
Features of nail extension with biogel, photo. How to build up nails with biogel at home step by step - instruction

Features of nail extension with biogel, photo. How to build up nails with biogel at home step by step - instruction
Well -groomed nails will always be in fashion. They are the key to creating an image of a successful person. With the help of biogel, not only nail extension is possible, but also their strengthening.

An indispensable attribute of any well -groomed girl is a neat and beautiful manicure. Someone chooses a classic overlap manicure without a colored coating, someone prefers to paint nails with varnishes and gel polishes, and someone likes to make nail extension with a biogel. And it is precisely about nail extension that we will talk in this article. It turns out that you can easily build nails at home. It is only necessary to stock up on a set of all the necessary tools and study a little theory. After you master the extension of the nails yourself, you will not need to contact the masters of manicure, regularly pay money for manicure and its correction. You can do all this at comfortable home, sitting in front of the TV. Let us consider in more detail the process of building by biogel step by step.

Biogel - what is it

What is the biogel

Biogel has become an incredibly popular cosmetic product for manicure not only in manicure salons, but also for home use. Biogel is most often sold in small round jars and resembles jelly in appearance. The second name of the biogel is a biosculptural gel. The main components of this cosmetic product are:

  • proteins. At 58%, high -quality biogel should consist of useful proteins that will take care of the nail plate, prevent relaxation, strengthen the nail;
  • resins of the African tree Tika. The resin of this tree is characterized by increased resistance, which explains its presence in the biogel;
  • vitamins E, A. It is the presence of vitamins and explains the beneficial effect of gel on the nails.

If you think that the extension of nails with a biogel is somehow able to spoil the native structure of your nails, then you are deeply mistaken. Biogel can only additionally strengthen the nails, protect them from negative environmental influences. This composition is easily and safely removed from the nail. For girls who suffer from an eternal problem of breaking and layering nails, biogel buildings can be an ideal solution.

What is the difference between a biogel from a gel for building

The nail extension gel is a polymer material that becomes solid under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Biogel is more elastic and “living” in its structure. The differences between these two nail coatings can be distinguished as follows:

  • when applied to the gel nail, it is connected by a nail, with all its cracks and hollows. When applying a biogel, such a compound occurs at the molecular level. This is possible thanks to the content of natural components in the biogel (tick wood resin);
  • the nail extended with the help of a biogel seems more natural, “alive”, it bends in the same way as natural nails. But the nails that have grown with the help of a gel are more solid, can create a feeling of a foreign body on the fingers, a feeling of pressure on the nails. Gel nails are more often susceptible to mechanical damage, chips;
  • nails that are increased using gel require modeling with a strongwide. This process is accompanied by the spread of dust, which both the master and the client are forced to breathe. Nail extension using a biogel does not require such a procedure;
  • with the help of a gel, you can increase incredibly long nails, but the biogel will allow you to increase your own length by 1-2 mm;
  • The "beginner" is much easier to get used to the nasty biogel nails than to gel nails;
  • in order to remove the gel from the nails, it needs to be cut off. This is quite a long time and time -consuming. Biogel is removed from the nails using a special liquid with acetone by soaking within 10-15 minutes;
  • nails with biogel need to be carefully protected from most chemical solutions, household chemicals, as this can damage the manicure. Gel nails are much greater resistance to such means;
  • nail extensions using biogel are allowed even to pregnant and lactating women due to the natural composition of this coating and lack of toxicity;
  • after removing the biogel, the nails do not require recovery. On the contrary, they can become stronger and healthy. But after removing the solid gel, your natural nails will need “resuscitation”.

Pros and cons of nail coating with biogel

Let's figure out all the shortcomings and advantages of nail extension using a biogel. It is worth noting immediately that this procedure has much more advantages than minuses. The advantages of nail extension of the nails include:

  • the procedure for creating a manicure using a biogel has a fairly simple technology;
  • the client during nail extension with a biogel will not breathe unpleasant pairs or dust;
  • biogel surprisingly positively affects the health and appearance of the nail;
  • the nail continues to “breathe” under a layer of biogel;
  • the process of removing the biogel from the nails is not aggressive;
  • nails that are covered with biogel continue to maintain natural elasticity and natural appearance;
  • biogel nail extension at home is a great option for manicure for girls who suffer from constant brittle and relaxation of nails, their excessive subtlety;
  • biogel is a natural composition that, thanks to its hypoallergenicity, is possible for use by pregnant women or women who feed their chest.

It is quite difficult to single out obvious contraindications to conducting nail extension or disadvantages of such a manicure. Among the possible disadvantages, the following features can be noted:

  • biogel can “suffer” from interaction with acetonomal -containing liquids, household chemicals;
  • with prolonged contact with water, the biogel can change its qualities, since this composition is not 100%water -repellent;
  • if you want precisely solid and very strong nails, then Biogel will not work for you. To create such a manicure, it is better to choose acrylic;
  • the cost of biogel is usually higher than extension of other compounds;
  • a contraindication to the application of a biogel on the nails is a fungus or psoriasis.

Types of biogel for nails

If you cover the nails with a biogel at home or in a beauty salon, then it is best to use proven and fairly well -known brands. There is always a temptation of biogel for building up to buy cheaper in Chinese online stores, but do not be surprised if the quality of the manicure turns out to be different.

  • The biogel is transparent. This type of biogel is used as a basis that prepares coating, which hides small irregularities on the nail.
  • Biogel is sculptural. This type of biogel has a beige color, the color of a natural nail plate. Using this gel, an extension of the nail is performed, its shape is changed, aquarium manicure is made.
  • Biogel Royal Sealer. This type of biogel is great for the upper coating in French manicure. He is designed to whiten the nail and give him shine.
  • S-cover. This type of biogel is characterized by its increased stiffness. It is most often used to give length to the nail.
  • UV biogel. As already understood, this type of biogel is designed to protect our nails from the harmful effects of sunlight. If you collect on vacation to hot countries, you can safely choose this type of coating. The nail plate will acquire a healthy color and beautiful shine.
  • Biogel color. This type of biogel has any color pigment, which allows you to create a variety of types of manicure.

How to remove biogel from nails

For which many women adore the coating on the nails from Biogel, and this is for the simplicity of removing this coating. You will not need to cut a layer of gel from each nail for a long time and stubbornly and breathe dust. All you need is a special liquid for removing a biogel or any remedy for removing the varnish that contains acetone. The order of your actions will be like this:

  • doise the cotton pad abundantly with a biogel removal and put it on the nail;
  • in order for the product to act faster, wrap your finger with a small piece of foil. In specialized stores, you can also purchase special caps-flaps for nails;
  • build the same “fur coat” for each nail;
  • wait 10-15 minutes.
  • turn your fingers and easily remove the gel layer.

Alternative to nail extension with biogel

There are many fans of nail building with acrylic. This material has completely different characteristics, other pluses and minuses, but the manicure can eventually be worn about 1 month. If the biogel initially looks like a gel, then acrylic is obtained during the reaction of special powder and liquid. The master dipping the brush into the liquid, then into the powder and begins to apply a gradually thickening material to the nail. Acryl is hardening in seconds. The advantages of acrylic nails are the following:

  • you can fix any irregularities on the nail, make deformed nails even;
  • higher strength of acrylic nails compared to gel;
  • acrylic is removed from the nails with a special liquid, not a spilled nail.

And the disadvantages of nail extension using acrylic are:

  • rather sharp and unpleasant odor during the manicure procedure;
  • a more complicated technology of extension compared to building biogel.

Nail extension with biogel. Instructions

Step 1. We prepare tools for nail extension with biogel

Before proceeding with nail extension using a biogel, make sure that all the necessary tools and means for such a manicure are available. Of course, this is necessary in case of home building. The usual starting set includes:

  • ultraviolet lamp. The lamp must be needed, as the biogel freezes only in it. There are different lamp models. A small lamp will be enough for a beginner;
  • forms for nail extension. Forms can be paper, metal or Teflon. The most convenient are considered paper, so they do not need to be disinfected after each use;
  • a tool for degreasing nails;
  • several types of nail handling files;
  • orange sticks for moving the cuticle;
  • blessing napkins;
  • biogel.

Take a convenient position at the table. It is better to choose a place with good natural light. The manicure will take quite a lot of time, and therefore it should be convenient for you to sit. Cover the surface of the table with some kind of napkin so as not to accidentally stain it. Place all the necessary tools in front of you.

Step 2. Prepare the nails for biogel

Of course, the nails need to be prepared before the biogel extension procedure. If you are used to constantly care for the cuticle, maintain a beautiful shape of nails, then the preparation will take a minimum amount of time.

  • If you prefer a trimmed manicure, then remove the cuticle using special manicure forceps.
  • You can simply treat the cuticle with liquid and push it with an orange stick.
  • With a polishing file, you need to grind the surface of the nails. Do not think that this procedure somehow negatively affects the condition of the nail plate. So, you will provide a stronger adhesion of the nail with a biogel.
  • Do not use the cream or hand oil before the nail extension procedure using a biogel. This will add excess “fat content” and reduce the resistance of manicure.
  • Some manicure experts believe that taking antibiotics may affect the quality of the nail extension procedure.
  • Give the desired shape to the nails with a safe file. When choosing a form, it is worth focusing on the shape of the fingers, their thickness. Your way of life and the nature of the work also affects the choice of the shape and length of the nail.

  • Before the extension procedure, a protein primer can be applied to the nails, which will increase the resistance of the clutch of the nail plate and biogel.

Step 3. We carry out nail extension with a biogel

  1. After you prepared the nail and applied a primer, you need to apply a thin layer of basic biogel. This coating is designed to protect the nail plate and increase the resistance of the subsequent layers of the gel. In order for the gel to harden, place the nails under the lamp for 1-2 minutes.
  2. If you perform a biogel extension on the forms, then place them on the nails. Cover on top with a thin layer of modeling biogel. When the nails are extended, the gel layer falls not only on the natural nail, but also on the shape. After applying 1 layer, it must be dried in a lamp for 2 minutes.
  3. If the resulting length and shape of the nails suits you, then you can start applying a color coating using a biogel. Or make a natural French manicure. After this stage, the nails are dried in a lamp for 3 minutes.
  4. Remove the forms that helped us make the extension of the desired length.
  5. Using a special polishing saw, you need to clean the surface of the nail. Be sure to get rid of dust with a brush.
  6. A mandatory step in building nails with a biogel is the application of the finish layer. It can be a glossy layer or matte. In most cases, when applying a dazzling glossy layer of biogel, the subsequent removal of a sticky layer is required. For this, an ordinary degreaser is suitable, with which you prepared your nails at the very beginning. The finish layer is also dried in a lamp for 2-3 minutes.
  7. Despite the fact that nail extensions with a biogel does not have an aggressive effect on the nails, it is better to take care of the hands after the end of the manicure. Apply a moisturizer or hand oil, paying special attention to the cuticle.

Biogel extension. Reviews

Recommendations for "wearing" nails extended by biogel

If you have grown the nails with a biogel for the first time, then you must adhere to some rules:

  • while doing housework, washing dishes, cleaning, be sure to protect your hands. Buy high -quality gloves and do cleaning only in them. Despite the fact that biogel is a durable material, and the manicure persists for a long time, nails need protection;
  • do not knock your nails on a solid surface, try to press the buttons, print on the keyboard with only fingertips. Do not create an additional load of your nails;
  • while wearing nails extended by biogel, do not forget to continue to take care of the cuticle. Take the habit of using hand and nail cream daily;
  • in the cold season, protect your hands with gloves or mittens. It is advisable to wear them at home so that the coating on the nails is not subjected to too sharp temperature drops.

There are a lot of positive moments in the “wearing” of extended nails. For example, girls who have a bad habit of constantly touching their face, squeeze acne and acne, with the advent of extended nails can notice that such a habit is gone. If you want to build up your nails with a biogel for the first time, then do not immediately make the maximum length. Start with an average length that will allow you to adapt. After all, your familiar actions with fingers (fastening buttons, a set of numbers on the phone) are slightly modified with the appearance of extended nails.

Biogel extension. Video

Manicure with biogel, building. Photo

Building or strengthening with a biogel of nails allows you to enjoy a neat manicure for a long time. An additional plus is that the nails with biogel look as natural as possible.



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