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TSA Piling

TSA Piling
The whole truth about the TSA Piling

TSA Piling is one of the types of chemical peeling. TSA peeling is carried out using organic matter - trichloroxic acid, which is an analogue of acetic. Depending on the percentage of the reagent in the composition, it can be superficial and median.

What is TSA Piling


For surface peeling, a 15%solution of trichloroxic acid is used, which is applied to the skin for 10-15 minutes. For median peeling, a composition with an acid concentration of 20-35%is used. Trichlororoxic acid of 40%concentration and above is not used to avoid complications. But in cosmetology, this drug can be used pointwise - to remove small benign formations.

The TSA Facial TSA procedure is considered a very effective cosmetic procedure. She can stop the age -related skin changes, make it elastic and fit. With the help of TSA peeling, small wrinkles disappear, scars and scars become invisible. In order to overcome complex cosmetic problems, it is recommended to undergo a TSA of procedures, which consists of 3-5 manipulations with a break between them in four weeks. The use of trichloroxic acid requires caution, so TSA Piling should be carried out by a cosmetologist. The TSA Piling procedure is quite painful, but this does not stop the ladies in pursuit of youth and beauty. Admit it, do we often have to endure pain? So, you can endure the pain from TSA peeling, crowds of those who want to carry out this procedure are said. And even more so if you see what effect will be after this peeling!

TSA-peeling: Properties of trichloroxic acid


The beneficial properties that acid possesses are successfully used in cosmetology. For more than 20 years, cosmetologists around the world, including famous Hollywood, have been using TSA for peeling. Trichloroxic acid has the following properties:

  1. Keralitic. Acid has the ability to easily loosen and remove keratinized particles of the skin. Trichlororoxic acid copes with this better than glycolic or retinoic acid.
  2. Antioxidant. This is the ability to protect skin cells from harmful external exposure.
  3. Lifting. This is the ability to enhance the production of skin with the skin of substances that carry out the skin of the skin: elastin and collagen.
  4. Camedonolithic. The ability of acid to cleanse the sebaceous glands and remove blockage.
  5. Whitening.
  6. Antiseptic and antibactericidal.

TSA testimonies

Chemical Piling TSA is prescribed if there are such facial skin problems:

  1. Hyperkeratosis. This is a pathology of the skin in which keratinized cells have the ability to form very quickly, and at the same time lose the property of timely excommunicate (separate).
  2. Pronounced embossed skin.
  3. Melasms. This is a violation of skin pigmentation, characterized by large dark spots on the face.
  4. Shallow wrinkles.
  5. Sunny and senile freckles.
  6. Post -acne.
  7. Bold porous skin prone to the formation of acne.
  8. Inelastic skin with stretch marks and scars.
  9. Expanded pores and dull complexion.
  10. Hyperpigmentation of the skin of the face.

Contraindications for TSA Piling

TSA Piling is considered quite aggressive, so for this procedure there are a large number of contraindications.

  1. Recent injuries, wounds, abrasions of the skin of the face.
  2. Pronounced rosacea.
  3. SARS.
  4. Exacerbation of existing chronic diseases.
  5. Acute inflammatory and purulent processes on the skin: herpes, acne, dermatitis.
  6. Fresh tan.
  7.   Hypertonic disease.
  8. The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  9. A predisposition to the formation of papillomas and warts.
  10. A predisposition to the formation of keloid and hypertrophic scars.
  11. If the patient is less than 18 years old.
  12. 4-6 skin phototype. For people who have dark or dark skin, dark hair and brown eyes, TSA Piling is contraindicated.
  13. If the patient was carried out in less than two months ago a traumatic procedure: mesotherapy, laser grinding of the skin, deep cleaning.
  14. Increased body temperature.
  15. If the patient less than six months ago passed the course of treatment with aromatic retinoids.
  16. A large number of moles.
  17. The period of critical days.

Advantages of TSA Piling


This type of peeling has a number of advantages. TSA Piling is relatively safe because it does not have a pronounced toxic effect. After the recovery period, there is a significant result: the skin is pulled up, wrinkles and small scars disappear, the skin of the skin becomes uniform, the pigment spots are significantly brightened or completely disappear. TSA Piling is convenient in that it does not require the preparatory period and is carried out very quickly.

How the TSA Piling procedure is carried out

The TCA Piling procedure is recommended to be carried out in a beauty salon with an experienced specialist. Before starting manipulation, the skin is cleaned of makeup and fat. Then the cosmetologist applies a thin layer of peeling composition. Some clients may feel burning and pain, but these phenomena are quite tolerant, so anesthesia is not carried out. The procedure lasts 20 minutes. During the procedure, white spots appear in the field of peeling. You should not be scared, these spots are just excommunicated skin scales. After a certain period of time, the cosmetologist removes the peeling solution and applies a mixture that neutralizes trichlororoxic acid. A special cream is applied to the cleaned face, and the patient can go home.

Recovery period after TSA Piling

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The result of acid exposure on the skin is redness of treated areas. This reaction can increase within 24-48 hours after manipulation. A day or two after that, that is, on 3-4 days, brown crusts may appear on the skin. This should not be scared, but they should not remove them either. For another few days, the skin on the face will be tightened. The face will have a non -aesthetic look, so it is advisable to stay at home for a week, avoiding the appearance in public. After the Middle TSA peeling, crusts go themselves on the 6-7 day after the procedure. If the crust was accidentally torn off, it is necessary to apply a special ointment recommended by a cosmetologist to this area. This ointment will relieve inflammation and will not allow the pigment spot to form. After the skin comes down, the real rejuvenation of the face will come. Young skin will be much smoother, lighter and more elastic.

After TSA, the peeling should be avoided by staying in the sun and be sure to use sunscreen creams. The fully recovery period after peeling is two weeks. Even the already gone crusts leave behind a pink skin tone. You can see the full effect of peeling only after a while, depending on the restoration abilities of the skin. As a rule, a month and a half should pass after the procedure. The skin will completely recover, become smooth and elastic, pigment spots and small scars will disappear.

Possible complications after piling TSA


The result after peeling depends on many factors. An important role is played by the body's ability to restore and metabolic rate.

After the peeling procedure, the following problems may appear:

  1. Exacerbation of the manifestations of herpes. If you know that you often have a herpes on your face, try to take care of prevention before the peeling procedure. You can take anti -Herpetic drugs in tablets before the peeling procedure and after it. In the event that prevention is not made, be sure to take these drugs in the recovery period.
  2. Skin pigmentation may be disturbed, dark pigment spots occur. To avoid this phenomenon, you should clearly follow the recommendations of a cosmetologist, avoid exposure to sunlight, use cosmetic products with UV protection.
  3. There is a defect in the skin in the form of a noticeable difference between treated and unprocessed areas.

How to care for skin after TSA Piling


In order to avoid various kinds of complications, in the next two weeks after the procedure, the skin must be carefully careful for the recommendations of a cosmetologist. The care after TSA Piling is carried out using means that are aimed at preventing skin infection, dehydration, as well as to accelerate recovery processes. A cosmetologist can recommend such funds:

  1. Preparations that prevent the formation of scars and stimulating recovery processes: aloe extract, vitamin complexes, hyaluronic acid.
  2. Moisturizing and nourishing cosmetics. Cosmetologists advise the first 3 days after the peeling procedure to use foam and gels, which contain antioxidants and carefully moisturize inflamed skin. Moisturize the skin should be several times a day.
  3. Anti -inflammatory and decongestant drugs: Extracts of calendula and gamamelis.
  4. Ceramides to increase the protective layer of the skin.
  5. Antiviral drugs.
  6. Preparations for the prevention of hyperpigmentation.
  7. Funds for protection against UV rays. Use these tools 2-3 months after the peeling procedure. It is not recommended to sunbathe and visit the solarium.

The price of one Piling TSA procedure in the cabin ranges from 4000 thousand rubles and above. This is only the cost of manipulation itself. It will also be necessary to buy TSA peeling with the necessary concentration of acid, special cosmetics for the recovery period, which includes moisturizing and healing. As you can see, TSA peeling is not the cheapest cosmetological procedure. Moreover, one procedure is not enough, and a cosmetologist can prescribe another 2-3 manipulations.

Reviews about TSA Piling

The result before and after TSA peeling in the photo:




Reviews about this procedure are very contradictory. Some girls of TSA Piling helped to get rid of skin problems that pursued them for a long time: pigmentation, scars, bumps and scars. There are such young ladies that consider this procedure very painful, and the recovery period is unpleasant and long. In any case, everything related to your beauty and health can solve only you and no one else.

TSA Piling. Video

How the TSA Piling procedure is carried out.



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