
Causes of redness of the eye in an adult and in a child. Treatment of red eyes - preparations, ointments, drops, funds. Overview of eye drops from eye redness

Causes of redness of the eye in an adult and in a child. Treatment of red eyes - preparations, ointments, drops, funds. Overview of eye drops from eye redness
Causes of eye redness. Treatment of redness of the eyes in adults and children - preparations and folk ways.

Eye redness is the expansion of blood vessels in the eyeball. Such a phenomenon speaks of eye disease or that the influence of external factors was influenced by the auditorium. The main feature of the struck blood vessels is full redness of the sclera or the appearance of individual hemorrhages. How to distinguish eye redness after overworking from a serious ophthalmic problem? What kind of eye redness is the most efficient and safe? And how will the traditional medicine help in this situation? These and other issues will be discussed in today's article.

Eye Redness: Causes in Children and Adults

Redness of the eyes may be caused by the hit of dust microparticles, wool, sand or the development of hazardous diseases that may go beyond the framework of ophthalmic pathologies. Therefore, timely diagnosis and determination of the cause of the disease make it possible to assign suitable treatment. This will preserve not only vision, but also the overall state of health.

Ophthalmological causes of red eyes

Inflammation (redness) of the eye occurs due to the emergence of ophthalmic diseases of inflammatory or degenerative (without inflammation) of character.

A sign of "red eyes", which proceeds without an inflammatory process, can provoke the following pathologies:

  • Watercolor eye cornea (keratoconus).
  • Ulcers and thinning of the cornea.
  • Glaucoma (except reddiction there are always strong headaches and cloudiness of vision).
  • Salt the vascular ball eye.
  • Keratopathy (dysfunction of nutrients in the eyes, causing turbidity of the cornea).
  • PTRIGUM (the formation of pathological fold at the inside edge of the mucous membrane).
  • Pseudopiberigium (bunching tissue after ulcers).
  • Pingwek's eyes (the formation of yellow growths in the limbal zone).
  • Pemphigus conjunctiva (bubble formations on the mucous).
  • Tumor-shaped growths around the tear glands.
  • Pathological growth of ciliates (trichiasis).
  • Hemorrhage of an indefinite genesis in the eyes.
  • The syndrome of the "Dry Baby" century.

Diseases that simultaneously cause itching and redness of the eyes are inflammatory. These include:

  • Vaccination (vaccination inflammation of the sclera after the introduction of the vaccine against the sieves).
  • Eye chickenpox (lesion of the eyeball, eyelids with herpes virus, which causes a chickenpox).
  • Inflammation of the cornea and mucous meal (can be called different pathogens).
  • High-eyed eye.
  • Extensive inflammation of the centering center (canaliculitis, dacrya adenate, as well as dacryocystitis).
  • Conjunctivitis (viral, bacterial, gonorrheal).
  • Barley (at the same time causes pain and eagle swelling, redness).
  • Inflammatory process in the eye vascular sheath.
  • Inflammation of the iris, eyelashes.
  • Episclerite.
  • Abscess orbit.
  • Neurrit to the optic nerve.
  • Eye injuries that contributed to the penetration of infection.

Important! Very often, the cause of the redness of the eyes will take effect - acute inflammation of an involuntary path, causing loss of vision, glaucoma. Therefore, in the event of symptoms of the disease - redness and eye pain - you need to contact an ophthalmologist.

External stimuli, like wire redness provocateurs

Lack of eye hygiene, their overwork from working with gadgets, household cleaning agents, and even poor nutrition - frequent causes of fatigue and redness of the eyes. Having caught your eyes anything from your environment: mechanically particles, allergens, dirt. Consider the possible reasons that cause Red Eye Syndrome:

  1. Weather. Eye redness causes frost, sunlight, strengths of wind gusts, low temperatures. Ultraviolet, falling on the cornea, can cause a burn, and the wind contributes to the ingress of small sarnas in the eye, which leave the micro-damage of the mucous membrane.
  2. Chemical agents. Eye irritation can cause any household chemicals, shampoos, soap and even favorite spirits. Most often, the compound of redness of the eye proteins becomes the compound chlorine in water. For this reason, it is desirable to wash off the water, and when visiting the pool, put on special glasses.
  3. Dust, small dirt particles, foreign bodies. The contact of microscopic substances in the eye causes a strong desire to lose, scratch his eyes. If this is done, the mucosa instantly inflicts and the eyes are blushing. It is impossible to rub eyes in any way, since it is possible to injure the cornea in the mechanical friction of the foreign body about its surface.
  4. Air conditioning. Long-term stay indoors with a split-system included is a strong drying of the mucous membrane, and as a result, hemorrhage on the eyeballs and redness around the eyes. This phenomenon even has its name - "dry eye syndrome." This syndrome is more common among office staff. What happens to eyes in such conditions? The mucous membrane is always moisturized, while drying in the eyes there is a burning, redness, tingling, itching. Over time, constant tearing begins, but the moisture deficit is still unable to compensate.
  5. Allergy. Redness of the eyes takes place in response to Allergen, which fell on the mucous membrane. It may be animal wool, pollen, mold fungus, fluff and much more. In addition to redness and itching, cough can appear, photophobia, rhinitis, skin irritation around the eyes. In medical practice, such a state is called allergic conjunctivitis.
  6. Incorrect meals Chronic hypovitaminosis can affect the visual center, causing various eye diseases with redness. In addition, at the same time there is a decrease in the immune function, which also contributes to the appearance of redness. As a rule, it is a lack of vitamins A, E, C and group V.
  7. Contact lenses. Redness can be observed during the primary appointment of lenses, but the eyes quickly get used to and redness passes. If the redness of the eye in an adult occurred after a long wear of the lenses, it means that it was time to visit an ophthalmologist and change the lenses, which, most likely, have already lost elasticity. Allergic response to the solution for storage is possible.
  8. Smoking. If you smoke a lot or for a long time in a room, where there is always a tobacco smoke, redness may occur as a result of the narrowing of the vessels in the eyes under the influence of nicotine. If it lasts for months, there is a risk of cataract, retinal detachment.
  9. Incorrectly selected glasses. Incorrectly measured diopters, inappropriate frames can have an increased eye load, cause hemorrhages in proteins.
  10. Cosmetical tools. All makeup means, including fluids for removal, can cause redness and peeling eyes. In some cases, it is necessary to completely refuse cosmetics.
  11. Bad light. Regardless of whether you read or work at a computer, there should be enough light in the room. In the dark room during the load of the eye will blush and root.
  12. Alcohol. Excessive use of high alcohol beverages has a toxic effect on the vessels of the whole organism, including eyes. Stabilization of the state is observed after the complete release of alcohol from the blood.
  13. Overvoltage of the optic nerve. Any work related to the visual concentration on one object creates a colossal eye load. Especially often painted eye from the computer. To improve the condition of the eye, you need to take a break every 40-45 minutes.
  14. Bad day of the day. Permanent lack of sleep, work at night, fatigue immediately give themselves to redness and sore eyes.

Redness of the eyes due to chronic diseases

Eye redness can cause not only eye diseases and allergies, but also systemic diseases. If the cause of such pathology fails, it is necessary to eliminate the presence of a patient with one of such diseases:

  • Blood diseases caused by disruption of its coagulation.
  • Hypertension.
  • Sarcoidosis.
  • Allergic diseases (hay fever, bronchial asthma, seasonal rhinitis).
  • Sugar diabetes of any type.
  • Incixation of the body (alcoholic, toxic).
  • Disorders of the intestinal of an inflammatory nature.
  • Blood impairment of any nature.
  • Helmintosis (except for hemorrhage in the eyeball, I can attend intensive redness under the eyes).
  • Arthritis and other pathologies of the musculoskeletal center.
  • Behanet syndrome.
  • Vegeber granulomatosis.

What causes redness of the eyes in children

Redness of the child's eye arises for the same reasons as adults. But mainly redness is manifested only for the following reasons:

  1. Adenoviral infection - viruses (including strains provoking influenza) penetrate the body through mucous membranes, namely the mouth, nose or eyes. And when infection, for example, rinovirus hit the mucous eye, begins inflammation. In addition to the redness of the eye, the child will have all the classic signs of ARVI.
  2. King - the causative agent of the disease first provokes signs of colds, and then strikes his eyes, causing severe redness.
  3. Polynosis is an allergic reaction of the mucous membrane on pollen of plants. In addition to redness, there is a cough, tearing, burning.
  4. Barley - education can be located on any part of the century, and depending on the localization it will be noticeably redness in one corner of the eye.
  5. Conjunctivitis - can be caused by pathogenic coil flora, including gonducts, as well as chlamydia, toxoplasm. Maybe with purulent exudate or without it.
  6. Violations from the auditorium - redness causes an increased eye pressure, a fall in view, anomalies of the eye dna.

Important! Redness of the eyes in a child or an adult is not an independent illness, but only a symptom of hidden pathology. Only oculist can determine the cause of redness of the eyes, so when the redness appears, immediately go to the ophthalmologist. He will conduct the necessary research, and then prescribes treatment.

Redness of the eye: treatment at home

How and how to treat eye redness depends on the cause of the symptom. If this phenomenon is single and appeared from fatigue and overvoltage, it will be enough to relax. If there are other reasons, therapy is appointed by a doctor after a comprehensive examination.

Eye Redness: Medicine Treatment

When the eye redness is caused by some irritant, an allergen or infection, it is important to undergo treatment so that the vision does not break. Depending on the causes of the "Red Eye" syndrome, such drugs can be appointed:

  • Antihistamine eye drops with phenylephrine. They are shown in an allergic eye of the eyes. This is allergel, leculin, opotanol. Drops block the synthesis of histamine, remove the redness, itching, swelling. For children recommended Gromosol and ocumyl.
  • Antibiotics. Prescribed with bacterial eye lesions (conjunctivitis, barley, etc.). Oral antibiotics (ampicillin, Sumamed) and antimicrobial means (Biseptol) can be appointed. Or eye remedies - sodium sulphacyl drops, as well as a gentamicin and tetracycline ointment from redness of the eyes.
  • Antiviral and immunomodulating preparations are used to treat viral conjunctivitis. As a rule, it is drops with interferon content.

Treatment of eye redness by folk remedies

Remove inflammation, folk recipes help reduce the eyes. Use different lotions and washing can be paired with a medication that accelerates healing.

How to remove red eyes with the help of simple recipes:

  • Strong infusion of tea leaves. Improve blood circulation, strengthen blood vessels and remove the swelling will help tea cold compress. Moisten cotton pads in the infusion and apply to eyes for a quarter of an hour.
  • Potatoes. Cut the root slices and place on eyelids. To improve the condition of the eye is enough for 15 minutes.
  • Aloe juice. 2 drops Agave need to be instilled into each eye every day.
  • Ice cubes. If redness appears when you sleep, you can remove it with ice. The frosting can be water or broth chamomile mint. Wipe need mobile eyelid and eye area.

Drops of red eyes: a list and overview of the most effective drugs

Get rid of redness and inflammation in their eyes the easiest way with the help of droplets. There are quite a few pharmaceutical market. They have a different composition, indications, instilled applications. But they successfully eliminate discomfort in their eyes and help to restore the visual function as soon as possible. Consider the best drops from eye redness:

  1. Winner is effective in the "dry eye" syndrome. It is often used by professional swimmers, office workers, computerists. A few minutes after the instillation, there is a significant improvement in the eyeball, the redness decreases and the feeling of dryness in the eyes. But this drug may be addictive, so it does not fit for systematic use. Course treatment up to 4 days. In addition, drops are prohibited by people with elevated eye pressure, as well as babies up to 6 years.
  2. Occatil - drops from eye redness, itching, active muzzling. Remove a vasoconstrictor effect that lasts at least 4 hours. Basically, the drug is prescribed under various types of conjunctivitis (except for viral). Also, droplets help with minor damage during eye friction or chemical damage to the cornea. The drug can be used twice a day, but if there are no positive changes on the second day, it means it needs to be canceled.
  3. Alomide - drops from allergies with a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Rarely causes adverse reactions, can be used for a long time, does not have contraindications.
  4. Naphtizin is a high-speed vesseloring agent. Improves eye condition with allergies, inflammation, minor damage. It can be used up to three times a day. When you instart more than seven days in a row, it may be addictive or overdose. If dizziness, nausea, drowsiness drug immediately canceled.
  5. Okumetil - combined droplet with antihistaminic and anti-inflammatory action. Fast take off edema, discomfort, redness. The therapeutic effect occurs after the first instillation. The day allowed three injections in each eye.
  6. Vizomitin - helps to overcome age-related degenerative processes in the retina, reduces dryness, redness, effective in eye fatigue. Its advantage is that it does not just relieves symptoms, but also eliminates the cause of red eyes. Not addictive, it can be administered in combination therapy.

Eye redness can not be ignored. Do not self-medicate and definitely contact an ophthalmologist when any complaints from the eye appears. Only a qualified specialist will be able to figure out the cause of pathology and appoint effective treatment.

Video "Redness of the Eyes: Causes and Treatment"


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