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The taste of the metal in the mouth in women - the causes

The taste of the metal in the mouth in women - the causes
Causes causing a taste of metal in the mouth and ways to eliminate this problem.

With a feeling of an unpleasant metal taste in the mouth, which can sometimes join the feeling of bitterness, acid or viscosity, many women have repeatedly encountered. Often, such sensations may occur due to the use of certain products or receiving medicines - in this case, eliminating these factors, you can get rid of the problem. However, sometimes a metal taste in the mouth can act as a symptom indicating various violations in the work of the body, and accompany the development of serious diseases. If an unpleasant feeling bothers not the first time, it is worth thinking about the causes of it. Perhaps it is worth contacting the doctor to pass a medical examination with the subsequent appointment of treatment.

Causes of metal taste in the mouth in women

Although the specific feeling of the metal taste can bind to the presence of metal particles in the language, most often it has a different occurrence mechanism. At the same time, several different substances and compound components can comprehensively affect the various chemoreceptors in the mouth, including olfactory. The scientific explanation of this phenomenon is as follows the studies, as a rule, the appearance of "aroma" and the metal taste in the mouth can cause lipid oxidation products due to the effects of metals salts, in particular iron sulfate acting as catalysts.

The appearance of a metal taste in the mouth in women can be caused by the following factors:

  • a side effect on the use of certain medical preparations, including metronidazole, trichopol, lansoprozole and feamide, antibiotics like tetracycline and amoxiccin, as well as some bodies. In addition, this effect may cause histamine injections. In such cases, after the end of the course of treatment, the metal taste will disappear;
  • when using saccharine, mineral waters, as well as crude water from under the tap with a significant content of iron, you can also feel the taste of the metal;
  • the most common reason for the appearance of a metal taste in the mouth in women is the development of iron deficiency anemia. This disease is also manifested by the appearance of cracks in the language. When anemia is detected, it will be necessary to identify the causes of the lack of iron and try to eliminate them;
  • the presence of diseases of the dentition, gums, tongue accompanied by bleeding, is often unobtative. As a rule, in such cases, after appropriate treatment, it is possible to get rid of the unpleasant taste of metal in the mouth; 3
  • in addition, the reason for the occurrence of this phenomenon can be the installation of metal dentures, as well as crowns. With low-quality work of the dentist (if the metal, from which they are made, is not inert), an unpleasant metal taste appears. Its presence can also be caused by contact of dental structures with any metal objects. In addition, this phenomenon can cause crowns if they are made of heterogeneous metals forming a galvanic pair of each other;
  • the presence of certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, such symptoms may be observed in the presence of violations in the work of biliary tract or liver, diseases of the endocrine system, as well as the ENT organs. In these cases, the treatment of the metal will need treatment under the supervision of the doctor;
  • cases of toxic poisoning of the body arsenic and other salts of heavy metals (including copper and mercury, as well as cadmium, lead, vanadium or zinc). These symptoms may be observed in people when processing metals, as well as when working with certain dyes. In such cases, with the appearance of a metal lift in the mouth, you should contact a doctor-toxicologist to eliminate poisoning;
  • in people who were subjected to irradiation with ionizing radiation, as well as inhalation of such a toxic compound as hydrogen sulfide or non-toxic, but sufficiently dangerous hydrogen peroxide can be observed a taste of a metal in the mouth;
  • if blood from hemoglobin, this phenomenon, in turn, causes this phenomenon, in turn to the oral cavity;
  • during pregnancy, the taste of metal in the mouth may arise as a result of hormonal changes in the body.

Metal taste in the mouth of women: symptoms

As can be seen from the foregoing, the list of factors causing a metal taste in the mouth is rather extensive. Often, even the doctor on the basis of the patient's complaints and its inspection can not always immediately identify, which caused the presence of a metal taste in the mouth of a woman. After a fullest medical examination, which includes collecting analyzes, you can determine the exact causes and assign appropriate treatment.

Tilt of Metal in the mouth of women with anemia

In the presence of some physiological conditions and diseases of iron intake, the body is reduced so much that its costs prevail over admission. In such cases, the lack of hemoglobin (substance transporting oxygen to the tissues) is manifested in the form of a total weakness, the appearance of dizziness and drowsiness, acceleration of heartbeat, as well as fainting. In addition, the muscle lethargy, skin pallor, dryness and hair liability can be observed. Often anemia also accompany the distortion of smelling and taste sensations. To find out in such cases why the taste of a metal appeared by passing a general blood test to determine the hemoglobin concentration indicator. In order to get rid of anemia, you will need to take iron preparations. In the normalization of hemoglobin in the blood, the metal taste in the mouth will disappear.

Metal taste in the mouth of women in hormonal changes

The appearance of a feeling of dryness and the taste of metal in the mouth in combination with constant thirst may indicate the development of diabetes. This symptoms can join the increase in appetite, skin of the skin and impairment of vision. In such cases, it is worth consulting a doctor for a survey, including the determination of blood sugar levels.

In the presence of diabetes, especially in a precautious state, when insulin is urgently needed, together with the appearance of acetone in the urine there is a distortion of taste, including an unpleasant anti-metal taste. In addition, the excitement or lethargy and weakness may be observed, as well as the feeling of blurring consciousness. In such cases, emergency assistance is required in the form of insulin. As a rule, as a result of the recovery of metabolic processes, the taste of the metal disappears.

Sometimes the appearance of a metal taste may be due to the hormonal perestroika of the body in adolescents - in this case, this state does not require special treatment.


In addition, often a metal flavor appears during pregnancy, since the child's tool is accompanied by hormonal changes in the form of an increase in the content of estrogen and progesterone with a concomitant exacerbation of smell. In addition, this taste can be caused by the reception of prenatal vitamins and a disorder of digestive functions in the form of an acid reflux. In such cases, it can help the use of moderately acute or acidic foods (but it is first recommended to consult with the doctor).

Tilt of the metal in the mouth in women with violations in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and biliary tract

Often the unpleasant bitter taste of metal in the mouth can act as a symptom of intestinal diseases, as well as stomach ulcers. In the presence of gastritis with reduced acidity, it is observed after tightening food as a result of acid reflux. In addition to the metal taste in the mouth and heartburn, the reduced acidity of the stomach can manifest itself in the form of belching by "rotary eggs", bloating, diarrhea or constipation.


Various liver diseases, including hepatitis, cirrhosis, fibrosis can be accompanied by symptoms in the form of nausea, vomiting, decrease in appetite and weight, distortion of taste and the appearance of metal lifting in the mouth. Such symptoms, as well as the presence of pain in the right hypochondrium, can be observed in the diseases of the gallbladder and the disorders of the biliary system (with disknesia, cholecystitis, etc.) If the mentioned symptoms appear, the gastrointestinal survey will be needed, after the course of treatment with the restoration of the functioning of the metal flavor disappear.

Tilt of the metal in the mouth in women with diseases of the ENT organs

In the presence of fungal diseases of the ENT organs, an unpleasant taste in the mouth can be observed, as well as the following symptoms:

  • whitish raid on almonds, as well as oral mucosa;
  • dryness and throat, increasing the sensitivity of the mucous membrane to irritation;
  • constitution and pain in the ears;
  • selection and itching;
  • voltage and pain in the incomplete sinuses;
  • nose bleeding;
  • painful hoarseness and / or cough.

In such cases, appropriate treatment will be needed to eliminate infection.

Tilt of the metal in the mouth in women in diseases of the oral cavity

The appearance of a metal taste can be provoked, for example, glossite - this disease is inflammation of tissues of the tissue caused by burns, too hot or acute food. In addition, often as the cause of this sensation, various diseases of the oral cavity, dentition and gums (for example, paradontitis and paradontosis, as well as caries) with the development of bleeding are performed. To eliminate the metal taste in such cases, it will be necessary to get rid of the cause, which causes it.

How to eliminate the taste of metal in the mouth in women

Thus, to determine the reason for the occurrence of this phenomenon, a specialist consultation may be needed. With the appearance of a stable metal lift in the mouth, find out what it means, a comprehensive examination will help. In case of detection of provoking diseases, special treatment will be appointed. After eliminating the factors causing this phenomenon, you can get rid of this unpleasant feeling.

In addition, to eliminate the unpleasant liking in the oral cavity, it may be necessary to abandon the use of drugs causing this symptom, as well as carefully follow the hygiene oral cavity to avoid the development of bleeding. If it is necessary, it is possible to quickly eliminate the metal taste using a rinse with a soda solution or acidified with lemon juice.

Metal taste in the mouth - video


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