
Enzyme peeling

Enzyme peeling
What is an enzyme peeling and how to do it at home

Enzyme peeling is a modern skin cleaning procedure. It is suitable for all skin types, even for skin with copery and rosacea phenomena. Enzymes are protein molecules or enzymes that remove a layer of dead cells from our skin. As a result, the skin renewal processes are accelerated in the skin, which contribute to the smoothing of small wrinkles, removing foci of pigmentation, pore cleansing. Enzyme peeling conducts a cleaning procedure gently, without aggressive acids and solid particles of scrub. The use of enzymes in cosmetology is a great opportunity to use peeling with thin and sensitive skin. Previously, fruit peeling with a low content of acids was recommended for girls with such skin. More often in enzyme peeling enzymes are used: bromelain, papain, trypsin and others. They are made from pineapple, orange, kiwi, papaya, as well as as a result of special processing of wheat and aloe.

Indications for enzyme peeling


To understand what kind of peeling is suitable for your skin, only an experienced cosmetologist can help. Testing different types of peeling by trial and errors, it turns out to be more expensive. After all, sometimes the use of an inappropriate type of peeling can cause such consequences that it will take a lot of time for treatment and restoration of the skin.

Enzyme peeling is recommended for cleansing the skin, it is used to treat the effects of acne. The application of this procedure will make it possible to reduce the effects of skin aging, keep the youth, radiance and smoothness of the skin for a long time. To all who are not recommended deep and median peeling, it is worth paying attention to surface peeling enzymes.

Another advantage of enzyme peeling is its availability. Cosmetics manufacturers produce masks, creams and losses with enzymes for use at home. Therefore, for the procedure of enzyme peeling, it is not necessary even to visit the cabin. Like any cosmetic procedures, the manipulation of enzyme peeling should be carried out in accordance with the instructions, accurately observe the time and duration of the course.

It is not recommended to carry out an enzyme peeling in the presence of a wound and abrasion on the face, with the exacerbation of herpes and acne disease with minecraft foci.

Enzyme peeling procedure in the cabin


If you can pamper yourself by visiting a cosmetology salon, it is better to carry out an enzyme peeling procedure from a specialist. It is worth such manipulation on average 1500-1700 rubles, along with materials. The price may vary in accordance with the level of beauty salon and the cost of the applied tool. Often, the cabin peeling may be more efficient, because a specialist-cosmetologist can use more active substances as part. In enzyme peelings for cabin applications may include, except enzymes, fruit acids and retinol. These substances have a property to improve blood circulation and accelerate the rehabilitation processes in the skin.

The procedure of enzyme peeling begins with the purification of the face. Then the leather is applied to the skin or gel, this is done to increase the efficiency of the procedure. After that, the cosmetologist causes a mixture with enzymes, exposure time from 10 to 30 minutes. The procedure of enzyme peeling does not cause discomfort or painful sensations. After the prescribed time, the composition is washed off with warm water. If the composition of the peeling was acids, an acidic neutralizer is used. The cosmetologist will advise what creams to moisten the skin in the next few days and when you can hold the following peeling procedure.

Despite the fact that the procedure of enzyme peeling is considered gentle and delicate, it is not recommended to conduct it too often. Periodicity once every 7-10 days will be useful and quite safe. Enzyme peeling is not a salvation from all skin problems, most often it simply improves the condition of the skin, giving it elasticity and elasticity. If there are more complex problems: wrinkles, scars, and pugishness, it is recommended to carry out more effective cosmetology procedures. In such cases, peeling with enzymes can serve as a preparatory procedure for more serious manipulations.

Enzyme peeling at home


You can make a peeling of the house itself, if it is not possible to visit the cosmetology salon. Moreover, one procedure will be little, but to visit the beauty salon once a week is quite difficult with the modern rhythm of life. The most popular cosmetic firms produce different compositions for peeling. Therefore, it is not necessary to buy an enzyme peeling. It is only necessary to read the instructions carefully, choose a peeling for your skin type, it would be nice to familiarize yourself with the reviews about enzyme peeling from different manufacturers.

The procedure for holding the peeling procedure at home is not different from manipulation in the cabin.

  1. Clear face with foam for washing or lotion.
  2. Apply a prelection solution on the face and sections of the body that will be processed by peeling (neck, zone decolte). All manipulations are better to perform with a special tassel. When applying a pre-deplation solution, observe accuracy and accuracy. All skin sections that will be subjected to peeling should be treated with a preliminary solution.
  3. Apply an enzyme peeling, exposure time is indicated in the instructions.
  4. Wash the composition with warm water.

After peeling, the skin has increased sensitivity. Therefore, it is recommended on the first day after the procedure to avoid touching the skin, apply a tonal cream and staying in the sun.

Enzyme peelings for home use are inferior in the activity of cabin compounds. In order to get the desired result, it will be necessary to more persistently use peeling, increasing the number of procedures.

Enzyme peelings for home use


Enzyme peeling stopproblem

This product of the modern well-known brand "Stoppalle" combines the substance of soft acid peeling, in the form of salicylic acid, and enzyme enzyme peeling. It has several positive qualities:

  • positive consumer feedback;
  • low price (150 rubles per 100 ml);
  • easy to buy in stores.

STOPPROBLEM gel peeling normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, prevents acne and black dots. In addition to cleansing the skin, manufacturers of Salicyl Enzyme Peeling StopProblem guarantee a smooth and healthy color. Peeling has the ability to improve the condition of oily skin, prevent inflammation and rash on the skin. Enzyme peeling stoppaling can be used for dry and sensitive skin, because it does not contain solid exfoliating particles. Even after the first use, the skin becomes brighter, smooth and elastic. Enzyme peeling stoppaling can be bought at the pharmacy or specialized store.

Enzyme peeling janssen.

JanSsen manufactures gel - peeling, which is recommended for home use. Peeling has a pleasant tender texture, intended for the owners of sensitive skin. A feature of the application is the stage of removal of the composition with the skin of the face. For this, water will not need, it is enough to wipe the face with paper napkins. Consumer reviews are talking about the positive changes in the skin after the use of Peeling Jansen. The skin tone is significantly increased, the pedestal is covered, the skin becomes wet and velvety. An enzyme peeling mask Yansense is used in beauty salons, but more often as a preparatory procedure for more serious manipulations. If the peeling mask Jansen is applied at home, manufacturers recommend making a course of procedures. For cosmetic salons, peeling mask is packaged in a professional packag of 300 ml, for home use - to a tube with a dispenser that protects the gel from the effects of oxygen. Approximate cost of tube 50 ml - from 1500 to 2000 rubles.

Enzyme peeling klapp


Peeling Clapp is a peeling from the famous German brand. It is recommended for use at home, deliciously cleans the skin from dead cells, making it a surface smooth and smooth. Peeling Clapp contains the enzymes of yeast, which have an antibacterial and mitigating effect on the skin, as well as a unique vegetable complex with thyme. The cost of 50 ml packing on average 1050 rubles.

Enzyme peeling "I am the most"

Peeling "I am the most" contains a known papain enzyme, and also contains aloe extract and sea minerals. It is recommended for dry skin, perfectly cleans and moisturizes the skin. It has an amazingly pleasant smell. The price will delight you, starts from 120 rubles, produced in tubes of different volumes.

Enzyme peeling Gigi.

Gigi peeling is products of the famous Israeli Cosmetology company Gigi. Excellent cleans and tones the skin, contains a papaya enzyme. Gigi manufactures enzyme peelings, enzyme gels - peelings with different composition of plant enzymes.

Enzyme peeling Mirra

Peeling Mirra contains enzymes, is a gel of a pleasant consistency. The basis contains the papaya enzyme. It delicately cleanses the skin and levels it relief. It is manufactured by the Russian manufacturer, is an excellent means of combating age-related skin changes.

Enzyme peeling bark

The Russian Laboratory Cora offers its product - enzymatic peeling bark with papain and caffeine. This peeling is designed for oily skin with closed comaons. Peeling Cora contains as part of kaolin, which is capable of cleaning the sebaceous glands and remove toxins of leather.

The popularity of enzyme peeling is explained by the fact that this type of skin cleansing acts very softly and delicately and almost does not have contraindications. Even applying an enzyme peeling at home, you can achieve excellent results on skin rejuvenation and improving its appearance. Enzyme peelings successfully apply to the cleansing of a person in men.

Enzyme peeling. Video

Tips of the cosmetologist on the use of enzyme peeling at home.


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