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The causes of nasal congestion in adults and children. How to get rid of nasal congestion is a means. Treatment of constant nasal congestion. Folk remedies for nasal congestion

The causes of nasal congestion in adults and children. How to get rid of nasal congestion is a means. Treatment of constant nasal congestion. Folk remedies for nasal congestion
The article tells how to get rid of nasal congestion with folk and medical methods. Folk recipes for nasal congestion are presented.

People, both adults and children, are almost always sick. As soon as the air temperature decreases, the number of acute respiratory infections begins to grow. This problem is especially relevant among people working in a large team, because the virus in this case spreads with lightning speed. One of the first symptoms of colds is the nasal congestion in a child and an adult. This is an unpleasant state when a person lacks air, interferes with working, sleeping, and studying. Usually, after a couple of days of intensive treatment, this symptom “leaves”, but there are diseases when the nasal congestion remains for a long time. We will tell you about what causes this ailment, and how to get rid of the nasal congestion.

The reasons for the nasal congestion in children and adults

Discomfort in nasal breathing occurs due to edema of blood vessels and nasal mucosa. Swelling, the mucous membrane overlaps the nasal passages, which prevents normal nasal breathing. At the same time, a large amount of mucus is formed, which also causes a lot of discomfort to a person.

The swelling of the nasal mucosa can occur due to the following diseases and factors:

  • SARS, flu. These are the most common causes of nasal congestion. As a rule, they pass as they recover.
  • Abuse of pills for nasal congestion, drops and sprays. Too frequent use of drops, the action of which is aimed at narrowing the mucosa, under the influence of the drug, often leads to the opposite effect. The mucous membrane of the nose begins to grow, and without the drug no longer decreases.
  • Allergic diseases. Chronic allergic diseases in the active stage (for example, during flowering of ambrosia or poplar) lead to swelling of the mucosa in patients, which complicates nasal breathing.
  • Diseases of the nasal cavity. The curvature of the nasal septum, low cross -country passage, an increase in adenoids. The data of the pathology of the chronic nasal congestion are treated only under the conditions of the hospital surgically. As a rule, a symptom of these diseases is a prolonged nasal congestion without snot, both after and without a cold. When such problems appear, it is urgent to contact an otolaryngologist.
  • External factors. A large amount of dust in the room, tobacco smell, too overdled air, low temperature - can cause nasal congestion. Also, the "driver" of such a symptom can be the intake of spicy food, a stressful state. The swelling and congestion of the nose due to the influence of external factors is quite quickly.

In the vast majority of cases, the nasal congestion passes quickly, but when a certain symptoms appear, you should contact a therapist or otolaryngologist:

  • The nasal congestion is accompanied by a sharp increase in temperature, but the ARVI is excluded. Such a symptom may be a sign of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses.
  • Constant nasal congestion 10 or more days.
  • Distillations from the nose of muddy mucus with a greenish tint.
  • The cause of the nasal congestion was a head injury, after which a transparent color with blood inclusions occurred.
  • The nasal congestion appeared against the background of the reception of immunosuppressants.
  • Symptoms appeared against the background of bronchial asthma or pulmonary emphysema.

How to treat nasal congestion in an adult and child

The treatment of congestion should be both symptomatic, aimed at reducing swelling of the mucous membrane to free the nasal passages, as well as a systematic one aimed at eliminating the cause of symptoms.

Most often, sprays for the nose from congestion and drops based on oxymetazolin or similar substances are used to relieve symptoms. They have a vasoconstrictive property, due to which the mucous membrane decreases in volume. However, the use of vasoconstrictor drugs can not only lead to problems in the future, but also cause other diseases, headaches, etc. So, it is not recommended to use drops from nasal congestion without the appointment of a doctor, despite their quick effect.

Sprays and tablets from nasal congestion

Sprays from nasal congestion can be divided into three large groups, depending on the active substance that is part of them. All these drugs facilitate the breath of the patient, and also have vasoconstrictive properties:

  • Xylometazoline -based sprays. This includes drugs such as ximelin, forno, rhinonorm. The action of these sprays persists for 3-4 hours.
  • Sprays based on oxymetazolin. This is Nazol, Nazivin, Fervets. The action of such drugs is longer than the drugs of the first group, and lasts about 8-11 hours.
  • Outzoline -based sprays. This is Naphtinzin, Tizin, Farit. The action of such drugs persists from 3 to 5 hours.

Nasal congestion tablets:

  • If the nasal congestion became the result of the manifestation of any allergic reactions, then histamines should be used-Erius, Telfast, Claritin.
  • If a runny nose has an infectious nature and caused by the action of harmful bacteria and viruses, then antiviral drugs and antibiotics should be used, for example, augmentin, sumamed, Zinnat.
  • The general congestion of the nose, the cause of which is not established, can be tried to be cured by the following medicines - Sinupret, Zinnabsin, Orinol.

How to rinse your nose with a congestion? Washing is a rather effective method of how to treat nasal congestion. Salt solution has disinfectant and moisturizing properties:

  • But-salt,
  • Aqua Maris,
  • Otrivin-More,
  • Morenazal,
  • Quicks.

Due to wetting the mucous membrane of the nose, it is disinfected. Such drugs are produced in the form of a spray, which facilitates their use. Due to high pressure, the jet of the drug can reach any parts of the nose and moisturize them. However, the price of such drugs is quite high, so they can successfully prepare them independently. To do this, a small amount of sea salt is diluted with water. For spraying with a solution of nasal sinuses, you can use a new syringe without a needle. In this salt solution, you can add infusions of chamomile, calendula, a series of St. John's wort and other medicinal plants. The use of saline solutions for moisturizing the nose can be continued even after removing symptoms for preventive purposes - there will definitely not be harm from them.

The use of drops based on essential oils is not as harmful as vasoconstrictor drugs, so you can irrigate the nasal cavity with them for a long time. However, you should not expect a pronounced effect from them.

How to cure nasal congestion

Heating, as a remedy for a runny nose and nasal congestion, often gives a very good effect. However, it is effective only in the case of a viral or infectious etiology of problems with nasal breathing. With allergic rhinitis or with problems with the size of the nasal passages, warming up, like all other procedures, is almost useless.

The procedure for conducting the procedure:

  • To warm up, a heated sea salt is used. Heat it in a conventional pan, after which they pour it into a fabric bag and put it on the nose.
  • The bag should be warm, not hot. Otherwise, you can get a burn. If the salt is heavily overheated, it can be wrapped in a scarf several times to lower the temperature.
  • Instead of salt, in its absence, you can use sifted sand. This method is very suitable for treating nasal congestion in a baby to reduce the amount of drugs taken.

Inhalation from nasal congestion using steam and nebulizer

Steam inhalations help relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa and improve nasal breathing. Basically, ordinary water is taken for their manufacture, however, you can do the procedure with the addition of essential oils or tinctures of medicinal plants in boiling water. As the latter, the most popular are calendula, garlic, chamomile, etc.

Often, potatoes are used to take steam inhalations. He is boiled, and then breathe it in pairs over the pan. This method has long been known and is based on the ability of this culture to maintain heat well.

Nebulizers are devices that are able to spray the liquid in a small -dispersed way. The medicine filled into this device, under the influence of a jet of air from the compressor, turns into a cloud and enters the nasal cavity. Thanks to the microscopic size of the drop, the medicine irrigates the nasal mucosa well, reducing edema and disinfecting the cavity. For a nebulizer, both ordinary saline and drugs as prescribed by the doctor are used.

How to relieve nasal congestion with massage

There is a list of exercises that can reduce the symptoms of nasal congestion. This method is available to everyone and can be used with both adults and children.


  • Basically, with a nasal congestion, the nasolabial triangle, nose bridges and nasal wings massage.
  • Massage is made with light circular movements, paying special attention to the nasal wings. Warray of the set of exercises will improve blood outflow from the mucosa, reducing its edema.
  • To improve the result of massage, it is recommended to be carried out using the star "star". Its effectiveness has been proven by many years. The balm has warming properties, and also contains aromatic essential oils, which have a general strengthening effect on the entire human organism.

Since the mucous membrane of the nose is one of the most bloody parts of the human body, it is possible to reduce its swelling by accepting a vertical position if possible. Blood under the influence of gravity will move from the nose to other organs, which will reduce swelling. True, with strong rhinitis, this rarely helps.

How to treat nasal nasal congestion

It is worth remembering that in the first three weeks of a child’s life, nasal congestion is a normal state of adaptation of the baby to environmental conditions. If the congestion is accompanied by liquid discharge or does not stop for 7-10 days, this should cause concern for parents. Typically, pediatricians in such cases prescribe the following treatment:

  • Vasoconstrictor drops - Nazivin, Pharmazolin (necessarily in a dosage for children under 1 year old).
  • Salt solutions produced in the form of sprays (no-salt, aqua Maris, etc.).
  • The use of aspirators (sopleotsos to remove mucus accumulation). They come in various types - vacuum, mechanical, rubber springs, etc.
  • From folk remedies, with a nasal congestion in infants, a weak solution obtained from beet juice, carrots or aloe helps.

Folk remedies for nasal congestion

Treatment of nasal congestion with folk remedies is based on the properties of medicinal herbs and some vegetables:

  • Onion. Freshly squeezed onion juice helps perfectly to treat a runny nose and nasal congestion. True, it cannot be used in its pure form, but only with diluted warm water. Otherwise, the mucosa burn and many other big problems are provided to you.
  • Beet. Beetroot juice has also proved its effectiveness in the treatment of nasal congestion at home. The vegetable should be cleaned from the peel, grate and squeeze through gauze. It is absolutely safe, so there is no need to dilute it with water.
  • Also, a very effective means of treating nasal congestion is aloe juice. This indoor plant, for sure, is in every house.
  • Oil drops. Prepared on the basis of olive oil. In 100 ml of oil, add 10-15 g of alcohol tincture of valerian root and mix thoroughly. It is necessary to insist the future medicine for 10 days, keeping it in a warm, and a place protected from sunlight. The finished solution can be instilled 2 Kali in the nostril at night to adults, and 1 drop in the nostril for children. It helps a lot from a runny nose and nasal congestion.
  • Baths with hot water. The easiest recipe, from a runny nose and nasal congestion caused by colds. This is the so -called "distracting" therapy. You can steam your legs both in simple water and with the addition of essential oils. However, this method can not be used categorically with an increase in temperature.

How to get rid of nasal congestion: video



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