
The benefits and harms of starch for hair. Hair masks with starch at home

The benefits and harms of starch for hair. Hair masks with starch at home
Starch is a cheap analogue of expensive dry shampoos, not inferior to them in quality. This simple tool is also successfully used to prepare effective homemade hair masks

The simplest products have long migrated from the kitchen to the bathroom. This fate did not bypass and starch. This white -colored powder is usually used in the preparation of sauces, jelly, gas stations. But it turns out that starch is able to have an amazing effect on the hair. What is so useful for hair contained in starch? What are the recipes of homemade hair masks from starch of potato and corn? What starch needs to choose for hair care? We will answer these and many other questions in this article.

Starch. What is it

Starch is a white powder substance, which has practically no taste and has no smell. Starch is produced by almost all plants. Among the most important characteristics of this substance, the following can be listed:

  • starch does not dissolve in cold water and in alcohol;
  • the starch has the property of "crying out" when compressing it between the fingers. This can be explained by the friction of its particles with each other;
  • if the starch is immersed in very hot water, then in it it swells and forms a fabric substance;
  • starch can be of different types. A huge amount of starch when it enters the human body begins to break up into glucose, which is “deposited” on the body with excess centimeters;
  • there is starch that does not break into glucose, but passes through the entire digestive tract in an unchanged form. This type of starch is called resistant;
  • men and women who lead an active lifestyle need 350-450 grams of starch per day. Only subject to high physical activity, such a portion of starch will not harm the body.

As you already understood, there are concepts of bad and good starch. Good starch is understood as resistant starch, which acts in the body according to the principle of fiber. There are several types of resistant starch that can be obtained from various categories of products:

  • grain and legumes contain a resistant starch of the 1st species;
  • raw potatoes, green bananas contain a resistant starch of the 2nd species;
  • boiled starchy products in chilled form (for example, potatoes) contain a resistant starch of the 3rd type;
  • the last type of resistant starch is formed in the body independently as a result of chemical reactions.

Starch. Benefits and harm to the body

Depending on what type of starch belongs to, it is able to have different effects on the body. Among the positive properties of starch on the human body, the following can be noted:

  • distributed starch is of great importance for the intestines. The human intestines have a huge amount of useful microorganisms inside, which are important for the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Resistant starch, falling into the intestines, serves food for these microorganisms;
  • there are studies that resistant starch reduces the likelihood of colon cancer;
  • resistant starch has the ability to reduce pH;
  • resistant starch increases the digestibility of beneficial vitamins and minerals and prevents the absorption of toxic substances by the body;
  • the steady type of starch has invaluable benefit for the correct digestive process, helps to reduce the risk of digestive disorders, helps with constipation and prevents a possible risk of inflammatory processes in various sections of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • reset starch is just an indispensable substance for reducing sugar levels. After too starchy food enters the body, steady starch prevents the increase in blood sugar;
  • reset starch has the ability to exacerbate the body's sensitivity to insulin. As you know, it is the immunity of insulin that causes diabetes mellitus, many diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as Alzheimer's disease;
  • sustainable starch has low calorie content, which allows you to consider it dietary.

The same products, if they are prepared in different ways, can have a different effect on the body. It is proved that hot boiled potatoes and chilled boiled potatoes have different types of starch. You can eat cold salads with the addition of potatoes without remorse, because They contain resistant starch. Long -term heat treatment of starchy products also destroys beneficial substances, leaving more harmful in the composition than useful.

Starch. Fields of use

  • Food industry. If you read the food labels on the shelves of stores, then many of them can find starch. It is this component that is added to most sausages, ketchups, sauces.
  • Pharmaceutical industry. Starch is one of the most common auxiliary components in tablets, capsules.
  • Starch is widely used in paper production.
  • Starch is the main component of wallpaper glue.
  • Starch is often used to "starch" clothes.
  • Starch is an excellent harmless means to combat diaper rash in children. Many mothers replace expensive powders with starch, which is in no way inferior to them in properties.
  • Starch is used for the preparation of sauces, jelly, gravy.

Hair starch. Benefit

How can starch be useful for hair? Of course, its composition does not differ in diversity and an abundance of nutrients. But the benefits of hair starch are that when combined with other elements, various reactions occur, which benefit the hair. The principle of exposure to starch on the hair is as follows:

  • starch, falling on the scalp, reacts with skin fat. As a result of this, glucose is produced. Glucose - this is the valuable component that feeds the hair roots, strengthens the bulbs;
  • some of the glucose, under the influence of air, breaks up into carbon dioxide and water. Water perfectly moisturizes the hair, and carbon dioxide naturally removes particles of dust and dirt from the hair strands;
  • the starch has in its composition a certain amount of niacin, which is known for its healing effect on the hair follicles. Under the influence of this vitamin, sleeping bulbs awaken, the hair becomes stronger and falls less;
  • all reactions that occur when the scalp and hair enters are accompanied by energy release. This energy has a positive effect on the appearance of the hair;
  • sodium, phosphorus, calcium and potassium in the composition of starch positively affect the condition of the scalp, accelerate all metabolic processes.

Starch is a budgetary that is worthy of competition with expensive dry shampoos. When there is no time to wash your head, and at hand a dry shampoo, it is starch that can help you. He removes the excess sebum from the roots of the hair, making them more neat and fresh. You can hear many negative reviews about the use of starch.   In some girls, starch when applied to the hair turns into solid dense lumps, which then it is very difficult to wash from the hair. Perhaps this is due to the non -compliance of the rules for the application of starch to the hair. If you do everything neatly and correctly, then there should not be such problems.

Instructions for the use of starch for hair

In order to achieve maximum benefits from the use of starch for hair, it is worth clearly observing some rules. This is what will help to avoid the most common mistakes when using this home remedy. The starch has a rather interesting consistency, which can turn into dense insoluble lumps. These lumps are very difficult to extract from curls. Therefore, before any hair with starch, carefully read the following instructions for using this tool:

  • the most common indication for the use of starch for hair is oily hair, which are very quickly polluted and require frequent washing;
  • avoid the use of starch if your hair is badly damaged, overdry;
  • potato starch for hair is used a little more often, because It is he who is most often in the kitchen. But you can use corn starch for hair. It has a similar effect on curls;

  • very rarely starch can cause an allergic reaction on the skin. To prevent this from happening, be sure to conduct a sensitivity test. This test is carried out only before the first use. If negative reactions are not detected, then with further attempts to use starch for hair, the test will no longer be needed. You can apply a little ordinary starch on your wrist or to the area of \u200b\u200bthe scalp behind the ear. If irritation does not occur, itching. redness, then you have no individual intolerance to starch;
  • the main function of starch is a cleansing function. It makes no sense to use this tool for absolutely clean hair. You will not see the effect;
  • do not risk the application of starch on wet hair or even on “almost dry” hair. Even the minimum amount of moisture on curls will make the starch turn into nasty lumps. You will have to suffer pretty with numerous attempts to comb your hair and get rid of starch;
  • starch should not become the means that you will use on an ongoing basis. Still, this is more emergency care for oily hair. The starch is too actively affecting the sebaceous gland of the scalp. Do not resort to such a budget analogue of dry shampoo more than 2 times a week.

Try to take into account all these recommendations on the use of starch for hair at home. It is very rare that starch can somehow harm the hair, but to make them with the help of such a budgetary means more brilliant, fresh, crumbly can be.

Starch for hair styling. Method of application

The method of using starch for hair for volume is known for a very long time. Our grandmothers did not have such a variety of styling hair products that we currently have. They came up with many tricks that helped them look charming. One of these beauty secrets was the use of starch for hair styling. This remedy has always been used to steal collars, pillowcases, sheets. It turned out that starch has a similar effect on the hair. If you need to give the volume of thin and lifeless strands, then use the following instructions for hair styling with starch:

  • carefully comb your hair before laying;
  • prepare the starch solution (starch and water). For convenience, you can pour a solution into a bottle with a spray gun;
  • make a few "zilch" on the strands of hair at the roots. Put your hair in a hairstyle.

You will immediately see the instant effect. Even the famous stylist from New York, Yevgeny Toy, used this ancient, but unusually effective, way of laying. Of course, you can argue that a huge number of more advanced tools have been invented to give volume to thin hair. But these funds may not be affordable for someone or simply not at a particular moment. And then the “grandmother” proven for help will come to help with a recipe for beauty.

Dry hair of hair starch

As you already understood, starch can act like dry hair shampoo. This method will be very interested in you if your hair is polluted very quickly, and you are in search of economical express advances to give hair a fresh look. A situation can always happen when it is urgent to leave the house, and there is no time to wash your hair. Then you can do the following way:

  • comb your hair well;
  • take a little potato or corn starch and sprinkle the parting with them;
  • then make the next parting and sprinkle again with starch. Thus treat the hair roots throughout the head;
  • then you need to take a comb and comb the curls well, removing starch. Or blow its remnants with a cold fenger blow.

They have a similar effect on the hair of starch and air conditioning. And one and the other thickening the hair well, makes it obedient and voluminous. In order to use starch as an air conditioner for hair, you also need to sprinkle all the roots of the hair with it, shake off the remains after 10 minutes, and then just wash your hair. You will notice even the easy effect of hair straightening.

Hair masks with starch

Hair starch can be used not only for dry wash and hair cleansing, but also to solve hair problems with masks. For each type of hair, there is an optimal recipe for starch masks in a composition that will help to achieve a particular effect. As a rule, all components of homemade hair masks can be found in the kitchen or in the refrigerator.

Starch and cream for hair from dandruff

At home, you can prepare a simple, but effective hair mask that will help get rid of dandruff. One application of the mask, of course, will not be enough to completely deliver. Make a course of such masks and you will definitely notice the result. To prepare the mask, you will need the following components:

  • 2 tbsp cream;
  • 2 tbsp of corn or potato starch.

In order to enhance the effect of the mask, you can add 1 teaspoon of crushed leaves of raspberries and currants, which are known for their anti -inflammatory properties. They will help to calm the scalp, relieve irritation and itching, which often accompany dandruff. Direct the mixture on the hair, rubbing into the roots. Leave the mask on your hair for 30-40 minutes. Rinse with shampoo.

Starch and tomatoes for oily hair

This mask is an excellent means of combating excessive fat content of hair roots. You will need to prepare the mask:

  • 1 ripe tomato of medium size;
  • 2 tbsp of potato or corn starch;
  • 1 tbsp olive oil.

Tomato must be cleaned of the peel. To do this, make a cross -shaped cut of the peel on the top on it and immerse for a couple of seconds in boiling water. After that, you can easily remove the peel. With the help of a fork or blender, chop the vegetable to the puree state, add starch and oil there, mix thoroughly. The resulting gruel must be applied to the entire length of the hair. The use time is about 1 hour. Rinse the mask under the warm running water with a shampoo.

Starch and cabbage to strengthen hair

Cabbage is very rarely used to prepare hair masks. All to be afraid of the smell that she can leave on her head. You need to wash off the mask with your usual shampoo, which will not give a single chance to remain the aroma of cabbage on curls. To prepare an excellent mask of cabbage, which will prevent hair loss, you will need:

  • boiled white cabbage 4 tbsp;
  • 2 tbsp starch;
  • 1 tbsp olive oil.

Grind a few baked cabbage leaves to the state of gruel and mix with the rest of the components. Apply to the hair, rubbing into the roots. Leave the mask on the hair for 30-40 minutes, and then rinse with shampoo.

Starch and kefir for shine hair

Kefir is an excellent component for the preparation of homemade hair masks. All sour -milk products are only beneficial to the hair, giving them shine and silkiness. To prepare a simple mask, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 cup of kefir;
  • a small slice of black bread;
  • protein 1 chicken egg;
  • 1 tbsp starch.

The protein must be beaten into a strong foam and insert it into kefir with the rest of the components. Apply to the entire length of the hair and withstand for about 40-50 minutes. Rinse with running warm water. The mask washed off the hair perfectly and. As a rule, shampoo is not needed for washing.

Starch and honey for hair from dandruff

Honey is known for its healing influence not only on hair, but also on the skin. If you are not afraid to tinker with washing off the honey mask from the hair, then be sure to try the next recipe. To prepare the mask, prepare:

  • 3 tbsp of liquid honey;
  • 1 tbsp starch;
  • a little lemon juice.

If the honey is thick, then it just needs to be heated. Mix all the components and apply to the hair, including the roots. Take the mask on the head for about half an hour. To wash off the mask, you need running warm water and shampoo. Perhaps the washing process will have to be repeated several times, because The mask has a viscous and sticky consistency.

Starch and milk for split ends of hair

If your hair constantly suffers from the split ends of the hair, then spend nutrient masks more often. Of course, not a single mask will be able to glue the damaged ends, but it will be quite possible to prevent their further cross -section of the mask with starch in milk. To prepare the mask, prepare:

  • 125 ml of warm milk;
  • 50 grams of potato or corn starch;
  • a little crushed mint leaves.

Mix all the components until a homogeneous state and apply to the hair. The mask exposure time is 40-50 min. The product is easily washed off with warm water without the help of shampoo.

Hair starch. Reviews

On the Internet, you can find a variety of reviews about the experience of using starch for hair. Most negative reviews are associated with ignorance of the features of the use of starch for hair. Before using this folk remedy, you should carefully understand all the intricacies of applying to the hair.

Pay attention to folk media of beauty more often. As a rule, they are always harmless and completely natural. Starch can become your lifesaver not only in the kitchen, but also in the bathroom. Regularly using starch masks and hair balm when washing your head, you will gradually notice that your hair is polluted less often and look neat for a longer time. Now you know everything about starch for hair, the benefits and dangers of this tool. Follow yourself and be beautiful!



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