
Costume during pregnancy

Costume during pregnancy
The causes of the occurrence, ways of preventing and treating colds during pregnancy.

To any health problems and deviations from the norm during pregnancy should be treated with special seriousness and trepidation. All due to the fact that in the end it may affect the course of pregnancy, as well as on your future kid. Therefore, today we want to consider the issues of colds during pregnancy.

Cold during pregnancy

Causes of colds during pregnancy

The cold is one of the most frequent diseases among women carrying pregnancy. And its reasons can be different, but the most frequent should be noted as follows:

  • excessive supercooling of the body;
  • viruses;
  • weakening immunity.

In particular, if the winter window or the beginning of spring, the likelihood of catching cold rises to record indicators.

By the way, it was published in the people that the opinion was supposedly if the girl began to root very often, it could be a sign of pregnancy. Therefore, it often happens that it is precisely the pregnancy after a cold is determined by future mothers.


Cold as a sign of pregnancy

When a woman is pregnant, its immune system is in the oppressed state, which naturally leads to frequent colds. By the way, immunity is in such a state so that the fruit is not rejected, because the body can perceive him for a foreign body.

Due to such a weakening of the body and immunity, the woman is at risk of illness, even from the smallest drafts, cold and adverse external stimuli.

Women who consider a frequent cold during pregnancy pathology are strongly mistaken, this is quite a normal phenomenon.

Cold in early pregnancy

In the early period of pregnancy for many colds, it became that a factor that made it possible to understand the presence of pregnancy itself. And when you finally know what, together with your heart, in your body, there is now beating the heart of your future baby, you need to move to the study of medium information during pregnancy.

According to the employees of the medicine, the child's health is not very threatened and sharp respiratory diseases. But, nevertheless, it's not worth covering your eyes. It is necessary to move towards actions, trying to treat a disease.

In the early periods of pregnancy, the following problems occur most often:

  1. Increased temperature.
  2. Runny nose.
  3. Headache.
  4. Sore throat.

In early terms

Naturally, first of all, you should contact the doctor, as it is quite risky to be taken for the treatment of colds during pregnancy, without consulting about drugs that are permitted or unacceptable for receiving during pregnancy.

Prevention of colds during pregnancy

Of course, modern medicine allows you to cure a cold pretty quickly, but it is impossible to argue with the fact that it is better not to hurt at all. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to prevent colds during pregnancy.

Pregnancy Pregnancy

Influenza is a very serious cold, which is dangerous not only for pregnant women, but also for all people in general. Therefore, you should always follow the prevention of this disease. This applies to any person. Do not forget periodically, in firmly established deadlines, producing influenza vaccination.

By the way, if the vaccination is done before the occurrence of pregnancy, it is desirable to envisage that the term before its offensive was not less than 1 month.

Strengthening the body during pregnancy

In order for the influence of the pregnancy colds to be reduced to a minimum, the body needs to constantly strengthen with a variety of vitamins, and in addition - and vitamin complexes.


  1. Eat vegetables, as well as fresh fruit.
  2. Drink fresh juices.
  3. Periodically walking out in the fresh air.

It is also recommended to eat products with antibacterial properties. Among those onions and garlic, which are best in the latest form. Prepare a salad or sauer cabbage with these ingredients.

You can even grind garlic and put a saucer with him in different rooms of your housing.

Healthy Pregnancy Eating Salad

An excellent solution to strengthen the body is the use of aromalamp. You need to add oil drops to aromalamp:

  • lavender;
  • lemongrass;
  • sandala;
  • orange.

So you can increase the self-resistance of your body with any infections and viruses, and the air in your home will become disgraced.

How to protect yourself during flu epidemics during pregnancy

If your pregnancy fell for the flu epidemic, you need to know how to protect yourself. After all, the cold is influenced by pregnancy in some cases very much.

First, in order to reduce the possibility of influenza's disease during the exacerbation of its epidemics, it is necessary to limit oneself in visiting public places and other places of cluster of people. It can be:

  • kindergartens, schools and universities;
  • public transport;
  • cinemas;
  • catering establishments and dining rooms;
  • concerts.

In the event that a person infected with the flu lives with you under the same roof, it is best to temporarily highlight him a separate room and limit contacts with it. In addition, it is necessary to use gauze bandages, systematically disintegrate and ventilate the room.

Finally, in the epidemics of influenza, he should slightly reduce and load the physical plan for a pregnant body, and after any walks and exits on people, do not forget to catch hands.

Pregnant on a walk

Cold for pregnancy: how to be treated

If you could not protect yourself from a cold during pregnancy, you need to immediately start her treatment.

Cold for pregnancy: throat treatment

If you are faced with the problem of the sickness of the throat, then the perfect assistant will be a decoction of the following herbs and elements:

  1. Calendula.
  2. Chamomile.
  3. Sea salt.
  4. Sage.
  5. Eucalyptus.
  6. Oak bark.

In cases with the advent of Angina, a tincture of salt, soda, as well as iodine can help you. This tincture is mixed with water, after which it should rinse the throat.

Naturally, do not do without such money like a hornger, for example. It helps perfectly with serious pains in the throat. But you need to be convinced of the absence of allergies on substances that are part of the tool.

Treatment of colds

Cold for pregnancy: Tripping treatment

If your question about how to treat a cold during pregnancy has led you to the treatment of a runny nose, you need to choose suitable drops into the nose.

It is necessary to know that drops in the nose should be used exclusively by appointing a professional physician. All because they belong to the list of vesseloring drugs and quite strongly deplete the mucous membrane of your nose. The following drugs are not recommended to use more than 3 days in a row:

  • Sanorin;
  • Naphtizin;
  • Galazoline.

You need to give up tools every nostril, about 3 drops.

Medications from colds during pregnancy

Among the popular funds used to treat cough in the early trimester, the following can be noted:

  • Stodal;
  • Synecode;
  • Bronchikum.

If you are already on the second or third trimesters, you are best suited:

  • Koldrex Knight;
  • Phalia;
  • Libeksin;
  • Stopatomin in syrup.

In cases with a wet cough, it is better to use such funds:

  • Mukaltin;
  • Prospan;
  • Dr. MOM;
  • Linkas;
  • Bromgexine;
  • Breast fee;
  • Herbion;
  • Syrup of licorice root;
  • Tussin.

With a cold, in addition to the most listed funds, such: such:

  1. Pinsol.
  2. Nazivin.
  3. Aquamaris.

Unlike the above-described drops, these drugs are not so much irritated to the mucous membrane, moisturizing it and disinfecting it.

Cold for pregnancy: folk remedies

It is obvious that there are a lot of people's methods that have been used by our ancestors for centuries in order to cure a cold during pregnancy.

It is no secret that very many medical drugs can not or are not recommended to take during pregnancy. But there is an opportunity to resort to various folk methods that have been tested and rejected over the centuries.

True, it is worth noting that it is necessary to discard all the techniques and means that include alcohol or any alcohol. It is unacceptable for future mothers, because even the meager proportion of alcohol in the medical center can harm your future kid.

Remember this rule forever, since the use of alcohol during pregnancy can easily cause the baby irreparable harm, which will turn into chronic diseases in the future.

Folk remedies

At the beginning of various epidemics, there are folk remedies that can perfectly support the immunity of the future mother in good condition.

In an example, the most ordinary horseradish can be given. This is a means that will help you if you have started a cold during pregnancy, and what to do is your main question.

The recipe that can approach any woman looks like this:

  1. Take the root of the fuck.
  2. Finely cut or grind it.
  3. Mix hell with honey (yes, it sounds can and strange, but honey in pregnancy during cold is very effective).
  4. Add a mixture to put on a more or less preheated place for 1 day.

When the tool is ready, you can start it. Take it every hour of 1 tbsp. l.

To cure cough, there are also effective folk techniques. The most suitable means of law is considered to be inhalation with chamomile, as well as sage. This technique will allow not only to soften the inflammation in the nasopharynk, but also will save you from a cold.

With dryness in the throat, calendula, sage and chamomile are suitable, from which the decoction should be made. By the way, there are even tablets with these substances in pharmacies, which, after dissolving in water, can be used to rinse the throat and oral cavity.

Healthy Ginger Tea.

By the way, among the colds during pregnancy, there is often honey. In particular, this concerns respiratory diseases. If mixing honey with lemon and tinnistant rosehip, it turns out not just a delicious, but also incredibly useful tea.

True, in the case of honey, you also need to be very neat. All for the reason that excessive use of it, especially at the end of pregnancy, can cause allergies to honey from your baby.

Cool during pregnancy on different trimesters

At each of the trimesters of pregnancy, the cold proceeds in different ways. Of course, it is necessary to treat it in different ways, knowing what means can be used, and which cannot be used.

Cold for pregnancy 1 trimester

The cold in the first trimester can make you worry, but we assure you, it is not a reason for concern. You need to calm down and do the following operations:

  1. Visit the doctor.
  2. Tell us about your feelings and problems.
  3. Get a consultation and a suitable treatment plan.
  4. Take care.

Almost any doctor will say that on the first trimester it is better not to use many of the popular drugs.

For example, in the list of unwanted medical devices will necessarily be:

  • Ambroxol;
  • Galazoline;
  • Naphtizin;
  • Aspirin.

And this list does not end only with these drugs. Therefore, the doctor's consultation is so important.

In most cases, experienced doctors advise inhalation, as well as the use of salvation of the nose. Proper diet, outdoor activities and drinking herbal teas are still some excellent colds from the cold.

True, it is best to follow our tips on preventing colds to avoid diseases on the first trimester and at all.


Cold for pregnancy 2 trimester

The cold in the second trimester can be dangerous miscarriage, in addition, it can affect both the formation of bone fetus.

If you expect a girl on the 19-20 week of a cold may affect the formation of eggs. As a result, a simple cold is able to cause infertility from your future daughter.

Treatment of colds for 2 trimester should be as follows:

  • soft;
  • timely;
  • correct;
  • neat;
  • harmless.

Without consultation, the doctor use any drugs is not recommended. You can use only folk medicine, herbs, decoctions, etc.

There are several main conditions that need to adhere to the disease:

  1. Observe the bed regime without disturbing it.
  2. Try to use as much liquid as possible.
  3. We have a throat with tinctures on herbs, water with soda.
  4. Do not forget to wash your nose. It is best to do this with a saline solution.

Second trimester

There are such future mothers who continue to work during pregnancy. Remember, in no case cannot be transferred to colds and diseases on the second trimester on the legs. Bed regimen is obligatory, because with its non-compliance, serious complications may arise.

Cold for pregnancy 3 trimester

Oddly enough, but on the third trimester of the cold is noticeably less dangerous than in the previous ones. Of course, it can provoke premature childbirth, but modern medicine is able to save the baby. Nevertheless, the probability of the appearance of miscarriage still remains, so it is better to prevent the disease and try to avoid them.

Due to the cold, the placenta may begin to grow old, which worsens the protection of the baby.

To protect yourself from a cold for 3 trimester, you need to follow such advice:

  1. Use the daily contrasting shower technique that implies the alternation of warm water with a cool.
  2. Avoid unnecessary overheating, and also try not to freeze once again.
  3. Make sure that your diet has become more enriched vitamin C.
  4. Limit yourself in contact with possible carriers of viruses, less often appear in public places.
  5. Try to breathe fresh air more, walk in the park.

Following such advice, you will be able to reliably protect yourself from possible colds during pregnancy, for which your baby will only tell you thanks to you.

pregnant and Diet.

Cold on the lips during pregnancy

Herpes on the lips on any gestation period is a rather frequent cold illness, so you should not worry about it too much. There are several stages of herpes development, which you can experience:

  1. The appearance of burning and pinching on the lips.
  2. Distribution on the surface of inflammation, small swelling and bubbles.
  3. Possible formation of ulcers that are formed after blades of bubbles.
  4. Healing former ulcers and coating their crust.

Within one week - 10 days, the whole process of the disease flows completely.

Cold for pregnancy: Prevention and treatment of herpes. Video

At the end of our article I would like to pay attention to the entertaining video, which is a record of the popular program "Live Great". In this issue, attention was riveted to colds on the lips, so we strongly recommend it for viewing.


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