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The causes and symptoms of chronic bronchitis. How to treat chronic bronchitis in adults and children. Treatment of chronic bronchitis with folk methods

The causes and symptoms of chronic bronchitis. How to treat chronic bronchitis in adults and children. Treatment of chronic bronchitis with folk methods
The article tells about the symptoms of chronic bronchitis. Treatment and prevention of chronic bronchitis in adults and children.

Often improper cough treatment can lead to the development of a disease called chronic bronchitis. With this ailment, a sluggish inflammatory process flows in the bronchi, which for 2-3 months annually makes itself felt. Coughing in chronic bronchitis is constant, and is not completely cured. This diagnosis is made to patients if signs of chronic bronchitis are observed annually for 2-3 years in a row. During this disease, the branches of the bronchi change their structure, due to which the cough becomes a constant phenomenon, and does not pass for a long time, the cross -country cross -country roads worsen, and the outflow of sputum is disturbed. Next, we will talk about the symptoms of this ailment, as well as how to cure chronic bronchitis.

Chronic bronchitis: symptoms

Diagnosis - chronic bronchitis patients can be made if there are the following symptoms and signs:

  • Cough. On this basis, acute and chronic bronchitis can be distinguished. In the first case, the cough can be cured completely, in the second case - no. Coughing in this disease can be both dry and with sputum. Sputum in chronic bronchitis is the result of the work of protective mechanisms of bronchi to clean them from infection and excess mucus. At the same time, the reflex “for coughing” is localized in the cerebral cortex, as a result of which the bronchial muscles are periodically reduced. In chronic obstructive bronchitis, coughing can be not only wet, but also dry. The branches of the bronchi are reduced as a result of spasm, as a result of which there is an inexpressive and constant cough.
  • Dyspnea. With an exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, the appearance of difficulty breathing in the patient or shortness of breath is possible. In this case, the chronic inflammatory process in the respiratory tract should last quite long (from 5 to 10 years). Against this background, concomitant pathologies of the bronchi and lungs arise. The appearance of shortness of breath is also possible with chronic bronchitis of the smoker.

  • Sputum discharge. The amount of sputum sputum with a coughing depends on the complexity of the course of the chronic process. At the first stage of chronic bronchitis, it may be very small or not to be at all. The longer the disease proceeds, the more sputum the amount of sputum increases. In addition, its color changes-from colorless to dark yellow. The darker the color of the discharge, the more pus impurities are in them.
  • Wheezing. With dry cough, dry wheezes are listened to, and if there is a sputum, then wheezing becomes wet (large or finely bubbled).
  • Heltering. It is a sign of complication of chronic bronchitis.
  • The development of asthmatic syndrome. It can develop in the presence of prolonged respiratory tract obstruction. This is a rather complicated disease that is subject to immediate treatment.

Diagnosis of chronic bronchitis can be performed by the attending physician, if the patient has one of the above signs of the disease.

Causes of chronic lung bronchitis

Treatment of chronic bronchitis in adults and children will be effective only if the cause that caused the disease is correctly established. The factors provoking the development of the disease can include:

  • Infectious diseases caused by viruses, bacteria. The source of infection can be in a sore tooth, tonsils, and tonsils.
  • Poor heredity. The congenital features of the structure of the bronchi can also affect their work later.
  • Smoking. Of course, those who smoke most often suffer from chronic bronchitis.
  • Bad ecology. Climatic factors, air pollution - can also play a huge role in the development of the disease of the lower respiratory tract.
  • Bad work of the immune system. In the presence of reduced immunity, a person most often suffers from various infectious diseases, a complication of which is the damage to the bronchi and lungs.

Chronic bronchitis in children

Chronic bronchitis in children cannot be diagnosed before the occasion of the age of three, since babies very often suffer from colds, while they are diagnosed with acute or obstructive bronchitis.

If in adults most often this diagnosis is made due to the presence of bad habits, then in children chronic bronchitis can be the result of infection of the lower respiratory tract. Most often, the following bacteria and infections can provoke the ailment:

  • adenovirus,
  • paragripp,
  • staphylococci,
  • streptococci,
  • pneumococci.

Consider the recommendations to prevent chronic bronchitis in children. So, in order to prevent chronic bronchitis, one should not allow their hypothermia and contact with sick people. After all, any cold can go into chronic pathology.

Next, we consider how to treat chronic bronchitis with drug and folk methods.

Treatment of chronic bronchitis

Antibiotics and other drugs in chronic bronchitis

With this ailment, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • Expectants (mucaltin, Ambroxol, Lazolvan, Flavamed, ACC).
  • Chlorophyllipt inhalations, alkaline solutions.
  • Antibiotics (augmentin, amoxiclav, lefofloxacin, tsiprom, Avelox, azithromycin, macropen, etc.).

Chronic bronchitis: treatment with folk remedies

How to cure chronic bronchitis forever? Combine folk and medical treatment methods. The first can be attributed to the following funds:

  • For a long time, sea salt was used to treat various colds, chronic bronchitis. In particular, it was used as a disinfectant during the war, when there was a serious deficiency of drugs. Similar bandages were also treated by abscesses, boils and other pustular diseases. Sea salt is able to increase immunity, normalize pressure, improve the intestines and normalize the functions of the thyroid gland. Salt solutions are useful for bronchitis, runny nose, sinusitis and sinusitis. In addition, salt has long been used to treat the throat. In chronic bronchitis, a bag with warm sea salt is applied for a quarter of an hour in the chest area. Angina and bronchitis can be treated if heated sea salt, along with pepper, is filled into socks. With sinusitis and sinusitis, warm bags with salt should be applied to the sinuses. With the help of salt solutions, you can also relieve pain with caries and flux.
  • Tinctures and decoctions from horseradish leaves help with pneumonia, osteochondrosis, with colds, bronchitis and pleurisy. In chronic bronchitis, the following tool is used: 1 tbsp. Ground horseradish is poured 2.5 cups of boiling water and insisted for one hour. Take such a product at 40 ml 15 minutes before meals 3 times a day.
  • Pomegranate juice is also a good expectorant that facilitates the cough and, therefore, is useful for colds and chronic bronchitis.

  • With the help of rubbing by sea salt, you can prevent colds, bronchitis, improve blood circulation in the entire body, harden and strengthen the immune system. For rubbing, you need to mix 0.5 liters of water, 0.25 liters of vodka, 20 drops of iodine and 1.5 tbsp. sea \u200b\u200bsalt.  Using this solution, after taking the shower, rub the whole body with a hard sponge. After that, you do not need to wipe, get dressed right away. Such procedures are recommended to be done every day.
  • Mustard oil is used in the manufacture of mustard plasters, which are used to treat bronchitis. The composition of mustard oil has superflowing vitamin A, which is considered an antioxidant that helps strengthen the immune system. In addition, this oil positively affects the operation of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and bronchi.
  • Fresh berries blackberries have giving properties. Therefore, they are effective in chronic bronchitis. In this case, you can use syrup, welded from the fruits of blackberries or a decoction obtained from the leaves. This tool is also well suited for rinsing during sore throat and with diseases affecting the mucous membrane of the mouth. This decoction is useful as a good expectorant in the presence of upper respiratory tract diseases. Usually in this case, the decoction is taken twice a day.

  • For the prevention and treatment of various colds, decoctions and infusions prepared from the leaves of kizil, bark, branches are useful. 20 g of dry mixture per 200 ml of water is taken.
  • Due to the fact that glygosides are contained in the lip, the flowers of this plant are actively used in the treatment of colds and bronchitis. In this case, the diaphoretic and antipyretic drugs are prepared from them. The flowers contain vitamin A and C, as well as a large number of micro and macroelements. All these substances are simply necessary for the normal functioning of our body. Of the flowers, effective means for rinsing the throat are still obtained. It should also be noted that linden is used as an anti -inflammatory, analgesic and anticonvulsant agent. To prepare a decoction of linden flowers, you should take 30 g of dry mixture and 250 ml of water.
  • Lime tea and linden honey. At the same time, it is recommended to drink tea not in hot, but in warm form. The fact is that when heated, honey begins to secrete substances harmful to the body.

Chronic bronchitis: video



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