
Health 855 1

How to strengthen the muscles of the back. Is it possible to strengthen the back muscles at home. Exercises for strengthening the muscles of the back. How to strengthen the back muscles for the child

How to strengthen the muscles of the back. Is it possible to strengthen the back muscles at home. Exercises for strengthening the muscles of the back. How to strengthen the back muscles for the child
Effective exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back. Exercises for strengthening the back muscles: adults and children. How to get rid of pain with osteochondrosis and hernia, performing exercises for the back muscles at home.

Those people who managed to feel that such pains in the back know what it is, alas, are not safe from relapse. So that in the future the back does not make itself felt, it is necessary to strengthen the muscles.

There is even such a saying that almost 90% of the population has back problems, and the remaining 10% have no, because they do not know how to work at the computer. The statistics are sad, since a long stay in the wrong position of the computer leads to problems with the back.

How to strengthen the back muscles: a brief excursion on anatomy

To understand how important it is to maintain your body and monitor the work of all systems and organs, we learn more about the structure of the spine. It consists of 24 vertebral bones, they are mobile due to the fact that there are podsa discs between them, which take the first blows, acting as shock absorbers. Both discs and vertebrae are held by muscles, they are responsible for holding the back straight. If one of these elements fails (for example, injury or minor damage), this is accompanied by pain. There are problems with the back that can bother from time to time. If the back is in order: there should be no pain.

Exercises that strengthen the back muscles are the most important thing for maintaining the muscle corset in tone. If you regularly play sports, do special exercises, you can forget about back pain. Only exercises will help get rid of unpleasant sensations, improve well -being and even get rid of stooping and ugly sagging tummy.

How to properly strengthen the back muscles, 3 steps on the way to success:

  1. Power exercises: several approaches are done.
  2. Exercises for stretching the muscle corset. Exercises are performed slowly.
  3. Aerobic exercises, when all muscle groups are involved in the work during a short training.

What you need to know: no matter what group of exercises is chosen to maintain the back, you need to do everything very slowly and slowly. In order not to injure and not “tear back”, it is necessary to give a gradual load to the muscles. There should be no discomfort - this also applies to power training. First stretching, then the main block of exercises and proper breathing. When the muscles are strained, we exhale, relax - inhale. At first it will be difficult and will have to follow the breath.

How to strengthen the back muscles at home

It is clear that many, due to a dense working schedule, do not have time and effort to visit the gym several times a week. But for 10-15 minutes there will be everyone who wants to always be slender and not to remember the pain in the back. Special exercises that can be done on your own at any convenient time will help to strengthen the muscles of the back.

Strengthening the back muscles for women:

  • simple exercise on the back muscles. How to strengthen the spine: lay down on the rug, your legs must be bent so that the feet are tightly pressed and divorced to the sides to the width of the hips. Hands - along the body. Performing the exercise: we strain as much as possible the buttock muscles and slowly tear off the pelvis from the rug, lift the hips up. It turned out a half -stream or a bridge for the hips. It is necessary to ensure that the line is straight: between the shoulders and knees. Hold, count to 5, slowly fall into the starting position. Repeat 10 times. This method is an excellent counterweight sitting, because in a sitting position a person is located most of the day (in the lessons, at work in the office). Performing such an exercise every day (you can even lying in bed!), Not only the muscles of the back are strengthened, but also the muscles of the abdomen are strengthened. As a result, in a few months you can easily get rid of a protruding tummy. This exercise can be complicated if you raise the right/left leg up and pull the sock. Try to linger, counting up to 5. Rest 3-5 seconds. At first, 5 repetitions are enough;

  • another exercise in a lying position on a gymnastic rug: we make a bar on the side or side. To complete the task without effort, you need to go to one side, stretch out into the string, emphasis on the elbow and then you need to strain the abdominal muscles, try to tear off the thigh from the floor. Make sure that the neck is on the same line with the spine. For the first time, 20 seconds are enough, if it doesn’t work, count how much you managed to hold out and the next day you need to try to hold out for 5 seconds longer. Performed on the right side, roll over to the other side. Such a simple exercise plays a large role for the back, helps strengthen all muscles and stabilize the position of the lower vertebrae. Especially useful is the exercise for people who spend most of the day on their feet. After we master the basic exercise, we complicate the task: in the "lateral bar", try to raise your leg up, detain for a while, considering to 5 and lower it. Everything needs to be done slowly and follow the breath. The hand rests on the rug with the palm, straight, without a bend at the elbow;

  • we become a dog’s pose, make sure that the knees are on the width of the hips, fix the back and hips, the stomach needs to be strain as much as possible. In this position, stretch the left hand forward, and the opposite leg (right), raise and take it back. In this position we hold on to 3 seconds (for beginners), only you need to stand without movements. Change of arms and legs, repeat 6 times. He keeps the muscles in good shape, helps strengthen them and improve coordination, remove the load from the spine for those women who lead an active lifestyle: during the day they go a lot, run, engage in dancing, caring for kids. You can complicate the task a little: learn to keep balance for 10-15 seconds, the leg and leg can be lowered and raised again-so the load on the muscles will be larger;

  • the mini-incorporating is completed by a simple and familiar exercise: attacks. We walk so that the back is even, bend the leg at an angle of 90 degrees, and the thigh is located parallel to the support. We make lunges on one leg 10 times, on the other leg the same. We work on the exercise, maximally straining the abdominal muscles. Develops coordination, simultaneously strengthens the necessary muscles: back, abdomen and buttocks. To complicate the task, you need to do it as follows: a classic attack, then diagonally, and when it will seem like an easy exercise, then you need to take dumbbells and hands cross your head or raise your hands up.

To perform this complex of exercises, it is enough to allocate 20 minutes of free time every day. If every day it doesn’t work, do this complex every other day and then the back muscles will be strong and the pain will not return.

Strengthen the muscles of the back of the house

To boast of a beautiful posture, such simple exercises will help. The complex is simple, you can independently change the exercises, supplement the complex with new ones, guided by your feelings:

  • the pose of a snake from yoga: nothing complicated, only the correct technique of execution. Lying on the stomach, we keep our legs together, tear off the upper part of the body from the floor, the emphasis on our hands, bend as much as possible, stretching all muscle groups;

  • twisting lying on your back - you can do even in bed after waking up. All exercises are performed slowly, without jerks. This exercise is considered the most effective, it is very fond of manual therapists and is called a "rush stick." No effort, the main thing is to keep the shoulders tightly pressed to the floor, the turn of the body and the knee -off touching the opposite side. Look at the photo to understand the technique of execution. First we stretch in one direction, then in the other;

  • the pose, as the baby lies, also helps to remove the load from the lumbar region: pull the legs to the stomach, fix it with your hands, hold such a pose for 5-10 seconds, relax;

  • remove the load from the back and legs, relax after a hard day: you need to put your legs on a stool so that they are above the back. The legs can be thrown on the bed of the bed, sofa or armchairs, put on a chair - such a simple action will help get rid of tension and pain, improves blood supply in the lower back;

  • stretching on fitball or on the floor at home and on a special simulator in the hall: arms behind the head, legs together, tear off the legs and upper body at the same time or alternately.

How to strengthen the back muscles of the baby

Each parent wants his child to begin to hold the head faster, faster than other children to turn over, sit, crawl and walk. But at such an early age, you should not accelerate the process of natural development, everything has its own time.

You need to do charging every day without passes, after waking up, when the baby is in a great mood, does not act up, slept well and ate. After 40 minutes after eating, you can begin. The number of exercises: start with 3 gradually increasing to 10 repetitions.

How to strengthen the back muscles for a child 6 months:

  1. Tilts of the body: the child needs to be taken in his arms, press his back to his chest and bend with him, and in order to return to its original position, you need to hold the baby by the hips and give him the opportunity to cope on his own, insured. It’s good to do this exercise on fitball, fear the baby and swing on the ball.
  2. On the fitball, you can rock the baby in a circle, counterclockwise, by moving on yourself and from yourself, periodically stopping so that the child can get used to it. If you see that lying on the ball, the baby knows how to bend the back like a “boat”, you can master the following exercise.
  3. Now the baby needs to be held by the hips and roll the ball away, holding the baby.
  4. We run on the steps - such an exercise will appeal to those children who already want to crawl or they are slowly learning to do it. For the exercise, you need a small ladder (3 steps at least), prompt and help the baby climb to the top, insure and praise it.
  5. Stretching: encourage a half -year -old child to reach for a toy lying on his stomach. Put the baby, put the toy so that he can reach it if the handles are straightened. This exercise is suitable for those children who have already learned to sit well.

Swimming is very useful, at 6 months of age, the baby should already learn to swim well and even dive under water. Do with your child at least 2 times a week so that the baby feels well, and he had no problems with the back.

How to strengthen the back muscles with swimming and not only

In order to always remain slender, not to think about pain at an early age (and not only), it is necessary to lead an active lifestyle and not forget about training in the fresh air, running and swimming. Such a load is called aerobic. Exercises are well trained by all systems and organs (heart, blood vessels, etc.), as they enhance the metabolism and metabolism, give sensations of joy and a surge of strength. In addition, aerobic exercises will help get rid of extra pounds, as the body works in the right direction and effectively gets rid of excess fat.

What are the types of loads:

  • running and quick walking;
  • bicycle skating;
  • dancing, skating and skating (especially in the fresh air);
  • long walks.

How can you strengthen the back muscles with scoliosis? Exercise, physiotherapy exercises or gymnastics (a correctly selected set of exercises), a mobile sports and, of course, swimming. The orientation is somewhat different, since the main task is to reduce muscle tone, gently stretch them and increase the mobility of the joints.

Therapeutic swimming helps very well for an hour according to such a scheme (the treatment plan is adjusted by the coach in each case):

  1. Respiratory gymnastics, being in the water: inhalation in the air, exit - into the water. Complicated option: exhale under water, but first we twist at the bottom and exhale.
  2. Learning to swim on your back. First with a plank, but how it will turn out, you need to row both hands. It is advisable to swim 100-200 meters for the lesson.
  3. We master Brass - a difficult exercise, because you need to learn how to pull the knees to the stomach so that the back remains not bent into the arc, but was even.
  4. The rabbit is bilateral (if possible), every three rowing inhale and exhale.
  5. Swimming with a butterfly, a dolphin or a “butterfly” technique - the maximum load for a lesson is a distance of 200 m, we monitor breathing. It is not easy to master this type of swimming, so try to make the rings be made with half -bent hands.
  6. Therapeutic physical education on the water ends with the performance of breathing exercises. It turns out that if within 45 minutes, while the lesson lasts, not to be distracted, then the total load/distance should be 600-1000 meters for children who can swim.

Exercise therapy for scoliosis, how to strengthen the muscles of the back. Video:

Now you know the answer to the question of how to strengthen the muscles of the back to the child.

General recommendations:

  • we always hold your back straight, we follow the posture;
  • we sit at the desk like this: the elbows should not hang, the back is straight;
  • if you have to sit a lot, you need to take a break every 30 minutes: get up and rinsen, stretch the muscles, walk, make tilches of the body, and have to shut off;
  • if there is a long road, take a special seat (there are also for adults), as well as a pillow. Recently, novelty appeared on sale - special pillows under the back that support the spine;
  • for those who constantly wear a backpack: choose lightweight models with a hard back, fix the backpack on your back, do not load it with excess heavy objects;
  • heavy things need to be raised correctly: the legs are shoulder -width apart, semi -precision, we take the severity with both hands directly, we carry in front of us;
  • correct comfortable dream: choose a hard mattress and an orthopedic pillow. It is undesirable to sleep on laid out sofas and soft corners - such furniture is not intended for night rest;
  • 2-3 times a week do special exercises to strengthen all muscle groups;
  • learn to perform each exercise correctly, do not forget about breathing gymnastics;
  • special simulators that strengthen the muscles of the back will help to work more efficiently all muscle groups: Twist chair, expander, simulators in the sports complex (“pink salmon”, “rowing”, etc.).

Strengthen the back muscles with a hernia

The intervertebral hernia causes a lot of inconvenience already at the initial stage of the disease: there is a severe pain in the back or lower back, which gives to the neck, arm or leg. The pain is so permeating that it fetters movements, I do not want to do anything, the performance and quality of life are reduced, depression appears. A hernia is a very dangerous disease, with the first symptoms you need to seek help, and not tolerate or take drugs that relieve pain.

It is good for the hernia of intervertebral discs that therapeutic physical education helps in combination with other methods of treating the disease.

A specially designed set of exercises:

  1. All exercises need to be done only lying and slowly. If pain is felt, you need to relax and then continue to work. Classes are desirable every day in the morning for half an hour with intervals for relaxation.
  2. We go to your back, bend your hands in the elbows and put in front of the chest. We bend like a bridge, lingering in this position for a few seconds, then we go smoothly. Repeat 5-8 times, how much will turn out.
  3. We bend the legs in the knees, stretch the arms along, raise the pelvis very slowly, squeeze the gluteal muscles, linger for a few seconds until the tension in the back and lower back is felt, we slowly sink.
  4. We rise from the position of lying on the back above the floor, leaning on the shoulders and palms. Repeat 3 times.
  5. We turn over on the stomach, tear off the body from the floor, the hips are tightly pressed, emphasized, deflection in the back. We do 8 times.
  6. The final exercise "Kithechka": we get on all fours, stretch out, emphasis in the palm of your hand. Now try to lower the pelvis to the floor and make the movement forward with the body. It will turn out as if you want to slide on the ground, crawling under a low fence. Repeat 8 times, slowly.
  7. We walk on all fours on the floor, make sure that the back remains flat.

We strengthen the back muscles with osteochondrosis

This disease is insidious, taken by surprise. If one of the spine is aggravated, severe sharp pain in the back. Completely with the help of special exercises, it is impossible to get rid of the problem, but partially solve it. You will get the same effect as in the exercises of physiotherapy exercises. It is only necessary to proceed with the implementation of the complex after consulting with a specialist and preferably for the first time - together with the coach. If there are no prohibitions and contraindications, the complex adapted for osteochondrozniks is suitable:

  1. We lie on your back (you can on the couch or bed), stretch your hands in front of you. Exhale - we raise our legs to our hands, holding at an altitude for 10 seconds. Exercises should be smooth, without jerking. We do everything slowly. They returned to their original position, rested for 5 seconds we repeat.
  2. A similar exercise, only hands to the sides, palms “look” down. Raise our legs and arms, hold on weight for a few seconds.
  3. We lie down on the stomach, put our hands to the sides, raise the body, trying to make a turn right and left, the hand starts back, the second hand remains ahead. Carefully return to the starting position.
  4. We lie on the stomach, cross our hands behind your back so that you get a lock, try to raise the case with our legs, you need to take your hands back.

If you have exacerbation, exercises can be done, only slower to get rid of pain and relieve muscle spasm.

At the same time, the disease helps to relieve pain of massage that strengthens the muscles of the back. Manipulation should perform a professional, ordinary movements such as patting and warming up muscles, is not enough.


Gregory 30.05.2018 Answer

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Qualified doctors, and the most pleasant is courteous. Unlike the clinic, you will not meet rudeness and diagnosis "finger to the sky"
I recommend it!
