
Causes and symptoms of neuropathy. Types of neuropathy. Methods of treatment of neo -arus in adults and children

Causes and symptoms of neuropathy. Types of neuropathy. Methods of treatment of neo -arus in adults and children
The article is devoted to the description of the most common types of neuropathy, methods of their diagnosis and treatment.

Neuropathy is the term that is heard by many people, but few understand the meaning of this word. Neuropathy refers to the ailments of the human nervous system and has an incredibly wide range of definitions. A huge number of types of neuropathy, symptoms, methods of treatment can be explained by the fact that this disease can hit absolutely any group of nerve endings. In this article, we will try to figure out all the intricacies of the diagnosis, determination of symptoms, learn about the main methods of treatment and prophylaxis.

Neuropathy. Definition and interesting facts

Neuropathy is a disease of the human nervous system, which consists in the damage to the nerves. Consider the most general features of this ailment:

  • neuropathy is a disease that can affect a different number of nerve fibers. If only one nerve is affected, then this is mononeuropathy. If several nerves are affected at the same time, then this is polyneuropathy;
  • neuropathy is a disease that can have a hereditary character. This happens in 2-5% of cases;
  • it is scientifically proven that the lack of group vitamins, accompanies, accompanies almost all types of neuropathy. The lack of vitamin B12 is especially affected;
  • after successfully undergoing treatment from neuropathy, the renewal of the disease may occur. Every 10th person is subjected to relapse;
  • an incredible contribution to the development of methods of treatment of neuropathy was made by Chinese medicine. According to one of its theory, various diseases of the nervous system of non -inflammatory nature arise against a background of reduced immunity. Chinese healers include neuropathies to diseases of the “Wind” category. Such ailments arise under the influence of air on the human body, on its condition;
  • in the treatment of different types of neuropathy, such a method as acupuncture showed good effectiveness. This method is widely used by Chinese healers. They find special points on the human body and affect them with needles;
  • neuropathy in Chinese folk medicine is very often treated with massage sessions. In the West, this method was also borrowed. An experienced masseur during a session can determine exactly which muscles are clamped. Massage acts not only as an alternative method of treating neuropathies, but also as a means of diagnosis;
  • traditional medicine proposes to treat neuropathy with hirudotherapy. This method also originates from Chinese medicine. Leaks of leeches have a relaxing effect on the human body, improve blood circulation, enrich blood with enzymes, contribute to the outflow of lymphs, have an immunostimulating effect on the human body.

Symptoms of various types of neuropathy

Neuropathies can have a variety of symptoms depending on which nerve is affected. The nature of the symptoms also depends on which part of the nerve fibers is affected. The following types of fibers may be affected:

  • motor fibers. In case of violation of these fibers in a person, a person’s disorders can be observed, weakness in the muscles, partial muscle atrophy, paresis, paralysis. With a disorder of the work of this type of nerve fibers, they speak of motor neuropathy;
  • touch fibers. With damage to nerve fibers of this type, sensitivity changes are observed. A person can feel cold in certain parts of the body or heat. With damage to sensory nerve fibers, they speak of sensory neuropathy;
  • vegetative fibers. As a result of damage to vegetative fibers, changes are observed in the work of the glands of external secretion. With damage to vegetative nerve fibers, they speak of autonomic neuropathy.

It often happens that the work of several types of nerve fibers is disturbed at the same time. For example, sensory-motor neuropathy.

  Symptoms of facial neuropathy

There is a huge number of nerve fibers on the face. You can suspect neuropathy of the facial nerve by a sudden tingling near the ear, near the temple, near the mouth. You can also feel numbness of a particular part of the face, feel pain. The next characteristic symptoms of the facial nerve neuropathy are:

  • asymmetry of the face. If the nerve fibers are affected on the one hand, then a characteristic asymmetry appears. If the fibers are affected on both sides of the face, then asymmetry can not be noticed. A person with this type of neuropathy cannot move an eyebrow, the corner of his mouth is always slightly lowered, the nasolabial fold is relaxed, a person cannot frown, completely close his eyes. Such people suffer from constant lacrimation from the eye on the affected side of the face, feel dry in the eye and constant discomfort. Such asymmetry of the face also causes difficulties in eating;
  • hearing impairment. If the front nerve was affected in the temple, it is likely that a person will feel changes in his hearing. Changes can be so strong that they can cause deafness;
  • a change in taste sensations or their complete disappearance. If secretory and taste fibers were affected as a result of neuropathy, then a person may stop feeling the taste of food. The disappearance of taste sensations is observed not on the entire surface of the tongue, but only on its front. The back of the language is “controlled” by the lingering nerve.

Symptoms of trigeminal neuropathy

You can suspect neuropathy of the trigeminal nerve according to the following symptoms, the nature of which depends on the place of damage to the nerve:

  • changing the sensitivity of the skin of the face. Depending on what part of the trigeminal nerve was affected, you can find a change in the sensitivity of some areas on the face. As a rule, patients feel tingling, “goosebumps”, numbness on the eyelids, near the mouth, under the chin, near the nose, etc.
  • violation of the chewing muscles. This symptom can manifest itself by sagging the jaw on the one hand, if the nerve was affected on the one hand, and with a complete sagging of the lower jaw, if the nerve was affected on both sides;
  • personal pain. Acute and shooting pain near the temple, near the eye, in the jaw can be so intense that a person simply freezes at that moment. In some cases, the patient may even experience pain.

Symptoms of elbow nerve neuropathy

The elbow nerve neuropathy is very quickly given diagnostics according to the following characteristic symptoms:

  • changing sensitivity in the area of \u200b\u200bthe little finger;
  • change in sensitivity in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ring finger;
  • violation of the function of bending the brush;
  • the occurrence of fingers;
  • atrophy of the muscles of the forearm.

The elbow neuropathy usually does not begin with acute pain, but with the appearance of numbness and feelings of “running goosebumps”. Gradually joins the characteristic pain in the hand, which makes you hold your hand in a bent state. Then a weakness appears in his hand, a person becomes difficult to even raise a cup, the appearance of persistent contractures can be observed.

The causes of neuropathy

All causes of neuropathy of different types can be divided into 2 large groups:

  • internal causes of neuropathies. The internal reasons include various conditions within the body. Among them, the most common are diabetes mellitus, pathology of the endocrine system, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, auto -immune system diseases, scleroderma and other ailments;
  • external causes of neuropathies. The most common external reasons include abuse of alcoholic beverages, injuries, the effect of toxic substances on the human body.

A separate group is a hereditary factor in the transmission of neuropathy. This is a rather rare phenomenon, but it has a place to be.

Neuropathy. Types

Depending on what nerves were affected, which part of them is affected, the following types of neuropathy are distinguished:

  • depending on the type of affected nerves, peripheral neuropathy is distinguished (the nerves of the upper or lower extremities are involved), cranial neuropathy (undergoing damage to the cranial nerves), autonomous neuropathy (the work of some organs or systems of organs due to damage to nerve fibers), focal neuropathy ( Local groups of nerves are affected);
  • depending on the number of affected nerves, focal neuropathy is distinguished (the work of a certain nerve is disturbed), diffuse neuropathy (the work of all types of nerve fibers in a certain part of the body is disturbed).

Let us consider in more detail the features of the course of the following types of neuropathy:

  • the facial neuropathy. This type of neuropathy can occur due to edema, any infection or injury. This disease is manifested by the paralysis of one half of the face or the whole face. Also, facial neuropathy can be a complication after otitis media, the inflammatory process in the parotid gland, the inflammatory process in the membranes of the brain. There are idiopathic neuropathy (the most frequent type of facial neuropathy that occurs after an ARVI, long stay in the cold), infectious neuropathy (type of facial neuropathy caused by herpes virus), fenced neuropathy (type of facial neuropathy, which occurs as a complication after ear diseases), traumatic neuropathy ;

  • radio nerve neuropathy. This type of neuropathy occurs due to compression of the radial nerve or injury to the upper limb. Despite the fact that this ailment brings many inconvenience in everyday life, it is easily treated with conservative methods. Patients with radiation neuropathy can feel the loss of arm sensitivity, impaired flexion and extension functions of the hand, turn the palm. Often such neuritis occurs after injection, after squeezing the hand with a crutch, after monotonous and long work with hands;

  • neuropathy of the limbs. With various diseases of the endocrine system, in the presence of vertebratic hernia, multiple sclerosis, diabetes mellitus, after serious intoxication and after a number of other causes, neuropathy of the limbs may occur. The ailment can affect both the upper limbs and the lower ones. But the lower limbs suffer a little more often, since they account for the main power load;
  • neuropathy of the fibula. This type of neuropathy with untimely seeing a doctor can contribute to the deformation of the leg. Most often, girls from 10 to 19 years old are subjected to the disease, people who have undergone operation on the knee joint or injury. Patients cannot walk on the heels and have a "cock -ahead". With thorough diagnosis, tibial neuropathy may also be found;
  • neuropathy of the middle nerve. The middle nerve runs along the inner surface of the hand, ranging from the shoulder and ending with the palm. The disease can occur after a hand injury. Patients cannot squeeze their hand into a fist, fully bend and unbend fingers, hand, feel numbness of the limbs, muscle weakness;

  • compression neuropathy. This type of neuropathy means that impaired nerves is caused by compression. This can occur in anatomically narrow parts of the body, after intoxication, after sleep in an uncomfortable pose, after a long load on a certain part of the body. Treatment of this type of neuropathy is based on the use of non -steroidal drugs that reduce pain and remove inflammation;
  • ischemic neuropathy. This type of neuropathy is associated with impaired blood supply in the eye. Most often, people who suffer from low blood pressure, atherosclerosis, diabetes, and blood diseases are subjected to the disease. Also, people who underwent surgery to remove the lens or were under general anesthesia;
  • sedidic neuropathy. The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve, which originates in the lower back and passes through the entire leg. This ailment in the absence of treatment has very serious complications. A person can become a disabled person, trophic ulcers may appear on the heels. Sedidic neuropathy can be the result of insidious diseases such as AIDS, diabetes, oncology. Also, this nerve can be damaged by an unsuccessfully conducted injection;

  • neuropathy of the femoral nerve. The main symptom of this type of neuropathy is the involuntary bending of the leg when trying to get up. A person feels the weakness of the leg. Quite often, femoral neuropathy can occur against the background of diabetes, after an operation on the knee joint, surgery to remove vein;
  • tunnel neuropathy. Due to the compression of the peripheral nerves in anatomically narrow areas, tunnel neuropathy may occur. The disease is accompanied by acute pain in the affected area that can turn blue, become pale or edema. This type of neuropathy is often hereditary;
  • diabetic neuropathy. Diabetes mellitus is a formidable disease that is often accompanied by neuropathy. It can be peripheral, autonomous or proximal. Diabetic neuropathy is characterized by damage to small blood vessels. Nervous fibers because of this receive a little nutrients, they receive little oxygen. Patients can suffer both by a simple change in sensitivity in the limbs, and rather acute and severe pains;
  • axonal neuropathy. This disease is characterized by damage to not only the external shell of the nerve, but the entire axon. Patients can feel numbness, tingling, temporary muscle paralysis may occur. Loss of motor activity proceeds with the preservation of sensitivity;
  • post -traumatic neuropathy. The success of the treatment of post -traumatic neuropathy depends on how quickly a person turned for help. The treatment must begin on time in order to prevent irreversible changes in the nerve;
  • demielinizing neuropathy. If this type of neuropathy is not diagnosed on time, then it will develop into axonal neuropathy. Patients suffer from increased weakness, the loss of some reflexes, and muscle atrophy. Such neuropathy can be a consequence of intoxication with arsenic, mercury, drugs;
  • inter -human neuropathy. This type of neuropathy refers to tunnel neuropathy. The onset of the disease, as a rule, is always acute. A person feels intense pain between the ribs, which intensifies with tilments, turns, sneezing, cough, conversation. The disease more often overtakes people over 50 years old, as well as people who have undergone injury, surgery;
  • alcohol neuropathy. The harmful effects of alcohol on the human body do not pass without a trace for nervous fibers. This type of neuropathy is most often suffered by men who consume alcohol for a long time. The course of the disease exacerbates even more and inferior nutrition. Treatment should be complex, accompanied by a complete rejection of alcohol;
  • sexual neuropathy. The main symptoms of sexual neuropathy are pain in the perineum, in the rectum, loss of sexual function, impaired urination and defecation, loss of sensitivity. This type of neuropathy occurs due to inflammatory diseases of the pelvis, after childbirth, after surgical manipulations;
  • children's neuropathy. Neuropathy in children can manifest itself with the following symptoms: an increased level of excitability, the appearance of ticks, impaired appetite, sleep disturbance, too fast fatigue. Very often, neuropathy in children is combined with a delay in mental development, but you should not confuse these two diagnoses.

Diagnosis of neuropathy

Inspection for diagnosis of neuropathy

A neurological examination is a mandatory and primary method for diagnosing any type of neuropathy. An experienced doctor will easily determine what type of neuropathy a person suffers. During the conversation and examination, the doctor may ask you:

  • try to frown with your forehead;
  • know your eyes tightly;
  • smile broadly;
  • inflate the cheeks;
  • stretch your lips into the pipe;
  • raise the eyebrows;
  • ask a question about whether there are problems with chewing food;
  • ask if your taste has changed;
  • ask if you were sick of any disease the day before;
  • ask if you feel pain, numbness, tingling or weakness;
  • ask to bend or straighten your leg, hand, turn your hand.

Data after such a detailed review allows the doctor to make the correct diagnosis. If you need additional information to clarify the diagnosis, then other diagnostic methods are used.

Laboratory studies for the diagnosis of neuropathy

Laboratory diagnostic methods are not very popular in diagnosing neuropathy. Doctors can resort to blood examination when they want to find out the cause of the disease. To prescribe the correct treatment, the following results of a laboratory blood test may be useful:

  • glucose level;
  • the presence of specific antibodies and markers in the blood;
  • concentration of vitamins.

Instrumental research of neuropathy

Among the most common instrumental methods for diagnosing neuropathy, you can list:

  • measurement of the speed of the pulse;
  • electromyography (allows you to evaluate the degree of activity of muscle fibers);
  • computed tomography;
  • nuclear-magnetic resonance.

Treatment of neuropathy

After the doctor is diagnosed, he will prescribe a treatment plan for you. Medications are often used very often:

  • painkillers;
  • hormonal corticosteroids;
  • antiviral drugs;
  • vitamins;
  • sedative drugs;
  • preparations aimed at improving the patency of nerve fibers;
  • preparations for reducing blood sugar (with diabetic neuropathy).

Of course, in addition to drug treatment, the doctor will prescribe a whole complex of physiotherapeutic procedures, without which the treatment of neuropathy is difficult to imagine. The following types of procedures are popular:

  • massage;
  • electrophoresis;
  • Exercise therapy;
  • warming;
  • acupuncture;
  • mud;
  • hydrotherapy;
  • exposure to magnetic current.

Prevention of neuropathy

After reading the article, a logical question may arise of how to protect yourself from neuropathy, are there any methods of prevention. It is not possible to distinguish narrowly fucked methods for the prevention of neuropathy of various types. You can give only the most general tips:

  • do not neglect regular medical examinations, follow your health and attach importance to any changes in your own well -being. As you already know, some types of neuropathy have mild symptoms, which is very dangerous;
  • pay attention to the quality of your nutrition, eat as many fresh vegetables, fruits as possible;
  • do not limit yourself in motion. Try to do daily walks, sign up for fitness, classes in the gym. Refuse to use the elevator and go up the steps daily;
  • cool your body and support immunity by any means. It is very useful to walk barefoot, do wiping with cool water, dousing, the adoption of air and sunbathing;
  • it is very useful to periodically take massage courses;
  • be sure to finish the treatment of any of your diseases, follow the doctor's recommendations. If the diseases are not treated, then they can go into chronic forms and cause many complications;
  • try to avoid stressful situations and learn to behave correctly in them. Master the methods of relaxation and ways to preserve your own calm.

Neuropathies of various origin are currently quite common. People often do not attach importance to “insignificant” changes in their body, allowing the disease to progress. If we talk about the most common types of neuropathy, then the first place can be given to diabetic neuropathy, the second - alcohol neuropathy. Be attentive to your health and adhere to a healthy lifestyle. Do not hurt!



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