
How to make rolls at home

How to make rolls at home
Basic Rules and Popular Recipes for Self Cooking Rolls at Home

Today, Asian cuisine dishes are most popular and in European countries, because sushi and rolls are not only tasty, but also low-calories. Prepare such food will not be difficult for even inexperienced hostesses.

Sushi rolls or rolls cooked throughout the traditions of Korean or Japanese cuisine, no one is for anyone, but for many even become a favorite delicacy. A distinctive feature of manufacturing such dishes is to twisting food using a bamboo mat into a traditional cylindrical shape and cutting it into small lobes. Each serving often consists of six, eight or twelve pieces.

Today, not only fish and seafood are used as the main ingredients, but also more European snacks, in particular, meat or sweet additives. The filling is traditionally wrapped in a square shape of the sheets of crushed and compressed dry algae (nori), transparent soybean paper or thin omelet. Sometimes nori turns out inside with basic filling, and rice and other additives are outside.


Main types Rolls

Asian cuisine offers a huge selection of light food, where in particular all the rolls can be divided into several types:

  • Baked - dishes treated under high temperatures for health safety and adapting the body of consumers in regions where raw fish is not the main food.
  • California - a dish containing in the composition as a mandatory ingredients of crab meat and fresh avocado, and outside, covered with a layer of rice and graft-grained cannon fish (Tobiko or Masago). Meat shrimp, tuna, salmon, salmon, light mayonnaise, fresh cucumber can be added as an additional stuff.


  • Classic - prepare according to the traditions of Asian cuisine, which involves the use as a filler of one fish and vegetable ingredients covered with rice and tightly wrapped in dry algae.
  • Tempura - Thermal processing of dishes is not carried out in the oven, but in hot oil and breading, which allows you to create a specific "free" taste and crunch.
  • Unagi - a dish of the chosome category (wrapped in dry algae sheets with only one ingredient) contains various types of seafood as a filler.
  • Philadelphia - a dish from the category of uramics (rice outside) contains cream cheese as an obligatory filler and can be supplemented by avocado, caviar, cucumber, green onions, and the outside is wrapped in salmon fillet.


  • Companies - Professional Cooks of Asian cuisine offer exclusive dishes, the recipes of which are developed by them alone.

How to cook rolls yourself?

Asian chefs can cook delicious dishes in just a couple of minutes, wrapping any food in the rice roll of pressed algae. However, for the possession of such art requires certain skills and training. In the correct preparation of such dishes as rolls, it is important not only to skillfully twist the roll, but also take into account some features of the choice of the necessary products.

Nori or Japanese algae

Compressed dry algae can be sold in sealed packages as whole sheets, and sliced \u200b\u200bon ready-made thin stripes. For the preparation of rolls at home, it is better to choose square sheets of 18-20 cm. When choosing a Nori, pay special attention to their color - than rushing and darker, they are denser and more expressed their fragrance.


Su or rice vinegar

If you are going to prepare a dish of Japanese cuisine for all traditions, it is necessary to use this rice vinegar. Su is very different from the usual acid and bakery european vinegar. Japanese vinegar on the contrary is completely unsubstantial and even slightly sweet enough taste.

It should be remembered that the basis of such a dish as rolls is primarily rice. Even if the fish you have chosen for the filling of the best quality, using the usual or apple vinegar you risk spoiling food. Boiled rice is recommended to fill only high-quality original SU for Japanese cuisine.


Stuffing and other ingredients

A fine-grained batfish caviar is an additional component for decorating Asian cuisine. However, it is almost indispensable when cooking rolls with rice outside (cheers of poppies). As such a decoration, you can also use salmon caviar or black and white sesame, which is recommended slightly fry.

Mayonnaise for filling is better to use Japanese, with a sweeter and soft taste than the usual European with sourness. Classic refreshing additives are avocado or fresh cucumber, and some add also sweet peppers. In addition to fish and seafood, you can also add crab meat, creamy cheese, omelet, green onion or decorate from above chopped dill.


Soy sauce

To give the softness and elasticity of Nori and jucia, the rig Asian dishes are customary to use, foaming in the sauce, of various consistency in salt content. When it is elected, special attention should be paid directly to the composition specified on the package in which there should be no unfulfilled dyes and flavors, since such a high-quality product should be prepared only by natural fermentation (however, the shelf life is less than that of chemistry containing . Purchase sauce only in glass bottles, which can save taste, aroma and all useful properties in contrast to plastic packaging.


Gary or Ginger

Japanese ginger for traditional dishes is served in the ready-made marinated form of white (softer taste) or pink (more acute) colors. This is not a mandatory ingredient when using rolls, but its taste quality is noticeably embossed a flavor bouquet. If you try rolls with different fillings, it will be indispensable, as it has a property to neutralize the taste of the previous dish and clean the oral cavity, so for real gourmets this indispensable product allows you to enjoy every piece.


Wasabi or Japanese mustard

There are two main types of Asian mustard - this is Sava and Seio. The Sava is practically not available to acquire outside Japan and its cost significantly exceeds the second form. Sejo is produced in European countries and sold everywhere, and on taste and useful qualities is practically not inferior to the first.

When choosing such a mustard, give preference to pure powder composition and do not worry due to the complexity of cooking. Such a dry powder must be simply mixed in the proportions indicated on the package with warm water and in 5-10 minutes can be eaten. Ready pasty Vasabi always contains additional ingredients that allow longer an expiration date longer, but are not very useful for the body.


Ingredients for home cooking rolls

For self-preparation of a classic Asian dish, you will need such a set of components:

  • 1-1.5 glasses of fine short-grained round rice;
  • 4-5 tbsp. l. classical rice Japanese vinegar su;
  • 6-8 square sheets of dry algae nori;
  • vasabi;
  • marinated red or white ginger;
  • about 0.5 kg of fresh fish fillets (salmon, salmon or tuna);
  • soy sauce.


Recipe Classic Thin Hoso Macs Rolls

Almost all oriental dishes are based on two basic ingredients - it is welded rice and fresh fish. With the last component, no additional questions arise, because you can buy an ready-made fillet of any fish and remains only to cut it. Prepare the rice for the rolls is necessary for all the rules of Japanese-cuisine, otherwise you are hard to risk spoiling a dish and other ingredients.


How to make rice rice rice?

The Japanese seek to achieve perfection absolutely in everything that they do, including cooking. Probably, therefore, only men are preparing in Asian restaurants, as it is believed that the warm hands of a woman can distort the taste of dishes. Cooking and preparing rice is also a special process requiring strict adherence to all rules.

Figure should be chosen round and short, as long grains are able to keep moisture harder and due to this, lose their adhesive ability required when coating rolls. It is recommended to thoroughly wash in front of cooking in a container with warm water and purify from husk, small garbage and dust. Perhaps the water will have to change several times until it becomes transparent, because if the rice is washed not enough, then during cooking it will cover the sticky starch film.

From proper rice, almost all the success of the dish depends. In Asian restaurants, the chef use special ricers, in which the necessary program is simply exhibited. However, there is nothing complicated in this process, which can be performed at home without special equipment.

The washed rinse should be filled into deep tank and pour it with water in proportions 1 to 1.5. When the rice absorbs water, and the air holes are formed on the surface, it should be removed from the fire. Cooked rice should be left under the lid to push at least 15 minutes.


Preparation of filling and refueling

To vinegar in the necessary proportions (2-3 art. L. On a glass) add salt and sugar to taste and sugar slightly. Fish and other components cut into narrow and long (up to 20 cm) stripes. Hot rice laying into a container with a wide bottom smooth layer for cooling.

The filling from vinegar should be added with a thin jet, directing it with a wooden or plastic blade evenly along the entire surface of the rice. Figure should be mixed with cautious movements horizontally so that each grain is impregnated with acetic water. Quickly distribute rice evenly along the bottom of the dishes and cover it with a paper towel, preventing drying, to a complete cooling.


Formation of rolls

For the folding of the rolls, a rug from bamboo (Makisa) is required. The leaf of dry algae should be accurately folded and cut into two equal parts. One of the parts should be put on the rug glossy side down, and the rough up.

Prepare a container with warm water, into which 2 tbsp. l. vinegar or lemon juice, for humidification of hands. It is necessary to take several art. l. Rice and distribute it a uniform thin layer over the entire surface of algae, leaving on the free strips to one centimeter from above and below. If the rice begins to stick up again to the hands, re-moisten them in acetic or lemon water.


Rice is recommended to lay a layer with a thickness of no more than 0.7 cm, and on top of the horizontal to lay all the components of the thin strip across the entire width of algae. Holding the filling inside, thumbs should be raised a bamboo rug and gradually twist it, directing forward. Twist the roll, connecting both ends of algae (for better gluing it is recommended to slightly moiste with acetic or lemon water) and ride it back and forth in the rug without pressure.


Roll rolls into rolls

The portion pieces are very important to cut correctly, because it will depend on this appearance of your dish. The pieces will look very simple, if rice or filling will fall out, and there is such a dish rather uncomfortable. To chop them perfectly smoothly, moisten the knife in acetic or lemon water so that the blade slides on the stickcom.

Professional cooks advise to cut every roll in half, and then another three, four or six equal parts, not forgetting to dull the knife in water with the addition of vinegar or lemon juice. Finished pieces should be served fresh with sauce, ginger and sharp Vasabi. Before using the classic Japanese dish, do not forget to say the "pleasant appetite" in Japanese - Itadakimasu!


Step-by-step recipes for popular rolls

Recipe for California Rolls

One of the most popular Asian dishes made with a rice outward, which contains in its composition crab meat, fresh avocado and sprinkled by caviar of fly fish. Additional recipe ingredients such rolls can be seen on the appropriate photo that you can add optional or replace any other. Prepare the same rolls as follows:

  1. On ½ square of dry algae, lay out the welded rice with a thin uniform layer, and from above, slightly pressing, caviar.
  2. Put the sheet of algae rice down on the rug.
  3. Purified and cut with thin bands Components lay out on Nori.
  4. Tighten the filler into the roll and give it a square shape with a rug.
  5. Cut the rolls of 6 portion pieces each.


Recipe Cooking Rolls "Philadelphia"

Probably the most popular and satisfying dish of Asian cuisine, because it contains a fairly large number of fresh fish and gentle cream cheese, performed by rice outwards is prepared as:

  1. On ½ square of dry algae, lay the welded rice with a thin uniform layer.
  2. Put the sheet of algae rice down on the rug.
  3. Purified and chopped in thin stripes ingredients (see photo) lay out on the nori.
  4. Wrap the stuffing in the roll and give it a square shape with a rug.
  5. Salmon fillet must be put on top of a thin layer, and then chop the roll on the portion.


Cooking Recipe Hot Rolls

Tempura with rice outwards is performed similarly to classic uramics with additional root roasting in the batter. Therefore, in addition to the standard ingredients (fish and cheese), you will need a chicken egg, breadcrumbs and templar flour. Fryer rolls, prepared in this way, are obtained very gentle, and rice is not too fat from the oil:


  1. On ½ square of dry algae, lay the welded rice with a thin uniform layer.
  2. Put the sheet of algae rice down on the rug.
  3. Purified and cut with thin bands Components lay out on Nori.
  4. Tighten the filler into the roll and give it a square shape with a rug.
  5. Prepare Clar:
  • slide the egg into the container and add a couple of art. l. cold water;
  • add flour and mix thoroughly to homogeneous not too thick consistency.


  1. Cut the rolls in half and dry into the clarity, then in cricks and fry on the heated oil before getting a golden crust.
  2. Put ready routes on paper towels to absorb excess fat.


Recipe for cooking Sweet Rolls in European

The Japanese rusting twisting technology has become so popular that many chefs use it for cooking desserts from non-traditional in Asian cuisine products:

  1. Skip cottage cheese through a sieve, fill sour cream and mix thoroughly.
  2. Wash and clean the fruit, and then cut into cubes.
  3. Curd mass to distribute on a damn with a flat layer about 2/3.
  4. Share fruit horizontally across the entire width pancake.
  5. Twist the roll and leave in the refrigerator for 1-1.5 hours.

sweet rolls

Video: How to cook rolls?

A detailed video lesson will help you prepare original mosaic rolls:


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