longer the compress lasts, the better the effect will be. Such a process of treating bruises is recommended to be carried out two or three once a day.

Apple vinegar with iodine and salt

One of the most high -quality Means are considered an apple compress with the addition of iodine and salt. To cook it, you need to stir two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with one tablespoon of salt and half a teaspoon of iodine. Sile the prepared composition into the napkin and apply to the bruise three times a day.

Herbal compresses and lotes from bruises

Lotions from coltsfoot and luggage

Add one teaspoon of coltsfoot and the same amount of lumbering to a glass of clean water and put on the fire for five minutes. Remove from heat, let it brew, strain. Make lotions with a break in two or three hours.

Wilds grass

Wormwood grass can help cure a bruise. Pull the wormwood with a mortar. Swell with gauze, then attach to the damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe skin.

Mountain Arnic

Make lotions consisting of mountain arnica and hot water. You need to mix them like this: one tablespoon of arnica and three tablespoons of water. This option is made exclusively on bruises without wounds.

Celandine, aloe and viburnum

One teaspoon of celandine, a tablespoon of aloe and two teaspoons of viburnum cortex should be filled with a glass of hot water and let it brew within thirty minutes. Gamele fabric must be impregnated with a pre -prepared solution, attach to painful areas of the skin. Make a compress until it loses its temperature.

Flax seeds from bruise under the eye

For bruises in the eye area, a simple magic remedy of flax seeds is offered. The ground flax seeds must be put in a linen bag, boil water and lower the prepared bag with flax seeds there, then attach to the damaged area until the contents of the bag are completely cooling. Make a similar compress three times per day.

Iodine mesh

At night draw In place of the bruise, an iodine grid, this will help its quick healing.

Bodyaga from bruises

Bodyagi powder is sold in absolutely any pharmacy. This tool is the best medication for the treatment of bruises and bruises. To do magic You should start the mixture with two tablespoons of the bodyago in one tablespoon of warm water, and then instantly attach to the sore spot. The mixture looks and lies on the skin in the form of a mask, so after the procedure it is recommended to rinse the skin with warm water. All this must be done at least twice a day.
Of all the listed tools that help in the fight against bruises, you can easily choose the most ideal and convenient for yourself. Treat weak vessels, sore bruises and abrasions correctly, and you can get rid of such problems forever.



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