
Papaverine during pregnancy

Papaverine during pregnancy
Pregnancy and papaverine. For what and how to apply

Pregnancy for every woman is the most beautiful, but at the same time the most difficult period of life. One of the problems is the ban on use on most drugs for malaise.

Papaverin is a drug of the group of antispasmodics, relaxing smooth muscles and relieve spasmodic pains. Basically, drugs, which are based on papaverine hydrochloride, are prescribed for pregnant women at different times with an increased tone of the uterus, since they do not have side symptoms for the fetus.

The purpose of the use of papaverine during pregnancy may vary in its type of use. It can be tablets, candles or injections for injections. During pregnancy, papaverine injections can be prescribed for subcutaneous and intramuscular administration at home or intravenously under the control of a nurse.

Why do papaverine use in the early stages of pregnancy?

We determine the main actions of Papaverine for pregnant women:

  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • relaxation of smooth muscles;
  • decrease in body temperature;
  • decrease in the threats of miscarriage;
  • removes renal, liver and intestinal colic;
  • relieves bronchial cramps and improves breathing;
  • improving blood supply.


First of all, the drug Papaverin with analgin (for pain relief and temperature reduction) is used for uterine hypertension, when unpleasant painful muscle cramps occur or for an emergency decrease in body temperature. Normally, female sex hormones or prozhtesterones should suppress these cramps to prevent premature birth or fetal inexhaustibility, but not all women are present in the body in the required amount.

Papaverin injections during pregnancy intravenously act the fastest and are the most effective. Almost immediately after the first use, pregnant women feel calm, stability of the nervous system and normalized heartbeat. However, the choice of the form of application is best provided to the attending physician.

Types of papaverine and instructions during pregnancy

The release of various forms of drugs with the content of papaverine is presented in several types:

  • pills;
  • candles;
  • injections.

Papaverin in tablets during pregnancy


This form of internal use is recommended at the light stages of diseases and has a light, spasms relaxing effects. You can determine the dosage according to the instructions for papaverine, but the choice of the form of the drug and the duration of use are determined only by the doctor in accordance with the power of the severity of the symptoms. Basically, papaverine tablets are prescribed as a small course consisting of several weeks, with four meals a couple of hours before meals.

Candles with papaverine during pregnancy


Almost all pregnant women had to use this tool for problems with the tone of the uterus or just after heavy load. Candles with papaverine are introduced rectally several times a day at certain time intervals.

Rectal candles are gradually melting from body temperature and absorbed into the walls of the rectum, and then into the blood, after which they enter all organs of the body. So the tone of all muscles and uterus decreases, an unpleasant feeling of tension and pain leaves, pressure decreases.

It is worth noting that candles with papaverine during pregnancy can only be introduced rectally, that is, into the rectum, and not in the vagina. Also, despite the lack of negative impact on the fetus itself, candles should not be used independently without prior consultation with a specialist, namely with a doctor, and not from a pharmacist in a pharmacy.

Papaverin injections during pregnancy


Papaverine in injections is prescribed with severe symptoms of hypertonicity of the uterine muscles or other painful manifestations. The effect of the drug can be observed almost immediately after administration. Incregnated or intramuscularly, injections can be done at home up to 4 times a day if the attending physician prescribed you this kind of treatment.

This drug is administered intravenously very slowly together with isotonic solution. Temporary use intervals should not be less than 4 hours. However, if the drug should be used intravenously, then in no case should it be administered at home.

The main reason for the mandatory observation of specialists is that intravenous injections almost instantly reduce blood pressure and significantly slow down the heart rate. Therefore, intravenous papaverine is introduced only under the supervision of medical personnel in the clinic of the medical institution.

Side effects of papaverine during pregnancy


Most reviews of papaverine during pregnancy indicate its significant efficiency and a complete absence of influence on the fetus of the mother. In addition to positive effects like all drugs, papaverine also has some side effects only for the body of pregnant women, so do not abuse its use, especially without consulting a doctor.

Consider the main side effects that can occur in pregnant women when using any type of papaverine:

  • intestinal, gastric or renal colic;
  • violation and slowdown of the heartbeat;
  • violation of defecation processes (stool);
  • exacerbation of vomiting reflexes;
  • an increase in the blood of eosinophils;
  • increased sweating and temperature;
  • increased relaxation and apathetic;
  • increased drowsiness;
  • redness and itching of the skin;
  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • decrease in concentration and attention;
  • bout attacks;
  • various kinds of allergic reactions.

Such side effects occur quite rarely and do not carry out any harm to the child. They can occur with an overdose with the drug, improper use or in the presence of contraindications for use.

Contraindications to the use of papaverin during pregnancy


In connection with the presence of some side effects and contraindications of the drug, it should be used especially carefully and only after visiting the doctor and subsequent prescription. Consider all contraindications for pregnant women more:

  1. Allergic reactions or increased sensitivity to the components of the drug.
  2. Liver disease.
  3. Hypothyroidism and other diseases of the thyroid gland.
  4. Glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure).
  5. Lactation (breastfeeding).
  6. Pulmonary diseases. Bronchitis, bronchial asthma.
  7. Renal and adrenal failure and colic.
  8. Tachycardia (violation of the rhythms of the heart and pressure).
  9. Hodo-brain injuries.

Recommendations for the use of papaverine during pregnancy


If you have been prescribed papaverine, then it should be used strictly according to the instructions for the drug and the prescription from the doctor. Also, in order to avoid the appearance and exacerbation of side effects, you should adhere to simple rules and regime for pregnant women:

  • medical gymnastics;
  • rejection of intimate life during hypertonicity;
  • bed rest in some cases;
  • correct sleep mode;
  • the use of drugs with magnesium in the complex as prescribed by a doctor;
  • walks in the fresh air;
  • decrease in physical exertion;
  • decrease in stress conditions;
  • the use of vitamins of group V.

Papaverine is also used with other drugs. For example, in combination with magnesium, papaverine will help with leg cramps, and papaverine with analgin will be able to reduce body temperature. Also, with increased tone of the uterine muscles, papaverine is usually prescribed in combination with female hormone - prodestron.

Analogues of Papaverin during pregnancy


Papaverine of hydrochloride papaverine is possessed by drugs with a hydrochloride jerk-overhead control or a well-known navigator of No-Shpa. No-shpa is also used separately as an analgesic drug for head and other pains and spasms. However, it is better for you to consult about the use of the drug with the attending physician.

No-shpa, like papaverine, also belongs to the group of antispasmodic products, relaxes smooth muscles and even slightly exceeds the papaverine in terms of action. Not only no-shpa contains a hydrochloride drotaverine, there are other incomplete papaverine analogues.

Preparations with a hydrochloride drotaverin content have better absorption and complete digestibility, unlike drugs with papaverine, when used in the form of tablets. Papaverine is easier and faster absorbed in the form of rectal candles or injections intravenously or intramuscularly.

Often there are cases when taking the drug is necessary, and there are no possibilities of administering it in such specific methods. Then, a tablet drug of No-Shpa and other similar ones come to the revenue for women. Such a drug can always be at hand and it will be conveniently used with sudden pains in the lower abdomen and uncomfortable tension of the uterus.

Do not completely replace the necessary consultation with a doctor with any pills. No-shpa acts quickly enough, within 15 minutes, but if health problems arise, it acts as an assistant in the tolerance of pain, and not as a drug that eliminates a problem source.

The story of Papaverin and Drotaverine


The drug Papaverin was opened in the early fifties. A group of scientists and researchers of the Hungarian Pharmacy Pharmacy Plant, which produced papaverine on an industrial scale, developed a new substance of the hydrochloride drotaverine. It acquired the commercial name of No-Shpa already in 1961.

Improving the drug based on papaverin and led to the emergence of new and more acting analogues. Today, the plant that opened the drotaverin is included in the network of Sanof and Sintelabo companies and is the main manufacturer of these drugs similar in effect.

It is scientifically proven that both drugs do not carry any load on the nervous system and do not affect the development of the fetus during pregnancy throughout the entire period. Analgesics or painkillers are perfectly combined with the papaverine group, which allows treatment and anesthetize if necessary. For example, analgin, acetylsalicyl and its acid, paracetamol, diclofenac, ibuprofen, diclak and others.

In individual cases, papaverine and drotaverin are prescribed jointly. In the morning, in a tablet form, drotaverin, and suppositories with papaverine are used at night. It depends on the regime of the day of the pregnant mother and on the individual characteristics that the doctor takes into account when prescribing treatment.

According to the scientific research of both drugs on teery (negative effects on the fetus), the drug is harmless to the child. The study was conducted in the early 90s with the participation of 30,000 pregnant women with a threat of a breakdown due to uterine hypertonicity on the first trimesters.

Valerian during pregnancy


It is customary to prescribe Valerian at small nervous stresses in women. The drug has a soft calming and relaxing effect and can be used throughout the entire pregnancy period without consequences. However, do not purchase alcohol tinctures, it is better to consume tablets or an infusion of planted dry roots of a plant. There are no side effects and contraindications in the case of the correct dosage according to the instructions.

Persen during pregnancy


Plants and herbs mint, lemon balm and valerian are part of the sedative of Persen. The tool is harmless to pregnant women and in the lactation period. If you are concerned about insomnia or irritability, then you may be prescribed this sedative. There are no side effects and contraindications with proper use.

Actovegin during pregnancy

Is it possible to take-the-assassion-Actovegin-Babemic

The extract from the blood of young calves is part of this drug, which is its feature. In addition to a soothing effect, the drug helps to improve blood circulation, establish metabolism and saturate the body with oxygen. Among the known side effects there may be allergic reactions to components and a sharp increase in body temperature. In this case, the drug is stopped and an analogue is prescribed.

Dibazole during pregnancy


The drug is prescribed as sedative with colic, hypertension or to increase immunity. It can be prescribed in combination with papaverine to increase painkillers. With proper use and dosage, the drug does not cause side effects and does not affect the course of pregnancy and the health of the fetus.

Papaverine during pregnancy. Video

For more familiarization with the drug, it is recommended to view this video material about papaverine:

Do not forget about the personal characteristics of the body and use drugs only after prescribing them with a qualified specialist. It is also worth remembering the correct dosage, side effects and contraindications. Expectant mothers are still recommended not to use treatment with drugs, referring only to informative articles and other introductory sources, all important decisions should be made only with the coordination of a gynecologist.



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